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2008年12月3日至5日,中国农工民主党全国社会服务工作会议在福建省泉州市召开。 农工党中央副主席汪纪戎出席会议并讲话,她指出,必须从全局角度出发,提高认识,更加深刻理解加强社会服务工作的重要意义。切实加强社会服务工作,是为坚持和完善多党合作和政治协商制度提供牢固政治保障的需要;是发挥参政党人才荟萃、智力密集优势,  相似文献   

按照中央的统一部署,全国人大机关党的群众路线教育实践活动正在全面有序的展开。搞好这次活动,对于加强人大机关建设,提高机关工作水平,更好地发挥集体参谋助手和服务保障作用,具有十分重要的意义。全国人大机关是全国人大及其常委会的集体参谋助手和服务保障工作班子,其主要职责是为全国人民代表大会会议、常委会会议、委员长会议、专门委员会会议提供参谋、服务和保障,为全国人大代表、全国人大常委会和专门委员会组成人员依法履职提供参谋、服务和保障。全国人大及其常委会大量前期性、基础性、服务性工作,都是由机关来具体承担的。做好机关各项工作,对于全国人大及其常委会依法履行职责,顺利完成各项任务,有着不可替代的重要作用。  相似文献   

为规范定点零售药店的医保售药服务行为,为参保人员提供和谐的购药环境和优质服务,保障医保基金的安全、合理支出,4月30日,漳浦县医保中心在县人社局六楼会议室召开了定点零售药店服务窗口业务培训考试会议。全县59家定点零售药店负责人及刷卡结算操作人员、营业员近120人接受了医保政策、服务协议等相关内容的培训。会议要求各定点零售药店负责人要加强服务人员政策业务学习培训,熟练掌握医疗保险相关政策业务知识,特别要熟知定点药店服务协议每一条规定,努力为广大参保人员营造良好的购药环境。  相似文献   

网络信息保护有法可依 去年12月28日,十一届全国人大常委会第三十次会议通过关于加强网络信息保护的决定,对保护个人电子信息、治理垃圾电子信息等作出规范,明确规定任何组织和个人不得非法获取、出售或向他人提供公民个人电子信息;网络服务提供者为用户提供信息发布等服务时,要求用户提供真实身份信息,等等。  相似文献   

施惠宇 《中国民政》2013,527(2):42-43
为深入贯彻党的十八大和第十三次全国民政会议精神,进一步强化民政在社会建设中的骨干作用,南京市以前所未有的力度,出台民政工作1+4系列文件,重点解决民政发展方式、基层民政力量、社区管理和服务创新等问题,为全市民政事业科学发展提供有力政策支持,为更好服务社会和市民提供有利条件,吹响南京民政转型升级的号角。  相似文献   

刘瑶 《人大论坛》2014,(3):36-39
在十二届全国人大二次会议中,贵州代表团全体代表商国是、谋鸿猷,圆满完成了大会的各项任务。这既是代表们认真履职的结果,也凝聚了所有会务工作人员的辛勤努力。为了能让代表们集中精力开好大会,会议期间,承担会务工作的代表团秘书组全体工作人员,以规范、高效、细致的会议服务工作,为代表认真履职提供了有力的服务保障。得到了代表的肯定...  相似文献   

中国社会科学院机关服务局是为全院科研工作、机关办公和职工生活提供后勤服务保障的部门。主要任务:一是为我院办公区、宿舍小区提供物业管理服务。二是为我院科研工作、职能部门和职工提供餐饮、会议、文件资料印刷和医疗保健等服务保障。三是为科研工作、  相似文献   

于浩 《中国人大》2012,(12):31-32
2010年年底,十一届全国人大常委会第十八次会议召开联组会议,就国务院关于深化医药卫生体制改革工作情况的报告进行专题询问,成为当年规模最大的一次联组会议。经过3年医改,我们可喜地看到,在全国人大常委会委员关注的八大问题上,无论是推进基本医疗保障制度、国家基本药物制度、基本医疗卫生服务体系建设,还是基本公共卫生服务均等化和公立医院改革试点等方面都取得了有目共睹的进展。  相似文献   

国家会议中心将于2009年11月开业,主体建筑面积27万平方米,实现了无线互联网络全覆盖。会议区有70多个会议厅,可同时容纳两万人,其中大会堂6400肝,最大宴会厅4860肝。音响、灯光、视频、同声传译、投影、即席投票等系统装备齐全,均达到国际水准,满足会议、学术报告、宴会、演出等多功能需求。会议餐饮服务多样化,从几人到数干人,无论大宴小酌,与会者能够充分享受美食与服务带来的快乐。  相似文献   

