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李宇 《法学论坛》2012,(5):121-127
商业信托与普通信托有重要区别,委托人的地位与角色大相径庭。中国《信托法》借鉴日本法模式,赋予信托委托人诸多权利,可称为委托人法定权利模式。委托人的此种法律地位,虽适合于普通信托,但不符商业信托的功能及需求。原因之一在于对商业信托的特殊情形考虑不周,误植入仅适合于普通信托之规则。委托人法定权利模式之弊端,无法以增设委托人义务等方案予以补救,较为彻底的解决之道应为:委托人不对商业信托及其受益人享有权利。  相似文献   

Marriages were relatively infrequent among the white population of early British Jamaica. This article examines the ideological implications of the failure of whites to marry with sufficient regularity to ensure that white population increase would allow Jamaica to become a settler society on the British North American model. It looks, in particular, at the tendency of whites to live in irregular unions, either with other whites or with black or brown concubines, and the effect that such arrangements had on perceptions of white Jamaicans as especially immoral. It connects these views with other discourses on settler societies in which improvement and frequent marriage were linked.  相似文献   

Shah  Sahar 《Law and Critique》2021,32(3):269-284

The promised paradises of colonial capitalism and neoliberalism are set in a perpetually elusive future (Fitzpatrick 1992). This future is not a set destination, but an endless linear journey set to the thrum of ‘progress’ and ‘development’. This paper considers, in the context of recent cases relating to development in the Athabasca tar sands region, what the law of the Canadian settler state does when it is faced with interruptions and ruptures in its timescape. Drawing on Fitzpatrick’s seminal work, The Mythology of Modern Law, I argue that a conceptualisation of law’s behaviour in these contexts as functionally mythological highlights some of the elusive ways that settler law maintains a stranglehold over legal imaginaries of oil and gas developments: by distorting and flattening the pasts and presents of Indigenous societies that pre-dated (and continue to co-exist with) the settler state on ‘Canadian’ land, by mediating between the ‘origin’ of the settler state and the daily rhythms of colonial time through ‘Eternal Objects’ such as property and economic development, and by asserting a general ‘objectivity’ of law to evade any direct grappling with the stark possibilities of the ‘end of the world’ created by the climate crisis. I conclude, drawing on Indigenous scholarship and the work of de Goede and Randalls, that a meaningful response to the climate crisis requires re-enchanted attachments to life that necessitate a departure from the one-dimensional temporality of the mythologies of settler law.


Marriages were relatively infrequent among the white population of early British Jamaica. This article examines the ideological implications of the failure of whites to marry with sufficient regularity to ensure that white population increase would allow Jamaica to become a settler society on the British North American model. It looks, in particular, at the tendency of whites to live in irregular unions, either with other whites or with black or brown concubines, and the effect that such arrangements had on perceptions of white Jamaicans as especially immoral. It connects these views with other discourses on settler societies in which improvement and frequent marriage were linked.  相似文献   

The transformation in prevailing conceptualizations of property and the drive to render land as fungible as possible, the desire to commoditize land that had been pursued in earnest since the seventeenth century in England, was realized in the space of the settler colony decades before it would be implemented in the United Kingdom. The author explores how the commodity logic of abstraction that subtended new property logics during this time, reflected in the Torrens system of title by registration, was accompanied by a racial logic of abstraction that rendered the land of the Native, or Savage vacant and ripe for appropriation. By way of conclusion, the author speculates on the ways in which the imposition of English property law in the settler colony influenced the development of modern property law in England.  相似文献   

信托在本质上是财产所有权移转的特殊运动形式。正常情况下,所有权由委托人流向受托人,再经受托人流向信托关系外部;受托人违背信托义务的情况下,其已经享有的所有权权能,转而回流到委托人手中。所有权运动期间,受托人享有一种临界于所有权的、最大限度的定限物权,同时享有自动获得所有权的资格。所有权运动不会在实际上影响所有权归属功能的发挥,因为根据信托的性质,确定所有权归属的需要必然包含明确所有权归属的条件。  相似文献   

