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近年来,在城市环境的日益改善的同时,农村的环境却日趋恶化。农民的身体健康和生命安全正在遭受越来越严重的威胁。城乡之间的环境不公现状已经成为阻碍城乡协调发展的重大障碍,如何通过完善现有环境保护法律,遏制污染由城市向农村转移,实现城乡环境公平是今后环境保护立法需要关注的问题。  相似文献   

魏佳容 《法制与社会》2012,(20):215-216
环境不公平已成为影响我国城乡协调发展的一个严峻而不可回避的问题.本文从分析环境公平理念的内涵出发,针对城乡环境不公的严峻现实,从完善农村固体废物污染防治法律体系、构建农村固体废物污染防治生态补偿机制、提高农村基层干部和农村居民环保意识三个方面提出完善我国农村固体废物污染防治法律保障机制的建议.  相似文献   

环境公平一直是许多学者关注的问题,本文从环境公平的定义出发,对环境公平的价值体现和意义进行了分析,针对现实中环境公平存在的问题,提出了切实可行的实践保障措施,并论证环境公平应该成为环境法的基本理念之一。  相似文献   

吴勇 《科技与法律》2005,4(4):107-110
可持续发展理念和环境法的出现,使得环境诉讼的程序正义蕴含着不同于一般诉讼正义的特性,其基本纬度就是环境公平.它包含代内公平、代际公平和种际公平.这就意味着环境诉讼所追求的程序正义在环境诉讼的展开中有特殊的要求和制度安排.  相似文献   

陈泉生 《现代法学》2004,26(6):133-139
可持续发展思想作为人类自身面对日益恶化的环境问题,危机四伏的生存与发展现状之幡悟,其内涵与环境资源的公平享用有着极大的关联性,表现在可持续发展十分关注环境资源代内和代际公平享用问题。本文拟从可持续发展的角度探究环境时代宪法对环境资源公平享用确认的重大意义,并同时论证了集团诉讼对于环境资源代际公平享用实现的可行性与合理性。  相似文献   

环境公平是二十世纪八十年代提出的,本文简述了环境公平的概念并提出了相应的观点。作者着眼于当代中国森林保护所面临的环境公平问题从代内公平、代际公平、种际公平三个层次着重分析了我国《森林法》确定环境公平原则的必要性。最后,提出在我国《森林法》中完善环境公平的立法建议,认为应当将环境公平确定为其立法目的之一,并要求国家在承担起国际森林保护责任的同时全面调控我国的森林保护问题。  相似文献   

城市环境趋向好转,农村环境不断恶化这种二元趋势的凸现,提出了我国的城乡环境不正义问题。城乡环境不正义问题的出现,不仅与我国城市中心主义环境法制有关,更与我国农民实质自由严重匮缺相联系。走向城乡环境正义,不仅要消解我国环境法制中的城市中心主义,更要实现城乡居民在政治、经济与社会权利上的平等,并对农民权利实现的保障机制作出制度安排。  相似文献   

薛琥娜  张敏  吴淞 《法制与社会》2010,(18):194-194
本文旨在浅析环境正义下的阶层环境正义问题,是不是社会各阶层承担的环境风险和环境责任是公平正义的?应该如何建构一个相对公平的体系来实现阶层环境正义?  相似文献   

城乡环境正义的失衡是城乡二元社会结构体制的必然结果,从法律的效率价值视角思考城乡正义,这种城乡环境差异具有一定的合理性和历史必然性,当这种差异越过一定度时,城乡环境立法就要向法的正义价值回归。城乡环境正义的纠偏不能脱离环境效率价值的掣肘,我国新《环境保护法》对农村环境保护的目标期待能否实现、如何实现,关键在于农村环境保护的法律实施能否抓住效率这个核心,高效配置和利用农村环保资源,实现农村环境保护的根本改观。  相似文献   

郜静 《法制与社会》2010,(8):146-147
效率是公平的物质前提,公平是效率的社会保障。中国改革开放30年,中国经济取得了突飞猛进的发展,社会物质生产效率大大提高,城乡收入差距不断扩大等社会公平问题却日益成为制约我国经济保持高速增长的重要因素。更加注重公平是社会主义和谐社会的本质要求,也是保证中国经济平稳发展的基础和前提。  相似文献   

城镇化背景下农村环境保护法律问题探究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农村城镇化,是我国新农村建设推进的必然趋势,它缩小了城乡差距,带动了我国农村的经济发展,同时也对我国农村环境保护提出了新的挑战。理性对待农村城镇化和农村环境治理,树立农村环保法治理念,考察农村环境法律保护之现状,深入分析农村环境法律保护的问题之所在,从而探究切合我国农村城镇化发展的法律制度安排,具有积极的现实意义,也即本文意旨之所在。  相似文献   

