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医源性溺死是指医疗行为中由于治疗不当引起液体进入气管、支气管和肺部 ,妨碍气体交换而导致窒息死亡。在临床上因为洗胃直接导致的死亡较为鲜见 ,笔者曾遇一例因可疑鼠药中毒在医院用自动洗胃机洗胃过程中死亡的医疗纠纷案例。死者家属认为患儿的死亡是由于洗胃操作不当不慎所致 ,而院方则称患儿系鼠药中毒抢救无效死亡 ,与医院洗胃无关。为正确处理此案 ,卫生部门组织法医等有关专家对死者进行解剖检验发现洗胃液未进入胃内 ,毒化检验排除中毒 ,尸体外表征象及内部改变符合缺氧窒息死亡特点 ,病理检验结果提示肺脏兼有水肿和气肿两种特征…  相似文献   

1案例资料1.1简要案情徐某,女,66岁。某年2月29日下午,被人发现死于某村机井内。经调查,徐某此前因儿子离家出走,四处寻找未果,在2月15日时走路呈跛行,且出现行为怪异、言语混乱等精神异常状况。1.2现场勘查机井位于该村村西,井周围为沙土质地面,四周长有枯蒿草,未见倒伏等异常。井口由机制砖砌成,上盖一块预制板,东西走向,未见移动痕迹。  相似文献   

1案例资料1.1简要案情及现场勘验2013年9月日7时许,某村民发现屋后水井中有一具尸体,遂报案。该水井位于靠近村口的一农户的后院,井周没有围栏,井口覆盖有重达15公斤的水泥材质井盖,井口直径0.50米,井深10米,水深2米,周围未见死者衣物及随身物品,尸体浮于水面呈俯卧状。  相似文献   

<正>癫痫是由多种病因所引起的临床综合征,是由于大脑兴奋过度的神经元异常放电所引起的阵发性大脑功能紊乱,表现为暂时的运动障碍和意识障碍,直至持续地全身抽搐、昏迷。本文作者遇一癲痫发作意外死亡案例,现报道如下。  相似文献   

1 案例资料 1.1 简要案情 死者汤某,女,32岁.2020年5月某日暴雨后,在某工厂旁的积水坑处被发现,其面戴蓝色一次性医用口罩(图1).  相似文献   

季斌 《刑事技术》2012,(5):63-63
1案例资料 1.1案件简介某年6月某日10时许,某人工湖面发现一裸体男尸,经调查系死者吴某,33岁,汽车司机,有长期服用联邦止咳露及其它毒品史,案发前2日晚上,家人发现其在服用两瓶联邦止咳露后出现神志恍惚、意识  相似文献   

<正>1 案例资料 简要案情 2003年9月4日下午,暴雨后某单位办七楼天台积水,员工罗某(62岁)上去疏通排水管,因久未下楼,他人上去查看,发现罗某倒于排水管口处的积水中,其右上肢近肩部卡在排水管内,后来连水管头一起用力拉掉后才能将人从水中捞出,送医院证实已死亡。  相似文献   

某女,30岁左右.某年4月2日早上7:00许被发现死在一水库中。现场勘查:尸体浮于距岸边6米的水面上,水深约5m。水温4℃。尸体检验:衣着整齐,上身穿白色衬衣,下身穿黑色长裤,内穿白色内裤,尸斑颜色浅淡,颜面部青紫,双眼球睑结膜有散在性出血点,口鼻腔有少量淡红色泡沫液体(翻动尸体易溢出),全身体表未检见损伤,双上肢呈鹅皮样改变。解剖及病理检验见:心血呈暗红色流动性,双肺叶间被膜下和心尖有散在性出血点,气管、支气管内可见少量溺液,胃和十二指肠未见溺液。镜检:肺水肿、部分肺泡腔内可见少量出血灶。  相似文献   

<正>1案例1.1简要案情李某,男,67岁,平素健康,但喜欢饮酒,而且经常喝醉。某年1月9日李某在家喝了一些白酒,当晚18:00参加同学女儿婚宴,又喝了酒,21:20离开酒店独自步行回家。第2天早上9:00许有市民发现某湖面有件大衣,后又在湖中发现尸体,遂打110报警。民警赶到现场,调取酒店到湖边所有监控,证实李某离开酒店后手拿着一件黑色羽绒大衣,呈醉酒步态行走,路过该湖边时,不慎跌落湖中后死亡。  相似文献   

<正>1 案例资料 简要案情 某年12月9日清晨6时许,某镇外来工覃某(男,29岁)捂着头上的伤口坐在村口路边向人求救,称昨晚被几个歹徒人屋抢劫打晕,村民立即将覃某送往医院救治。当日8时半,该村一村民在打水时发现水井里有一具男尸。经初步调查,死者是蒙某(男,27岁),与其3岁的女儿及同乡覃某住在该村出  相似文献   

Homicidal drowning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A study of homicidal drownings was performed on the case files of the Office of the Medical Examiner of Metropolitan Dade County in Miami, Florida during the years 1980-1984. A total of 10 cases were analyzed of those which occurred during this time period. These cases are presented in some detail. A discussion then ensues concerning the theoretical and epidemiological implications along with practical considerations of how to approach such a case.  相似文献   

