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正Solving issues relating to agriculture,rural areas and farmers has always had a central place on the work agenda of the Chinese Government as they directly concern the nation’s stability and people’s well-being.The Central Rural Work Conference,convened in Beijing on December 28 and29,2017,has outlined tasks and targets for  相似文献   

Rural Revolution     
正China’s reform and opening up,which mark their40th anniversary this year,were fi rst carried out in the country’s rural areas.The People’s Republic of China adopted a planned economy system in the first three decades after its founding in 1949.Industrial and agricultural work was conducted in accordance with the government’s plans.Planning authorities decided on when to plant in the fi elds and what to plant,not the farmers  相似文献   

The brains behind the Beijing Pop Festival, Ja- son Magnus talks about getting Sebastian Bach and Placebo to play China's only international rock festival. W E had a thousand security offi cers last year and 600 this year.” That’s progress for Jason Magnus. It’s also a sign of how far government relations can take a rock promoter who has managed to bring some of the biggest names in popular music to a park in the most raref ied district of the Chinese capital for the Beijing Pop Festi…  相似文献   

OPINION Online Opinion or Public Opinion? China's cyberspace was stirred up recently by a statement made by Fan Gang, a famed Chinese economist. "The majority of farmers and migrant workers don't surf the Internet, so the opinion of netizens doesn't equal the opinion of the general public...online opinions shouldn't drive government decision-making," Fan said. China has more than 100 million netizens of its total population of 1.3 billion, and what can be closer to the public opinion in the country than the voices of 100 million people? Besides, many of these people have friends or relatives who are farmers and migrant workers. So far, many of the online opinions, such as those against corruption or seeking social justice, are expressed not only on behalf of netizens but also for the farmers and migrant workers who can't make their voices heard because they don't surf the net. The Internet is a new platform for people to express themselves. On this point, the Internet has much merit, and so do China's netizens. Online opinions may be references for government decision-making, but in fact, no government would design policy simply by following the public opinion. Decision-making is a scientific process and listening to online opinions is only one way to hear all parties. People's Daily Hua Dong News  相似文献   

ROMANTIC DAY A couple weds in the Tang Dynasty (618-907)-style ceremony in Xi’an, northwest China’s Shaanxi Province, on August 13. The day marks Qixi Festival, a festival that celebrates the annual meeting of a separated young couple, the cowherd and weaver girl, in Chinese mythology. The festival later became known as the Chinese Valentine’s Day. A total of 77 pairs of lovers from across the country came to the city to get married collectively on that day.  相似文献   

<正>Locals are given free porridge to mark the Laba Festival on January 27 in Qiankou Township,Huangshan in east China’s Anhui Province.The festival falls on the eighth day of the 12th lunar month every year and dates back to over 1,000 years ago.In ancient times,the Chinese would cook porridge on this day as a tribute to the God of Agriculture.The festival is also intended to celebrate the harvest and pray for blessings in the upcoming year.  相似文献   

The time has come for the government to act on China’s growing income gap"Common prosperity"an aspiration deeply rooted in the Chinese people is key to the sustainable economic and social development of the country.Fair and equal income distribution will help inspire a majority of laborers instead of a small coterie of company owners and managers.  相似文献   

<正>The Year of Chinese Culture in Australia is poised to cement bonds between the Chinese and Australians As the Year of Australian Culture in China drew to a close in June,the Year of Chinese Culture in Australia,titled Experience China,came ons tage to showcase the rich variety of China’s traditional and contemporary culture to the Australians.The opening ceremony of the event was held on June 24 at the Sydney State Theater.It featured famous Chinese dancer Yang Liping’s original dance drama The Legend of Shangri-La.The Year of Chinese Culture in Australiais by far the largest Chinese cultural festival  相似文献   

<正>The Central Rural Work Conference held at the end of last year laid out plans to address issues concerning China’s agriculture,farmers and rural areas in 2015 and beyond based on progress made in 2014.The meeting conveyed the message that promoting agricultural modernization by relying on reform and innovation will top the Chinese Government’s agenda as it seeks to boost development in China’s vast countryside.  相似文献   

