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正任何一个智能终端,它只需要两个东西,一是供电,二是联网。我们的解决方案就是"网电速联"。物联网的概念是通过射频识别(RFID)、红外感应器、全球定位系统(GPS)、激光扫描器、环境传感器、图像感知器等信息传感设备,按约定的协议,把任何物品与互联网连接起来,进行信息交换和通讯,以实现智能化识别、定位、跟踪、监控和管理的一种网络。物联网是智慧城市建设中必不可少的一个重要基础组成部分。几乎涵盖  相似文献   

智慧社区充分借助物联网、传感器网络等通信技术,把安防、物业管理等系统集成在一起,为小区住户提供一个安全、舒适、便利的现代生活环境,并且形成基于大规模信息智能处理的一种新的管理形态社区。它的特点可以概括为:舒适、开放的人性化环境、  相似文献   

在十一届全国人大三次会议的政府工作报告中,物联网已上升到国家战略的高度,它通过与现有的互联网整合,将新一代IT技术充分运用在各行各业之中,让世界上的万事万物都能参与"互联互通",实现人类与物理系统的整合。但物联网也是把"双刃剑",因为物联网的传感网络分布随机、无线网络无处不在,且不能再采取物理隔离等强制手段人为干预信息的交换。因此在发展过程中带来的信息安全、网络安全、数据安全、隐私安全乃至国家安全问题将比传统互联网更为突出,物联网在规模化推广前,安全问题是必须解决的一环。  相似文献   

正作为互联网的延伸,物联网利用通信技术把传感器、控制器、机器、人员和物等通过新的方式联在一起,形成人与物、物与物相联,而它对于信息端的云计算和实体段的相关传感设备的需求,使得产业内的联合成为未来必然趋势,也为实际应用的领域打开无限可能。物联网时代的停车场系统,也从产品  相似文献   

李劲 《行政与法》2004,(12):68-70
网络是一把“双刃剑”,它在开拓青少年眼界,为他们提供丰富的信息资源和方便快捷的学习条件的同时,对青少年人格形成、学习成绩、行为方式等方面都将产生负面影响,因此,必须加强对青少年进行网络法律保护,这是法治社会的必然要求,是保证青少年健康成长,为青少年提供良好社会环境的重要手段。为此,应当加强立法,加大行政执法力度,对互联网信息服务提供者以及互联网上网服务营业场所进行法律管理,这样才能切实有效地减少网络对青少年的侵害和影响。  相似文献   

流媒体技术在视频监控中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流媒体是指在Internet上以数据流的方式实时发布音频、视频多媒体内容的媒体,而流媒体技术则是在IP网络上发布多媒体数据流的技术。它改变了传统互联网的呆板形象,丰富了互联网的功能,成为一种有强大吸引力的新媒体。它广泛用于新闻出版、证券、娱乐、电子商务、远程培训、视频会议,远程教育、远程医疗等互联网信息服务等方面,将为网络信息交流带来革命性的变化。本文介绍流媒体技术的含义与特点、工作原理与系统组成、传输方式与主流格式,以及它在网络视频监控系统中的应用等。[编者按]  相似文献   

李伟杰 《刑警与科技》2014,(16):150-151
安防行业作为我国物联网领域应用最早的行业之一,物联网的发展,推动了安防行业往标准化方向发展,往信息开放方向发展,简而言之,物联网将使安防企业变得像互联网企业,促使企业用互联网的思维去做安防。随着市场的引导和推动、新技术的不断整合,物联网给安防行业带来巨大的市场前景,将不仅仅只是理论应用,它颠覆了传统安防的理论和模式,它使安防行业面更广、更深。  相似文献   

正什么是智慧社区?智慧社区是指充分利用物联网、互联网等网络通信技术把物业管理、各种社区服务、对讲、安防,监控,停车场等系统整合到一起,各个系统互相协作不再是独立系统,为小区住户提供一个更加安全、舒适、便利的现代生活环境;从而形成基于大数据信息智能处理的一种新的管理形态社  相似文献   

在专利制度的历史长河中,商业方法因被归于"智力活动规则和方法"而被排除在专利权之外。而随着互联网的产生和信息技术的发展,专利制度经受到了一次又一次的冲击。物联网商业方法是随着物联网时代的到来而产生的一种新型的商业方法。与传统商业方法不同,物联网商业方法是以计算机、互联网、传感感应等信息技术为基础,通过一系列电子装置实现信息的处理与传递,将人与物、物与物最大限度联系起来,实现人类对物理世界高效、节能的管理与控制。物联网商业方法创新中潜在的巨大利益与其技术性的特征驱使人们再一次向专利制度寻求保护。  相似文献   

