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University stores are central to campus life.They usually sell everything a student might need for class or dorm room.Living on the Tsinghua University campus, I enjoy shopping at the university stores. Past shopping excursions have added university logo jackets, hoodies and stylish backpacks to my wardrobe. I usually also grab necessities at the same time.  相似文献   

银泰网 《中国发展》2011,11(3):76-78
引言过去的2010年毫无疑问是电子商务发展十年来最火热的一年,这场盛宴以麦考林、当当登录美国资本市场为巅峰,并且引发了由京东商城掀起的一场行业最为激烈的价格战。  相似文献   

薄茹 《北京观察》2006,(6):23-26
众所周知,水资源严重短缺已经成为北京城市发展的一个瓶颈,它不仅影响着城市面貌,更重要的是制约首都实现小康和"新北京、新奥运"的战略构想.所以,人们冬天盼下雪,夏天盼下雨.但是,降水量并不尽如人意.  相似文献   

LIU Yujing is a 35-year-old mother of a four-yearold child.She quit her job as a secretary at a foreign trade company years ago to become a fulltime mother,but during the past half year she launched her own business.Liu's return to the workforce has not taken her far from home however.  相似文献   

正From a cultural landmark,the Beijing International Film Festival has grown into an incubator for talent and international cooperation By Yuan YuanL a Patota had been on Feng Luyao's wish list for a long time.The Argentinian film tells the story of Paulina,a rape survivor,as she tries to put her life back together."This movie triggers thoughts on what is real justice,"the Beijing-based lawyer said after watching it at the Sixth Beijing International Rim Festival."Without this film  相似文献   

Out of the Box     
<正>Experiments in education seek to enhance young people’s developmenIf students from China and Denmark were tested in reading,math,English,innovation and cooperation,in which aspects do you think Chinese students would win or lose?Many people would probably doubt Chinese students’innovation and cooperation capabilities.For a long time,Chinese students have been tagged as smart and diligent,but less creative and cooperative,due to the educational system they experience,particularly at the elementary level.However,several facts  相似文献   

British professor Hugo de Burgh dons a flowery T-shirt as he sits comfortably in his office at the China Media Center,which is affiliated with the University of Westminster,where he told Beijing Review there are many things about Chinese society that attract him.  相似文献   

Family Box,an educational and recreational family center from the United Kingdom,held its opening ceremony at Wangjing,Chaoyang District,Beijing on December 6,2009.Family  相似文献   

Hunancuisinemostlycomprisessour,spicy,andsometimespungentdishes.MeatsusedinHunandishesareusuallycuredorsmokedaccordingtovery'strictmethods.First,thepork,chickenorfishismarinatedinasauceofsalt,ricewine,sugarandChinesepricklyashfortendaysduringthe12thlunarmonth(called"la"monthinChinese,DecemberorJanuaryontheGregorianCalendar).Afterwards,themeati`n1acedinacoolandwellventilatedplacetodryforfivedays.onefulldayusingfruittreefirewood.Meatprocessedinthiswaycanbepreservedforalongtime.Themeat'scolor…  相似文献   

Z世代因成长于经济富裕、科技发达、少子化的社会环境中,在消费市场中成为最大的消费主力军,并且在价值取向与行为选择上呈现出别具一格的亚文化特征。本文以当下最受Z世代群体欢迎的盲盒消费为切入点,分析Z世代在盲盒消费过程中所表现出来的表征及其形成机制。洞悉Z世代群体在社会结构变迁中与市场消费过程中的亚文化现象,能够从机理上把握Z世代的价值取向和行为特征,有助于我们从Z世代的生活境遇中把握他们的代际更替和自身发展规律。  相似文献   

THE Peking Opera Mei Lanfang, performed by the Beijing Peking Opera Troupe to the accompaniment of the German Symphony Orchestra, played in Berlin in late April 2006. The opera was an aspect of the Cultural Reminiscences per-  相似文献   

刑事技术部门在提取和比对现场痕迹时,经常能够发现犯罪分子遗留的掌纹痕迹。目前手印样本的收集方式捺印效果很难控制,易出现捺印手印的缺损。根据人手骨骼特点,改变捺印盒的捺印面结构和捺印载体的制作材料,可使之符合人手生理结构,从而达到完整、清晰的捺印效果。  相似文献   

IN a moment of revealing insight, Henry Ford is said to have remarked, If I’d asked my customers what they wanted, they’d have said a faster horse. This quote goes some way in explaining the relationship between originality and industry, and apparently had a big influ- ence on former Apple CEO Steve Jobs. When it comes to China’s originality trailblazers, Bai Minghui and Zhao Yu are two names that definitely spring to mind.  相似文献   

借助维特根斯坦对于语言的哲学研究的真知灼见,意识形态意义上的自尊回落到日常生活中:自尊只能是——也必须是一种个人对于自己是否尊重自己的判断和评价。由此出发,对性服务妇女个体在实施服务时所坚持的选择原则的解读使我们认识到一个捡拾和安放自尊的私人空间——边缘和底层者的自尊以私人体验的形式掏空了自尊原有的德性的意义,使之回归平凡;破坏了自尊原有的社会范式,使之成为一种私人体验;挑战了自尊原有的公共空间类型,使之具有了私人空间特有的张力。而也正是从这一人类原始精神出发的对他人生命—生活及其表现/表达的尊重和理解,使研究者能够突破自身此在和此知的疆界,进入研究对象自尊的此在和此知之中,并被研究对象的心理空间接纳,认识和了解/理解了有关自尊私人体验和私人空间的能在和能知。  相似文献   

作为一部以市场为导向的商业电影而言,《美人鱼》的成功是显而易见的,在仅仅上映了29天之后就突破了33亿的票房大关,刷新了大陆电影票房的新纪录。电影《美人鱼》的票房成功之道,可以归纳为"明星阵容提升关注度"、"精准的市场定位"和周氏"无厘头"风格的喜剧效果这三个方面。《美人鱼》在创造内地票房新纪录的同时还顺便建构了一套成功的商业电影生产模式,这套模式可以同时满足"叫好"与"叫座"的双向市场需求,因而对今后的商业电影生产活动具有参考和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

<正>Chinese Arts&Crafts, a Chinese luxury brand which has carried on Chinese cultural tradition for more than half a century, has opened its fourth high-level shop on the Chinese mainland in Beijing Financial Street. This follows right after grand opening ceremonies in Shenzhen, Hangzhou and the China World Trade Center Tower 3 in Beijing.  相似文献   

对我国农业投入中绿箱政策使用之探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卢爱华 《桂海论丛》2003,19(3):33-35
农业问题是我国目前经济乃至各项工作中的重中之重.近年来我国对农业的投入量严重不足 ,影响了农业的发展 ,同时从投入的特点上看 ,结构也不尽合理。增加财政对农业的投入是提高我国农业竞争力的重要措施 ,而增加对农业的投入必须符合WTO规则 ,因此在WTO框架下用好绿箱政策 ,增加国家对农业的投入 ,调整农业支持的政策结构 ,是今后我国农业投入政策的重要研究课题  相似文献   

何春宏 《桂海论丛》2003,19(5):32-34
要从长期稳定家庭承包经营制度 ,建立依法、自愿、有偿的土地使用权流转机制及创新农村土地使用权流转方式等三个方面来阐述如何切实维护好农民利益。  相似文献   

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