过去以工业和城市为中心的环保监管夸大了城乡生态环境问题的同质性,没有建立起适应农村生态环境真实情况的环保监管制度。农村环保监管面临三个基本的现实约束,制约着农村环保监管制度的实效。民事合同在农村环保监管中具有普遍性和源头治理地位。借助民事合同的约定可构建农村环保内部监管,通过政府(法院)、社会公众的外部监督可达致农村环保外部监管,从而形成了通过民事合同的多中心农村环保监管模式。  相似文献   

While the urban area was increasingly filled with middle- and low-status residents, the rural area was dominated by high-status settlers whose number increased because of migration from the city and natural growth. Remarkable differences existed between urban and rural marriage features such as marriage age and rate of remarriage. The more sincere adoption of the high-status marriage culture in the rural area may be attributed to its occupational homogeneity. In the rural agrarian settings, landlords, self-cultivators and tenants shared a similar living pattern and value system based on the agricultural cycle. The urban area, however, exhibited a variety of work patterns of local functionaries, artisans and merchants. Many middle- and low-status people might well have found the high-status culture of the rural area incompatible with their own.  相似文献   

While the urban area was increasingly filled with middle- and low-status residents, the rural area was dominated by high-status settlers whose number increased because of migration from the city and natural growth. Remarkable differences existed between urban and rural marriage features such as marriage age and rate of remarriage. The more sincere adoption of the high-status marriage culture in the rural area may be attributed to its occupational homogeneity. In the rural agrarian settings, landlords, self-cultivators and tenants shared a similar living pattern and value system based on the agricultural cycle. The urban area, however, exhibited a variety of work patterns of local functionaries, artisans and merchants. Many middle- and low-status people might well have found the high-status culture of the rural area incompatible with their own.  相似文献   

李锦峰 《行政与法》2010,(8):97-101
选举法修正案草案取消了城乡代表权差异化配置的条款,这一显著变化表明我国选举制度向实现公民的完全平等迈出了一大步。但它具有的意义不只如此,它还为进一步实现公民选举权的自由维度提供了基础。从平等方面看,选举法的修改在公民投票权平等的基础上,实现了公民代表权的平等,也就是在"同票"的基础上实现了"同权"。按照城乡同比例选举,人民代表大会中城乡代表的比例会和社会构成中城乡比例一致起来,从而提高了人大对社会的代表性。当然,按照独立论的解释,过高的官员比例也同样是可能具有高代表性的。但这种争论只涉及到了问题的表层,最重要的问题应该是代表是如何产生的,这是与选举权中的自由向度紧密相连的问题。如果不能实现公民在选举中充分的自由权利,保证代表能够合理、公正地产生,那么平等也只能成为摆设。选举制度的进一步发展应该是在平等的基础上实现公民的自由选举权。这是选举法修改实现选举平等之后带给我们的进一步的理论思考。  相似文献   

孙宝洪 《行政与法》2014,(12):121-125
城乡发展一体化,是我国工业化、城镇化和农业现代化发展的现实要求。目前,以城乡二元经济结构为主的体制、较低的城镇化发展水平、农村产业不合理结构、差距明显的城乡基础设施建设以及政策制度的缺陷影响了城乡发展一体化,因此,应以促进城乡农业经营、城乡基础设施建设和公共服务、城乡建设与管理一体化为路径,加快促进城乡发展一体化。  相似文献   

A number of prisoners use drugs. Limited information is available about the extent to which urban and urban substance abusers differ in their drug use in criminal justice settings. In addition, many believe that rural areas are protected from drug use. However, findings from this study show only marginally statistical significant differences in drug use between incarcerated rural and urban drug users. It was expected that urban drug users would be more drug career involved with consistently higher levels of drug use and associated problems. Specifically, rural drug users in this study were older at age of first use of marijuana and cocaine; report fewer years of cocaine, hallucinogen, and heroin use; and report more alcohol and sedative use. Findings from this study suggest that rural and urban drug users are similar and that rural areas may be protective from some drug use but risky for other drug use.  相似文献   

Official statistics and numerous sociological studies indicate that rural areas generate lower rates of delinquency than do urban areas. This study attempts to explain these differential rates by drawing on the social control theory of Hirschi. Questionnaires were administered to a rural and an urban juvenile detention center population to investigate both extent of delin-quency involvement and degree of commitment to five institutional orders: family, church, school, peers, and formal authority. As hypothesized, the rural sample reported significantly less delinquent activity than the urban sample. Control theory also received support from the data. A strong inverse relationship was found between commitment and delinquency. When intro-duced as a control variable, commitment specified the original relationship between locality and delinquency. The specified relationships were strongest for rural youth with high commitment and for urban youth with low commitment.  相似文献   

现代经济发展和社会进步要求政府为社会提供均等化的基本公共服务。而我国传统的城市偏向型基本公共服务供给制度导致了城乡公共服务的非均等化和城乡关系的不和谐,由此产生了农村基本公共服务供给短缺、供给成本分担不合理、供给决策机制不规范、收益分享不公平等诸多问题。本文以地方政府职能为切入点,从优化地方政府职能,建立城乡统筹的基本公共服务供给制度的角度进行探讨,以期为实现城乡基本公共服务均等化提供参考。  相似文献   

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