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"战争是独立的政体(国家)或政治团体之间有组织地使用武力的一种行为和现象,战争的目的主要是为了解决那些无法通过和平的外交方式解决的问题和冲突。"有史以来,战争就与人类如影随形,战争的形态也随着人类社会生产力水平的提高和科学技术的进步而不断演变。20世纪90年代以来,计算机技术飞速发展并取得了广泛应用,互联网  相似文献   

未来的战争将是信息化战争。那么,战争中的信息化主要表现在哪些方面呢?仅仅将过去的电话线换成光缆,将手工操作换成计算机控制并不能代表信息化。真正的信息化是以通信网络为纽带,以信息处理为核心,将遍布陆、海、空、天的战场感知系统、指挥控制系统、火力打击系统和信息攻击系统等作战要素集合成为一个有机整体,使整个作战体系实现全维态势感知、实时信息传输和智能数据处理,为联合作战提供一体化的信息支持,这就是享有数字化战场中枢神经之称的数据链。  相似文献   

人类对太空的探索经历了认识太空、进入太空和利用太空三个阶段。前两个阶段中,人类处于探索和寻求突破太空束缚的状态。发展到第三个阶段,人类发现太空在通信、导航、气象以及地质勘探等领域具有重要意义,也注意到将太空技术用于情报搜集、指挥通信、武器导引等方面的潜在价值和巨大优势。因此,拥有先进太空技术的国家开始将太空列为国家发展战略的重要内容,人类也进入了以控制太空为目的的新阶段。在研究如何控制太空的过程中,以美国和俄罗斯为代表的军事强国提出了太空战理论,从而将争夺太空控制权的斗争具体化。  相似文献   

The potential for change is increasing rapidly in the 21 st century, especially in the information and communication technology (ICT) field. Innovations in ICT are constantly making new breakthroughs and all kinds of technologies, applications and services are being interwoven. Inevitably, the broad application of new technologies provides cyber attackers more tools and opportunities to launch attacks. Old information security^1 policies are facing new challenges, emerging threats and unsolved risks. Finding effective solutions to cyber threats has become an urgent task for the international community.  相似文献   

Paul 《Orbis》2007,51(4):685-696
This paper brings together the key dimensions of financial warfare and places them in a larger policy framework. Its major conclusions are that financial warfare will be a much more important issue because of the astounding growth in international finance itself. In addition, financial warfare allows for more precise targeting than conventional economic warfare. Much like “precision strike” technology in arms, it gives more control over sanctions, but by no means perfect control. Finally, financial warfare's larger policy framework should draw on escalation and de-escalation theory because it is likely to be most effective when combined with other forms of pressure. This article does not “advocate” financial warfare. But it does argue that, since this type of conflict is emerging as an increasingly likely possibility, it needs to be thought through carefully. The worst outcome is to use it, without thinking about it, which, the author argues is where we are today.  相似文献   

Zhang  Li  Gao  Zhan  Ju  Jinrong 《现代国际关系(英文版)》2007,17(4):66-80
Global information security and the threats to its integrity are becoming increasingly important. In this paper,the authors talk about areas requiring international cooperation, the major problems with current international cooperation, and finally give their reflections on international cooperation.  相似文献   

国家信息安全综论   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
全球信息化方兴未艾,中国信息化进程势头良好。在信息化迅猛发展的同时,信息安全问题也日益增多。随着信息网络覆盖面的扩大,信息安全问题所造成的影响和后果也随之增大。信息安全在维护国家安全中的地位凸显,成为国家安全的重要组成部分。各国信息化发展阶段与特点不同,面临的信息安全问题也有所不同,分析研究国外信息安全保障的经验与做法,对促进中国信息化的健康发展和信息安全保障自然具有借鉴作用。本期对谈就信息安全概念、信息安全在国家安全中的地位、信息安全面临的问题与挑战及中国信息安全保障问题展开探讨,希望能对读者有所启发。  相似文献   

信息技术的迅速发展和信息产品的广泛应用直接推动了80年代开始的新军事革命.这次军事革命将对未来国际和平与安全、战争形态、战争思想、军队组织体制、战争分析与准备等方面产生重大和深远的影响.本文对这些影响从七个方面进行了阐述.  相似文献   

苏联解体、俄罗斯地缘政治潜力削弱和当代几场武装冲突的进程与结局,使俄罗斯当局清醒地认识到信息安全不仅具有重要的地缘政治意义,而且关系到国家的战略发展和生死存亡。针对自身所面对的国内外复杂、严峻的信息安全形势,俄罗斯近年来采取了一系列综合措施,不断加强国家和军队的信息安全建设,以应对不断变化的信息安全挑战。  相似文献   