This article documents a government-led strategy to more closely integrate policing with community-based ‘crime prevention’ programming in the city of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. These initiatives have targeted neighborhoods with large Indigenous populations. In this article I illustrate how community-level conflicts over responses to ‘crime’ are also sites of settler colonial conflict, and how settler colonial governance is reproduced and resisted through the governance of crime. Interviews with politicians, policy-makers, bureaucrats in the crime prevention branch of the provincial government, and directors and employees at community-based organizations suggest that the pursuit of the government strategy of integrated crime prevention and suppression has been more a project of attempting to ‘manage’ urban Indigenous people than serve their interests. As a contribution to abolitionist thought and theory, this article profiles sites of conflict between community police and community-based organizations over definitions of the ‘crime’ problem in city-center Winnipeg. These examples highlight a kinship between carceral abolitionist and decolonial politics.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of the application of apparently impartial principles of procedural fairness and natural justice on the construction of “authentic” and “inauthentic” knowledge of Aboriginal culture. It discusses the progression of the Kumarangk (Hindmarsh Island) court cases and the legal construction of public participation in the making of political decisions affecting Aboriginal interests in land. In examining the politics of competing interests in land, this article reflects on the tension between Indigenous interests in land and settler developmentalism in relation to the Australian jurisprudence of procedural fairness and natural justice. The arguments running through the article concern the questions of the ways in which the liberal restraint on power is embodied in the impartial principles of administrative law, where that power creates rather than infringes upon rights, why it generates a particular legal construction of Aboriginal interests in land and cultural heritage, and the extent to which this plays a role in the maintenance of relations of settler‐colonial dispossession.  相似文献   

我国信托业虽然与银行业、保险业、证券业一并号称为现代金融体系的四大支柱,但信托业无疑是最弱的一支。《信托法》的出台并没有带来信托业的繁荣,在真正回归了"受人之托,代人理财"的核心主业以后,信托业却长期陷入了低迷。分析表明,在我国信托法中,双重所有权的法系冲突问题悬而未决,受托人容易沦为委托人的代理人,委托人和受益人容易出现对峙僵局,瑕疵承继制度矫枉过正,信托财产公示制度有名无实,没有合理的市场退出机制。这些立法缺陷是中国信托业陷入低迷状态的重要原因,也是信托制度在我国没有顺利实现本土化的突出表现。可以断言,中国的信托业已进入瓶颈阶段,信托法能否实现本土化是我国信托业能否走出低迷的关键。  相似文献   

贾彬 《犯罪研究》2009,(5):15-20
20世纪70年代开始至90年代,几乎所有西方国家都规定了罪犯赔偿制度。追溯罪犯赔偿历史,它是原始社会时期的一种犯罪治理手段,是犯罪的伴生现象。相较于今天的犯罪治理手段,它更注重个人身心、生活、行为和社会秩序的恢复。西方国家、伊斯兰社会和非洲、亚洲等的原始社会,都曾广泛采用罪犯赔偿制度。原始社会罪犯赔偿制度注重被害人的被害恢复,重视为避免社会冲突,要求罪犯承担弥补犯罪所造成的恶果的责任,同时也十分重视恢复社区安宁。这对于我们今天的犯罪治理有着重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

In this article the author traces the limits of the philosophy and politics of recognition as manifest in colonial settler contexts. Forms of property ownership and ways of being, sutured by the racial body, are contained by a restricted economy of owning, knowing and being. Bringing the concept of plasticity to bear on the relationship between the body, property and the colonial, the author illuminates the ways in which practices of ownership that exceed the restricted economy of recognition exhibit a temporal and spatial plasticity in the context of the Palestinian struggles over land in the West Bank.  相似文献   

李勇 《时代法学》2005,3(5):55-60
确定信托财产所有权须考察信托财产流转全过程。参加这一过程的法律角色不仅有委托人、受托人和受益人,还有财产接受人。信托行为由财产管理和财产转移两个法律行为组合而成,相应形成信托财产经营管理法律关系和财产转移法律关系。信托财产经营法律关系的主体为委托人、受托人和受益人,此三主体对信托财产均无大陆法意义上的所有权;财产转移法律关系的主体为委托人和财产接受人。信托成立前,信托财产归属委托人所有,信托终止后,信托财产归财产接受人所有。  相似文献   

This paper presents the first systematic quantitative examination of participation in vigilante behavior. Data collected as part of a larger study of Jewish settler violence in the Israeli-controlled West Bank region are used to analyze the factors that lead members of a community to become involved in vigilante violence. Using logistic regression techniques it is found that settlers who fulfill requirements of the vigilante role and those located in outposts where the demand for vigilantes is greatest are most likely to be involved in vigilante activities. In conclusion, it is argued that these findings provide strong support for a criminological model of vigilante behavior that emphasizes the role of the vigilante as an agent of community social control.  相似文献   

The article concerns one settler family of Montevideo and focuses on the familial group's attitudes and strategies, and rules of coexistence and forms of adaptation. We use notarial sources, cabildo (town council) documents, list of inhabitants, books of marriage, and traveler reports. Emphasis is placed on the family's women, their everyday realities, and their perception of the environment and of their role inside the family and social circle. Their behavior is examined through analysis of marriage, procreation, and inheritance, as well as through their personal relationships with the familial group and in the community. This examination of the demographic, socioeconomic, cultural, and psychological contexts of female activities is meant to develop a model for dealing with the history of the family in marginal zones.  相似文献   

