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Methods of estimating adult age at death from such dental features as root translucency, root length, and the extent of periodontosis in intact single rooted teeth have proven useful in studies of modern individuals, especially in estimating age in older adults. Questions remain however, concerning the impact of regional and population variation on accuracy. To examine this issue, three approaches to age estimation were applied to a diverse sample of 100 individuals from Peru. Mean errors of estimation for all three approaches were similar to those originally reported, suggesting minimal impact of population variation of the features measured. A new regression equation, specifically for Peruvian samples, is provided.  相似文献   

A total of 317 upper and lower third molars were randomly divided into working and control samples and used to estimate chronological age employing a method which combined multiple regression analysis of data from Gustafson's and Maples's scoring system, direct morphological measurements obtained with a Kontron image analysis system and logarithmic data transformation. The standard errors of estimate were 2.4-6.8 years in the working sample and 1.9-7.5 years when the derived formulae were tested on the control sample, respectively. Compared to previous studies, this method provides a smaller standard error of estimate from a single molar tooth. The method is presently being tested on other tooth categories, like premolars, canines and other types of molars.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to clarify the chronology of different stages of dental development, according to Demirjian, in a sample of Spanish children, which will enable us to build a database that will be used as a reference in regard to the dental development of individuals of our socio-geographic environment. In the same studied sample, a calculation of the dental age according to Demirjian was carried out. This study was conducted in a final sample consisting of 1010 orthopantograms, corresponding to Spanish children (485 boys and 525 girls) ages 2-16. Comparing the age of onset of the different stages among the children, evidence was found that girls had an earlier general development than boys. These differences were only statistically significant in teeth and concrete stages. The canine teeth revealed greater gender dimorphism, with significant differences in all stages compared with the upper canines. The method proposed by Demirjian for dental age calculation resulted in a significant overestimation of dental age in relation to the chronological age in boys (average of 0.87 years) and girls (average of 0.55 years). Data from this study may be used as reference for dental maturity, as well as a standard for estimating age in Spanish children.  相似文献   

Pink teeth have most often been observed in victims of drowning but have also been reported in subjects who died suddenly and unnaturally. There is general agreement that there is no obvious connection between the occurrence of pink teeth and the cause of death, but the condition of the surroundings (especially humidity) must certainly play an important role in the development of the pink-tooth phenomenon. The frequency and distribution of postmortem pink coloration of the teeth have been studied among a representative sample of 52 cadavers. All the bodies were victims of a single shipwreck that occurred on March 13, 1997, in the middle of the Otranto Canal (Mediterranean Sea). The bodies were recovered from the seawater after approximately 7 months. A distinct pink coloration of the teeth was found in only 18 cadavers (13 females and 5 males) of ages ranging between 13 and 60 years. The phenomenon was more pronounced in younger individuals due to age-related changes of the root canal, less penetrable by the pigment responsible for the postmortem pink staining. By histochemical methods and autofluorescence, hemoglobin and its derivatives have been identified as the most likely pigments responsible for this postmortem process that can be considered analogous to postmortem lividity. These data are consistent with previous reports on pink teeth, indicating that the diffusion of the blood in the pulp into the dentinal tubules causes the red discoloration of the teeth. Based on the results, the pigmentation is more prominent on the teeth with single roots rather than in the posterior teeth with multiple roots.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the effects of various environmental factors on the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) obtained from dental pulp. Extracted teeth were subjected to the following conditions: varying pH (3,7,10); temperature (4 degrees C, 25 degrees C, 37 degrees C, incineration); humidity (20%, 66%, 98%); various types of soil (sand, potting soil, garden soil); seawater; burying the teeth outdoors, and aging (one week to six months). In addition, teeth that had been extracted and held at room temperature for 16 and 19 years were also examined. Following isolation of DNA, the samples were analyzed on yield gels to determine the concentration and integrity of the recovered DNA. Restriction digestion with Pst I was followed by electrophoresis of the generated fragments, Southern transfer to nylon membranes, and hybridization to both human and bacterial probes. It was determined that, aside from soil, the environmental conditions examined did not affect the ability to obtain high-molecular-weight human DNA from dental pulp. Restriction fragment length polymorphic (RFLP) analysis of selected samples was performed. Dental pulp patterns were compared with bloodstain exemplars, revealing matching patterns, although an increase in band-shifting was observed with extended exposure to elevated temperatures.  相似文献   

