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作为理论与方法的知识社会学论略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
知识社会学既是一种关于实际思维受社会或存在决定的理论,也是一种历史―社会学的研究方法。本文以曼海姆的思想为例,阐发了知识社会学的主要思想来源、理论指向及其方法论特征。运用知识社会学方法探讨某一文化传统的形成是一种重要的研究方式,它能够为具体研究带来新的路向。  相似文献   

论行政伦理研究范式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行政伦理学如果希望不断积累知识,就必须在其研究领域形成公认的理论范式。范式的形成必须具备两个基本条件:在基本的问题上获得共识并形成坚定的信念;以共同的研究方法研究问题。行政伦理学以行政人员的道德行为为研究对象,而道德行为归根结底是遵守伦理规范的行为。规范既是一种制度,又是一种观念。前者是制度分析的对象;后者是知识社会学分析的对象。行政伦理的制度分析和知识社会学分析是理解行政伦理的必要途径。  相似文献   

政策知识生产理论是基于知识视角的政策制定理论的组成部分。政策知识生产过程,即生产者将各种分散知识集中、整合、集成,产出现状知识、预测知识、因果知识、目标知识、协调知识等,为政策方案提供知识基础。政策知识属性有公共产品性质、专门知识、创新本质、操作性知识、集中性知识等。这些属性决定了政策知识生产过程的一般特征是智力投入为主、不确定性与可设计性并存、通过知识转换而创新等,独特特征是生产者多样性与决策者角色多重性。以专门/隐性知识等的分布特征、持有者是否主动转移其知识为标准,政策知识生产模式可归纳为"单干"、合作、收购、重组、"剧场"式、"广场"式、常规信息系统、"博览会"式、社会调查式等数种。知识生产理论需要与政策价值理论结合起来,才能形成完善的政策制定理论。  相似文献   

费希特将形成经验知识的认识主体、意识条件把握为哲学研究的对象。费希特较好地解决了形成经验知识的感性表象与思维规定的关系问题,但他却把思维规定,即概念、范畴看成是先验的,这是他的失误。  相似文献   

从知识传播的角度来看,社会学在中国属于舶来,其传入是伴随着近代"西学东渐"的过程.初期传播者多为传教士,至20世纪20年代,中国留学生群体的学成归国极大地充实了社会学的专业队伍,其中,留美生以其从数量到素质的绝对优势成为传播并发展社会学的主体.以留学时期形成的知识架构、专业素养服务于国内社会学界,留美生多表现出美国社会学理论与实践并重,注重实证的经验研究的特点,他们以此种方式关注本土社会,形成了"实证的、功能的和经验的"中国社会学特色.这一特色在其学科化的实践中得到了充分体现,最具代表性的例子就是燕京大学社会学系.胡绳提起燕京大学社会学系时曾说该系"在一个长时期内被认为是中国各大学中最强的一个社会学系".{1}作为1949年前中国社会学的重镇,燕大社会学系无论从系风还是学术理念、学术成就,对于当时的社会学界,都具有一定的代表性与引导意义.对这一典型案例进行分析,无疑有助于对当时中国学院派社会学的整体特质的把握.  相似文献   

谭建光同志是一位青年,年龄很轻,原是学中文的,毕业后分配到广东青年干部学院工作,对青年有广泛的接触,进而研究青年社会学,著有《青年社会学纲要》一书(将由广东高等教育出版社出版),从它的理论要点来看,已说明他有了一定研究水平,故乐而为之序。该书共讲了十四个问题,在许多问题上还有独到的见解,例如青年社会学的对象,有各种不同的观点:其一,认为以研究青年与社会的特殊关系及矛盾为重点;其二,认为  相似文献   

海丽华 《理论视野》2009,(11):61-62
解决社会发展中的问题是领导者的职责所在,社会学能够对社会整体进行分析研究,探索社会良性运行与协调发展的规律,搜集社会问题产生的相关信息,寻求和提供解决问题的可行方案,因此领导决策必须懂点社会学,应用社会学知识科学决策、民主决策。  相似文献   

公共行政学中的诠释性研究在兴起之初借鉴了组织社会学的诠释范式,旨在倡导公共行政学从发现普遍规律转向理解特定行动意义,并重塑知识与实践的关系。倡导诠释性研究并不等同于加强质性研究,二者有着建构主义和自然主义的哲学语境差异。日常生活的优先性表明日常生活中的公共行政实践是经验上最直观的知识生产场域。诠释性研究从行政互动个案而非行政本质出发生产公共行政知识,诠释性研究所获得的知识并且具备默会知识的特征。日常生活现实是公共行政知识面临的实践鸿沟,默会知识的缺位是实践鸿沟的明证。伴随着地方性知识合法性的确立,公共行政知识才可能真正跨越实践鸿沟。  相似文献   

王光荣 《理论导刊》2007,(11):57-59
纵观城市社会学的发展历程,可以得到两点启示:城市社会问题是城市社会学发展的引擎,综合运用多种理论和方法研究城市社会问题是城市社会学理论创新的途径。我国的城市社会学应当在构建和谐社会的目标指引下,综合运用各种理论和方法研究城市和谐社会规律、构建方法、步骤和机制,创立有中国特色的城市社会学理论和城市社会学学科框架。  相似文献   

