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Vietnam and China are joined by mountains and riverswas the song heard most at the 2010 Friendship Gala of the Chinese and Vietnamese People.To celebrate the 60th  相似文献   

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Iran. Ahad Mohammadi, President of the Iran-China Friendship Society (ICFS), led a 24-member delegation to visit China from June 7 to 13 for celebration activities.  相似文献   

<正>The Qatar crisis is unlikely to result in military confrontationIn early June,several Arab states including Saudi Arabia,Egypt and the United Arab Emirates(UAE),along with some countries in South Asia and Africa,one after another declared the severance of diplomatic relations with Qatar,mirroring the chronic discord between Qatar and Saudi Arabia and other Gulf Arab states.  相似文献   

THIS year marks the 40th anniversary of China-UK full diplomatic relations. Over the past 40 years, our relations have moved forward in a positive direction. Hong Kong’s successful handover in July 1997  相似文献   

On the evening of February1, 1999 the CPAFFC helda grand reception in the GreatWall Hotel in Beijing to mark the35th anniversary of the establish-ment of diplomatic relations be-tween China and France. Amongthe 250 people attending the re-ception were He Luli, vice chair-woman of the Standing Commit-tee of the National People's Con-gress, Wang Yingfan, vice foreignminister, Wu Dingfu, vice presi-dent of the China Insurance Regu-  相似文献   

The CPAFFC held a grand re- ception on April 17 at theGreat Hall of the People to markthe 40th anniversary of the estab-lishment of diplomatic relations be-tween China and Laos. Buhe, vicechairman of the Standing Commit-tee of the National People's Con-gress, and Somsawat Lengsavad,deputy prime minister and foreignminister of Laos who came spe-cially to Beijing at the head of aLao government delegation to takepart in the celebration activities,  相似文献   

The CPAFFC held a re- ception to mark the 10thanniversary of the establish-ment of diplomatic relationsbetween China and Brunei onthe evening of September 28,2001.Cheng Siwei,vicechairman of the StandingCommittee of the NationalPeople's Congress,Chen  相似文献   

May 21, 2001 is the 50th an-niversary of the establish-ment of diplomatic relations be-tween China and Pakistan. BothChina and Pakistan held a series ofactivities to mark the occasion. Notlong ago Chinese Premier ZhuRongji successfully concluded hisvisit to Pakistan, adding a newglory to Sino-Pakistani friendship.  相似文献   

March 26 saw the launch ceremony in Mexico City of the photo album Go Forward Hand in Hand, published by China International Publishing Group (CIPG).  相似文献   

A grand reception jointly held by the CPAFFCand the Austrian Embassy in China was heldin the Great Hall of the People on the evening ofMay 17, 2001 to mark the 30th anniversary of theestablishment of China-Austria diplomatic relations.Tian Jiyun, vice chairman of the Standing Com-mittee of the National People's Congress, and vis-  相似文献   

On the evening of May 19,a reception co-sponsored by the CPAFFC and the Pakistani Embassy in China was held in Beijing to mark the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations.Jia Qinglin,Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference,and visiting Pakistani Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani,attended and spoke at the reception.  相似文献   

对日外交的战略目标是中日世代友好 ;必须树立中日友好的大局思想 ,全方位推进对日外交。历史问题是两国关系中的敏感神经 ,按照“正视历史、以史为鉴”的方针解决历史问题是实现中日友好的政治基础。运用又团结又斗争的方针和利用矛盾的方针来处理中日关系是行之有效的对日外交策略思想。求同存异的原则既是对日外交的工作基点 ,也是寓于邓小平对日外交思想的哲学理念。  相似文献   

The Chinese People's Association for Frienship with Foreign Countries and the Em-bassy of Finland in Beijing joint-ly sponsored a reception to markthe 50th anniversary of the es-tablishment of diplomatic relationsbetween the People's Republic of  相似文献   

February 4, 1999 marked the 40th anniversaryof the establishment of diplomatic relationsbetween China and Sudan. On January 28 theCPAFFC and the China-Sudan Friendship Associa-tion (CSFA) held a reception to celebrate this im-portant day in the history of China-Sudan relation-ship.One hundred people attended the reception in-cluding Jiang Zhenghua, vice chairman of the Stand-ing Committee of the National People's Congress,  相似文献   

A reception marking the 20thanniversary of the estab-lishment of diplomatic relationsbetween China and the UnitedStates was jointly held by the Chi-nese People's Association forFriendship with Foreign Coun-tries, the Chinese People's Insti-  相似文献   

On the evening of June 4, 2001, the CPAFFC and theChina-Turkey Friendship Asso-ciation (CTFA) jointly held agrand reception in the Great Hallof the People in Beijing to cel-ebrate the 30th anniversary of theestablishment of diplomatic rela-tions between China and Turkey.Wang Wenyuan, vice chairman of  相似文献   

Since establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries in May 1951,China and Pakistan have developed an all-season friendship which is based on equality,brotherhood and overall cooperation.In the past 60 years,the two countries have carried out multi-dimensional cooperation in varied fields.Despite unstable international situation,the China-Pakistan friendship remained strong and vibrant.This is only because both the countries enjoy high respect and trust over each other.Recent years have witne...  相似文献   

The CPAFFC and the Chinese. African People's FriendshipAssociation (CAPFA) gave a re-ception on the evening of July 27at the Friendship Museum of theCPAFFC to mark the 30th anni-versary of the establishment ofdiplomatic relations betweenChina and Sierra Leone. Vice  相似文献   

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