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LI JUNRU 《人权》2013,(6):2-4
This year, nothing has sparked so much interest both at home and abroad as the "China Dream" concept initiated by Xi Jinping, president of the People's Republic of China and general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC). It not only represents a dream of national rejuvenation, prosperity and the people's well- being that has been pursued from generation to generation in China, but also a dream of human rights for which the Chinese people have long strived.  相似文献   

THE International Dialogue on the Chinese Dream concluded in Shanghai on December 8, 2o13. Attended by nearly loo experts and scholars from 24 countries, the two-day event enacted international and cross-cultural dialogue on the latest research achievements on the Chinese Dream.  相似文献   

THE Xiangshan area in Wuzhong District of Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, has inspired poets, lovers and writers for millennia. Many would walk along the banks of Taihu Lake, the third largest freshwater lake in China, whose near-perfect spherical shape was formed by a meteor impact millions of years ago. Xiangshan continues to rouse creative passions. But where the poets once roamed,  相似文献   

AUSTRALIAN Chantelle Newbery, the 10-meter platform diving gold medal winner at the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, was very excited when she received the medal and let a reporter in on a secret. "I would not have won this gold medal had I not been trained by my coach Wang Tongxiang over the past nine years. Diving is not an advantageous event for Australia, and it is all because of my coach Wang's hard work that I'm able to win this gold medal. I am very grateful to him. Thank God that I was given the opportunity to be trained by such an excellent and outstanding coach," she said.  相似文献   

正NO matter what part of the world they come from,expats in sales and marketing jobs in China and those planning to set up new businesses here need to study how the Chinese behave in the business environment.Expats come to China to be involved in the second biggest global economy.Figuring out the four rising and falling tones in spoken Mandarin–no easy task in a month–will not,however,help in delicate business  相似文献   

TODAY Chinese entrepreneurs can be found inalmost every corner of the world. Their forefatherstraveled across the sea centuries ago to settle in various pats of the world, and started small businessesin order to make a living. Their resourcefulness, diligenceand resilience helped them become established in their newenvironment and eventually become an integral facet of thelocal economy. In 2001, the Sixth World ChineseEntrepreneurs Convention is to be held in Naming.In 1908, Dr Sun Yat-s…  相似文献   

During the ancient time,according to a beautifulChinese legend, oneday, a strange phenomenon occurred — 10suns arose in the sky instead one, blaz-ing the earth. Hou Yi, an expert archer,stepped forward and shoot down nineof the suns, thus saving the earth fromdestruction. As a result of this deed,  相似文献   

It is an important challenge to out-line some comments on the theme of international cooperation and, in the extent of the construction of a more harmonious world, the poten-tial interactions of both government and civil society, at a national and international level, making ways for advances in the area of human rights.  相似文献   

2009 was a year when the fates were capricious with both China and the world While wrestling with the global financial crisis, we had to juggle the concerns of global warming energy shortages, pirates, and many more competiing problems,  相似文献   

RUCELEE,LiLianjieandDJackieChanallarewell-stars.Inthe1960sand1970s,BruceLee'smartialartsfilmsmadewhattheChinesecallwushuverypopularinEuropeandtheUnitedStates.Inthe1980s,LiLianjie'sShaolinTempletriggeredinterestinthemartialartsinChina.InrecentyearsJackieChanmovies,suchasRumbleintheBronxandFirstStrike,fascinatedviewersaroundtheworldwiththeiruseofrealweaponsandnostuntactors.Overthedecades,Chinesewushuhascometoworldaudi-encesprimarilythroughthemovies.Manyforeignerswanttolearnaboutwushu…  相似文献   

Drinking Tea is said to spread to Japan from China in the 6th century. Every step in Japanese tea ceremony is part of old and graceful ritual.Oolong tea is enjoying a favourable market in Japan and has become an indispensable soft drink for Japanese in pop-top cans. China's Oolong was first chipped to Japan in large volume in 1981. The 1980s witnessed an astonishing spread of Oolong tea in the market, partly stemming from the belief of Japanese women that Oolong tea is good for keeping fit and dieting.  相似文献   

THE maiden flight on March 14, 2006 of an airplane bearing the 2010 Shanghai World Expo emblem from Beijing Capital International Airport signaled the onset of preparations for this major event. Since China won its bid to hold the Expo, Shanghai Municipality has expedited detailed plans to ensure that everything goes ahead smoothly.  相似文献   

正The Chinese Dream—What It Means for China and the Rest of the World Edited by Ren Xiaosi Paperback,RMB 98Published by New World Press in September 2013in BeijingWhen reviewing the events of2013,"the Chinese Dream"is undoubtedly one of the key phrases that come to mind.President Xi Jinping proposed the concept in late2012,and immediately prompted public discussion.Dreams,for the irst time,became a topic at the  相似文献   

正FOR over 2,000 years in its history,China maintained great power.But its influence didn’t stem from territorial expansion or the occupation of foreign countries.China is rather an introversive country,focusing on developing its culture rather than its military might.Chinese civilization has never displayed force or made bellicose policies;instead it emphasizes"harmony is of the utmost value."China hopes to share its dream with the rest of the world,as it is the time-honored consensus among its1.3 billion people that"the interests to be considered  相似文献   

THE publishing industry is flourishing and becoming more and more dynamic in China today.Among the 500 pub-lishing houses,the people's Education  相似文献   

In the run up to and the period after China’s accession to the WTO in 2001, the wolf is coming became a catchphrase among business and academic circles, re? ecting people’s fear of the coming global competition. In response to the new market landscape in the mak- ing, Chinese government and enterprises began to study WTO regulations and laws. China’s top leaders including President Jiang Zemin and Premier Zhu Rongji gave lectures to provincial governors on WTO-related topics.  相似文献   

CHINAissweepinginex-orablytowardbecomingtheworld'smostdvnam-iceconomyintermsoftrade,businessandsocialchangebytheearlypartofthenextcentu-ryOtheraspectsofChineselifeandhistoryhavealsobeenmak-ingahugeimpactonWesterncountriesastouringexhibitionsandperformersputthespotlightonitscultureandartsher-itage.EarlierthisyearaudiencesinmanyofEurope'sleadingcitieswereoverawedattheathleticvirtuositydisplayedbytheacclaimedGoldenDragonAcro-batsfromBeijingwhohavefin-ishedagruelingtwo-monthtourwhichsawthe2O-s…  相似文献   

正I have been pursuing my Chinese dream for 30 years,"declared M.Noyan Rona at the International Dialogue on the Chinese Dream,held last December in Shanghai.In fluent Chinese,Rona,chief representative of the Turkish Garanti Bank’s Shanghai office,at the forum related his 30-year-long tryst with China.  相似文献   

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