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宪法诉讼制度是近代宪政理念及其制度建构发展到一定阶段的产物,并且自其产生以来就在整个宪法监督体系中发挥了不可取代的作用。宪法诉讼的价值是多元的,在宪法诉讼的价值体系中,宪政价值无疑具有最为重要的地位。宪法诉讼作为宪法的免疫器和宪政的守护神,对一国的宪政建设无疑具有首要的意义,即"无诉讼则无宪政"。  相似文献   

正On February 25,the Communist Party of China(CPC)Central Committee made public its proposal on amendments to China’s Constitution.The following is an article by Xinhua News Agency on the major revisions proposed by the CPC Central Committee.  相似文献   

廖卓 《岭南学刊》2020,(1):110-115,128
合宪性解释方法可以溯源至宪法回避及合宪性推定理论,它们都在一定程度上体现了司法谦抑理念。普通司法层面的合宪性解释在我国极易流于形式,甚至导致“宪法泛化”,作为宪法判断方法的合宪性解释亟待发挥应有的作用。合宪性解释必须与国家权力机关主导的宪法审查模式相契合。全国人大常委会一方面可以在立法解释中贯彻宪法的原则和精神进行合宪性解释,另一方面可以在合宪性审查工作中运用合宪性解释方法作出规范意义上的宪法判断。  相似文献   

THERE was one practical aspect of the 2004 sessions of the National People's Congress and People's Political Consultative Conference that, for Beijing residents, set them apart from previous years. Coaches transporting NPC deputies and CPPCC committee members meekly waited their turn at main intersections along with less exalted vehi-  相似文献   

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology(MIIT) ordered the closure of outdated production lines in 18 industries as part of the country’s plan to upgrade its industrial structure and move up the  相似文献   

违宪审查制度是对宪法本身乃至于宪政秩序进行维护的制度性保障机制,该制度已经在世界上大多数国家生根落户,并在维护宪政秩序方面发挥着不可替代的作用。通过对世界各国违宪审查制度进行审视和考察,可以从审查机构到审查程序两个方面,对分散式违宪审查和集中式违宪审查这两种审查模式的产生原因及实际效果进行探究分析,以期对我国违宪审查制度的建构起到参考作用。  相似文献   

王东方  杨秀英 《前沿》2011,(10):34-37
在近现代中国的宪政发展过程中,由于政治法律文化发展的特殊性,以及对宪政价值观接受和树立过程中的偏移,使得源于西方的宪政文化在同中国传统与现实的冲突中发生了变迁,其精神在相当长一段时间远离了宪政的内在规定性,倾向于"工具主义"及"虚无主义"。而今,在现代中国和谐社会的理念下,逐渐步入正轨。  相似文献   

正CHINA-Europe interaction is gathering pace around the tenth anniversary of the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and the EU.Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte visited China in November 2013.A week later,Chinese President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang met with President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso at the 16th meeting of Chinese and European Union leaders.Shortly after,Li Keqiang  相似文献   

宪法爱国主义观念最初由德国政治科学家多尔夫·施特恩贝格尔提出.哈贝马斯是宪法爱国主义最强力、最具扩散效应的鼓吹者,他将宪法爱国主义构建为一种关于"后传统认同"的观念.他认为国家认同应当不过多地聚焦于某种历史认同,而是更多地关注于权利和民主协商的程序.宪法爱国主义创新者米勒认为,国家认同与政治认同应当立基于体现着自由民主宪政的规则和价值,塑造培育一种调和普世主义与特殊主义的特定的宪政文化,促进公民政治归属感的养成.只有这样,才能带来正当的公民忠诚和公民团结,从而促进国家长久的稳定、社会的发展.  相似文献   

从西方宪法变迁理路看中国宪法变迁的路径选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近现代意义的宪法是英语民族特定文化背景下的产物。英、美宪法变迁的成功经验在于渐进式的积累与进化理性主义;法、德宪法变迁的多劫之原在于激进式的革命与建构理性主义。中国近现代一百多年宪法变迁失败的原因无疑亦可归结于建构理性主义。因此未来中国宪法变迁的路径当为:以进化理性主义为理论支撑,稳中求变,稳中求进,积累经验,并通过宪法修正案、宪法解释、宪法判例、宪法条文的法律化、具体化和宪法教育等方式得以实施和实现。  相似文献   

