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中国人时拉丁美洲最主流的定位是在"第三世界"层面,但在最权威的平面媒体<人民日报>的相关报道中,也存在着对拉美"西方"层面的定位.本文认为,两种定位并不互斥,而是从不同层面表述对拉美的认知.在中西方交流日趋紧密的今天,多一些对拉美"西方"层面的定位,可能有助于增加中国人对拉丁美洲的认知.  相似文献   

莱奥波尔多·塞亚是墨西哥著名的哲学家和思想家 ,2 0 0 2年 6月 30日是他的 90岁寿辰。自1 943年发表其博士论文《墨西哥实证主义的兴衰》以来 ,在近 60年的哲学研究生涯中 ,他所撰写的专著和主编的书籍多达几十本 ,论文更是不计其数。然而 ,令人感到惭愧的是 ,我对于这位著名  相似文献   

Since the end of the Cold War, some new features have been revealed in the Third World, which, referring to developing nations for decades, especially in the Cold War years, faces some problems and challenges under heavy economic and political impact. China, as a biggest member of the Third World, also faces new environments and challenges during the  相似文献   

The status of the Third World in Russian foreign policy plummeted in the immediate post-Soviet years, during which Moscow pursued a "Look West" policy. When the design of the West to contain and weaken the country came to light however, vigilance heightened in Moscow and timely foreign policy readjustments were under way by raising the weight of the Third World. Russia intends to use the resulting boosted ties as a prop to its pursuit of an equal partnership with the  相似文献   

Many theories have been put forward to explain the civil unrest that erupted across the Middle East and North Africa at the beginning of this year. The author of this paper believes that seen from an historical perspective the unrest was an attempt by the Arab world to stage a third revival.  相似文献   

冷战结束后 ,经济全球化浪潮以汹涌澎湃之势扫荡着地球村每个角落 ,正向世人展示一幅“新版的世界经济地图” ;政治多极化趋势挟不可阻挡之态冲击着单极化的企图 ,一个前所未有的新世界政治格局初露端倪。这两大趋势与潮流 ,相激相荡 ,相互影响 ,构筑成 2 1世纪人类社会发展的的大背景、大舞台、大挑战 ,同时也给世界重要板块的第三世界以空前的巨大冲击。于是 ,业已模糊的“第三世界”概念再次进入人们的视野 ,如何在“新剧”中“扮演”新的角色、怎样直面各种挑战 ,成为摆在所有第三世界国家面前的一个崭新的课题 ,也是一个亟待探讨的理论…  相似文献   

<正>The third session of the World Sinology Lecture co-organised by the Chinese Association for International Understanding and Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU) was held in a hybrid form on March 17th in Beijing,themed"The Communication and Mutual Learning among Civilisations in Promoting Human Progress".Chen Zhou,Vice Minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee,Sergey Manassarian,  相似文献   

总部设在日内瓦的世界经济论坛是在瑞士注册的一个独立的、非赢利性的组织。其前身是由现任论坛主席、日内瓦商学院克劳斯.施瓦布教授于1971年1月创建的“欧洲管理论坛”。1987年,“欧洲管理论坛”更名为“世界经济论坛”,旨在把论坛的视野扩展到全球范围。每年年初,这一论坛都  相似文献   

每年一度的拉美形势论坛是我院重要的学术活动之一,是中国拉美学界的重要学术盛会,也是我们与拉美各国驻华使节朋友们的重要年度聚会.首先,请允许我代表中国社会科学院对大家出席本次国际学术研讨会表示热烈欢迎!对"2007~2008年的拉丁美洲:多样性与挑战"国际学术论坛的顺利召开表示衷心的祝贺!  相似文献   

美国发动的反恐战争意外地改善了伊朗的地缘政治环境。值得关注的是,伊朗正日益走上一条革命性崛起道路。这种外交选择很大程度上是对其作为第三世界国家所临不确定的安全环境、国家发展边缘化乃至意识形态真空状态的一种总体性回应。从长远看,这种发展道路面临国际风险太大、目标选择难等诸多问题,伊朗未来的崛起因此充满了不确定性。  相似文献   

从巴基斯坦管窥第三世界面临的几个共性问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国家认同错位、弱势民主和军人干政是巴基斯坦政治中存在的三大结构性问题.其他第三世界国家一定程度存在类似问题.造成这种困境的根源是多方面的,但国家建构的基础不牢固是非常重要的原因之一.  相似文献   

2008年10月24日,中国社科院拉美所美洲自由贸易区研究中心主办“危机与对策:世界、拉美与中国的粮食安全问题”研讨会。来自中国农业科学院、农业部全国农技推广中心、中国社科院世经政所、农发所和拉美所的专家学者与会。拉美所所长助理、经济室主任吴国平研究员认为,尽管当前  相似文献   

The article investigates the impact of anthropology consultancy activities in the UK university sector and the role of the UK Department for International Development (DfID) as a major provider of consultancy work. DfID and other donors see anthropology consultancy as useful primarily in the delivery of technical assistance to Third World projects with a community or social development dimension. The article points to tensions both between UK-based consultancy and 'grassroots' development in the Third World, and between applied anthropology and the relative autonomy of anthropology as an academic discipline. The author suggests that a necessary precondition for understanding the contribution of anthropology to policy is the need to overcome the unwillingness by practitioners to question politically the power relationships within which the social sciences, anthropology, and commissioned activities themselves are located. The primary purpose of the paper is to open up a debate on the relationship between power, knowledge, empowerment, and consultancy work.  相似文献   

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