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<正>More people and technologies come to the defense of China’s Great Wall Sickle and garbage bag in hand, 66-yearold patroller Zhang Heshan steps onto the Great Wall he has been keeping a watchful eye on ever since he was a young man of only 23. Every summer day, he kicks off his rounds at the crack of dawn.  相似文献   

正The Greater Bay Area attracts a host of aspiring business leaders From a small apartment to a full house. Hong Kong entrepreneur Kenny Tam highlighted the change in his life with this one sentence when speaking about the benefits reaped from the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area(GBA) initiative.Given the skyrocketing prices in Hong Kong,I could afford to rent an apartment of merely 200square feet (18 square meters) years ago. Today,  相似文献   

Rural Vitality     
正The Central Government recently released a package of policies on the development of rural areas,charting the course for the country's rural vitalization strategy.This article,compiled from reports by Xinhua News Agency,takes a closer look at these initiatives.  相似文献   

July 1 this year marks the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC).Accordingly,many films and TV dramas on Red themes have been screened.In order to attract young audiences,producers select young stars for the leading roles.Growing up in the era of lightning-speed economic development,these young  相似文献   

正The Shanghai Cooperation Organization has boosted its profile over the past decade During the past 10 years,the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) has made tremendous achievements while maintaining active development.The six SCO members,China,Russia,Kazakhstan,  相似文献   

正Chinese online education platform 51 Talk has occupied a large share in the domestic market with its online courses provided by Philippine English-speaking teachers.After the Chinese authorities issued a guideline in July on regulating the tutoring market to ease the burden on students in compulsory education,the company issued a statement on August 9 that it would stop selling courses by foreign teachers to domestic teenage students from that day onward,and shift its focus toward adult English teaching-also a key component of its business.  相似文献   

CHINA’s economy is going through profound changes,the country’s economic development having entered a"new normal,"according to the Central Economic Work Conference(CEWC)that convened in December 2014.After decades of high growth,the Chinese economy has now entered a period of medium-to-high growth.The emphasis of its development has shifted from quantity and speed to quality and efficiency,and that of its restructuring to improving rather than expanding production practices.The momentum  相似文献   

全球性问题已经非常现实地给马克思主义提出了严峻挑战,马克思主义的生命力很大程度上取决于它在全球性问题解决上的力度和深度。马克思主义可以科学地解释和革命地解决全球性问题,它仍然是理解全球现实变化的最有力的分析工具,仍然是指导人类实现解放的最光辉的行动指南。马克思主义具有强大的生命力。  相似文献   

China’s policies to expand opening up,support innovation and improve the business environment have fueled the rapid growth of new business models that are contributing to the development of the economy.The first-store economy is a sterling example of this.  相似文献   

正A younger generation of crosstalk performers focuses on combining tradition with elements of the modern eraIt’s 9:30 p.m.on a Friday night.Over 100 audience members casually sip tea while taking in the performance of a comedic dialogue showcasing the traditional Chinese linguistic art  相似文献   

Chinas consumption market has maintained overall stability so far this year, retaining medium-high speed thanks to a slew of government policies. As the biggest driver of China's economy, consumption remained stable overall during the January-May period, with the total retail sales o f consum er goods up 8.1 percent year on year. It is expected to hit 8.2 percent in the first half o f the year, said Wang Bin, Deputy Director of the Department of Market Operation and Consumption Promotion of the Ministry of Commerce.  相似文献   

The Communist Party of China (CPC) was born and grew up in a time of war.It rose to national power in a very difficult period of history and changed the fate of China,bringing peace and prosperity to its people.Now times have changed again.Are the young Chinese,born in peacetime and pampered by the fruits of China's dazzling economic and scientific development,  相似文献   

LINQING in northwestern Shandong Province is a city born of the Grand Canal, to which it owes its initial development, prosperity and fame. The view from the group of ancient buildings at Aotouji, a landmark of Linqing, brings to mind the town's past glory.  相似文献   

党的十七大报告第一次以"坚定不移发展社会主义民主政治"的醒目提法作为政治建设部分的标题,表明了我们党对发展社会主义民主政治的坚定立场和态度.人民民主是社会主义的生命,是十七大报告提出的一个重要论断,而要保证人民当家作主,就必须深化政治体制改革.为此,十七大报告就深化政治体制改革、发展社会主义民主政治建设从多个主要方面作出了全面布署,提出了一系列重大举措,以不断发展具有强大生命力的社会主义民主政治.  相似文献   

中国共产党第十六次代表大会提出了令人振奋的"全面建设小康社会"的目标和社会主义政治文明建设的要求,这是十六大所取得成就的两个光辉典范,值得深入揣度和学习,同时十六大所取得的其他成就更是举世瞩目的.因此在今后一段时期内,深入学习十六大精神,应该成为全国人民的一项首要的政治任务.  相似文献   

与时俱进是马克思主义理论的品质特征 ,是以解放思想实事求是的态度对待马克思主义的必然结果。理解与时俱进的精神内涵 ,并在社会主义的历史进程中 ,坚持贯彻这一原则 ,是确保马克思主义理论的生命力的关键所在  相似文献   

沈海晖 《前沿》2010,(8):178-179
动画作为一种具有独立审美意义的艺术形式,成为一种世界性的艺术。它以赋予生命力为概念,将更多的梦想展现于人们的面前。根据目前国内的动画市场,动画事业更需要重视本土文化的创作,重视传统,从文化艺术中汲取营养,从中寻找审美语言、造型风格和体现生命的艺术符号,走出具有民族化的中国动画。  相似文献   

我们党一向来强调和重视先进性,坚持先进性是我们党的本质要求和优良传统;新的形势和任务,对保持共产党员的先进性提出了挑战和新的更高的要求,坚持先进性是党在新时期发展的必然要求;党的先进性总是有着鲜明的时代特征:与时俱进;在新世纪里保持和实践党的先进性要有新举措。  相似文献   

正China did not connect to the Internet until 1994,25 years after it fi rst appeared.It has since fl ourished rapidly and robustly.Today,618 million Chinese use the Internet,500 million of them via mobile phones,representing 73 percent of the urban population and 25percent of rural residents.More than 80 percent are young people.An open,free,shared,and innovative space,the Internet appeals to people of a country that has achieved rapid economic growth.It has changed their lifestyle,most profoundly as regards communi-  相似文献   

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