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Green for Green     
<正>China pushes for green bond directives The world may be no stranger to green finance—finance that pays special attention to environmental health,but when it comes to China,the country remains—well,green to the concept.In recent years,it has  相似文献   

正China steps up its efforts in ecological protection Earlier this year, a news item attracted people's attention: Mount Qomolangma, the highest peak in the world with an altitude of 8,844 meters, will be closed indefinitely.  相似文献   

Low carbon consumption is becoming the trend for the textile and apparel industry On November 24, 2009, the State Council,  相似文献   

April 20 marked the 20th Earth Day as well as the opening of the annual Shanghai International Automobile ilndustry Exhibition,where electric  相似文献   

The July report of the International Energy Agency (IEA) put China in the environmental spotlight once more, noting that it had overtaken the U.S. as the world's largest energy user.  相似文献   

随着人类环境意识的提高,在国际贸易中发达国家利用自己的经济、技术优势,用环境保护之名、行贸易保护之实的绿色壁垒问题日趋严重,已引起各有关部门的极大关注.本文就绿色壁垒的内容、种类及我国入世如何应对绿色壁垒挑战问题,提出了更新观念、树立绿色经济理念、积极实施国际环境标志认证、强化海关监管、与国际环境标准接轨、建立中国绿色会计协会等应对管见.  相似文献   

施本植 《思想战线》2001,27(5):45-49
云南绿色经济发展必须走以开放促发展之路.建设绿色经济强省,首先必须成为绿色贸易强省;发展绿色贸易,必须有效地应对日益兴起的绿色贸易壁垒;作为一种新型的非关税贸易壁垒,绿色贸易壁垒犹如一把双刃剑;绿色贸易的广泛兴起,对云南绿色经济发展将产生重大的影响,这种影响随着云南经济外向度的扩大还将进一步增大;云南必须积极采取措施加以有效应对,以确保绿色经济强省建设目标的实现.  相似文献   

正Northwestern province becomes Hong Kong’s source of treasured veggies The life of Zeng Xiangji, a farmer in Minqin County, Gansu Province in northwest China, is closely linked to Hong Kong although he has never been to the special administrative region (SAR)in the south. In 2017, the 46-year-old started to sell vegetables to Hong Kong, including the  相似文献   

<正>2011 International Horticultural Exposition to be held in Xi’an from April 28 2011 International Horticultural Exposition(IHE)is coming to Xi’an,capital city of northwest China’s Shaanxi Province.The IHE was last held in Shenyang,northeast China’s Liaoning Province,in 2006.The expo will showcase new achievements and new products in the areas of landscaping, horticultur plants and flowers,  相似文献   

THERE has been a major en- vironmental change in Ziya, between the metropolises of Beijing and Tianjin. The townused to suffer heavy pollution from lo- cal recycling industry. The soil became deadly to crops and water was too toxic to drink.  相似文献   

浅谈绿色环境税收   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着工业化的发展,为解决全球资源短缺、环境污染严重的“环境退化度”问题,实现全球经济“可持续发展”的理论得到广泛认同。世界上不少国家开始利用税收强制手段,控制自然环境退化,实施了对自然资源、生态环境保护的“绿色环境税收”制度。本文从绿色环境税收的产生发展、概念种类、中国绿色环境税收的现状出发,提出了完善中国绿色环境税收的构想。  相似文献   

Government officials,scholars and business leaders gathered in Beijing to discuss a roadmap to the globe’s low-carbon future  相似文献   

一、引言 回归自然的浪潮正在席卷全球 .从本质上说,它是对人类与自然日益不协调的反叛.回归自然,既是一种先进的健康理念,更是一种科学的行为方式.从人类的衣食住行看,回归自然已经成为一种趋势.从"衣"看,人们经历了从穿布衣到穿化纤衣的过程,现在又时髦地穿布衣了;从"食"看,人们经历了以吃素为主到以吃荤为主的过程,现在又倾向于以吃素为主了;从"住"看,人们经历了从住土屋、木屋到住楼房的过程,现在已有一些城里人出去旅游住木屋、草屋了;从"行"看,人们经历了从走路、骑自行车到坐小汽车的过程,现在城里有些人已选择以步代车了.医学的发展也是这样,经历了从自然医学到非自然医学的过程,现在又有回归自然医学的趋势了.当然,从现代非自然医学回归到自然医学,这里的自然医学已不是原始的自然医学,而是经历了否定之否定的自然医学,是一种高层次的自然医学,特定命名为绿色医学(Green Medicine).  相似文献   

Green Beijing     
Beijingers are attaching more and more importance to the environment of their city. From assorted garbage to daily environment forecasts, and from restricting the emission of auto exhaust to the planting of trees and grass; all this has shown the longing Beijing residents have for a green environment. One of the major topics in the bid for hosting the 2008 Olympic Games is that of a "Green Olympics." The bid provides added incentive in the common aim to create a green city. This is our origi…  相似文献   

Green Goals     
正Chinese and U.S. companies work together for a more sustainable future While politicians and analysts talkabout strengthening the China-U.S. relationship to benefit the en-tire world, an encouraging group  相似文献   

Green Future     
With the deterioration of global warming and the greenhouse effect, clean energy is the priority on the agenda of countries all over the world. This was highlighted when U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke and Energy Secretary Steven Chu visited their Chinese counterparts on July 14-17.  相似文献   

正Entrepreneurs work to curb environmental degradation through a civil society organization Chinese business leaders are play-ing a leading role in the country’s environmental conservation efforts, according to China’s Southern Media Group,  相似文献   

Green Endeavors     
A premium cotton shirt maker adopts a development model in harmony with society and the environment  相似文献   

Gathering Green     
The Botanical Pavilion at the International Horticultural Exhibition 2019 in Beijing is one of the four main venues of the expo. Themed Wisdom of Plants, it covers an area of about 10,000 square meters and is divided into three floors.  相似文献   

Green Apple     
<正>One of the largest foreign firms in China is going 100-percent green Apple,the American company based in California but with a significant economic and production footprint in China,recently announced it is now generating clean energy for 100 percent of its in-country operations.It is one of the first companies operating in China with such a big impact to make this commitment.  相似文献   

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