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The measurements of feet and footprints are especially important in forensic identification, as they have been used to predict the body height and weight of victims or suspects. It can be observed that the subjects of forensic-oriented studies are generally young adults. That is to say, researchers rarely take into consideration the body's proportional changes with age. Hence, the aim of this study is to generate equations which take age and sex into consideration, when stature and body weight are estimated from foot and footprints dimensions. With this aim in mind, we measured the stature, body weight, foot length and breadth, heel breadth, footprint length and breadth, and footprint heel breadth of 516 volunteers (253 males and 263 females) aged between 17.6 and 82.9 years using standard measurement techniques. The sample population was divided randomly into two groups. Group 1, the study group, consisted of 80% of the sample (n = 406); the remaining 20% were assigned to the cross-validation group or Group 2 (n = 110). In the first stage of the study, we produced equations for estimating stature and weight using a stepwise regression technique. Then, their reliability was tested on Group 2 members. Statistical analyses showed that the ratios of foot dimensions to stature and body weight change considerably with age and sex. Consequently, the regression equations which include these variables yielded more reliable results. Our results indicated that age and sex should be taken into consideration when predicting human body height and weight for forensic purposes.  相似文献   

Estimation of stature from foot and shoe measurements using multiplication factors is well known. It is a simple method and it is used very frequently as a ready reckoner in forensic anthropology. However the individual error is quite large. In the present work an attempt has been made to evolve revised multiplication factors to reduce this error so that this method (multiplication factor) can be used more effectively with smaller error.  相似文献   

Estimation of stature from foot and shoe measurements using multiplication factors is well known. It is a simple method and it is used very frequently as a ready reckoner in forensic anthropology. However the individual error is quite large. In the present work an attempt has been made to evolve revised multiplication factors to reduce this error so that this method (multiplication factor) can be used more effectively with smaller error.  相似文献   

Thieme and Schull [16] took measurements of seven postcranial traits from black skeletons of known sex to devise a method for accurately sexing human remains. With a linear discriminant function analysis of the data they obtained a 98.5% accuracy. The research reported here was designed to assess the accuracy of their method in the hands of other investigators using a sample of the same black population and its applicability to other populations of the same and different races. None of the samples used in this study were sexed with the same rate of accuracy either achieved or predicted by Thieme and Schull. However, two samples did reach 91% or better. Such results suggest that the methods employed have considerable value if used with appropriate precautions. Our multiple discriminant function analysis strongly indicates that neither side nor observer techniques affected the results. Sex accounts for a predominant fraction of the total variation among samples and race accounts for most of that remaining.  相似文献   

Estimation of individual's stature is an important parameter in forensic examinations. Examination of footprints provides important evidence in a crime scene investigation and helps in estimation of stature of a criminal. Analysis of bare footprints is often carried out in developing countries like India where the footprints are frequently recovered at the scene of crime. The present study attempts to reconstruct stature in a sample of 2080 bilateral footprints and foot outlines collected from 1040 adult male Gujjars of North India ranging in age from 18 to 30 years. Bilateral footprints and foot outlines of each individual were measured for ten and eight measurements, respectively. The results indicate that T-2 length (length of the footprint from heel to 2nd toe) and T-5 length in footprint and T-1 length, T-4 length and breadth at ball in foot outline show statistically significant bilateral asymmetry. Significant and positive correlation coefficients exist between stature and various measurements of footprint and foot outline (P<0.001 and 0.01) except toe 1-5 angle of declination which shows insignificant correlation coefficient. The highest correlation coefficients were shown by the toe length measurements (0.82-0.87) indicating a close relationship between the stature and these measurements. Regression analysis presents smaller mean errors (2.12-3.92cm) in estimation of stature than those of division factor method (3.29-4.66cm), thus, gives better reliability of estimate than the latter. The regression equations were also checked for their accuracy by comparing the actual stature with estimated stature.  相似文献   