ON the morning of November 24,2013,the Hebei provincial government took action to demolish 10 shaft furnaces and 16 converters at eight steel and iron plants in Tangshan,Handan and Chengde,reducing the overcapacity of iron production by 4.56 million tons and steel production by 6.8 million tons.Prior to this,by the end of October 2013,the province had cut down on steel and iron overcapacity by 2.38 million tons.Steel and iron has long been a pillar industry for the Chinese economy;however,it has become common practice to cut down overcapacity of the industry.The government work report released at the First Session of the 12th National People’s Congress explicitly stated that efforts should be made to promote the transformation of the nation’s economic growth mode and accelerate industrial restructuring.Structural adjustment to the steel and iron industry now epitomizes China’s wider economic transformation.  相似文献   

In the run up to and the period after China’s accession to the WTO in 2001, "the wolf is coming" became a catchphrase among business and academic circles, re? ecting people’s fear of the coming global competition. In response to the new market landscape in the mak- ing, Chinese government and enterprises began to study WTO regulations and laws. China’s top leaders including President Jiang Zemin and Premier Zhu Rongji gave lectures to provincial governors on WTO-related topics.  相似文献   

A Long-Term Goal     
With the unprecedented victory against poverty that benefited the largest population in history, China’s development vision has now shifted its focus to rural vitalization.The government has been seeking to strengthen agriculture through modernization, develop the countryside and ensure prosperity for farmers. However,most rural areas are still far from meeting the target in all aspects.  相似文献   

正Creating quality jobs will be a priority of the government’s work this year Development is the foundation of and the key to solving all our country’s problems, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said when delivering the Report on the Work of the Government on March 5. The key to solving employment challenges  相似文献   

Recently,a Chinese buyer spent an unprecedented US $200,000 on a racing pigeon at an auction in Belgium.Instead of their usual habit of buying high-end consumer goods abroad,China’s rich who account for 10 percent of the national population are joining,and even outdoing,the ranks of the world’s big spenders.However there are still many Chinese struggling along on a moderate or meager income,including migrant workers,laid-off workers,and farmers who have lost their lands to development.Their livelihoods are what the government is turning its full attention to now.  相似文献   

In a speech at a meeting in Beijing to advance the work on coordinating the prevention and control of COVID19 and economic and social development on February 23,Chinese President Xi Jinping said the Chinese nation has experienced many ordeals in its history,but it has never been overwhelmed.Instead,it has become more courageous,growing up and rising up from the hardships.He called for unremitting efforts to fully unleash the huge potential and powerful driving force of China’s development and strive to achieve the goals and tasks for economic and social development.  相似文献   

<正>China was elected on Nov.12,2013 at the 68th session of the United Nations General Assembly(UNGA)in New York to the UN Human Rights Council for a three-year term from 2014 to 2016.Wang Min,deputy permanent representative of the People’s Republic of China to the UN,said after the election,"The Chinese government attaches great importance to the promotion and protection of human rights.It has made remarkable achievements and has vigorously developed inter-  相似文献   

INCE spring of thi s year,SARS(severeacute respiratory syndrome),the new anddeadly epidemic disease,has become a majorthreat to life.The Chinese government is tak—ing all possible measures to contain,prevent andtreat SARS.Top Concern of the Chinese Government This epidemic has put huge pressure on theChinese government.Since the founding of the PRC in1 949,diseases such as smallpox and polio have diedout,and remarkable achievements have been made indisease prevention and contr01.AS S…  相似文献   

正The new Chinese leadership aims to create a favorable international environment for the country's developmentChina’s diplomacy in 2013 was eye-catch ing due to the leadership change in the country and the reinvigoration of reform The spirit of reform and a world vision,which China’s new leadership inherits from their pre decessors,are the soul of Chinese diplomacy today.Today’s world The current situation is quite different from when China’s reform and opening up started in the late 1970s.China’s national strength has grown exponentially since then.As a result,the  相似文献   

Deputies to the National People’s Congress, China’s top legislature, applaud while listening to a government work report delivered by Premier Wen Jiabao at the opening of their annual session in Beijing on March 5. The session, which is scheduled to conclude on March 13, outlines China’s development program for 2009 and approves the state budget to support the country's counter-crisis measures. The National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, the top advisory body, also open...  相似文献   

THE Sixth Sage Calligra-pher Cultural Festival will be held this September in Shandong’s Linyi. "The festival is Linyi’s cultural calling card presented to the world," says Zhang Shaojun, mayor of Linyi City and dep-uty secretary of the CPC Linyi munici-pal committee.Linyi began holding the festival in 2003, and has since successfully staged the event fi ve times. As well as enhanc-ing the city’s fame, the festival has pro-moted economic and trade activity.  相似文献   

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