Robert J. Art 《安全研究》2013,22(3):365-406

American foreign policy analysts have generally viewed World War II as the most important of the six wars the country fought in the twentieth century. By entering this war, so the argument goes, the United States prevented the gravest geopolitical threat to its security—German and Japanese hegemonies in Eurasia—from materializing. Careful reexamination of the best case for U.S. entry into World War II, made by Nicholas Spykman in 1942, demonstrates that the traditional view is misplaced: the United States could have remained secure over the long term had it not entered the war and had it allowed Germany and Japan to win. Its standard of living and its way of life, however, would most likely have suffered. Avoidance of those two outcomes was the real reason to have entered the war. The implications of this analysis for balance of power theory and current American grand strategy are spelled out.  相似文献   

The term hybrid warfare was first coined by US military scholars and later widely adopted in the West to refer to Russian military operations in the Ukrainian and Syrian crises.In Russia,it is called "Gerasimovism".Russia adapted the idea of hybrid warfare for its military operations in Ukraine and Syria into a Russian-style hybrid warfare that has seen successful results so far.This model is likely to impact future military developments.  相似文献   

美国国家信息安全保障体系简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从20世纪40年代第一台计算机的发明到现在的分子计算机、光子计算机和量子计算机,从20世纪60年代阿帕网(Arpanet)的建立到信息高速公路和全球信息基础设施的提出和实施,美国的信息和应用技术一直遥遥领先。信息技术及其产业不仅成为美国经济发展的支柱和动力,而且也成为美国交通、能源、金融、通讯乃至国防、情报等赖以存在和发展的  相似文献   

随着金融资本的扩张、金融全球化的发展,以美国为主导的西方国家金融寡头势力空前膨胀,并以新的形式出现,成为国际垄断资本,操控资源市场,加紧对国际资源的争夺。国际资源争夺的历史轨迹与内在逻辑清晰表明:在经济全球化的大潮下,一国金融实力的大小直接决定其国际资源利用水平的高低,国际资源争夺的实质是金融战。这对于西方资源消费国尤其是美国具有深远的战略意义,对于面临“资源困局”与“金融窘境”的东亚更有着重要启示。  相似文献   

俄罗斯联邦已经形成了以宪法为立法依据,以一般信息法为立法基础,以若干纲领性文件为立法的政策指导和理论依托,以具体的法律规范为立法支撑的信息安全立法体系.俄罗斯信息安全立法在法制观念、立法及时性、政策引导、国际合作等方面的经验,有助于引导我国科学制定信息安全立法规划,把握立法的完整性,从主体、客体和内容三方面完善信息安全...  相似文献   

Academic studies of terrorism and mass political violence have developed largely independently of one another. Insurgents, in contrast, have tended to incorporate terrorism tactics along with other types of unconventional warfare in their repertoire of action. This tendency has become more apparent among insurgents engaging in armed confrontations in the twenty-first century. In order to take account of this development, scholars and others interested in contemporary warfare need to incorporate terrorism studies within the broader subject of insurgencies and “small wars”—political violence, in other words.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of quantum sensing on strategic deterrence and modern warfare. It has two related objectives. The first is to highlight quantum sensing as an important area of research for the policy communities considering the role of emerging technologies on strategic deterrence and countering weapons of mass destruction. The second aim is to present the potential warfighting implications of quantum sensing if employed by either the United States or its adversaries. While quantum sensing technologies offer opportunities to transform modern warfare, they also present challenges and risks. The article contends that the quantum sensing investment, research, and development should be prioritized within the Department of Defense's quantum science modernization agenda to ensure that the U.S. military does not cede technological advantage to competitors, such as the People's Republic of China, who are actively investing in quantum sensing applications that could upend the United States’ existing deterrence and warfighting capabilities.  相似文献   

波涛汹涌的信息技术革命和信息网络化浪潮在给人类带来良好机遇的同时,也带来了日趋激烈的信息战。信息战对信息安全的威胁和挑战越来越严重,对人类社会的冲击越来越广泛、越来越深刻,迫使人们研究应对战略和策略。日本在依据国情的情况下,实施了“保障型”信息安全战略,强调“信息安全保障是日本综合保障体系的核心”,并为此做出了种种措施,例如:颁布新战略计划、成立信息安全机构、打击网络黑客、治理垃圾邮件等,以保证本国的信息安全。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to analyze the tactical behavior of Somali pirates, international naval forces, and the shipping community operating in the Gulf of Aden and the Somali Basin. To what extent has tactical behavior changed over time and can this process be understood in more theoretical terms? Our theoretical framework centers around some concepts often used in naval doctrine, discussing tactical change in terms of command and control, force, mobility, protection, intelligence, and endurance. We also evaluate this change using two tactical concepts—tactical adaptation and tactical development. The empirical data is based on statistics from the International Criminal Court-International Maritime Bureau and the EU NAVFOR Operation Atalanta, as well as interviews. We conclude that Somali piracy has unquestionably adapted their tactics to circumstances, while naval forces have increased their capacity to capture pirates and shipping to avoid pirates.  相似文献   

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