The authors studied the osteological collection of the Chair of Antropology of the Moscow State University. The results of measurement of length of long tubular bones and articular parts of scapula and pelvis were statistically treated. The complex of discriminant models calculated by the Fisher's method is recommended for the sex identification. The diagnostic accuracy is 74 - 83.5% (separated bones) and 85.7 - 95.2% (complex of bones of upper and lower extremities).  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to find a correlation between height and femur/skull measurements through Computed Tomography (CT) scans and derive regression equations for total skeletal height estimation in the Caucasian population. We selected 200 Caucasian patients from March 2010 to July 2011 who had to perform a CT scan for cancer restaging. The mean age is 64.5 years. Both sexes are represented by the same number of persons. Patients have executed a total body CT scan with contrast; once scan accomplished, we measured height through a digital scales. We analyzed CT scans of each patient, obtaining multiplanar reconstruction in sagittal and coronal planes with 1mm of thickness, and we measured 10 diameters of skull and femur. Then we performed a single and a multiple regression analysis considering the three diameters that better correlated with height. The skeletal diameters with the highest correlation coefficients with stature were femur lengths, length of cranial base (Ba-N), and distance from the posterior extremity of the cranial base to the inferior point of the nasal bone (Ba-NB). Although both femur and skull are skeletal segments used for stature estimation, in our sample femur gave stronger correlation with height than skull. h=35.7+1.48·BaN+2.32·BaNB+2.53·FEM and h=3.06·FEM+72.6 are the formulae that provided the most accurate stature assessment using multiple and single regression analysis respectively.  相似文献   

The present research is aimed to introduce Heel-ball (HB) index from foot dimensions and determine whether this index exhibits sexual dimorphism. The study was conducted on a sample of 303 North Indian individuals (154 men, and 149 women) aged between 13 and 18 years. The stature, body weight, foot breadth at the ball (BBAL), and foot breadth at heel (BHEL) were measured. The HB index was derived by the formula BHEL × 100/BBAL. Although the mean HB index was larger in women in both feet it showed statistically significant sex differences in the right foot only. The study shows that while the foot dimensions show a positive correlation with stature and weight, the HB index is independent of the stature and weight of an individual. This novel index (HB index) may be utilized in sex determination when a part of the foot is brought for medico-legal investigation.  相似文献   

The race and sex of the human skull can be determined by craniometry. In this paper we suggest that a large number of craniometric measurements does not necessarily give the best possible discrimination for race and test the performance of subsets of variables drawn from various skull regions, or extracted mathematically on the basis of their discriminatory power. We also suggest that the best discriminators for race are not necessarily the best for sex, and that skulls of unknown provenance are best tested first for race and then for sex, using different variables for each purpose.  相似文献   

To develop a method of assessing human body somatometric parameters by its fragmentation, we used individual data on the series G. van Vark (1975) from corpses of 62 males and 39 females aged from 23 to 95 years. Statistical processing with SPSS package calculated regression equations allowing prediction of head size, length of the upper and lower limbs and their segments. The data can be used in forensic medicine in expert examination of dismembered corpses and in emergency situations with mass human victims.  相似文献   

The effects of cervical inclination and body position on airway measurements were studied in 12 cadavers (8 males) aged 26–62 years. None had any injuries in the head and neck region or anomalies of the cervical spine. The upper airway of the tracheostomized cadavers was cleaned by suction and radiopaque contrast media was sprayed into the pharynx. Lateral cephalometric X-rays were taken in a modified cephalostat. In order to obtain maximum cervical flexion and extension as well as a middle position, the cephalostat was adjusted in antero–posterior dimension for three cervical inclinations in both upright and supine positions. When taking the radiographs the Frankfort plane was adjusted so that it was horizontal when the subject was seated and vertical while the subject was recumbent. Cephalometric pharyngeal airway dimensions were measured at five levels ranging from palatopharynx to hypopharynx. We found that pharyngeal airway dimensions increased at all levels with increasing cervical inclination, while supine posture independently decreased the measurements. The effect of cervical inclination was larger at lower levels of pharynx than at higher levels. These findings indicate that cervical inclination plays a major role in modifying the dimensions of the passive upper airway. Therefore the effects of cervical inclination and body position should be adjusted for in studies of the upper airway in cadavers, and probably also in anesthetized subjects.  相似文献   

