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近代以来民粹主义的兴起可以划分为三个阶段。第三次民粹主义浪潮具有四个方面的新特点:非经济因素主导推动、反全球化倾向、信息技术的有力支撑、后果具有严重不确定性。当今民粹主义者通过设置保护主义障碍、深化参与赤字主体转换、推进治理成本显著增加等途径,对改进全球治理造成巨大负面影响。为持续推进全球治理进程,当前我国应采取凝聚共识意志力量、推进治理体系变革、增加公共产品供给、推动构建疫后格局等策略。  相似文献   

全球化及其相关问题是人类发展史上的一个现代现象,它是各个国家、地区与民族寻求自身发展的一个过程,是世界政治、经济制度、知识理念、个体与群体心理结构以及文化制度集合而发生的一次深刻的、全方位的秩序转变的过程。现代性全球化所特有的矛盾、流动与风险,引发了对其反偶像性的思考,全球治理模式的认知与建立是本世纪人类生存和发展的重大课题。  相似文献   

大学生道德意识式微及其应对方略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李世新 《学理论》2009,(31):214-215
当代大学生有着强烈的独立意识、竞争意识以及积极进取、善于接纳新生事物等特征,但在当今多元化的社会文化环境背景下,各种价值观的激烈碰撞,导致了很多大学生道德意识式微,在纷繁的世界中渐渐迷失了自我,存在着诸如以自我为中心、自私、强烈的功利主义倾向等等缺点,尤其是思想道德方面的问题引起了广大教育者的关注。  相似文献   

论民主党派的政党认同及其治理方略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政党认同正受到世界各国的广泛关注,并成为了研究公众政治行为的核心理论。就我国的民主党派而言,其政党性质决定了党派认同归属于政党认同。目前,民主党派的政党认同现状不容乐观,并一定程度的产生了认同误区和认同障碍。价值偏见、制度缺陷和功能式微是导致民主党派认同障碍的主要缘由。要克服这些认同障碍,增强民主党派的政党认同度,必须加强政治意识的教育培训、加强功能发挥的制度建设以及民主党派的组织建设。  相似文献   

当前,全球化迅速发展的同时也出现了一系列无法依靠单个国家的力量治理解决的全球性问题,这使得全球范围内的相互合作十分必要。中国参与到全球治理当中是中国政府与时俱进的务实反映。中国作为最大的发展中国家在全球治理的参与过程当中,为国际社会的全球化治理做出了突出贡献,但同时也面临着诸多挑战。中国崛起在日益受到国际社会的广泛关注和各方面挑战时需要:积极推动建设"和谐世界";深化与发展中国家的合作;强化与强权国家和新兴大国的沟通交往。  相似文献   

为应对日益严峻的气候变化问题,国际社会构建了众多气候治理机制。随着气候治理机制密度的提升,机制间交叉重叠现象凸显、冲突与合作共存,呈现复杂化发展态势。从参与主体来看,全球气候治理机制复杂化表现为参与主体的多元化;从治理目标来看,全球气候治理机制复杂化表现为阶段性目标与总治理目标之间的博弈;从机制间的互动关系来看,全球气候治理机制复杂化表现为冲突与合作交织。全球气候治理机制复杂化不仅与治理框架、治理能力有关,也与主权国家气候治理话语权转移相关,更与国际秩序持续演化下气候治理国际领导力缺失有关。面对全球气候治理机制复杂化的严峻挑战,中国应积极发挥引领者作用,提升治理安排的系统性,促进机制间的协同互动,推动全球气候治理走向善治。  相似文献   

朱虹 《理论视野》2012,(8):67-70
全球公民社会(GCS)是“西方中心论”影响下的一种全球治理政治主张,指相对于主权国家和政府组织之外的国际社会领域。它建立于社会运动基础之上、以非政府组织和跨国移民为核心,将国家间的互动视为给定的不变因素,推崇超国家的政治认同,旨在将公民身份认同或群体政治认同的视域延伸到区域或全球。在国际关系中侵蚀着国家的主权和安全。  相似文献   