Britain claimed full territorial sovereignty over New Zealand, even though substantive enforcement of its authority against Maori often faced significant challenges. Alarmed at the weakness of British governance in relation to Maori, Governor Thomas Gore Browne proposed a Native Offenders Bill. The Bill proposed giving the New Zealand Governor sweeping powers to ban ‘any communication’ or trade with any Maori within a specified district, or with a particular tribe. Such a ban would, it was claimed, ensure compliance with colonial law. However, the bill was twice rejected by the settler legislature (1856 and 1860), on both constitutional and practical grounds. The paper places the bill in its political and legal contexts, and examines some of the ways colonial administrators and politicians responded to the difference between the government's claim to extensive legal authority and its more limited substantive power.  相似文献   

Jurisdictional fluidity was a central feature of early modem Iberian law, and jurisdictional tensions were exacerbated by overseas conquest and colonization. Contests over the legal status of conquered peoples featured both jurisdictional jockeying among colonial factions and widespread preoccupation with the symbols and rituals marking cultural and legal difference. This article examines the dynamics of jurisdictional politics in seventeenth-century New Mexico, where church and state officials carried on a bitter feud over legal authority during most of the century. Rather than viewing this contest as either transparently political or a mask for deeper processes defining hegemony, the article argues that seemingly dry legal distinctions were the focus of passionate and persistent struggle precisely because they merged institutional and cultural concerns of missionaries, settler elites, and Indians. The analysis leads to broader, more speculative claims about the role of jurisdictional fluidity in creating an "orderly disorder" that spanned diverse regions within Spanish America and, more broadly, across colonial regimes in the early modern world.  相似文献   

War landscapes have a particular sociology; they are also formed through distinct legal technologies. By examining the genealogy of trees as totemic displacements in the occupied West Bank I demonstrate how the Israeli/Palestinian war is deflected onto the landscape and how this deflection erodes the boundary between law and war. Dealing with issues of colonization, nationalization, and the way that these implicate landscape as a “natural alibi,” the article examines the intricate making of politics into nature. Further, it explores the ironic nesting of colonial processes from Ottoman, to British, to Zionist, and finally to the new Jewish settler society that seeks to unsettle the old colonial landscapes of this place. Utilizing a detailed interpretation of a range of interviews and participatory observations, the article unpacks the mutually constitutive relationship between law, technologies of seeing, and landscape, illustrating how this relationship is played out by various actors in the occupied West Bank.  相似文献   

Much of the recent literature on customary property relations in sub‐Saharan Africa has highlighted underlying characteristics of negotiability and indeterminacy. Custom is prone to reinvention as resource claimants manipulate customary references across multiple forums for property legitimation and authority. This article focuses on the resilience of customary property relations in East Timor. Based on a study of customary authority in the village of Babulo, we conclude that traditional Timorese narratives of first possession, where land authority is claimed by groups that trace descent to a mythic first settler, have acted as adaptive and resilient focal points for the reproduction of customary property relations in historical circumstances of war, colonization, and occupation. While a finding of customary resilience is not new to postcolonial contexts, the relative novelty of our study lies in its structured explanation for resilience in circumstances of war and displacement, based on the social ordering capacity of first possession principles themselves. This explanation, which derives from focal point theories for cooperative property relations, also takes into account a number of limits on the ordering capacity of first possession principles, which support a conclusion of relative or constrained resilience, particularly in terms of contested interpretations of possessory authority in contemporary East Timor.  相似文献   

In colonial nations, such as the land called Australia, the two registers of settler and Indigenous jurisdictions compete at the level of symbolic certainty. In Lacanian psychoanalytic theory neither can arrive at perfect symbolisation but the struggle and the proximity to their arrival can evoke anxiety. What insists to keep this anxiety at bay, in non-Indigenous Australia, is what Jacques Derrida calls justice. As an impossible object, similar to the Lacanian object petit a, justice must be interminably animated to hold this object of desire in play. Humiliation of Indigenous people in Australia is, I argue in this article, one mode of this play. I interrogate the psychoanalytic discussions of anxiety by Freud and Lacan to consider firstly what might be the cause of anxiety for contemporary non-Indigenous Australians and secondly how this anxiety is ‘played out’ on the bodies of Indigenous people through practices of humiliation. As one example of this work of humiliation I consider several scenes of police practice in the Sydney suburb of ‘Redfern’ from the 1991 documentary Cop it Sweet.  相似文献   

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