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王汉亮 《法学论坛》2002,17(3):51-57
产权是一组权利 ,包括财产权利和非财产权利 ;人力资本是产权主体的重要组成部分 ;产权决定企业治理结构 ,其本质是将企业的剩余索取权与控制权在股东与经营者之间进行有效的配置 ,提高企业效率 ;产权是伴随着现代企业制度的发展而产生的。  相似文献   

This study develops a property rights explanation of the multi-unit (MU) ownership strategy of the franchise firm. According to the property rights theory, the allocation of residual rights of control (decision and ownership rights) in franchise firms depends on the contractibility of system-specific and local market assets (LMA). We develop and test the following hypotheses: Multi-unit franchising (MUF) is positively related to the franchisor’s intangible system-specific assets and negatively to the franchisee’s intangible LMA. In addition, we argue that impact of financial assets on the tendency toward MUF depends on the contractibility of LMA. Empirical results from the German franchise sector provide partial support of the hypotheses. Compared to the agency theory, which focuses on (complete) incentive contracts that specify residual income rights between the franchisor and franchisee, property rights theory focuses on incomplete contracts that allocate residual control rights between the franchisor and network partners. Furthermore, compared to the resource scarcity theory, property rights theory explains the impact of contractibility of resources/assets on the ownership strategy of the franchise firm.  相似文献   

During regulation the regulator carries out an intermediary role between shareholders and managers, consequently affecting property rights and the agency relation between the two. Deregulation implies that this intermediary role ceases to exist. This article analyses how government deregulation changes property rights, differentiating between firms of network and non-network structures. Changes in property rights affect the agency relation between shareholders and managers, increasing information asymmetry and agency costs. I argue that the way to reduce agency costs depend to a great extent on the country’s legal system classified as of common or civil law tradition.
Eva JanssonEmail:

在两大法系财产法的结构中,最醒目的区别就是大陆法系的绝对单一所有权和英美法系的普通法所有权、衡平所有权双重所有权制度,但实际上,衡平法并不是法律(law),衡平所有权对普通法所有权起到的是一种补充而不否定、缓缓进行改变的作用。这种二重性结构导致了英美法系财产权整体的相对性特征。受此启示,对面临着诸多现实困境的大陆法系绝对所有权也应进行分解,区分出作为归属的所有权和作为支配的所有权两重含义。  相似文献   

This book is a collection of chapters written by a variety ofauthors with a single and coherent theme, as opposed to beinga series of essays. Although the emphasis of this book is primarilylaw and competition policy Drs Régibeau and Rockett ofEssex University, both well known for their excellent work inthis field, write eloquently about the economic implicationsof IP rights. Their chapter competes well with the writingsof Professor Landes and Judge Posner in their book The  相似文献   

董中保 《行政与法》2005,(12):82-84
众所周知,美国在新的《综合贸易与竞争法》上新增有一所谓“特殊301条款”,该条款的内容是规定相关国家如果不保护美国的知识产权,或者阻碍依靠知识产权的美国企业进入该国市场,美国就把它列为“重点国家”,要实施贸易报复。中美知识产权的争议就是这样产生的。本文阐述了中美知识产权争议的由来、内容、焦点和我国在知识产权保护上应该采取的主要对策措施。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to argue that the tactic of granting a fetus the legal status of a person will not, contrary to the expectations of opponents of abortion, provide grounds for a general prohibition on abortions. I begin by examining two arguments, one moral (J. J. Thomson's ‘A Defense of Abortion’) and the other legal (D. Regan's ‘Rewriting Roe v. Wade’), which grant the assumption that a fetus is a person and yet argue to the conclusion that abortion is permissible. However, both Thomson and Regan rely on the so-called bad samaritan principle. This principle states that a person has a right to refuse to give aid. Their reliance on this principle creates problems, both in the moral and the legal contexts, since the bad samaritan principle is intended to apply to passive refusals to aid; abortion, however, does not look like any such passive denial of aid, and so it does not seem like the sort of action covered by the bad samaritan principle. In defense of the positions outlined by Thomson and Regan, I argue that the apparent asymmetry between abortion and the usual type of case covered by the bad samaritan principle is only apparent and not a genuine problem for their analyses. I conclude with a defense of the morality of the bad samaritan principle.  相似文献   

This article addresses and analyses the issues concerning the ownership of computer generated works within patents and copyright, and concludes that the current regime is woefully inadequate to deal with the growing use of more and more intuitive artificial intelligence systems in the production of such works. It considers the respective claims of interested parties to such rights before moving on to a consideration of the creation of a new legal personality to which such rights could be granted to resolve the difficulties inherent in the current system.  相似文献   

