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牟华 《求索》2013,(6):F0003-F0003
第十五届全国青年歌手电视大奖赛于3月25日至5月22日在北京举行。全国青年歌手电视大赛(下简为青歌赛)肇始于1984年,历时30年,为国家选拔了一大批声乐人才,其中有不少人已经成为家喻户晓、深受观众喜爱的歌唱家。作为我国发现和培养声乐人才的大型活动,青歌赛是在中国改革后音乐届兴起来的一项最重大赛事。  相似文献   

The trade imbalance between China and the United States is becoming a tool for Washington to pursue its "America First" ob-jective. U.S. President Donald Trump has on several occasions threatened to impose steep tariffs on com-modities from China and other countries because he sees the United States as "the victim of a global trade war." In January, the Trump administration imposed tariffs of up to 50 percent on imports of washing ma-chines and solar panels, coming mostly from South Korea and China, respectively. The latest data from China Customs show that China's exports to the U.S. market reached 2.91 tril-lion yuan ($465.2 bilion) in 2017, while imports from the United States amounted to 1.04 trillion yuan ($166.2 billion). China's trade surplus against the United States was 1.87 trilion yuan ($298.9 bilion), up 13 percent from of 2016. But is the trade imbal-ance realy unfair to the United States? Is it fair to judge the trade relationship simply on the basis of surplus or deif cit?  相似文献   

Unfair Trade     
正December 11,2016 marks the 15th anniversary of China’s accession to the World Trade Organization(WTO).In accordance with Article 15 of the Protocol on the Accession of the People’s Republic of China,WTO members should stop the practice of using surrogate countries in anti-dumping claims against China.This is an international obligation that all WTO members are obligated to honor,and they are supposed to do so in good faith and in a timely manner.  相似文献   

分配不公所引发的社会的、思想的、政治的后果,其严重性要远大于它所造成的经济损失。我国当前已出现不合理收入差距扩大、分配差序不合理等现象,这些问题必须通过完善制度、转变贫富两个阶层的观念等方式加以解决。  相似文献   

政治学主题是时代发展的产物。博弈论成为当代政治学理论的主题,在现实社会实践中表现为政府权力与民众权利的博弈。政府与民众的博弈可分为三种,即投桃报李策略、以牙还牙策略和惩前毖后策略。政治博弈论模型的推演说明,重复博弈的结果不受政府与民众所采用策略的影响,最后会生成纳什均衡,民众与政府形成合作,共同促进经济社会的动态稳定。  相似文献   

我国法律资源分配中存在着分配不公问题。其中,最主要问题就是法律资源分配不平衡,突出表现在诉讼案件当事人之间法律资源配置不均。这种法律资源分配不公状况直接影响着司法公正,进而影响到社会公平正义和社会和谐稳定。而法律援助为解决法律资源分配不公问题提供了有效的解决途径。以法律援助的方式对法律资源进行再分配.不仅能够从总量上调控法律资源的不平衡性,而且能够达到法律资源利用的最大效益,并进而增进公众福利.促进社会和谐发展。  相似文献   

企业形象广告是一种独立的广告类型,若其被滥用则会对消费者权益和市场竞争秩序造成损害。作为商业性表述的企业形象广告如果包含虚假宣传内容,其效果类似于虚假的产品广告,可以用《反不正当竞争法》有关规定加以规制。作为非商业性表述的企业形象广告如果包含误导性内容,虽不构成虚假广告,但同样具有一定的危害性,可以用一般条款对其进行调整。  相似文献   

中国经济持续高速增长,一直被世界称之为增长的速度奇迹.但是只有速度的增长奇迹,并不等于公平型共享型的增长.处在转型时期的中国收入分配问题具有相当的复杂性和特殊性,实质上是中国经济长期发展不平衡的缩影.当前的收入差距不仅影响了经济增长,制约了经济发展方式转型,也威胁到了社会稳定.因此必须通过加快制度创新,消除分配不公,改善分配关系,推动更广泛意义上的公平公正,实现真正的中国经济奇迹.  相似文献   

Away Game     
Chinese sportswear company challenges overseas athletic apparel giants on foreign turf with plans to sprint onto theglobal stage within the next three years, Li Ning Co.Ltd., a bellwether of China’s  相似文献   

Game Changer     
<正>Whether or not Palestinians get a UN seat, Mahmoud Abbas has changed the way the game will be played Palestinian President I Mahmoud Abbas showed the world Palestinians’ desire to be  相似文献   

The Aging Game     
Zhang Hao is a 70-year-old retired nurse. Since her husband passed away six years ago, she has lived alone in a 130-square-meter apartment in Hangzhou, capital of east China's Zhejiang Province. There's a saying in China that people should "bring up sons to support parents in their old age," but in Zhang's case her chil-dren are too busy with life and work. "I can't count on them to take care of me 24/7 since they have their own lives," Zhang said. "Sometimes, especialy at night when I can't sleep, I worry that I might die alone without anyone noticing."  相似文献   

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