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Public sex has been the focus of a number of academic texts in recent years, but while some comment more generally on how the media have presented specific forms of public sexual activity, it remains unclear how the media have constructed these undertakings. The phenomenon consists of a number of subcultures aimed at providing sexual enjoyment in public settings in different ways. There has been evidence that those engaging in public sex undertake significant risk that, while motivating for those taking part, can lead to a number of tragic consequences. Some of these consequences include physical attacks by members of the public as well as susceptibility to robbery and even abduction. This article will explore one of the possible reasons behind an unfavourable view of public sex in the public conscience- the mass media, and in particular, newspapers in the United Kingdom. The way in which the media have constructed various forms of public sex will be explored, as well as the information provided in reports, and in particular, the detailing of locations of Public Sex Environments (PSEs).  相似文献   

The late Philip Selznick's final book, A Humanist Science, examines the role of values and ideals in the social sciences, including the study of law and society. Throughout his academic career, Selznick was committed to what he called “legal naturalism,” a sociological version of the natural-law perspective, while his critics continue to adhere to various forms of positivism. But the age-old opposition between natural law and legal positivism today may be giving way to the quest for public sociology—a sociology that promotes public reflection on significant social issues and thus functions as a moral and political force. A Humanist Science ends with a strong plea for public philosophy. Public philosophy overlaps with public sociology but is a much stronger concept. Selznick's message of public philosophy may be another of his enduring contributions to the field of law and society.  相似文献   

公共新闻(或称公民新闻)在美国的兴起,引起国内学者的关注.公共新闻活动与以往最大的不同之处是同城媒介联合行动,共同设置话题,直接介入公共事务,试图解决公众关注的公共问题.公共新闻活动是对此前所有新闻学、传播学、舆论学和社会学理论的巨大冲击.它的实践和理论对于我国新闻媒介的改革具有现实借鉴意义.本文从公共新闻与舆论市场、与媒介议程设置、与我国媒介改革诸方面对公共新闻实践和理论的影响和可借鉴之处作了理论上的探讨,并从国家民族利益角度提出了应对策略.  相似文献   

交付公示作为被继受而来的德国物权法原则之一,自清末被传统中国学界接受以来,散见于诸多著作、教材之中。但无论是现实交付,还是观念交付,都不可能实现动产物权变动的公示,动产物权本身是否可以被公示也值得怀疑。交付公示原则的确立有特定的意志主义方法论背景,而实践面向的检讨则有助于形成新的制度设计理念。  相似文献   

In September 2007, the Commonwealth Law Bulletin (Vol. 33, No. 3), published an article on the New Zealand Law Commission’s Issues Paper on Public Registers (IP 3, 2007), including the four options for reform that the Commission was putting forward for consideration by interested persons.

The Law Commission’s Public Registers Report 1 1 New Zealand Law Commission’s Public Registers Report, NZLC R 101 2008. (the Report) has now been published, completing stage 2 of the Law Commission’s four stage Privacy Review.

It is available on the Law Commission’s website at http://www.lawcom.govt.nz.  相似文献   

Law is an essential tool for improving public health infrastructure and outcomes; however, existing state statutory public health laws may be insufficient. Built over decades in response to various diseases/conditions, public health laws are antiquated, divergent, and confusing. The Turning Point Public Health Statute Modernization National Collaborative addressed the need for public health law reform by producing a comprehensive model state act. The Act provides scientifically, ethically, and legally sound provisions on public health infrastructure, powers, duties, and practice. This article examines (1) how statutory law can be a tool for improving the public's health, (2) existing needs for public health law reform, (3) themes and provisions of the Turning Point Act, and (4) how it is being used by public health practitioners.  相似文献   

Much confusion has revolved around the nature of the publicpolicy defense under Article V(2)(b) of United Nations Conventionon the Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards (the NewYork Convention) to the point that the French term for publicpolicy, ordre public, ought to be changed to désordrepublic to reflect the general disorder in the discourse on thisparticular subject. This article takes an in-depth look at thepublic policy defense and challenges the notion that enforcementStates are obliged to consider supranational public policy whendeciding whether to recognize or enforce an international arbitralaward, except in only a few cases where certain regional obligationsare involved. Even then, this is not the type of truly internationalpublic policy that is advocated by numerous commentators. Nonetheless,States are free to rely on truly international public policywhen deciding on enforcement. Despite the perceived benefitsto relying on truly international public policy, there are significantreasons to refrain from pushing for such reliance. While relianceon truly international public policy may help mitigate someof the adverse side effects associated with globalization, itis important to ask what is the price we are willing to payto counter these side effects. The price should not be the emasculationof the New York Convention itself.  相似文献   

基层公安机关公共安全治理创新的困境与突破   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在全面深化改革的大背景下,面对当前复杂的公共安全形势,亟需基层公安机关通过创新公共安全治理,提升公共安全治理的能力和水平。这不仅是社会治理创新的重要尝试,更是国家治理能力现代化的重要举措。警力配置、绩效考核、福利待遇等限制性因素,以及警民信任关系、部门协调联动等制约性难题,使基层公安机关陷入公共安全治理的困境。因此,通过不断推进公共安全治理机制创新、理念创新、技术创新以及其他各方面的创新,可有效破解治理困境,不断提升人民群众的安全感。  相似文献   

Previous researchers have contended that private policing has increased substantially in recent years, particularly in the area of private security. This article reexamines that increase and compares it to growth in a variety of public policing agencies. In contrast to previous research, the present findings suggest that the growth of public policing agencies has been as great or greater than that of policing organizations in the private sector. The findings raise important questions regarding the definition and image of policing. These issues are discussed in light of debates concerning ideology and surveillance in late capitalist society.  相似文献   

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