Several recent studies show European university scientists contributing far more frequently to company-owned patented inventions than they do to patents owned by universities or by the academic scientists themselves. Recognising the significance of this channel for direct commercialisation of European academic research makes it important to understand its response to current Bayh-Dole inspired reforms of university patenting rights. This paper studies the contribution from university scientists to inventions patented by dedicated biotech firms (DBFs) specialised in drug discovery in Denmark and Sweden, which in this respect share a number of structural and historic characteristics. It examines effects of the Danish Law on University Patenting (LUP) effective January 2000, which transferred to the employer university rights to patents on inventions made by Danish university scientists alone or as participants in collaborative research with industry. Sweden so far has left property rights with academic scientists, as they also were in Denmark prior to the reform. Consequently, comparison of Danish and Swedish research collaboration before and after LUP offers a quasi-controlled experiment, bringing out effects on joint research of university IPR reform. In original data on all 3,640 inventor contributions behind the 1,087 patents filed by Danish and Swedish DBFs 1990–2004, Difference-in-Difference regressions uncover notable LUP-induced effects in the form of significant reductions in contributions from Danish domestic academic inventors, combined with a simultaneous substitutive increase of non-Danish academic inventors. A moderate increase in academic inventions channelled into university owned-patents does appear after LUP. But the larger part of the inventive potential of academia, previously mobilised into company-owned patents, seems to have been rendered inactive as a result of the reform. As a likely explanation of these effects the paper suggests that exploratory research, the typical target of joint university-DBF projects in drug discovery, fits poorly into LUP’s requirement for ex ante allocation of IPR. The Pre-LUP convention of IPR allocated to the industrial partner in return for research funding and publication rights to the academic partner may have offered more effective contracting for this type of research. There are indications that LUP, outside the exploratory agenda of drug discovery, offers a more productive framework for inventions requiring less complicated and uncertain post-discovery R&D.
Finn ValentinEmail:

知识产权权利冲突及其解决原则   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
知识产权权利冲突是指同一知识产权客体在某种条件下同时归属于多个主体,它具有多种表现形式,并各有其特定的产生原因.解决这一问题需要依照保护在先权利原则、维护公平竞争原则、权利平衡原则等进行.  相似文献   

判断资源是否得到了合理的配置,需考虑供给与需求的关系。在供给有限的前提下,合理的资源配置决定着人们的需求能够在多大程度上得到满足。不合理的资源配置决策含浪费稀缺资源,降低需要被满足的程度。就矿业权来讲,它在取得时已经发生了大量的成本消耗,再加之资源存在的有限,若将之用于出资,既是封矿藏价值的尊重,又可实现价值利用的最大化。本文试从矿业权物权理论出发,阐述矿业权出资入股符合物尽其用原则的要求。  相似文献   

在WTO及其有关国际公约框架下 ,世界知识产权法有它的共同规则 ,但这种共同规划并不是没有弹性 ,没有一定程度的选择 ,不能谈判 ,在许多方面它是与国内法相妥协的产物。知识产权制度是经济与科技强国的制度 ,它既是工业化国家极力推行的结果 ,也是发展中国家谋求科技进步、经济发展的使然。它体现了一个国家进行现代化的决心和意志。但保护自己的权利与保护别人的权利是两个不同的概念 ,其中必须有某种互惠机制 ,这种互惠不仅仅在享受到某种权利所带来的福利与乐趣上 ,而且也体现在对自己科技和社会的潜在发展影响上 ,因此 ,这种强国的法…  相似文献   

王燕 《行政与法》2006,(2):120-122
现代知识产权制度主要构建在对财产权或私权认识的基础上,而《世界人权宣言》赋予了知识产权人权意义。正确认识知识产权私权和人权属性,有助于在兼顾个人利益和社会公共利益的基础上,重建或优化全球知识产权制度,并防止知识产权人滥用知识产权垄断市场的行为。  相似文献   

This paper applies a property rights analysis to examine what optimal audit fee compensation schedule is required by foreign based firms in order to produce internationally-credible generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) that are acceptable to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The SEC has property rights to take away from foreign firms their discretion over what form of internationally-credible GAAP they must comply with in order to enter US securities markets. This takings decision is costly for foreign firms because it requires them to incur higher marginal audit fees associated with complying with US GAAP and the Sarbanes–Oxley Act. Utilising an argument developed by the property rights literature, a model is presented which assumes four participants: (a) Congress; (b) the SEC; (c) foreign based firms; and (d) audit firms, who compete for political influence over the determination of internationally credible-GAAP. The optimal audit fee compensation schedule required to be incurred by foreign based firms in order to produce internationally-credible GAAP financial reports is found to depend upon with which of these interest groups the SEC’s preferences coincide. Evidence is provided which supports the proposition implied by the model that European firms overinvested in the audit expenditures required to comply with the US disclosure and legal requirements.  相似文献   

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