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<正>On November 7,Xi Jinping and Ma Ying-jeou held the first meeting between the leaders of both sides of the Taiwan Straits since 1949.In a respectful and constructive manner,the two leaders exchanged views on cross-Straits relations,with a focus on peaceful development and national rejuvenation.The exciting meeting  相似文献   

A Historic Visit     
British Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Ivan Lewis' shuttle diplomacy is helping the West to better understand Tibet The first-ever visit by a British min- ister to the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) this September raised little comment in the UK. Neither The Guardian, nor the BBC, both of which have extensive coverage of issues in China, mentioned the  相似文献   

A Historic Link     
Incoming cross-sea bridge is of vital importance to integration of the mainland,Hong Kong and Macao The construction of the world’s longest sea bridge between Hong Kong,Zhuhai and Macao kicked off in Zhuhai,Guangdong Province,on December 15,2009.  相似文献   

A Historic Deal     
正Putin’s visit upgrades China-Russia energy and security cooperation Chinese and Russian leaders have proclaimed to the world that their relationship is at a high point.The two major neighboring powers have now illustrated this claim by expanding ties in the fields of energy and security.Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin jointly released a statement on May 20 during the  相似文献   

<正>A stronger China will make greater contributions to the future of human developmentGeneral Secretary of the Communist Party of China(CPC)Central Committee Xi Jinping said during his report to the 19th CPC National Congress that"to make new and greater contributions for mankind is our Party’s abiding mission."As early as 60 years ago in 1956,not long after the founding of the People’s Republic of China and whilst the country was still steeped in  相似文献   

<正>Riyadh-Tehran detente demonstrates China’s peace diplomacy March 2023,Beijing,two long-term rivals in the Middle East have decided to open a new chapter in their relationship.Saudi Arabia and Iran held talks from March 6 to 10,ending seven years of hostility by agreeing to resume diplomatic relations.According to a joint statement released by China,Saudi Arabia and Iran,  相似文献   

正North Korea outlines a national development strategy By Shi YongmingThe Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK), the ruling party of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), more commonly known as North Korea, held its full congress for the first time in 36 years.The Seventh National Congress of the WPK convened in Pyongyang on May 6-10. Although the party’s constitution used to  相似文献   

A Moment Seized     
正China should demonstrate the same courage in furthering reform and opening up as in accession to the WTO China has comprehensively fulfilled its commitments to the World Trade Organization(WTO),substantially opened its market to the world,and delivered mutually beneficial and win-win outcomes on a wider scale,according to a white paper titled China and the World Trade Organization,released by the State  相似文献   

As a well-known Confucius saying reads, "At 30 years old, Iplanted my feet firm upon the ground." It means a 30-year-old is ex-pected to be mature and established. That is also true for the relationsbetween China and the United States.  相似文献   

In mid--2Ofh century,Tibet, the largest ethnic minority-ruled region in China's southwest, was still a feudal serfdom under the despotic theocratic rule of officials, lamas and nobles.  相似文献   

This year's sessions of the 13th National People's Congress and the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference,known as Two Sessions,send a clear message to the rest of the world.Following the concept of building a community with a shared future for humanity,China is set to inject more vigor into the global economy.  相似文献   

I graduated from college in the 1980s, and was soon after sent to France for a postgraduate course in electronics andcommunication at the government’s expense. After obtaining my doctorate in 1992, I returned to China, and in 2000I joined an institute under China Aerospace Science & Industry  相似文献   

我国是一个多民族国家 ,除汉文古籍外 ,少数民族文字的古籍和借用其他文字书写少数民族内容的古籍也是宝贵的文化遗产。民族古籍是中国古籍的一个重要部分和特殊部分。目前 ,有关民族古籍图书的分类和馆藏 ,未形成规范统一。造成这一原因主要是 :民族古籍没有形成一个权威概念 ;《中图法》没有具有的类目。为此 ,本文就民族古籍馆藏概况和民族古籍的特征进行介绍和讨论 ,意在解决民族古籍馆藏的认识问题。  相似文献   

正THE concept of a 21st century Maritime Silk Road was initiated by Chinese President Xi Jinping during his visit to the ASEAN region in October 2013.President Xi proposed the strategy creatively,considering both the history of the region and its future against the current global climate.The New Maritime Silk Road and the New Silk Road Economic Belt together construct an important pillar of the Chinese dream of rejuvenating the na-  相似文献   

拙文《如何“还原”历史人物的“本来面目”》发表后,引起一些不同的看法,这是很正常的有益的学术争鸣。巨永明先生在《探索与争鸣》(2003年第12期)撰文《能“真正还原历史人物的本来面目”吗》提出不同看法。他认为,“在对历史人物的评价史上,真正还原历史人物本来面目的评价只是一个理想而已。原因就在于评价者由于受到各种干扰,缺乏一种超然的历史唯物主义态度。”“历史已经证明,华强先生强调的用阶级分析法评价历史人物,必然产生偏见,也不可能真正还原历史人物的本来面目。”还原历史人物本来面目是历史工作者的责任和义务巨永明先生的…  相似文献   

<正>Hopes for the Japanese economy remain high despite the severe blow it has suffered The tragic impact of the massive March 11 earth-quake on the northeast coast of Japan has filled the newswires across the world.Those  相似文献   

Moment of Choice     
The outcome of the parliamentary elections in Japan ushers in a new phase of the country's political reform on August 30  相似文献   

Seize the Moment     
Abig fish jumped out of the crystal clear water in a mountain creek.In a split second a bear splashed into the water charging at the fish.The exciting moment was captured by a Rollei camera and displayed  相似文献   

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