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侦查讯问中的说服教育是指侦查人员在讯问过程中通过语言、书面材料、视听材料等形式对犯罪嫌疑人进行政策、法制等内容的教育,使其分清是非界限,转变错误认识和不良态度,如实交代罪行。说服教育在侦查讯问中具有重要的地位和作用,贯穿于整个讯问过程。对不同年龄、不同性别、不同气质类型、不同犯罪经历的犯罪嫌疑人,应根据其不同心理特点,采取不同的说服教育方法。  相似文献   

To the sound of a whistle, a row of peacocks march onto a narrow bridge behind a woman carrying a basket of food for them. As she walks, the woman sprinkles a bit of food from time to time while the peacocks peck and trail behind her, cackling loudly. The woman happens to be a staff member at the China Peacock Court, a large peacock farm in Jiayuguan, a city in northwest China's Gansu Province.  相似文献   

When I began teaching at the Armed Forces Engineering Institute of the People's Liberation Army of China in 2001,one of my subjects was The Art of War,a military treatise written by Sun Tzu(545-470 B.C.),a famous militarist and strategist in Chinese history.Since 2003,foreign officers from Asian and African countries began coming to the institute every year to study Chinese military enterprise and culture,and I taught them The Art of War.  相似文献   

Book designer brings a centuries-old technique back to life With a cup of pu’er tea and a burning sandalwood incense stick on the desk,Zhang Xiaodong begins a day’s work at his studio in Yizhuang in the southeastern suburb of Beijing.Zhang is the inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage known as Dragon Scale Binding.  相似文献   

正I live in Mombasa,a small tropical island in the Indian Ocean and one of Kenya’s prime tourist destinations,but my second home will always be Tianjin,a municipality close to Beijing.Though I have lived in several Chinese cities,like Beijing,Shenzhen in Guangdong Province and a little-known city in Jiangsu Province,it was Tianjin where I stayed and studied for one year at the start of my six-year stint in China.  相似文献   

GUAN Zhong (c. 725-645 B.C.), a prominent politician, reformer, and prime minister of the State of Qi during the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 B.C.), clearly defined the traditional social division of labor between men and women 2,600 years ago: "A farmer has aconstant task, and a woman has a constant chore; if a farmer does not farm, there will be people of hunger as a consequence, and if a woman does not weave, there will be people who have no clothes to keep themselves warm." This division of labor addressed basic human needs and sustained the agricultural society of feudal China for thousands of years, providing the basis from which Chinese culture and Confucianism developed.  相似文献   

The Chinese people are arguably the world's keenest gourmands. An unexpected visitor to any Chinese household is typically urged to stay for dinner, as it gives their hosts the chance to prepare and present the most delectable dishes.  相似文献   

The Nomadic Art     
正Traveling troupes bring culture and joy to the remote corners of China’s vast grasslands The people living on the grassland of north China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region are born with a passion for art,ex-  相似文献   

社会主义制度的基本建立,客观上实现了中国社会结构和政治结构的根本性改变,但如何带动文化模式与文化主题的变化,进而推动社会和政治体制迈向全新的目标,却是一个长期的过程。将《正处》一文的酝酿及出炉置于这一转型大背景之下,不难读出其确立无产阶级政治文化主导地位的取向及以“说服”为主要思路解决政治生活矛盾的祈望。然而过于依赖政治本身的“说服”实践,却使得政治权威与政治文化的关系呈现出某种程度的刚性化特征。  相似文献   

The Art of Life     
After a lifetime away, a legendary artist returns home to Beijing she's 84 and still wields a paintbrush with energy and vitality, proving the old adage that creativity knows no age barriers. Renowned Chinese-American artist Tseng Yuhe,  相似文献   

The Art of Film     
正A producer's directorial debut wins international recognition By Wei Hongchen Knife in the Clear Water,a movie that revolves around a man's struggle to keep his beloved bull from being sacrificed for his dead wife's funeral rites,won the New Currents Award at the Busan International Film Festival(BIFF),which took place in South Korea in October.As one of Asia's most significant film festi-  相似文献   

At the age of 66, Wang Jie is learning a new skill—papercutting. Every Monday and Thursday afternoon, she attends a class in her neighborhood in Beijing's suburban district of Changping, with her toolkit. The kit, once a medicine box, now holds two pairs of scissors, a paper cutter, a pair of glasses, pencils, a big eraser and a roll of tape, all necessary for her lesson.  相似文献   

At 91,Lin Wusun is a staunch advocate of somersaults,that is,mental somersaults,his name for the act of translating An eminent communicator who spent his career explaining Chinese culture to foreigners and the Western way of thinking to Chinese,Lin donned a translators mantle after retirement became a foremost Chinese translator,and still keeps his hand in.  相似文献   

THE Forbidden City is Beijing's hottest tourist attraction besides the Great Wall. Situated in the heart of the city, this sprawling complex served as the imperial palace of two dynasties. In front of the complex is the Golden Water River, while behind lies Jing-shan Hill (also known as Coal Hill). This placement is far from accidental. Few visitors realize that the river and hill are in fact artificial, created in accordance with traditional Chinese feng shui principles which require a “hill at the back and water in front.” Such a position is said to bring the inhabitants happiness and good luck. Although often dismissed as superstition in modern China, it has been shown that many fengshui principles do in fact have a basis in science, overlapping with nu- merous concepts found in modern environmental architecture.  相似文献   

There is an old Chinese saying, "people take food as heaven." It is an expression of people's love of food. A well prepared dish should have pleasing colour, aroma and flavour. Cooking has occupied a lofty position in Chinese culture throughout history. The great Chinese philosopher Lao Zi once said, "Governing a great nation is much like cooking a small fish."  相似文献   

XU Beihong (1895-1953), noted painter and educator in the fine arts, played an important role in the development of Chinese art in the 20th century. Today, his work is still highly venerated, and in October this year his 1936 painting The Eagle and Pine fetched HK $21.275 million, about US $2.75 million, at an auction held by China Guardian in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

The Chinese understand food. We all need to eat; people share food to become intimate with others, and food represents comfort and nourishes our bodies. Westerners sometimes forget the medicinal value of food but Chinese people understand this well. They gratify themselves by eating but many of my Chinese friends also choose medicinal meals, either through traditional doctors, or via recipes, to focus on maintaining a balanced body. At the same time, eating  相似文献   

Now in its 15th year, the Red Gate was one of the first professional art galleries to have opened in Beijing. So far it has contracted more than 20 Chinese artists, many of them prominent figures in the nation's contemporary art world. The struggles of its founder, Brian Wallace, epitomize the fits-and-starts progress of China's artistic sector over the past two decades. Today, China's art is on the upbeat, as evidenced by growing government aid and public support and increased media coverage. Art exhibitions these days receive more visitors and generate greater revenue than ever before. Along with China's booming auction business, they contribute generously to its thriving art galleries. Yet art is still very much a nascent sector in China. Professional commercial galleries have emerged in big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, but in small numbers. Chinese galleries have a long way to go as regards accessibility to all.  相似文献   

正After thousands of years, Sun Tzu's military treatise is still used and embraced by readers and leaders alikeRiding the wave of success from the 3D release of Titanic in China,Hollywood director James Cameron recently signed on to the crew of The Art of War, China’s first 3D film. The film will be the first 3D film jointly produced by Chinese and U.S. directors.  相似文献   

IN 2004, archeologists discovered six tombs 10 meters underground in the walls of a loess ditch, 50-m-wide by 40-m-deep, north of Liangdai Village of excavation uncovered a 330.000-square-meter area of undisturbed tombs,  相似文献   

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