The age of a bruise may be of interest to forensic investigators. Previous research has demonstrated that an alternative light source may assist in the visualisation of faint or non-visible bruises. This project aimed to determine if an alternative light source could be utilised to assist investigators estimate the age of a bruise. Forty braises, sustained from blunt force trauma, were examined from 30 healthy subjects. The age of the bruises ranged from 2 to 231 h (mean = 74.6, median = 69.0). Alternative light source (polilight) illumination at 415 and 450 nm was used. The black and white photographs obtained were assessed using densitometry. A statistical analysis indicated that there was no correlation between time and the mean densitometry values. The alternative light source used in this study was unable to assist in determining the age of a bruise.  相似文献   

The reliability of cemental annulation counts in teeth was examined to determine its value as an age indicator for humans. One hundred extracted human teeth were embedded in polyester casting resin and sectioned using a diamond wafering saw. Thin sections were photomicrographed, projected, and counted in a double blind random method of presentation. The age of the specimen was determined by adding the number of cemental annulations counted by the observers and the eruption age of the specific tooth that was used. The data analyzed by simple regression indicated that determining chronologic age in humans from cemental annulations is not possible.  相似文献   

Determination of age can be necessary in cases of juvenile offenders. We studied the relation between the skeletal development of the hand and wrist and the age, using diagnostic methods of orthodontics. An evaluation of 1109 X-ray pictures of the hand and wrist of boys and girls with an age from 9-18 years showed that there is a stochastic correlation between age and certain stages of skeletal development. Skeletal development is influenced by sex and ethnological factors.  相似文献   

The deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) typing of human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DQA1 from single hairs is described. HLA-DQA1 genotypes could be determined from single plucked hair roots. However, it was not easy to type HLA-DQA1 with hair shaft portions. Increase in the specimens of hair shaft portions (over 10 cm in length) to get sufficient DNA caused inhibition of polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Synthetic melanin as well as the one extracted from hairs inhibited the PCR of the genomic DNA template when added to the PCR reaction at the concentrations over than 15 ng/100 microL. Therefore, typability of hair shaft portions seems to depend on the delicate balance of the concentrations of DNA and the contaminated melanin in the final DNA extracts.  相似文献   

Age estimation of living adult individuals can be accomplished with limited methods. Radiographic dental methods based on the pulpal narrowing with secondary dentin formation have been presented. In the present study, Kvaal et al.'s method, one of the radiographic dental age estimation methods, was applied to panoramic radiographs from Turkish individuals. The correlation between chronological and estimated ages was examined and the feasibility of length and width measurements of pulp cavity was evaluated for age estimation. The study population consisted of 123 patients with ages ranging from 14 to 57 years. The measurements of the length and width of six types of teeth on digitized panoramic radiographs were performed, and the ratios between tooth and pulp cavity measurements were calculated. Age was estimated using the linear regression models presented by Kvaal et al. and Paewinsky et al. High differences were observed between chronological and estimated ages. Measurement ratios showed no significant or weak correlation with age. The linear regression models were derived using variables that were significantly correlated with age. The determination coefficients of the models varied from 0.035 to 0.345. In conclusion, a difference of more than 12 years in the chronological and estimated ages derived using regression models in literature was found on panoramic radiographs in Turkish individuals. The length and width of the pulp cavity, measured according to the method of Kvaal et al. using panoramic radiographs, were insufficient to precisely estimate the age of Turkish individuals.  相似文献   

A simple method was devised to assess dental attrition in terms of its area and number of sites by using dental plaster casts and a computer assisted image analyser. The changes presented on the occlusal surfaces of teeth were investigated for age estimation using these criteria. The area of attrition on each tooth demonstrated a significant positive correlation with age, but a wide individual variation was observed in the values for each tooth. Therefore, this method was unsuitable for accurate age estimation of a single tooth. A strong negative correlation with age was observed in the number of sites of attrition. A multiple stepwise regression analysis using the variables 'attrition area' and 'attrition number' revealed multiple correlation coefficient values of 0.93. The quantitative assessment of both horizontal and vertical factors of dental attrition would be essential to improve the accuracy of this method.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is twofold. First, we provide estimates of the evolution in matching efficiencies in Poland, demonstrating decrease in estimated efficiency scores. These trends are accompanied by decreasing outputs in the matching function, as well as the lowering of the elasticities. Second, we relate the estimated efficiency scores to the use of active labour market measures. We find that job brokering intensity is conducive to matching efficiency, but active labour market policies coverage in general is not.  相似文献   