正物联网时代的车联网人类已经历了机械社会和电子社会的发展,现在正跨入一个"泛在社会"。在机械社会,人类社会的主要交流依赖于机械工具,人与人的信息直接传递,社会活动机械化。在电子社会,人类社会的交流主要依赖计算机网络,人与机的信息交互传递,社会活动网络化。未来的泛在社会,也是一个物联网,交流无处不在,人与机,物与机,物与物信息交互,网络无处不在。物联网应用支撑平台/应用包括了公共服务、家庭及个人服务。  相似文献   



Involuntary outpatient treatment (IOT) aims to ensure adherence to therapy in patients with serious mental disease who are unaware of their illness and for whom treatment discontinuation carries a high risk of relapse.


To evaluate the effectiveness of IOT in preventing relapse among patients with serious mental disease.


A retrospective observational study was carried out on all of the patients (n = 140) receiving IOT in the city of Valencia, Spain. Hospital service uses (emergency care, admissions and mean stay times) during the 12 months before and after the introduction of IOT were compared.


Patients with schizophrenia, delusional disorder or schizoaffective disorder showed a significant reduction in the number of admissions and days spent in the psychiatry ward during the year of IOT. The reduction in the number of visits to the emergency department was only significant for the patients with schizophrenia.


We conclude that involuntary outpatient treatment may be effective for patients with serious mental disease who are unaware of their illness and for whom treatment discontinuation carries a high risk of relapse.  相似文献   

In American jurisprudence, two justifications have traditionally been put forth to support the government's social control of persons with mental illness: police power and parens patriae. As public mental hospitals became less available as loci in which to exercise these functions, governments sought alternative means to achieve the same ends. One prominent but quite controversial means is involuntary outpatient treatment (IOT). While the concerns about IOT have been myriad, one often alluded to but never documented is that of "net-widening." That is, once IOT became available, it would be applied to an ever greater number of individuals, progressively expanding the margins of the designated population to whom it is applied, despite the formal standard for its application remaining constant. We tested the net-widening belief in a naturalistic experiment in Massachusetts. We found that net-widening did not occur, despite an environment strongly conducive to that expansion. At this time, whatever the arguments against IOT might be, net-widening should not be one of them.  相似文献   

In American jurisprudence, two justifications have traditionally been put forth to support the government's social control of persons with mental illness: police power and parens patriae. As public mental hospitals became less available as loci in which to exercise these functions, governments sought alternative means to achieve the same ends. One prominent but quite controversial means is involuntary outpatient treatment (IOT). While the concerns about IOT have been myriad, one often alluded to but never documented is that of “net-widening.” That is, once IOT became available, it would be applied to an ever greater number of individuals, progressively expanding the margins of the designated population to whom it is applied, despite the formal standard for its application remaining constant. We tested the net-widening belief in a naturalistic experiment in Massachusetts. We found that net-widening did not occur, despite an environment strongly conducive to that expansion. At this time, whatever the arguments against IOT might be, net-widening should not be one of them.  相似文献   

Medicinal products are associated with risks as well as potential therapeutic benefits. This is reflected by the legal requirements for patient information on drug therapy which can be differentiated into general product information, regulated by pharmaceutical (i. e. product safety) law, and individual patient information on the treatment with the product, which is subject to medical malpractice law. The physician's duty to inform the patient comprises therapeutic information as well as information required for informed consent. Therapeutic information intends to empower the patient to comply with the requirements of treatment and to protect him/her against preventable danger and risk; it is part of the medical treatment, aimed at the individual patient and his/her personal situation. Information required for informed consent enables the patient to a self-determined decision on the treatment offered; it can be divided into information on the course of treatment and risk information. Product information and treatment information complement each other; the former should be the basis of individual information on the concrete treatment, provided by the physician in a mandatory oral conversation with the patient. Product information cannot replace the physician's individual information about the treatment.  相似文献   

