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钱叶芳 《法商研究》2012,(2):143-153
裁员保护制度由诸多实体要素和程序要素所构成。比较80余个国家裁员保护制度要素的结果表明,我国裁员保护立法的规制强度不仅低于国际平均水平,甚至不及单个解雇保护立法。为稳定劳动关系,我国裁员保护立法应当在现有基础上逐步提高规制强度,在增加裁员成本与降低解雇行为灵活性之间进行选择,并完善相应的程序要素。  相似文献   

美国历史上秉持传统的雇佣自由原则,法律不干涉劳资双方因解雇发生的争议.自20世纪30年代起,美国开始通过制定法和司法判例引入对不当解雇的规制.但这种规制是不彻底的,既缺乏系统和完备的立法,司法过程中的态度也不统一.对不当解雇的法律规制引发了美国社会的广泛争论,争论的焦点在于公平和效率在社会经济发展中何者优先保护.从美国劳资关系发展的现状来看,强调社会公平,对不当解雇进行法律规制是必要的.  相似文献   

各国解雇保护制度上呈现出多样化特点,反映了对雇主解雇权不同水平的限制。当前我国劳动合同短期化日益突出,劳动力市场的失衡加剧,如何对劳动者进行解雇保护成为当前争论的重点。本文指出各国劳动合同立法中的解雇保护制度是基于雇员处于弱势地位,应当通过严格限制解雇权来实现对雇员的保护,这种立法上的保护包括了相应的经济补偿。  相似文献   

对用人单位或者说雇主解雇权的限制称之为解雇保护,由此产生了对雇主解雇权限制的必要性和相应的法律制度。我国台湾地区对于因劳动者过错而解雇设立除斥期很有启发意义,根据劳动者的有无过错来划分解雇保护的类别是两岸的共识。解雇权行使禁止和解雇权行使限制使雇主的法定解雇权受到禁止和限制。解雇保护的预告期与补偿金制度是我国大陆与台湾地区都采用的,却各有自己的特色。追究雇主非法解雇的法律责任在解雇保护中具有重要意义。  相似文献   

解雇制度对劳动者的就业权构成直接影响,法律对解雇权行使进行了必要的禁止和限制.承认并看重解雇权对劳动者工作和生活构成重大影响是两岸学者的共识.对劳动者提供解雇保护在两岸法律中既有相通性,也有各自的特点.解雇保护的预告期与补偿金制度是两岸都采用的,却各有自己的特色.追究雇主非法解雇的法律责任在解雇保护中具有重要意义.  相似文献   

中美劳动者保护立法的模式比较及思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
美国与我国的法律制度都强调保障劳动者的权利,限制雇主滥用其支配地位.但是两者侧重点有所不同,美国在实行雇佣自由的同时强调禁止雇佣歧视;而我国则强调提高解雇保护以稳定劳动关系.相比之下,美国的法律制度更有利于劳动关系和谐.我国今后立法可以借鉴美国当前法律制度,在加强反歧视立法的同时放宽解雇保护.  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》(以下简称《劳动合同法》)严格限制用人单位的解雇权,设计了较为周密的解雇保护制度,保障劳动者的就业安定权。然而,随着近年来劳务派遣的超常规发展,以滥用劳务派遣的退回行为规避解雇保护制度、进而用"退回"取代"解雇"的现象频现,产生解雇保护制度落空的风险。对于劳务派遣中的退回,我国现行立法采用了较为模糊的表述方式,特别是退回条件是否能够约定的问题,在理论及实务界存在较大争议,这也为用工单位与派遣单位任意约定退回条件及后续规避解雇保护制度埋下了隐患。因此,有必要梳理劳务派遣退回行为对解雇保护的影响,并探寻完善劳务派遣退回制度的未来路径。  相似文献   

经济补偿作为一项制度与失业保险、解雇保护立法、工会和集体谈判等相关制度密切相关,并没有统一的模式,也不应孤立地考察经济补偿制度。经济补偿的基本目的在于补偿雇员由于遭雇主解雇而丧失的工作上的财产利益,但经济补偿在不同的适用场合,其性质和功能并不相同。因此,在方法上,不必对经济补偿的性质和功能寻求统一的答案。我国《劳动合同法》扩大经济补偿的适用范围,在现阶段具有合理性和必要性。从长远看,我国应该适当缩小经济补偿的适用范围,增强这一制度的科学性和合理性。  相似文献   

公司合并与职工权益保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王健  宋永泉 《法学论坛》2003,18(1):64-69
公司合并时应注意保护职工的合法权益。被合并公司职工的原劳动合同应由合并后的公司承继 ,合并公司在合并完成后不能随意解雇被合并公司的职工 ,应遵守拟制解雇和整理解雇法理。我国现行立法在保护合并时的职工权益方面尚有许多缺陷 ,亟须在今后的立法和实践中加以修正。  相似文献   

本文通过对推定解雇权制度概念的界定,对推定解雇权的起源和国外推定解雇权制度立法的介绍,从制度本身进行了分析.并结合劳动法学相关理论,对我国《劳动合同法》中的推定解雇权制度进行相关评述.最后提出改善意见.  相似文献   

Existing studies either overlook the importance of the juridical enforcement of employment protection legislation in determining the labor market consequences of dismissal payments or else neglect the possibly judicial biases caused by a tight labor market due to the assumption of exogenous judicial errors. By calling for endogenously determined judicial errors, this paper not only traces the effect of a firing litigation on employment, but also explores the possible effects of labor market conditions on judicial mistakes. We show that worse labor market conditions (a larger dismissal pay) will induce judges to be more favorable toward fired workers (firms). Thus, a higher level of unemployment (a larger dismissal pay) will decrease (increase) the possibility of a type-1 error and increase (decrease) the possibility of a type-2 error. It is also shown that, while a policy that lowers a type-1 error will increase the employment level, a lower type-2 error, somewhat surprisingly, will not necessarily have a positive effect on employment. Besides, in departing from the findings of previous analyses, we find that dismissal pay can either increase or decrease the employment level, with this crucially depending on the probability of juridical mistakes.  相似文献   

