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正Lee Myung Bak visits China for cooperation on trade and Korean Peninsula stability South Korean President Lee Myung Bak has wrapped up a visit to China with implications for both regional economic cooperation and for the future security of the Korean Peninsula.  相似文献   

To many Chinese, the'Three Rivers FlowingSide by Side,' a scenicarea in YunnanProvince, presently under application for World Natural Heritagedesignation, is an obscure place.However, its mystery attractsnumerous tourists and travelersfrom both China and abroad.The three rivers refer to theJinsha (the upper reaches of theYangtze River), the Lancang andNujiang rivers. They originate onthe Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, andnow torrentially from north tosouth along the HengduanMountains at the j…  相似文献   

蔡杨蒙 《公安学刊》2002,(6):82-83,113
如何防控外来人口犯罪?这是老问题,也是新课题。本文从树立正确的外来人口观入手,分析依靠外来人口共同防控外来人口犯罪的两个客观基础条件,提出了依靠外来人口共同防控外来人口犯罪的一些对策建议。  相似文献   

<正>A record-high fine for Qualcomm may have limited impact on the company but will significantly promote fair competition in China The National Development and Reform Commission(NDRC)announced on February 10 that American company Qualcomm Inc.,the world’s largest integrated circuit(IC or"chip")maker,will be fined 6.09billion yuan($975 million)after a 14-month investigation.The fine amounts to 8 percent of Qualcomm’s sales revenue in China in 2013.  相似文献   

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about China since moving here,it’s this:The rules of the road are far different than those Stateside.Actually,perhaps the word"rules"is a bit of an overstatement; "suggestions of the road"may be more fitting.  相似文献   

<正>China and Viet Nam downplay maritime disputes and expand economic cooperation China and Viet Nam vowed to streng then maritime cooperation in less sensitive fields in disputed waters in the South China Sea. These fields include marine environmental protection, scientific  相似文献   

China’s working-age population declines in absolute terms Following the end of Chinese Lunar New Year holiday on February 15, factories in southeastern areas of China have reported shortages of workers. The phenomenon has become increasingly common over the past years, but official confirmation in early  相似文献   

An exhibition entitled The Disappearing World opened to the public at the Beijing Museum of Natural History on March 8.London-based photographer Tim Flach is known for his exceptional and unconventional shots that capture the beauty and personality of wild animals.The exposition presents wildlife as seen through Flach's artful lens in 48 photographs,reminding visitors of the importance of biodiversity and environmental protection.  相似文献   

正Poverty shouldn't be a controversial subject, but it is. The World Bank, the World Health Organization, the U.S. State Department and pretty much every government in the world has a different definition of what poverty means. In China, absolute poverty is defined as 11 yuan a day; this is about $1.7. The World Bank disagrees and sets a higher number. In 2011 the U.S. considered people to be in poverty if their consumption was less than $21.7 a day. If that were the case, given inflation, almost all Chinese people outside of a few large cities would be in poverty. But living in China is different.  相似文献   

<正>As I stared up at the massive ice castle glistening in front of me, a light flurry of snow gently blowing all around as the sun began to set, the lashes on my right eye froze together. With this temporary impairment, I was only able to enjoy the castle’s changing lights—blue, red, pink, purple, blue—at 50 percent.  相似文献   

正Supervision is badly needed to regulate China's burgeoning P2P lending industry from excessive exposure to risks By Zhou XiaoyanIn China,there are many cash-hungry small and micro businesses whose needs for financial services are often ignored by big banks.On the flip side,the country,whose people have a tradition of saving,is also full of savvy investors who are in dire need of an outlet for their spare cash.  相似文献   

在我市的入室抢劫案中,犯罪嫌疑人一般进入室内用胶纸捆绑事主。所以胶纸上一般都留有犯罪嫌疑人手印。因为胶纸有两面,分为光面和粘面,胶纸的光面上显现手印一般采用银粉刷显和“502”熏显,都能取得较好的效果。但对于胶纸的粘面的手印显现则有一定的难度。我们进行了探讨性实验。  相似文献   

文章从生理学和生物力学两个方面入手,对散打中侧踹腿技术进行了综合分析,指出了在练习侧踹腿时易犯的错误,并在此基础上提出了侧踹腿教学应树立整体动作印象。在学习中可将侧踹腿动作分解为屈膝提腿、展髋伸膝踹腿、屈膝收腿落地三步进行。  相似文献   

宅基地"供给侧"改革是市场经济的必然要求。其核心应为破除"房地一体"困境,激发宅基地"财产权利"属性,保障和完善宅基地用益物权,探索农村宅基地流转制度,增加农民的财产性收入。基于当前农村宅基地改革试点工作,宅基地"供给侧"改革应深化农村宅基地管理体系,完善政府和农村村委会互动监督机制,健全宅基地申请审批收回程序;完善宅基地"用益物权"属性,兼顾公平与效率,遵循程序公开合理原则,坚持立法的轻重缓急原则;完善"失业保险"保障、结构再风险保障、再生存能力保障、立足于农村实际的农民社会保障。  相似文献   

供给侧结构性改革是应对当前经济下行,激发经济活力,解决供需关系矛盾的制度安排。就供需关系而言,基于经济发展的供给侧结构性改革和公安机关供给侧结构性改革有着内在的一致性。创新供给结构,优化警力配置,提高民警素质是公安机关提升社会管理职能的落脚点和发力点。  相似文献   

本文从染色剂和悬浮液显现胶带粘面上的汗垢手印入手,选择不同的试剂和方法,根据不同的胶带以及手印遗留的时间分别进行试验,从而选择相适应的试剂,提高现场手印的显出率。  相似文献   

为了更好地解决粘贴在普通A4纸上的胶带剥离与胶粘面指纹同时显现问题,本文对不同剥离试剂的剥离效果、不同显现试剂的显现效果以及不同胶粘面汗潜指纹遗留时间的影响进行了比较。实验结果表明,丙酮与无水乙醇按照1:10混合而成的试剂剥离效果最好;聚乙二醇和上海牌214型碳素墨水按照1:15混合而成的试剂显现效果最好;遗留5-7天的胶粘面汗潜指纹经染色2次后显现效果最佳,10-20天的实验样本经染色3次后显现效果最佳。  相似文献   

<正>Early January 2023 saw U.S.media intensify condemnation of Iran for suspending talks in the Austrian capital,Vienna,aimed at reviving the 2015multilateral deal on its nuclear program.On the very first day of 2023,The National Interest,a leading mainstream U.S.media outlet,carried an article titled In 2023,Washington Can’t Neglect Iran,which called for even tougher measures to prevent Iran from using its nuclear program to produce weapons.  相似文献   

现代服务业已经成为供给侧结构性改革的重点目标。博彩旅游业作为现代服务业的重要组成部分,应本着更为开放的理念进行谋划。供给侧结构性改革则赋予了博彩旅游业更深思考维度、更多发展机遇。在澄清国内对博彩旅游业认识误区的基础上,详细阐述了供给侧改革与我国探索博彩旅游发展的关联性:从供给侧推动我国博彩旅游业发展,应以改善社会整体福利为导向;从供给侧重构博彩旅游产业价值链;通过技术供给推动博彩旅游业监管科技化;加强政府制度供给与创新能力,构建完善的管理体制。  相似文献   

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