亨利希·库诺夫是第二国际时期颇具争议的一个人物。他对马克思主义理论的传播,在不同年代呈现出两种几乎完全不同的影响,即当年的重要影响力与当下的式微形成了鲜明的对比。他以现代社会学为独特理论视角,对唯物史观的具体原理进行了较为深入的诠释,从社会学和人类学等方面拓展了唯物史观的应用领域,为马克思主义哲学的理解和运用打开了一个独特的窗口。  相似文献   

The object of this article is to examine the proposals for a new sociology of education set out in the work of M. F. D. Young. In particular it examines his discussion of 'knowledge', 'radicalism' and 'politics' and demonstrates that his project for a sociology of the politics of educational knowledge based on the 'phenomenological' sociology of Alfred Schutz is unsuccessful. It is argued that the 'radical' attack on the political character of contemporary education cannot be sustained. It is demonstrated that the concepts in the work of Freire, Illich, Schutz and others to which Young refers do not provide the guidelines for any theoretical advance in the sociology of education, and further, that this 'new' sociology can provide no rigorous theoretical basis for education policy formulation.  相似文献   

王永卫 《学理论》2012,(18):203-204
高校知识管理不仅对于提高高校的整体竞争力,而且对于高校的发展,都起着很重要的作用。但是,目前来看,对高校知识管理的实施并不太好。首先分析了高校知识管理存在的障碍因素,介绍了Wiki所具有的特点,特别是其具有知识管理的社会功能,指出了将Wiki引入高校知识管理的可行性,并对基于Wiki的高校知识管理的意义进行了阐述,最后提出了基于Wiki的高校知识管理模型构想。  相似文献   

It is argued that successful social science requires the development of a social ethic or sense of research responsibility. An examination of impediments to ethical reflection in sociology suggests that an individualistic orientation is ineffective in coping with the unintended consequences of social research. Such consequences can be particularly harmful in the sociology of science where policy research and governmental support for its production often entails an indiscriminate advocacy of knowledge. Such advocacy raises anew questions of the power of scientific knowledge, the definition of client-professional relationships, and the collection of data which may not only violate the intent of individuals and groups supplying information, but may undermine the credibility of sociology itself.An early version of this paper was presented at the Sixth Annual Alpha Kappa Delta Sociological Research Symposium, Richmond, Virginia, February 19–21, 1976.  相似文献   

Mathieu Deflem 《Society》2013,50(2):156-166
The advent of public sociology over the past decade represents the end of a string of crisis moments in sociology. Since the 1950s and, especially, the 1960s, sociology was argued to be in a crisis because the discipline was thought to be conservative and contributing to sustain the status quo. As a result, the 1970s witnessed a radicalization of sociology, but the 1980s saw a general decline of sociology. Upon a resurgence during the 1990s, the crisis advocates have come back with a vengeance in the form of a renewed commitment to a heavily politicized sociology under the heading of public sociology, a perspective that is now thoroughly institutionalized and widely embraced. In sociology, the effects of the 1960s thus began to be felt in earnest some 40 years late.  相似文献   


This essay aims to compare the roles of different forms of knowledge in analysing public policy in Thailand. It reveals that modern policy studies in Thailand were introduced during the Cold War. “Public policy” became a subject for teaching to policy makers, with studies in this area influenced by American universities. However, the roles of local knowledge and spiritual leaders have shown themselves to still be very important. To espouse different forms of knowledge, Thailand needs to call for more collaborative leaders, policy analysts and think tanks that go beyond taking a critical attitude to policy technocrats and challenging local knowledge.  相似文献   

Personal experience suggests that it is a great oversimplification to assume that those analysts or scientists who work on government sponsored contracts are forced by their personal economic and power interests to make their work conform to the ideology of the military-industrial establishment. The sociology of knowledge on which this assumption is based must be supplemented by a culturology of knowledge. In terms of the latter an important obstacle to good policy analysis for government comes from the fact that most analysts are heavily influenced by a rather narrow academic and intellectual subculture that makes it difficult for them to understand with sufficient balance the problems that face decisionmakers in the real world.  相似文献   

涂尔干为社会学奠定了两项方法论原则:将社会事实当作物来考察的“观察社会事实的准则”;分别研究社会事实之原因和功能的“解释社会事实的准则”。然而,在他的大学研究过程中,社会学方法论的性质明显地从实证主义方法向辩证法转变。在他看来,大学是典型的社会学研究对象;鉴于大学的本质是人类批判反思能力发展的场所,而不仅仅是科学发展的场所,所以,社会学研究需要超越科学实证的方法,继承和发展西方传统的“辩证理性”方法。  相似文献   

This paper questions the routes to knowledge of metropolitan governance elsewhere in the world and then explains how and why these are rendered more difficult in Australia. The paper begins with the policy literature on the exchange of knowledge relevant to metropolitan governance. The paper next explains the constitutional and fiscal backdrop to metropolitan governance in Australia; the ‘unique’ role of state governments in the funding, planning, and management of cities, and the powers adopted by the federal government that are made possible by vertical fiscal imbalance and funding conditionality. The paper then explores horizontal knowledge exchange of metropolitan governance in the form of transnational municipal networks, corporations, international organisations, and consultants. The final section of the paper considers the thesis that were Australia's cities to function independently, as metropolitan governments, the potential for knowledge exchange would be optimised. Knowledge of smart city technologies is used for case study purposes.  相似文献   

应辩证地看萨伊生产要素命题,明确劳动生产率决定因素的具体作用.以"贡献"决定剩余分配所依据的是产权.如果有一个恰当的条件限定,按要素分配和按劳分配两种学说并不冲突.  相似文献   

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