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正The Olympic Summer Games Tokyo 2020 concluded on August 8,and China took home a grand total of 38 gold medals and 88 medals,ranking second in the medal tally.When speaking of China's Olympic performance,one individual deserves some extra recognition.That is Juan Antonio Samaranch,the Seventh President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the man who supported China to resume its legitimate seat on the IOC as well as its bidding for the Olympic Summer Games Beijing 2008.  相似文献   

China's colossal number of think tanks on international relations are earning greater international recognition and exerting increasing influence on China's foreign policymaking.Leading think tanks,such as the China Institute of International Studies,China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations,China Center for Contemporary World Studies and Shanghai Institutes for International Studies,have made significant progress in the past decades.Beijing Review reporter Li Li recently interviewed Professor Jin Canrong,Associate Dean of the School of International Studies,Renmin University of China,to find out the latest development trends of these organizations.  相似文献   

辩护全覆盖改革在首批试点地区取得了较为理想的改革成效,由于试点地区先天的自身优势使得其成功经验不具有可复制性,改革试点向全国推广仍面临着律师资源稀缺、援助经费匮乏的双重瓶颈性困境。为保障改革取得全国性胜利,宜尽快建立刑辩律师数据库、探索律师远程参与庭审机制以及加大援助经费投入、提高援助办案补贴标准。  相似文献   

律师事务所公司化运营是我国法律服务市场中已经出现的现象,其中分配制度是公司化改革中非常重要的一环。目前我国律师事务所在公司化运营下的分配方式种类复杂,各种形式并存。本文旨在通过研究律师事务所分配制度的发展历程,深度剖析公司化改革后分配制度的类型及其优缺点。使掌舵者明确公司化改革下分配制度的基本情况,并根据自身需求选择合适的分配制度。纵观全局,总结改革取得的成就,研究改革中急需解决的问题,提供较为详细的解决方案,推动公司化改革顺利进行。  相似文献   

China adds to its holdings of U.S. Treasury securities for the first time in three months. China’s auto market stages a significant comeback in August as vehicle sales grew 6.29 percent from July figures. The Anshan Iron & Steel Group Corp. concluded an agreement to invest in the United States, ending doubts about the feasibility of the deal. State -owned enterprises raked in juicy profits from January to August this year. China inches up on the global competitiveness ranking list. Global payment giant MasterCard Worldwide predicts China will replace the United States as the world’s top credit card market by 2020.  相似文献   

Although China has made headway in reforming the exchange rate regime of its currency,the yuan,and expanding the use of it in cross-border trade during the past year,the yuan is far from fully convertible.Huang Yiping,a professor at the National School of Development of Peking University,said in an article for Beijing Review that China has the conditions for capital account liberalization and should strive for basic convertibility within five years. Edited excerpts follow  相似文献   

The International Conference on the International Cooperation in Human Rights and the Chinese Perspective organized by the Institute of International Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, took place in Beijing, China from October 22-23, 2016. Both Chinese and foreign human rights experts convened to exchange their opinions on the new development of the human rights theories and practices, especially from the Chinese perspective. The socialist concept on human rights with Chinese characteristics was discussed intensively during the meeting and new terms such as "the Human Rights Model of the South" and "the Human Rights Perspective of the South" were raised. The participants interpreted and summed up the experiences and features of the Chinese socialist human rights cause. The drafting and implementation of the Chinese National Human Rights Action Plans and the progress in the promotion of rule of law in China were mentioned. They highly valued the constructive roles played by China in the international human rights cooperation field, especially under the United Nations(UN) human rights regime and for the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  相似文献   

Outbound Rush Despite a deep downturn in the world economy, Chinese firms are beefing up efforts to head overseas. China's outbound direct investment (ODI) rose 1.1 percent year on year to $56.53 billion in 2009, the largest among developing countries, said a report jointly released by the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), the National Bureau of Statistics and the Sate Administration of Foreign Exchange on September 5. This was the eighth consecutive year of growth.  相似文献   

Consumer Efforts If it is true China has fully shaken off the economic downturn,consumption deserves much of the credit.  相似文献   

With sprawling deserts and serene lakes, the natural wonders of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region have never failed totake the breath away from visitors. The areahas another major attraction, though: the Helan Mountain rock engravings.  相似文献   