A 54 year-old female expired at her residence. Her husband, a physician, signed a certificate stating that her death was due to cerebrovascular accident (CVA) and released her body to a funeral home, where she was embalmed. Since the deceased had a long history of medical problems and drug abuse, an autopsy was performed and no evidence of CVA was found. Toxicological analyses of body fluids and tissues revealed the presence of ethchlorvynol in high concentration in the bile (112 mg/l). The bloody fluid collected from the heart contained a concentration of ethchlorvynol below the limit for quantitation. Other findings included phenobarbital (32.8 mg/l) in heart bloody fluid and methanol (an ingredient of embalming fluid). The significance of the findings is discussed in relation to embalmment prior to autopsy and toxicological analyses. Ethchlorvynol concentration in the bile is compared to other fatal cases due to ethchlorvynol overdose.  相似文献   

目的不同方法检测三唑仑及代谢物α-羟基三唑仑,为其及时、准确的检测提供科学证据和最优方法。方法用GC/NPD、GC/MS、MS/MS、GC/ECD对兔体内三唑仑及代谢物α-羟基三唑仑进行检测。结果GC/ECD法最易检测出三唑仑及其代谢物。结论兔胃及内容物、尿液中容易检测到三唑仑及其代谢物;运用酶水解后,检测率最高;GC/ECD检测三唑仑及其代谢物的灵敏度最高。  相似文献   

The oseological collection of the chair for anthropology, Moscow State University, including 7 mature male foot bones and 13 mature female foot bones, was studied. The canonical and discriminative analyses were made use of to work out a diagnostic model designed for determining the massiveness of the skeleton on the basis of measurement features of the tarsus and metatarsus bones. Besides, models for the diagnosis of a body constitution on the basis of separate foot segments were elaborated. The correct classification based on the metatarsus osteometry amounts to 67.2%, and the one based on the osteometry of tarsus--to 58.3%. Cases from the practice of experts are described, which significantly facilitates the mastering of the suggested methods.  相似文献   

目的 探讨中国汉族男性肩胛骨测量值与身长的关系。方法 测量了 2 0 7例已知身长的中国汉族男性肩胛骨的 14项指标 ,用测得的数据输入计算机 ,分 3个年龄段 ,运用多元线性回归分析法 ,求出肩胛骨测量值推算身长的方程式。结果 建立了用男性肩胛骨推算身长的 9个方程式 ,其复相关系数在 0 65 99至 0 5 192之间 ,标准差在 5 13 45至 6 3 93 1之间。结论 中国汉族男性肩胛骨测量值与身长呈现一定的相关关系。  相似文献   

The authors have analyzed 80 skeletons (40 males and 40 females) from the collection at the Institute of Legal Medicine of the University of Bari belonging to a known contemporary Southern Italian population; time of death was around 1970 and ages ranged from 25 to 80 years. Seven measurements taken on 80 intact, undeformed right patellae (max height, max width, thickness, height and width of the external facies articularis, height and width of the internal facies articularis) were used to determine sex by multivariate discriminant analysis. One function associating two parameters (max width and thickness) obtained the highest value of correct sex determination with a rate of 83.8%; other functions showed a higher percentage of misclassification (up to 17.5%). This study tests the success rate of correct sex prediction based exclusively on patellar dimensions. The discriminant functions carried out by statistical analysis may aid the forensic anthropologist when no other human skeletal remains suitable for sex determination are available.  相似文献   

The pelves of 100 white skeletons were measured on both sides for the following: (1) length from the superiormost aspect of the pubic symphysis to the nearest rim of the acetabulum (PS-A), (2) length from the highest point of the pubic tubercle to the nearest rim of the acetabulum (PT-A), (3) acetabular diameter (AD), (4) the vertical distance from the anterior aspect of the ischial tuberosity to the farthest rim of the acetabulum (IT-A), and (5) greatest femur head diameter. From these, three indices were derived: AD/PS-A (acetabulum/pubis index), AD/PT-A (acetabular diameter/pubic tubercle-acetabular rim index), and IT-A/PS-A (ischium-acetabulum height/pubic symphysis-acetabular rim index). The left AD/PS-A ratio and left IT-A height proved statistically to be of greatest discriminating value. Using these two variables, a discriminant function was derived which correctly separated 98% of our sample. The acetabulum/pubis ratio alone correctly assigned 95%. With either the discriminant function analysis of two variables or the acetabulum/pubis index as a single predictor, 97% of our sample of known sex was correctly identified if all specimens that fell within a doubtful or overlapping range of values were sorted by femur head diameter.  相似文献   

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