Employment security is very often examined from a labor law rather than a human rights perspective. This article looks at the employment security in Chinese labor law from a human rights perspective. The right to employment security includes both negative and positive aspects: a negative right to protection against unfair dismissal, including dismissal for cause and economic redundancy, and a positive right to employment stability. Comparing Chinese labor law with international standards, this article focuses on analyzing important changes in the legislative developments in China in the past years, such as severance pay, labor contract with indefinite duration, and labor dispatching. This article also points out the main deficiencies, such as dismissal on the ground of criminal liabilities, weakness of trade unions and law enforcement, and no exemption of small employers. The article concludes with observing a tendency of Chinese law getting closer to international standards and pointing out the approach China should follow: to enhance employability through vocational training and providing better social security when strengthening the legislative protection of employment security.  相似文献   

In this article, we present a model of individual dismissals based on the workers' right to file a suit against their employer arguing that the dismissal is unjustified or unfair. The model is a standard pre-trial bargaining game between a firm and a worker. We study two cases: when the law states the severance pay for unfair dismissal (the European case), and when judges can decide freely on the compensation to be paid to the worker (the American case). The model provides some guidelines for Labour Law reforms. In the European case, a decrease in the severance pay for unfair dismissals fixed by law will decrease the severance pay offered by the firm, and only under some assumptions will decrease the expected firing cost and will increase the settlement probability. In addition, the transition from the European to the American case is likely to increase the probability of settlement (and to decrease it in the opposite case) with ambiguous effects on agreed severance pay and expected firing costs.  相似文献   

植物新品种临时保护请求权旨在保护育种者自提出或公告品种权申请至授权期间的利益,其性质应属不当得利返还请求权。该请求权的主体为品种权人及利害关系人,其行使应满足时间、行为、实际通知等条件。临时保护请求权的效力范围为请求行为人支付适当使用费,该使用费应以许可费为基础,酌情考虑个案因素加以确定。我国植物新品种临时保护请求权存在权利性质含糊、主体范围狭窄、行使条件不具体及效力范围不明确等问题,应结合UPOV1991文本、其他国家和地区的相关规定及我国司法实践加以完善,以提高我国植物新品种保护水平。  相似文献   

陆海娜 《时代法学》2005,3(6):78-84
就业保障权是我国宪法保护的工作权的衍生权利。国际法对此权利的丰富内涵已有明确的标准。以这些国际标准为基准,分析我国现行劳动法对就业保障权的保护程度,并分别从反对任意解雇,限制固定期限合同,提高就业能力三方面对劳动法条文及其实践进行了考察。  相似文献   

气候变化与人权国际保护都是当代国际法的热点问题,全球性、长期性与政治性是二者的共同特征。气候变化对人类社会和自然界的影响是多层次的,而它对人权国际保护的影响涉及国家安全、人道主义问题、发展权、健康权以及国际关系的调整等各个方面。中国作为全球温室气体排放大国,应转变观念,从战略高度重视气候变化问题;同时,还要加强国际合作,重视应对气候变化中的发展权,并加强与气候变化有关的法制建设。  相似文献   

坚持以人为本,树立全面、协调、可持续的科学发展观,要求政府大力推进公共服务创新,不断提高公共服务水平,重视就业、教育、文化、体育、卫生、环保、社保等方面工作。  相似文献   

《Federal register》1990,55(162):34081-34082
This notice announces the deadline for Medicaid State agencies to submit State plan amendments requesting moratorium protection under section 2373(c) of the Deficit Reduction Act of 1984, as amended by the Medicare and Medicaid Patient and Program Protection Act of 1987. Section 2373(c) initiated a moratorium period during which HCFA cannot take any compliance, disallowance, penalty or other regulatory action against a State agency whose State plan contains an income or resource methodology or standard for determining eligibility for medically needy and certain categorically needy groups that is less restrictive than the required standard or methodology. This notice provides formal notification to States that plan amendments requesting moratorium protection will not be accepted after the last day of the first full calendar quarter following publication of this notice in the Federal Register.  相似文献   

李武健 《法律科学》2011,(4):147-153
传统国际投资仲裁无论在程序安排还是价值取向上都倾向于偏袒外国私人投资者的经济利益,而对于东道国社会利益的保护则是缺乏的。由于东道国在推动经济与社会发展的同时,不仅仅考虑的是经济利益,也需要考虑某些社会利益或者社会价值的需求,因此在国际投资争端仲裁中,应当重视保护东道国的社会利益。在晚近的投资仲裁程序与实践中,保护东道国的社会公共利益的趋势在不断增强。  相似文献   

Every individual is continually exerting himself to find out the most advantageous employment for whatever capital he can demand. It is his own advantage, indeed, and not that of the society which he has in view. But the study of his own advantage naturally, or rather necessarily, leads him to prefer that employment which is most advantageous tothe society. 1
The modern laborer, … instead of rising with the progress of industry, sinks deeper and deeper below the conditions of existence of his own class. He becomes a pauper, and pauperism develops more rapidly than population and wealth. 2
Eveyone has the right to work to free choice Of employment, to just and favorable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. Eveyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. Everyone who works has the right to just and favorable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented if necessary, other means of social protection. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests. Evereyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holiday with pay. 3  相似文献   

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