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The 2007 Special Olympics World Summer Games have brought a change of attitude toward the mentally challenged No one would imagine that there could be any connection between the 1.65-meter skinny Wu Fangmiao and basketball. Actually,the short boy with cere- bral palsy is a basketball ace at the Special Olympics in Shanghai.  相似文献   

GLOBAL warming is the main feature of climate change. Climate change is related to human survival and the well-being of all countries and as such poses a great challenge to mankind in the 21 st century. Joint efforts by the international community are needed to deal with it. A large developing country with a huge population, complex climatic conditions and a fragile ecological environment, China is most vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change.  相似文献   

Dongga Village is located in the western suburbs of Lhasa, about 10 kilometers from the city proper. Gazing eastward from the village, one can see the Potala Palace glittering under the sun. By the side of the village is a well-known mountain called  相似文献   

Recycling Big     
Agrand ceremony was held on May 31 this year to mark the opening of the China Qingyuan Recy- cling Resource Demon- stration Base in Guangdong Province’s Qingyuan City. The base was established after winning approval from the State Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Environmental Protection Administra- tion and three other relevant ministries. It re? ects China’s efforts in constructing a recyclable economy. The base is also a provincial-level demo…  相似文献   

CLIMATE change is a serious and threatening challenge to mankind in the 21st century. This problem is traceable primarily to human activities since the Industrial Revolution in the West, in particular to the industrialization of developed nations, a process powered by fossil fuels and leading to steep accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. It is the developing nations without strong economies or advanced infrastructures that are the most vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change.  相似文献   

CLIMATE change is a major global challenge facing the world today. It relates to the survival of the human beings and the development of all countries, and threatens social and economic development and people's livelihoods. Current research shows that global climate is mainly characterized by warming over the past 100 years; meanwhile, there still remains great uncertainty in the science of climate change.  相似文献   

Big in China     
Geely is growing fast in the China mar- ket but does it have what it takes for the US and Europe?Y OU expect Chinese businessmen to be sus- picious. Decades of state-set targets after all don’t bring out the ? ip-chart-? ipping entre- preneur in people. But Li Shufu ? ips charts as we sit in his roomy offi ce in Hangzhou, a garden city south of Shanghai. His charts of fi gures suggest decades of frustration and determination have paid off since the 42-year-old farmer-turned businessman p…  相似文献   

Climate change, which is the result of human activities,has wide-ranging impact. It poses a serious threat to human rights.Environmental rights are where the protection of the ecological environment and the development of human rights intersect. In view of the close relationship between the actions for addressing climate change and environmental rights, China should integrate the protection of environmental rights into the actions for addressing climate change,so as to achieve simultaneous devel...  相似文献   

THE aftermath of spectacular success is often a look back over the shoulder, and Chinese entrepreneurs-cum-philanthropists are busy trying to give back to their societies. As it turns out, corporations are discovering philanthropy is a lot more complicated than they thought. When life was simple, the donor could see where the donation went. When donors and benefactors rubbed elbows, good was done, and seen to be done. But these are the days of "big charity" - the needs may be great or small, or the beneficiaries far or near, but the management of foundations is complicated now; it isn't easy to follow the money and it isn't all about money anymore.  相似文献   

Beijing is trying to clean up its sky with a new standard for vehicle emissions From March 1,Beijing has imple- mented a new stricter vehicle emission standard that could lead to cleaner air,but also force thousands of cars off the road. StandardⅣ,the latest in a series of measures aimed at clearing the per- sistent smog,will match the current standard of the European Union. All the new light petro vehicles that are on sale in the Beijing market shall  相似文献   

WITH its back to the enchanting Taihang Mountains and its face to the Yellow River, Jiaozuo City in central China's Henan Province is traditionally known as the Golden Plain of Cornucopia. But until recently, its stunning scenery had a hefty price: its mountains and rivers practically cut the city off from the rest of the nation. This has all changed with the construction of an extensive highway network in the region. To the north, it is  相似文献   

The 15th Beijing Intemational Book Fair(BIBF)is to be held in Tianjin on September 1-4.It is the first time that the fair is held outside of Beijing. The change of venue is because the book fair coincides with the closing of the Beijing Olympic Games and the open-  相似文献   

<正>What is the Bandung Spirit,and why is it so important for the future?By An GangIt’s hard to argue with the fact that our world is currently in a process of revolution—a comparison to the global state of affairs even 10 years ago can prove that easily enough.During a time of such change,countries should take care to respect others’rights to develop and change under their respective cultures.  相似文献   

SUITED senior officials,shaggy singers and slouch-ing Internet potatoes movedaround each other with anuneasy lack of familiarity atthe opening ceremony of the Intel i-CafeMusic Studio in Zhengzhou on an icylate November day. The dignitaries wereofficials from the Department of Cultureof Henan. the central Chinese provinceof which Zhengzhou is capital. Wearinga surfeit of black, white and brown hairdye, the would-be rock stars were mak-ing a rare public foray. Most of themweren't familia…  相似文献   

WHEN 69-year-old Anipa Alimahong was selected as one of the Ten People of 2009 Who Moved China earlier this year, her family decided to throw her a grand feast. But it is the understanding of her 19 children, particularly the 10 without blood ties to her, that there is nothing they could ever do to fully repay the love their mother and father have lavished on them for the past 40 years.  相似文献   

CLIMATE change is a grave chal- lenge facing humanity in the 21st century, and one to which the Chinese government has attached great importance. It is a key strategy and a resolute policy of the government to actively tackle this issue for the sake of China’s economic and social development. China will continue to take action and make positive contributions in the fight against climate change.  相似文献   

Enter the Dragon     
Built to meet the demands of a society in the throes of rapid change,Beijing's new airport terminal is a stunning combinatin of traditional Chinese and modern technology  相似文献   

IT'S the local characters and landscape that I usually find most interesting about Chinese films. But it was the plot of Tuya's Marriage that captured my attention, regardless of its being Chinese." This comment by a German critic is possibly the best compliment Wang Quan'an, director of Tuya's Marriage, could hope for. He and other young Chinese film makers have been doing their utmost to produce works that touch the Western soul rather than presenting a visual oriental feast.  相似文献   

China is poised to play a role in the evolution of the Arctic Council In recent years, the Arctic Council has continued accelerating institutional development to cope with a host of challenges posed by hastening climate change. It is in  相似文献   

正Criminal law involves crucial rights of the public,including property rights,political rights,freedom,and even life.As a result,on the one hand,any change to the rule by criminal law may have a significant impact on people’s lives;on the other hand,any change to the rule by criminal law is a highly sensitive issue.In view of these points,the rule by criminal law is often referred to as the seismograph for the protection of human rights,indicating the utmost importance of rule by criminal law  相似文献   

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