Eighty bite-wing radiographs from 40 female and 40 male patients were selected from the patient record system at the University of Texas Dental School at San Antonio, Texas. All samples were equally divided into four age groups, with a range from 15 to 55 years of age. The lower right first permanent molar tooth was chosen as the representative tooth for measuring the maximum height and width of the pulp chamber. The reproducibility of the method was checked by repeating all measurements on two different occasions. Regression analysis indicates that the height and width of the pulp chamber were negatively correlated with age (height r = -0.376 and width r = -0.125). The coefficient of determination (r2) for pulp chamber height and width were 0.123 and 0.058, respectively. This indicates that although there appears to be a definite relationship between the age of an individual and the height and width of the dental pulp chamber, these measures cannot be used as a reliable method of age determination.  相似文献   

This was a case that brought great commotion to a university in the interior of Brazil since it was suspected that one of the human bodies used for teaching anatomy was a relative of one of the students. Analysis of fragments of hypervariable region 2 of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was performed using a miniprimer set (MPS), indicating that there had been a mistake in evaluation by the student, reinforcing the need to base the process of human identification in technical parameters.  相似文献   

The main objectives of the European project "Collaborative Harmonization of Methods for Profiling of Amphetamine Type Stimulants" (CHAMP) funded by the sixth framework programme of the European Commission, included the harmonization of MDMA profiling methods and the creation of a common database in a drug intelligence perspective. In the preliminary stages of this project, the participating laboratories analysed the physical characteristics, the chemical composition and the organic impurities of MDMA tablets, using the previously harmonized methods. The aim of the present work was to apply statistical treatments to the recorded data in order to evaluate their potential in the fight against drug trafficking. Comparable working procedures were applied on the different types of data. The first part of this article deals with organic impurities data, while the second part focuses on the potential of the physical characteristics. Organic impurities data were recorded by a harmonized Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) method previously developed. Statistical analysis provided a selection of pertinent variables among the 46 organic impurities identified in the chromatograms. Correlation coefficients were used to yield separation between populations of samples coming from the same synthesis batch and samples coming from different batches. It was shown that correlation measurements based on Pearson and cosine functions applied to the data pre-treated by normalisation to the sum of peak responses followed by the square root provided an excellent discrimination between the two populations. The statistical methods applied to organic impurities profiles proved to be excellent techniques to differentiate samples from different batches and to highlight operational links between samples.  相似文献   

Estimation of age-at-death for skeletonised forensic remains is one of the most significant problems in forensic anthropology. The majority of existing morphological and histological techniques are highly inaccurate, and show a bias towards underestimating the age of older individuals. One technique which has been successful in forensic age estimation is amino acid racemization in dentine. However, this method cannot be used on remains where the post-mortem interval is greater than 20 years. An alternative approach is to measure amino acid racemization in dental enamel, which is believed to be more resistant to change post-mortem. The extent of amino acid racemization in the acid soluble fraction of the enamel proteins was determined for modern known age teeth. A strong correlation was observed between the age of the tooth and the extent of racemization. No systematic bias in the direction of age estimation errors was detected. For the majority of teeth analyzed, the presence of dental caries did not affect the results obtained. In a minority of cases, carious teeth showed a higher level of racemization than would be expected given the age of the individual. These results indicate that amino acid racemization in enamel has the potential to be used in age estimation of skeletal remains.  相似文献   

An improved method for DNA polymorphism typing of D1S80 VNTR locus and its application to paternity testing are described. For accurate estimation of the length of polymorphic DNA fragments, the size marker was labeled with fluorescence different from that of PCR primers, and co-electrophoresed as an internal standard. The dualcolour system of fluorescence image analyzer was used to detect the fragments and determine their size. This internal marker method could successfully overcome the problems of band pattern distortion and tailing, besides it allows easy and accurate interpretation of the DNA types. Our results indicate that the internal marker method is much more accurate than the method of using size marker in gel, even with the presence of distortion or tailing of the band patterns. Family studies applying this method showed complete agreement between the observed and predicated types.  相似文献   

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