吉林省劳动保障培训鉴定基地隶属于吉林省劳动保障厅,是全省劳动保障系统的服务窗口单位.可提供会议、培训、餐饮、住宿为一体的智能型综合服务。  相似文献   

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is a manifesto for the rights of the disabled. It establishes the values and concepts, the guidelines for action, and the system of rules for the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities worldwide. As one of the main drafting countries and the first signatories of the Convention, China has been actively implementing the principles of the Convention and faithfully fulfilling the responsibilities of a signatory party, and has made great achievements in building up its legal system, policy and culture. However, compared with the goals of the Convention, there still exist some gaps in rights awareness, social environment and related systems. Guided by the spirit of the Convention, and taking into account China's national conditions, the country will continue to cultivate its human rights culture, upgrade its capability to provide public services for people with disabilities, improve the construction of barrier-free environments, guarantee the full realization of the survival, development and participation rights of the disabled, and establish a new mode of protecting the human rights of persons with disabilities in China.  相似文献   

An architectural exhibition, held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center in late October, showcased the history of and achievements in Chinese construction. The exhibition featured a number of landmarks, including the Hong Kong- Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, the Hong Kong International Airport and world-class skyscrapers from around the nation.  相似文献   

正The first part of the 15 th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity(CBD), also known as the COP15, took place in Kunming, capital of Yunnan Province, on October 11-15. While drawing on the know-how the international community has thus far gained in biodiversity conservation, the meeting also mapped out wideranging plans for global eco-diversity governance over the next decade.  相似文献   

Each year in the United States, as adolescents age out or are emancipated from the foster care system, they are at risk of experiencing homelessness. It is essential that services and programs focus on encouraging and supporting youth in transition from foster care to a life of independence, and The Transition Resource Action Center (TRAC) strives to provide these services. The researchers sought to determine if TRAC's residential program provides their clients with a chance of a stable life (e.g., housing, employment, health care). Findings suggest that fewer clients of TRAC became homeless and more acquired transitional or temporary housing from screening 1 to screening 2, demonstrating promise that these services have fostered change in the lives of their clients.  相似文献   

从来源上看,国家的合法性认同、高校的创新管理、志愿组织与志愿者之间的关系是大学生志愿服务激励机制的重要方面。中美大学生志愿服务激励机制的比较结果表明:志愿服务是一种“有限自愿”行为,需要强化国家在法律规章合法性建构方面的主导性,提升大学生志愿服务在国家社会生活中的显著度;大学生志愿服务行动呈“弥散分布结构”,需要高校建立统一认证考评体系,并将其纳入课程学分、就业指标与素质教育的框架;志愿组织培育好与志愿者的关系,以平等沟通与深度参与方式开发志愿服务的多元活动网络,有助于从内在的满足感与成就感方面激发大学生的志愿热情。  相似文献   

CHANG Jian  YU Nan 《人权》2021,(1):152-170
The China Society of Human Rights Studies and the Human Rights Research Center at Nankai University jointly hosted a seminar on "The 10~(th) Anniversary of the Blue Book on Human Rights and the Chinese Human Rights Concept,Discourse and Theory" on December 19~(th),2020.Experts at the meeting expressed their views and discussed the organization,style,and system of the Blue Book on Human Rights;the concept,expression,and dissemination of the Chinese human rights discourse;the paradigm,principle,and structure of the Chinese human rights theory;and the objectives,paths,and development of the Chinese human rights enterprise.  相似文献   

城镇基础设施是为城镇经济、社会、文化发展及居民生活提供公共服务的各种要素的总和。本文以黎平县为例,分析民族地区城镇公共基础设施建设的基本情况及存在的主要问题,并寻求解决问题的建议和对策,探索新形势下加强民族地区城镇公共基础设施建设的新路径,以更好地推动和加快民族地区城镇化进程。  相似文献   

In preparation for implementation of a comprehensive HIV prevention program in a Community Mental Health Center for persons with mental illness who are also abusing substances, a rapid assessment procedure (RAP) of existing prevention services that may have developed in the setting over time was undertaken at baseline. In addition to an ecological assessment of the availability of HIV-related information that was available on-site, in-depth interviews and focus groups were conducted with Center administrators, direct-care staff, and mental health consumers. Results indicated that responses regarding available services differed depending upon type of respondent, with administration reporting greater availability of preventive programs and educational materials than did direct-care staff or mental health consumers themselves. But overall, formalized training on HIV prevention by case managers is extremely rare. Case managers felt that other providers, such as doctors or nurses, were more appropriate to deliver an HIV prevention intervention.  相似文献   

汉华国际饭店是集餐饮,会议,客房,娱乐,写字楼于一体的五星级汉文化主题商务饭店。拥有360间(套)豪华舒适的客房,风格典雅的餐厅,富丽堂皇的宴会厅,设施完善的健身娱乐中心,是商旅人士居停之首选。  相似文献   

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