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<正>Roadblocks and rules hinder Chinese investmentin the United States and the West at large China has become one of the most rapidly growing providers of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the world. To people’s surprise, the United States has been less than welcoming of China’s  相似文献   

Exploring a new-type relationship between China and the United States The Sino-U.S.relationship is currently acknowledged as the world’s most important bilateral tie.With the successful completion of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC) last November and U.S.President Barack Obama sworn in for his second term in January,the  相似文献   

China seeks to boost its public image globally China feels the need to urgently make up for lost time in a field it is unfamiliar with-public diplomacy.While most developed countries such as the United States,Japan and European countries have established mature systems of public diplomacy,China’s public diplomacy is still in its  相似文献   

EDITOR’S NOTE:The State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China published a report titled "The Human Rights Record of the United States in 2011" on Friday.Following is the full text:The State Department of the United States released its Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2011 on May 24, 2012. As in previous  相似文献   

The State Department of the United States released its Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2008 on February 25, 2009. As in previous years, the reports are full of accusations of the human rights situation in more than 190 countries and regions including China, but mentioned nothing of the widespread human rights abuses on its own territory. The Human Rights Record of the United States in 2008 is prepared to help people around the world understand the real situation of human rights in the United States, and as a reminder for the United States to reflect upon its own issues.  相似文献   

<正>Chinese and U.S.presidents’meetings in Florida chart future bilateral ties China and the United States are two major countries with global influence,and the importance of their relationship is self-evident.After Donald Trump was sworn in as American president,the United States’relationship with China became a subject of speculation.With Trump scrapping a number  相似文献   

正Chinese and U.S.representatives expressed optimism for the future of the China-U.S.Bilateral Investment Treaty(BIT)negotiations during a session at this year’s Boao Forum for Asia annual conference.Against the backdrop of a global economy facing risks of derailment and investment and trade rules becoming increasingly fragmented,it is necessary for China and the United States—the two most important economies in the world—to collaborate as much as possible with each other in order  相似文献   

正SINCE the unveiling of new evidence of biological experiments on humans conducted by the Japanese army in China in the fi rst half of the last century,the brutality of Imperial Japan and its militarism have been universally denounced.The testing of chemical and biological weapons on live humans by Unit 731of the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II is among the most savage acts in human history.A post-war investigation conducted by the United States showed that,in 1943 alone,over800 people fell victim to Unit 731’s tests.By 1945,the number was around  相似文献   

China’s telecom giant won’t give up on the U.S. market,but a strategic shift is underway Ren Zhengfei, founder and CEO of Chinese telecom giant Huawei, was recently chosen as one of the 100 most influential people in the world by Time magazine.Ironically enough, his company Huawei, the world’s second largest telecoms equipment maker and third largest smartphone vendor, is less recognized in the United States, the world’s largest telecom market. What about the U.S.market? A more pragmatic approach  相似文献   

<正>China seeks win-win economic and trade relations with the U.S.but does notfear a trade warChina has faced mounting pressure from trade conf licts with the United States in recent years,and it is widely expected that the situation will become more tense as a result of the Trump administration’s forthcoming policies on China.The United States launched 11 anti-dumping and nine anti-subsidy investigations against  相似文献   

THE Great Power Race is a clean energy competition open to college students in China, India and the United States for the most numerous and most innovative clean energy projects and solutions. It starts in September, and by the end of July, over 500 universities had lodged entry applications, 177 of them from China.  相似文献   

The financial crisis that started in the United States is spreading worldwide, and its impact on China’s economy is increasing daily. Difficulties and problems that accumulated in China’s long period of fast economic growth have gradually become apparent. Both the Chinese government and enterprises are considering how to transform and upgrade China’s economy through changing development mode and adjusting the industrial structure, while coping with the financial crisis. Therefore, guaranteeing economic grow...  相似文献   

HE met China’Premier Zhou Enlai,chatted with prestigious Chinese writer Guo Moruo and sat in Beijing with Norodom Sihanouk,the late king of Cambodia.He witnessed the re-establishment of diplomatic ties between China and the United States and between China and Australia.He studied with Henry Kissinger and John King Fairbank and is committed to studying the stability and harmony of East and West.He was a research associate at Harvard’s Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies and taught government and international affairs at Harvard.However,he is most well-known for  相似文献   

The trade imbalance between China and the United States is becoming a tool for Washington to pursue its "America First" ob-jective. U.S. President Donald Trump has on several occasions threatened to impose steep tariffs on com-modities from China and other countries because he sees the United States as "the victim of a global trade war." In January, the Trump administration imposed tariffs of up to 50 percent on imports of washing ma-chines and solar panels, coming mostly from South Korea and China, respectively. The latest data from China Customs show that China's exports to the U.S. market reached 2.91 tril-lion yuan ($465.2 bilion) in 2017, while imports from the United States amounted to 1.04 trillion yuan ($166.2 billion). China's trade surplus against the United States was 1.87 trilion yuan ($298.9 bilion), up 13 percent from of 2016. But is the trade imbal-ance realy unfair to the United States? Is it fair to judge the trade relationship simply on the basis of surplus or deif cit?  相似文献   

正A World Trade Organization(WTO)panel report published on October 19 has ruled that the United States violated WTO rules in 13 anti-dumping measures imposed on imports from China.China’s Ministry of Commerce welcomed the ruling and urged the United States to respect the decision and rectify its trade remedies in order to ensure a fair international trade environment.The complaint,filed by China in December 2013,  相似文献   

<正>EDITOR’S NOTE:The State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China published a report titled"Human Rights Record of the United States in 2013"on February 28,2014.Following is the full text of the report:Foreword The State Department of theUnited States,which posed as"theworld judge of human rights,"madearbitrary attacks and irresponsibleremarks on the human rights situation  相似文献   

正The world's two largest economies,China and the United States,mark the 35th anniversary of their diplomatic relations on January 1.In the years since 1979many questions have been asked about this crucial relationship,most notably what are the obstacles and in what direction is the relationship developing?Selected Chinese scholars and diplomats share their thoughts on these and other questions.Excerpts follow:  相似文献   

Playing Catch-Up     
Will China overtake the United States in 2014 ? China is a major power in the world.That’s undebatable.But a report from the World Bank suggests the country’s economic size may be bigger than previously thought,maybe even to the point of soon surpassing the United States.The latter has been the world’s largest economy since 1872,when it overtook the United Kingdom,and has held the crown for more than 140 years.  相似文献   

正Cai Qun,a 34-year-old woman in rural Guizhou,is the boss of a batik and embroidery company that employs more than300 embroiderers like her.The company’s products are even sold to a number of foreign countries such as the United States,South Korea and Malaysia.Batik embroidery is a special technique of the Miao ethnic group and was included on China’s National Intangible Cultural Heritage List in 2006.Cai’s peers,including businessmen,  相似文献   

<正>Cooperation between Chinese and U.S. anti-monopoly enforcers is helping China improve its laws to encourage free competition china and the United States signed a memorandum of understanding regarding cooperation in antitrust and anti-monopoly investigations in Beijing on July 27. China’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) and State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) signed the document with the U.S. Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission (FTC).  相似文献   

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