African studies are gaining promi-nence in China,as the country forges closer ties with Africa. At the end of last year,the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS),one of the leading think-tanks in China,issued a strategic report on China-Africa relations and submitted it to China's top leadership. Beijing Review reporter Liu Wei spoke to Li Weijian,Director of the Department of West Asian and African Studies at SIIS,who headed the strate-gic report project,on the evolving relations between Chi...  相似文献   

我国公安部、外交部2004年8月发布并实施了外国人在中国永久居留审批管理办法,这标志着中国“绿卡”制度的正式实施。实施“绿卡”制度以后,中国吸收了大量的外国人才,为我国的经济发展奠定了基础,但是也暴露出我国在外国人管理中存在的瓶颈问题。随着“绿卡”制度的不断完善,我国将吸收越来越多的高层次人才,这必将为我国经济的发展带来强大的动力。在“绿卡”制度的发展上,我国要不断总结之前的经验教训,不断开拓创新,才能使其更好地为我国的发展作出更大的贡献。  相似文献   

Disputes have recently broken out between China and some Southeast Asian countries and the United States in the South China Sea. The Beijing-based Economic Information Daily spoke to Liu Nanlai, a research fellow at the Institute of International Law under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, on the origin of the South China Sea issue and China's position on it. Excerpts follow:  相似文献   

Sixty years on from the surrender of Japanese invaders, the nightmare of cruelty and devastation that they inflicted on China still lingers. China fought Japan from September 18. 1931 to August 15, 1945. This 14-year-long war caused 35 million casualties - one-tenth of the then Chinese population - and material losses of US $600 billion. As the main Eastern battlefield of World War Ⅱ, China's losses were the heaviest of all countries in the region. Atrocities inflicted on the Chinese people by the Japanese Fascists were no less shocking than those suffered by Jews at the hands of the Nazis.  相似文献   

共产国际、联共(布)在指导中国革命的过程中重视中国农民问题,并在指导中国大革命中付诸实施了这一思想,推动了中国农民运动的发展。由于共产国际、联共(布)把解决中国农民问题的希望寄托在国民党身上,最后导致了农民运动的失败。究其原因,在于共产国际、联共(布)过高估计了国民党,轻视了共产党。  相似文献   

China has vied for a remarkable share of international trade over the past three decades, drawing on its low labor and manufacturing costs and resources. With the outbreak of the global financial crisis, its export-oriented economy has delivered a heavy blow to its economic performance. Will China be able to use the crisis as a golden opportunity to outshine its opponents in international trade? Mei Xinyu, an associate researcher at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation under t...  相似文献   

付广华 《桂海论丛》2007,23(6):84-87
民族观是一个思想意识层面的问题,包括对民族本身的看法、民族问题产生原因的认识以及解决这些问题的想法及观点。文章通过仔细梳理李宗仁、白崇禧、黄旭初等新桂系领导人的思想,认为新桂系政权在民族问题上的基本观点分为:“中华民族”观、“特种部族”观以及“民族同化”观。之所以呈现这一局面,乃是因为阶级、时势、学术等多方面因素影响的结果。  相似文献   

The official visit of Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to China on June 2-5 is seen as an important step in furthering the strategic and cooperative relationship between the two countries. In an interview with Beijing Review reporter Zhou Jianxiong, Mohamed Jawhar Hassan, Chairman and CEO of the Institute of Strategic and International Studies, a top think tank and consulting institution in Malaysia, outlined why Malaysia made its decision to establish diplomatic ties with China 35 years ago and why...  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》的修改已经提上议事日程,行政公益诉讼何去何从,已经到了无法回避的地步。近年来。围绕行政公益诉讼问题可谓是观点纷呈。热吹捧者有之,冷思考者有之,反对者也不乏。为了使得我国行政公益诉讼制度的最终确立有一个坚实的理论基础。尚有大量的问题需要进一步的探讨。这里发表的一组笔谈是黄学贤教授主持的司法部项目《行政公益诉讼研究》(06SFB5007)的阶段性研究成果。由于是笔谈,课题组成员(黄学贤教授的两个研究生:陈峰、廖振权)观点不强求一致,其宗旨是为《行政诉讼法》的修改提供一孔之见。本刊将分上、下两部分对其予以摘登。  相似文献   

SEVERAL years ago,I read anotice soliciting volunteerteachers to work in the west.It caught my interest and Iclipped it.Upon graduation in August2000,I postponed my graduate studies in sociology and joined the Fudan  相似文献   

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