吴志成  潘超 《理论探讨》2006,(1):100-104
全球化给传统的社会政治生活提出了严峻的挑战,区域和全球治理现象日益凸显,有关治理的理论与分析方法应时兴起。治理存在着一个由来自不同领域、不同层级的公私行为体构成的复杂网络结构;它超越国家权力中心论,使国家主权观念逐渐受到挑战和削弱;既实行正式的强制管理,又有行为体之间的民主协商、谈判妥协;其目的在于满足各参与行为体利益的同时,最终实现社会发展和公共利益的最大化。治理的功能表现为:在一定程度和范围内弥补政府缺陷,纠正市场失灵;维护社会稳定,促进法治与廉政;提高公共管理效率,增强社会公正与责任性;设计机构制度,提出远景设想,促进各个领域的自组织及其安排的相对协调;促使人们培养创新和学习能力,通过对话与制度化谈判达成共识,建立互信;推动政府与公民的良性合作,应对现代社会各种不同的决策问题。  相似文献   

随着我国反腐败斗争的不断深入,家族式腐败问题的严重性日益凸显,成为一种亟待祛除的顽疾。作为一种特殊的腐败现象,家族式腐败在政治、经济、思想上的危害更为严重,主要表现为:破坏正常的官场政治生态,切断党与人民群众的血肉联系,导致党风政风被破坏;违反社会主义市场经济规律,严重扰乱正常的市场秩序,造成经济失调;偏离社会主义核心价值观,败坏社会风尚,造成国民心态的失衡。治理家族式腐败必须针对其生成的历史逻辑与现实逻辑,加强思想道德教育,使公职人员树立崇高的理想信念;健全权力制约与监督机制,令公共权力的运行透明公正;完善党内法规制度,将家族特权关进制度的笼子;培育廉洁健康家风,让领导干部"一家两制"的现象消失。  相似文献   

吴永 《理论导刊》2013,(4):41-45
十六大以来,中国共产党应对和抵御改革开放政治风险的基本方略主要可以概括为:坚持党的四项基本原则不动摇,积极稳妥地推进政治体制改革,在实践中创新和发展立国之本;坚持科学发展观,牢牢扭住经济建设这一中心不动摇,以经济发展求政治稳定;大力推进社会建设,积极构建和谐社会,以增进民生幸福谋求民意支持;坚持从严治党,大力加强反腐倡廉建设,以保持先进性和纯洁性巩固执政合法性。  相似文献   


This article assesses in what ways and to what degrees civil society activities have advanced the legitimacy of global governance institutions. It is argued that these citizen initiatives have often enhanced the democratic, legal, moral and technical standing of regulatory agencies with planetary constituencies and jurisdictions. However, these benefits do not flow automatically from civil society mobilizations and on the whole are much less extensive than they could be. With a view to greater realization of the potential contributions to legitimacy, the article elaborates recommendations for more, more inclusive, more competent, more coordinated, and more accountable engagement of global governance by civil society organizations.  相似文献   

A growing literature has sought to address the question of Chinese nationalism, and particularly whether or not its rise over the last decade could make China more prone to international conflict. Yet these discussions have often not been well grounded in either theories of nationalism or international relations (IR) theory. This paper will seek to fill this gap by using a constructivist approach to examine how nationalism is constituted by the interaction of states. By doing so, it will be argued that Chinese nationalism can best be understood as a reactive response to international events rather than domestic political manipulation. Michael Alan Brittingham is a visiting assistant professor in the Department of Political Science and International Studies at McDaniel College. He has previously taught at the University of Louisville. In 2005, he completed his dissertation entitled, “Reactive Nationalism and Its Prospects for Conflict: The Taiwan Issue, Sino-US Relations, & the ‘Role’ of Nationalism in Chinese Foreign Policy” in the Department of Political Science at the University of Pittsburgh. His current research interests include international relations theory, Chinese foreign policy, and nationalism.  相似文献   

