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正The French Government faces a conundrum against the backdrop of globalization Since March, France has witnessed ongoing social protests. The large-scale Nuit Debout (Up All Night) movement is particularly eye-catching.The protests arose mainly due to protesters’ dissatisfaction with the government’s proposed labor reforms. In recent years, France’s overall unemployment rate has reached double digits, while youth  相似文献   

<正>Can the newly reached Iran deal solve all problems?U.S.President Barack Obama continues a good month with a"historic"deal reached on Iran’s nuclear program in mid-July.The incident marked a breakthrough in diplomatic relations immediately compared to Richard Nixon’s establishment of ties to China more than 40 years ago and was labeled a"leap of faith"that has the possibility to alter the course of world peace.The agreement does not seek to stop Iran’s course to become a nuclear power—it merely attempts to delay the threat until Western powers can restructure the deeply  相似文献   

Holding high the banner of economic prosperity,pragmatic politics and dynamic culture as three pillars in managing the country,Hassan Rouhani emerged victorious in Iran’s most recent presidential election as a large turnout of voters expressed belief in his vision for changing the future of the Islamic republic In his inaugural speech to parliament Rouhani vowed to deal earnestly with the country’s social and economic problems and to launch "constructive interactions"with the world to mend Iran’s global image and to seek a  相似文献   

Iran’s new president promises to lift struggling economy and improve ties with the outside world Tehran bid farewell to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with the swearing in of new Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on August 4.Rouhani defeated five rivals in an election campaign bearing the slogan "moderation and wisdom,"capturing the expectations of Iranian people that he could change the country’s deteriorating economic climate as well as its relationships with the outside world. However,observers claimed that Rouhani’s ability to alter Iran’s course is limited,as the current economic climate in Iran is mainly caused by Western sanctions and that it is impossible for Iran to change its position on the nuclear  相似文献   

正Two more Chinese landmarks make it to UNESCO’s world heritage lis Think of a mountain awash with paintings—you can come across just such a marvel in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in south China. One of the region’s major landmarks is the Zuojiang Huashan Rock Art Cultural Landscape,a nat-  相似文献   

Right to Life     
正Michael Brown,an 18-year-old African-American,was shot down by a police officer in the streets of Ferguson,Missouri on August 9.The teen’s death triggered protests and even violent riots in Ferguson in the following days,with the heavy-handed police response revealing a hypocritical tendency:Despite championing human rights around the world,the United States has clearly violated some of its own principles at home.  相似文献   

Transparency and inclusiveness should guide local governments to defuse NIMBY protests China’s largest oil and natural gas producer Petro China published a report on the environmental impact assessment it submitted to the government for its controversial refinery in Kunming,capital of southwest China’s Yunnan Province.According to  相似文献   

The Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 officially launched on February 4,with Beijing hosting this year’s edition.With a total of 109 medal events across 15 disciplines,athletes from around the world gathered to compete in a mix of sports including bobsleigh,curling,skating,skiing and more.Despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic,it proved an inspiring event,bringing hope to the many watching this year’s Games unfold as nations came together in solidarity.  相似文献   

正Diplomatic confrontation between two regional powers puts the Middle East at risk of greater chaos It was through a strange twist of fate that Adel Al-Jubeir,Saudi Minister of Foreign Affairs,declared the severing of his country’s diplomatic ties with Iran on January 3.This is the same man who,being the Saudi ambassador to the United States some years ago,had been subject to a failed murder attempt,allegedly by Iranian conspirators in 2011.  相似文献   

<正>The swivel bridge stretching across the Beijing-Shanghai rail lines in Zoucheng,east China’s Shandong Province,which spans 198 meters and weighs 22,400 tons,rotated over an angle of 97.3 degrees and joined with the approach bridge on each side.It has been the heaviest swivel bridge in the world,marking China’s swing method of bridge construction has taken a leading role on the international stage.As its general  相似文献   

TCM Revival     
正Traditional Chinese Medicine combined with Western medicine can benefit modern healthcareIn a garden at the foot of the Luofu Mountain in south China’s Guangdong Province, sweet wormwood dips and sways in the gentle wind. The plant, found across China, has saved  相似文献   

<正>Test of Courage Tourists walk on a glass bridge across the Yellow River in Zhongwei,northwest China’s Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region,on August 2.The new attraction was modifi ed from a 210-meter-long suspension bridge by replacing the wooden deck with glass.  相似文献   

Deadly Lesson     
<正>The MERS virus surge in South Korea raises treatment questions and dredges up bad memories of SARS A South Korean couple’s wedding photo caused quite a stir across the country’s social networking sites.The picture,which shows the couple posing with family and friends,is distinctive in that everyone is wearing white surgical masks.  相似文献   

正CHINA’s Defense Ministry announced the establishment of the East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) on November 23, 2013:Aircraft in the area must report their flight plans to Chinese authorities.Despite this practice being nothing new internationally, justified by international norms as a precaution to safeguard national airspace, it has still been met with strong protests from the U.S., Japan, South Korea, and Australia.  相似文献   

Iran and the U.S.must look for ways to deescalate tensions in the Middle East A U.S.airstrike in Iraq that killed General Qassem Soleimani,head of Iran’s elite Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary GuardCorps(IRGC),hasledtoincreasing tensions in the Middle East.His death came amid recent escalating antagonism between Iran and the U.S.in Iraq,which has become a microcosm of the intensifi ed rivalry between Washington and丁ehran.  相似文献   

Wangcheng agritourism attracts world attention Lately,agritourism has sprouted as a hot topic among farmers across Wangcheng District in Changsha,capital of central China’s Hunan province.They recently received a delegation of diplomats and mayors from across the world,treating guests to local tea,fruit and snacks.The visitors were also impressed by the area’s fascinating scenery and  相似文献   

正Anniversary of Japanese Invasion Veterans who fought in the War Against Japanese Aggression from 1937-45 participate in a bell-ringing ceremony held in Shenyang,northeast China’s Liaoning Province,on September 18 to mark the 83rd anniversary of the September 18 Incident.Air raid sirens were sounded at 9:18 a.m.across Shenyang,where the incident occurred,along with other cities  相似文献   

<正>Leadership forums like the G20 should better address people’s desire for a more equitable world order The G20 Summit in the German city of Hamburg will be remembered for both the disagreements among the leaders of the 20 members in the conference hall over issues like climate change and the violent protests outside.  相似文献   

TO the Chinese people,Hunan,MaoZedong’s home province,is synonymous with the great helmsman.Havingset the course of China’s modern histo-ry,his memory is still revered across thenation.Even today,it is the train from Beijing  相似文献   

Recently, the All-China Women’s Federation and the National Commission on the Aging Problem of China, together with several other departments, jointly issued 24 filial piety standards. At the same time, a filial piety project will be promoted in 15 cities across the country in the following year by providing informational  相似文献   

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