丁晓东 《法学家》2020,(1):64-76,193
个人信息的法律保护依赖于公法对个人信息的定位。在公法与公法理论上,有两种看待个人信息的观点。一种观点认为个人信息权是一种基本权利,个人信息应当受到法律的确权保护;另一种观点则将个人信息视为他人言论自由的对象,个人信息的自由获取与使用受到法律保护。但这两种观点都无法从整体上理解个人信息,个人信息权的观点忽视了个人信息的自由流通属性与公共属性,而个人信息作为言论自由对象的观点则忽视了个人信息背后的多重权益。个人信息兼具个体属性与社会流通属性,应当确立一种"个人信息相关权益被保护权"。从个人信息的双重属性出发,个人信息保护应当在具体场景中确立个人信息收集与利用行为的合理边界。基于场景的行为主义规制更为符合个人信息保护的根本特征,也将为中国的个人信息保护提供一条超越欧美的中国道路。  相似文献   

The right to privacy has been developed through judicial practice and has evolved from “the protection of the right to reputation” to “privacy interest” then to “privacy right.” The Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China (2020) clarifies the right to information privacy and the right to personal information as two independent personality rights and establishes a privacy priority protection mechanism for private information in civil law. The comparative efficiency of the right to personal information may mean that the protection of the right to information privacy is weakened or even replaced by the right to personal information. The uncertainty and fragmentation of private information also creates a wide gray space for judicial decisions. The development from traditional privacy right to information privacy right and personal information right is generally positive and shows the active legal response to the protection of private information in multiple ways. However, clarifications and systematization are required to increase the effectiveness of such protections.  相似文献   

The principle of information security safeguards is a key information privacy principle contained in every privacy legislation measure, framework, and guideline. This principle requires data controllers to use an adequate level of safeguards before processing personal information. However, privacy literature neither explains what this adequate level is nor how to achieve it. Hence, a knowledge gap has been created between privacy advocates and data controllers who are responsible for providing adequate protection. This paper takes a step toward bridging this knowledge gap by presenting an analysis of how Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners have evaluated the adequacy level of security protection measures given to personal information in selected privacy invasive cases. This study addresses both security measures used to protect personal information against unauthorized activities and the use of personal information in authentication mechanisms. This analysis also lays a foundation for building a set of guidelines that can be used by data controllers for designing, implementing, and operating both technological and organizational measures used to protect personal information.  相似文献   

信息不对称的分析范式长期以来是金融制度分析的立论基础,而信息运动的三重特征——信息生成的无秩序性、信息分布的非均质性以及信息传递的可迁移性决定了金融法中的信息规则有着更为丰富的体系建构。金融具有天然的信息属性,信息流动亦无形中助推着风险扩散,信息与金融的内嵌和耦合要求金融法制在信息运动逻辑的基础上迈向新的变革路径,即通过信息赋能进行主体的培育,以防控风险为目的优化监管秩序,以及利用信息工具完善金融调控。  相似文献   

美国信息隐私立法透析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
齐爱民 《时代法学》2005,3(2):109-115
美国法以隐私权作为个人信息保护的权利基础,在公领域,实行分散立法模式;在私领域,美国选择了行业自律模式,在全球个人信息保护立法中产生了巨大的影响。美国制定信息隐私保护政策和法律的基本思路是力求在信息流通和隐私保护之间寻求平衡。信息隐私权是美国信息隐私法上的一个核心概念,它是随着社会对个人信息的保护而产生的,指个人针对其信息所享有决定权、支配权和控制权。  相似文献   

This case commentary analyses a ruling that any use of information given in confidence for unconsented purposes is a breach of confidence capable of supporting a legal action (even if the information has previously been anonymised and aggregated). The ruling is being appealed. It is argued that, while it is reasonable to delineate a narrower duty of confidentiality (not to disclose personal information, against breach of which anonymisation protects), this must be within a broad duty of confidence (not to use private information, which using anonymous information can still breach). Thus, the ruling is fundamentally correct in holding that anonymisation does not permit information obtained in confidence to be used for unconsented purposes. This, however, implies that information obtained for a patient's treatment may not be used lawfully for medical research or NHS management purposes without consent, even if it is anonymised. Such a consequence is unacceptable as a matter of public policy. However, it is equally unacceptable to seek an exemption through the idea that patients give "implied consent" for medical research and NHS management purposes. It is also unacceptable to maintain that the public interest in medical research (regardless of its aims) justifies unconsented use of information obtained in confidence, even if the information is anonymised. The way in which Section 33 of the Data Protection Act 1998 creates an exemption to its Second Data Protection Principle provides a ready-made model for a public interest based exemption for medical research and statistical NHS purposes.  相似文献   

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