Although the academic community still has some theoretical divergences on whether environmental rights should be a basic human right or a basic constitutional one, there are an increasing number of countries including this right in their constitution. Based on the constitutions in 193 countries, this paper aims to examine the fundamental situation of incorporating environmental rights into a constitution. It has been concluded that environmental protection as a right is written into a constitution in three aspects, namely, as a constitutional right, a civic duty, and a national policy, principle or social goal. Through summarizing these, this paper argues that including environmental rights in a country's constitution is the means by which all citizens shall enjoy a good, healthy, sustainable and harmonious environment suitable for their development, have timely and comprehensive access to reliable information about environment, participate in making public decisions related to the environment, and ask for legal remedies and compensation for any infringement on their environmental rights, or injury or damage to their environmental property. But even after environmental rights are incorporated into a constitution, there may be theoretical and practical difficulties in their implementation.  相似文献   

THE year 2004 saw the20th anniversary of thenational-level develop-ment zones. Having longbeen part of the centralgovernment's macroeconomic plans,the Yichang Development Zone andhundreds of others like it are now en-tering an era of post-development, inwhich business management, local ser-vices and facilities will all be upgraded.From this new perspective, high-techzones large and small are looking to thefuture. As a pioneer in the fast-devel-oping Three Gorges regional economy,the Yichang…  相似文献   

ID cards are de Rigueur worldwide. The majority of countries have some kind of national identification system. A small card makes it easier for people to identify themesleves and to take part in social, political and other activities. But absuse or "authorized" abuse of the card may also cause problems and even encroach upon the basic rights of citizens. China introduced the national identification system in 1985, when regulations on what was then called "residence identification card" were enacted. Over the past 18 years, the country has issued 1.14 billion ID cards and the number of actual card holders has reached 980 million.  相似文献   

中国政党是在西方近代政党政治大潮的涌动下产生的,不同的文化传统和国情因素,促成了中国不同于西方政党政治的诸多特点,其中尤以"以党建国"和党治为标识。中国政党政治的特质带来了成功,也留下了教训。中国应在借鉴和吸收政党政治所应遵循的宪政民主基本原则的同时,立足于本国社会政治关系的实际,顺应民主法治发展潮流,以改革创新的勇气,走出一条既体现民主法治精神,又符合本国实际的政党政治之路。  相似文献   

关于学术自由 ,中外学界有理性主义真理观说、为了人类福祉说、宽容说、出版自由说及思想自由、良心自由、精神与信仰自由说等。学术自由权应是精神自由权 ,具有非政治性和消极否定性。  相似文献   

牟爱华 《理论月刊》2010,(6):107-110
以宪政理论及其正当程序理念为基础考察和解释民事诉权的内涵,既是对传统诉权理论的一种反动,也是对"新诉权理论"的一种借鉴。这种解释有助于营造出民事诉讼法与民法的和谐与统一,从而科学合理地设计民事诉讼体制。  相似文献   

国策入宪昭示着现代国家将政治问题宪法化的一种基本趋向,但也面临着源自宪法规范自身的一些技术性难题。从法理上看,基本国策条款作为宪法条款的一种类型,既不同于传统政治学意义上的国策或政策,也不同于一般法律意义上的权利义务条款,它应当具备根本性、可持续性、中立性、规范性等特征。关于基本国策条款的效力根据,各国亦形成了不同的理论界说,亟需区分不同的历史时期、不同的语境和国情进行具体分析,方能获得确定性的证明。就我国现阶段而言,现行《宪法》文本中的基本国策内容涉及到国家政权、经济发展、社会生活、文化等多个方面,表现为不同性质的宪法条款,各自具有不同的宪法效力。但是,这种零散、冗杂、失衡和无序的结构,加上基本国策条款自身所存在的弱规范性等缺陷,亟需完善。基本国策入宪是中国特色社会主义宪政建设的应然之义。在此基础上,应着力解决好基本国策应如何入宪、基本国策究竟如何落实,以及宪法的效力究竟应当如何强化等具体的问题。  相似文献   

仪喜峰 《桂海论丛》2013,(6):116-119
海洋战略的根本性、重要性及长期性等特征决定了它属于一项基本国策。海洋战略涉及宪法调整的国家主权,凸显出国家统一和主权完整的宪法价值;涉及宪法对国家的整体调整,彰显出宪法的制度安排价值,并折射出宪法保护国防与经济安全的价值诉求。“海洋入宪”有其必要性,解决海岛海洋争端和提升我国海洋执法的正当性均需宪法提供明确的依据;十八大报告为海洋入宪创造了契机,我国的海洋主权神圣不可侵犯,修宪时可在宪法中增设涉海条款,明文规定海洋属于我国的疆域。  相似文献   

受教育权作为公民的一项宪法基本权利,在普通法律得不到救济之时,应该能得到根本大法宪法的救济。我国应完善受教育权的宪法救济制度,在立法上确立违宪司法审查制度,在制度上建立具有中国特色的违宪审查模式,同时要防止受教育权宪法救济手段的滥用。公民受教育权受到侵犯时应寻求正常的法律救济渠道,通过行政诉讼或民事诉讼予以保障。  相似文献   

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