Scholars debate whether states or markets drive economic policy in the context of internationalization. Unpacking the market–state dichotomy, liberal pluralists and institutionalists alike conduct sectoral analysis to examine economic policies and outcomes. They debate the relative importance of sectors versus factors and the impact of sectoral coalitions, structural characteristics, and institutional trajectories. Building on previous scholarship, this article argues that state imperatives, such as national security and technological advancement, are an important guide to understanding dominant patterns of economic policy, defined as state goals, government–business relations, and state methods. Beyond that, the organization of institutions and structural sectoral attributes influence the ways in which actual policy outcomes vary across sectors and time. Case studies of the liberalization and subsequent reregulation of foreign direct investment across subsectors of telecommunications in China substantiate this argument. Evidence from other industries further validates this explanatory model.  相似文献   

环境治理直接关乎经济与社会的持续发展,环境治理格局则是决定环境治理是否有效的重要因素之一。通过治理理论演绎出基本的多元主体参与的治理框架,再根据环境治理中的弊端和多元利益主体的发展判断治理格局的演化趋向,最后结合治理理论重构环境治理格局,并分析多元主体环境治理格局的关系结构,以期推动环境治理进程。  相似文献   


This article draws from the concept of assemblages in order to examine the component parts of contemporary international interventions. It argues that in contrast mainstream analyses of statebuilding and peacebuilding, as well as more critical treatments that tie interventions to the concept of 'international order', the concept of assemblages offers a more compelling vantage point from which to examine the disparate lines of forces that make up modern-day interventions. The article proposes an exploration of some of the component parts that sustain the current assemblage of governance, security, and international intervention and draws our attention to their self-sustaining rationalities.  相似文献   

This paper reviews current thinking on flexible policy-making and participatory methods to empower communities to handle the challenges of climate change and other global shocks. Adaptive Governance for Resilience--designed to effectively increase societal resilience to external shocks while facilitating wellbeing and reducing both poverty and environmental degradation--is an innovative approach which teams cutting-edge policy-making with community empowerment. Using a 9-step methodology of the Adaptive Governance Cycle, resilience in communities can be strengthened as the communities are themselves empowered to increase wellbeing, address poverty alleviation, and strengthen environment protection. The approach facilitates governments to partner with local communities to calibrate the coordinated mix of flexible, adaptive policies to facilitate community resilience through participatory action. The author sees expanded use of Adaptive Governance as an approach for maintaining good governance and building social capital in the face of external and internal pressures and uncertainties which may become more widespread in the future.  相似文献   


This paper assesses mainstreaming as a governance strategy that potentially addresses the call for a more integral governance response to wicked policy problems. Our comparative qualitative policy analysis of the mainstreaming of immigrant integration governance contributes to the governance and mainstreaming literature by emphasizing the importance of strong horizontal and vertical coordination mechanisms and the distinction between universal and proxy targeting in mainstreaming. Although policy programmes indeed seem to broaden to a universal mainstreamed approach, in practice they often operate by “proxy”. Furthermore, horizontal coordination structures tend to be weak or not in place at all, again obstructing the embedding of immigrant integration as a mainstreamed cross-cutting governance issue.  相似文献   

This paper examines the growing recognition of the phenomenon called “Big Data” and the policy implications it poses. It is argued that a core policy issue is personal and organizational privacy. At the same time there is a belief that analysis of “Big Data” offers potentially to provide public sector policy makers with extensive new information that would inform policy at unprecedentedly detailed levels. Despite this potential to improve the policy‐making process data often contain individual identifiable information that would negatively impact American core values such as privacy. This makes the use of these data almost impossible. The paper recognizes that there may be a way to strip individual data from Big Data sets thereby making their analysis more policy useful. This approach is not at this time technically feasible but research is ongoing.  相似文献   

This paper explores the content of the Australian foreign and defence policy agenda over the past 50 years, finding evidence of both continuity and change. Australian political leaders have generally committed to cooperation with international institutions, wealth creation through engagement with Asian economies in particular, and security through the American alliance. In this period, changes in foreign policy approach either concerned marginal issues or were driven significantly by exogenous factors: by changes in the international environment or by global events that propelled a reconsideration of Australian foreign and defence policy interests. However, periods of policy change and significant public attention in – particular around the Vietnam and Iraq wars – illustrate the continued relevance of political choices and agency. Both conflicts and debates around them ushered in changing foreign and defence policy considerations, and both raised fundamental questions about Australian security and independence in the context of the American alliance.  相似文献   

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