Qualitative diatom analysis as a tool to diagnose drowning.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Since the 1950s, quantitative diatom analysis has been used successfully at the Department of Forensic Medicine at the University of Helsinki as a supportive method for diagnosing deaths by drowning. The reliability of the method was firmly established in 1986 by a study involving 107 probable cases of drowning. Since 1982, the quantitative analysis has been complemented with qualitative diatom analysis. This report presents potential applications of the latter method by describing its use in six cases of drowning.  相似文献   

A number of biological and chemical tests have been developed over the years to determine whether a person was drowned. This study focuses on the potential of a microbiological test for detecting common bacterial markers of water faecal pollution such as faecal coliforms (FC) and faecal streptococci (FS) as possible indicators of drowning. A promising previous study was carried out on central and peripheral blood samples of 42 drowned victims (20 cases in saltwater and 22 cases in freshwater) and 30 not-drowned bodies. To improve the accuracy of our previous results and also in order to investigate a possible cause of a false positive due to pulmonary passive diffusion and subsequently endogenous or exogenous bacterial invasion of the blood in the post-mortem interval (PMI), the FC and FS test was applied to bodies submerged in water but died from causes other than drowning. In the present study, blood samples collected from the left ventricle (LV), right ventricle (RV), femoral artery (FA) and, femoral vein (FV) of 10 drowned victims (5 cases in freshwater and 5 cases in seawater) and 3 not-drowned individuals with bodies submerged in water for a while after death have been analysed. Preliminary results are in agreement with other reports dealing with diatoms and marine bacteria that suggest to exclude the hypothesis of a passive penetration of sufficient quantities of drowning medium into circulation after death or during the agonal period. Based on our results there is also no evidence of a relevant dissemination of endogenous micro-flora from the gastrointestinal tract affecting the FS and FC test. There are still several other factors that could influence the applicability of post-mortem FS and FC cultures for the diagnosis of drowning and they need further investigations. The present article provides only a glimpse of the potential of the FS and FC test as bacteriological method for the diagnosis of drowning.  相似文献   

A delayed drowning death case with histological findings of shock was described. The person was sustained by continuous positive-pressure respiration and died 2 days after resuscitation from drowning. The histological findings were intravascular microthrombi, hyaline bodies and fibrin thrombi in the brain, multiple megakaryocytes in the pulmonary capillaries, hyaline membranes of the lung, multiple small hyaline bodies in the liver sinusoids, and erosion of the mucous membrane of the stomach as well as histological findings of shock kidney. Drowning and systemic hypotension during resuscitation seemed to cause irreversible oxygen debt of the organs and the tissues to lead to shock.  相似文献   

Suicide by drowning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A study of suicidal drownings was performed by using the case files of the Office of the Medical Examiner of Metropolitan Dade County in Miami, Florida, U.S.A., during 1980-1984. A total of 70 cases were collected and analyzed as to the age, race, sex, and cause of death of the victim, along with blood alcohol content, the drugs detected at postmortem examination, the geographic location of the terminal incident, the scene circumstances, the presence or absence of a suicide note, and the reason for the suicide. Essentially, one deals with an older white male population, although all age groups can be affected. Members of the population studied frequently died from drowning alone, rather than from additional contributory causes. Most were sober and frequently without drugs detected. Most incidents occurred at home or in a canal, with the victim just "found floating". A note was absent approximately half the time. The reason for the act was depression concerning poor health, death of a loved one, financial problems, chronic pain, or being "tired of life". A discussion ensues about the approach a forensic scientist should have concerning such cases.  相似文献   

溺死的鉴定一直是基层法医鉴定工作中的难点,这是由于大部分溺死案例的特征性尸检所见很少,同时国际上很多学者对溺死的实验室检验存有疑义。本文查阅了国内外相关文献并结合作者多年来对溺死案例的实际鉴定经验,对溺死的法医学鉴定作出较系统的综述。  相似文献   

股骨干骨折切开行髓内针固定术引起坐骨神经损伤 ,在法医学检验中较少见 ,现报导 1例。案 例某女 ,2 1岁。 1999年 12月 2 7日乘班车因交通事故受伤 ,致使右大腿肿胀 ,不能活动 ,逐送当地某县级医院治疗。查体 :T :36 .8℃ ,P :80次 /分 ,R :2 0次 /分 ,BP :12 / 8kPa .神志清楚 ,面色苍白 ,无呕吐及昏迷 ,右大腿肿痛、畸形、功能障碍 ,可闻及骨擦音 ,中段压痛 ,纵向叩击痛阳性 ,右小腿检查见踝及趾背伸及屈曲功能受限 ,右小腿外侧及踝关节以下感觉减弱 ,X线示 :右股骨干中段呈横行骨折 ,对位对线不良。初步诊断 :(1)右股骨干骨折…  相似文献   

徐全生 《证据科学》2002,9(2):79-80
股骨干骨折切开行髓内针固定术引起坐骨神经损伤,在法医学检验中较少见,现报导1例.  相似文献   

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