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视听资料是指以录音、录像和电子计算机以及其他高科技设备存储的信息证明案件真实情况的资料,是将现代科学技术运用于刑事诉讼中的一种证明手段。《刑事诉讼法》规定将视听资料作为一种新型的、独立的证据.是由于视听资料所特有的载体小、重量轻、容量大、易于保存和再现,高度准确,  相似文献   

王健 《犯罪研究》2007,(2):45-49
视听资料是指以录音、录像和电子计算机技术以及其他高科技设备所存储的音像信息证明案件真实情况的资料,是将现代科学技术运用到刑事诉讼中的一种证明手段。本文结合司法实践,探讨了视听资料作证的三个相关问题:视听资料在检察机关自侦案件中的运用、电子证据的收集与运用、讯问同步录音录像问题等。  相似文献   

随着数码设备的广泛应用和普及,数字图像作为视听资料也对社会的发展产生了极大的影响。视听资料在民事、刑事的各类案件中频繁地出现,需要检验一些与案件相关的数字图像也成为必然。与此同时数字技术和微电子技术的迅猛发展给数字图像处理提供了先进的技术手段,因此数字图像处理的目的就是要研究"图像信息的获得、传输、存储、交换、显示"等为内容。  相似文献   

薛焕梅 《法制与社会》2013,(28):264-265
视听资料应当是指以录音、录像等设备所存储的信息证明案件真实情况的资料,包括录音资料和录像资料。视听资料必须经过查证属实,方可作为认定案件事实的依据。实务中在对私录视听资料的合法性进行评价时,在尊重立法精神的基础上,可结合其他证据及当事人陈述对其持开放宽容的态度。  相似文献   

一、视听资料的概念的再界定现行三大诉讼法,都将视听资料作为一种诉讼证据加以规定,但对于视听资料的概念的界定,都是学理上的观点。有的学者将视听资料概括为“是储存在磁带等物质载体中、能够证明案件真实情况的音响、图像资料。”有的教材将视听资料表述为“能够证明案件真实情况的音像信息资料”。这些表述稍有不同的视听资料的概念都是从两个方面对视听资料定义的,即一是从内容上,视听资料必须能够证明案件真实情况;二是从形式上,视听资料必须是音像信息资料。那么,只要是能够证明案件真实情况的音像信息资料,即能够满足视听…  相似文献   

本文对案件发生过程中拍摄的现场照片如何归类进行了论证.从目前各种学术著作对书证和视听资料所作的界定进行分析,探究现场照片作为诉讼证据是否被涵盖其中,并得出结论,现场照片如果归入书证的范畴,那么对传统意义上的书证,需要我们作出新的思考;对于存储在电子设备中的数码照片,如果归入视听资料的范畴,对传统意义上视听资料的特点,也需要作出修正。  相似文献   

何为视听资料?狭义说认为,视听资料指以声音、图像或者其组合证明案件事实情况的证据,包括录音、录像、电影摄影等。中义说认为,不仅包括录音、录像类证据,还包括计算机贮存资料,计算机贮存资料与录音、录像证据一样都需要借助机器中介方可存储或显示信息。广义说认为,只要与录音资料、录像资料和计算机贮存资料三种类似的、利用近现代高科技手段记录的信息都应当包括在内。据此,视听资料可分为录音资料、录像资料、电脑数据资料以及红外线、中子束、激光等测验仪器提供的资料。  相似文献   

视听资料,是指以录音、录像、电子计算机或其他高科技设备所存储的信息证明案件真实情况的证据。它是现代高科技发展的重要产物和先进成果,其在刑事诉讼中的运用也是法学研究和司法实践发展的重要标志之一。原刑事诉讼法对此没有明确的规定,因而在司法实践中难于利用。修改后的刑事诉讼法第四十二条增加了视听资料作为刑事证据的法定种类。本文试就视听资料如何移送和有关法庭审查问题作一探讨。一、视听资料的特点视听资料作为重要的而且越来越多地应用于刑事司法实践中的证据,具有以下主要特点:(1)形式多样,直观性强,客观实在,…  相似文献   

视听资料,是指通过录音、录像、照相方法记录的声音、图像及电子计算机储存的信息资料的总称。视听资料是现代科学技术发展的产物,作为刑事诉讼证据,具有信息量大、直观性强、精确度高,便于保存和使用等特点。修改后的刑事诉讼法将视听资料规定为一种独立的证据种类,进一步完善了我国的刑事诉讼证据制度。修改前的刑事诉讼法虽然没有将视听资料规定为法定证据,但司法机关在实践中已经广泛运用视听资料侦查破案。鉴于视听资料这种新型的证据形式在刑事诉讼中的作用越来越重要。本文试就在审查起诉中如何运用视听资料证据查明案件、证实…  相似文献   

私录视听资料的排除与采信   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
私录视听资料的排除与采信□谢啸林私录视听资料的合法性问题视听资料作为一种诉讼证据,是现代科技发展在法律上的一种表现。它将反映客观事实的材料固定、保存起来,为日后诉讼上的需要而准确再现出来。其特征:(1)高科技性。视听资料的物质载体具有较高的科学技术性...  相似文献   

In order to cope with the demanding workload for DNA profiling of forensic casework samples a concept for a semi-automated processing system was developed at the Landeskriminalamt (Office of Criminal Investigation) Baden-Württemberg, Germany [K. Vollack, et al., Implementation of a semi-automated processing system for DNA profiling of forensic casework samples, this issue]. The applied magnetic bead extraction method is based on ChargeSwitch® Technology (CST) from Invitrogen and was established on a liquid handling workstation Freedom EVO® 150 from Tecan.  相似文献   

Fibre mapping, more commonly known as one-to-one taping, was developed in Germany approximately twenty years ago. The technique facilitates the distribution of fibres on a surface to be recorded. The impact of this technique on the investigation of serious crime has been reported in the European Fibre Group on several occasions. This paper represents a case study of the application of the technique. It is believed to be the first time that this technique has been successfully applied in the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

多焦视觉电生理学可以客观评价视网膜和视觉神经系统的功能状态,主要包括多焦视网膜电图(multi focal electroretinogram,mfERG)技术和多焦视诱发电位(multi focal visual evoked potential,mfVEP)技术,本文对mfERG和mfVEP技术反应信号记录、分析等研究领域的研究进行了介绍,并对多焦视觉电生理学的法医学应用价值进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Hou G 《法医学杂志》2000,16(1):18-20
应用小卫星特异性引物31A、31A -A、31A -G与α -32PdCTP掺入扩增技术对MS31A(位于D7S21位点)进行MVR -PCR分析 ,成功地建立了一套适合于刑事案件中微量血痕、混合斑、毛发、骨组织等样品鉴定的快速、简便、准确的分析技术。灵敏度分析表明 ,该方法能检测出低至1ng的基因组DNA ,具有较高的灵敏性。本技术在40余起强奸、凶杀等疑难案件中应用均获得成功。本研究还利用MVR数据库资料对实际案件中的犯罪嫌疑人成功地进行了筛选、排查以及串并案工作。  相似文献   

Abstract:  The Direct Analysis in Real Time (DART) ion source is a relatively new mass spectrometry technique that is seeing widespread use in chemical analyses world-wide. DART studies include such diverse topics as analysis of flavors and fragrances, melamine in contaminated dog food, differentiation of writing inks, characterization of solid counterfeit drugs, and as a detector for planar chromatography. Validation of this new technique for the rapid screening of forensic evidence for drugs of abuse, utilizing the DART source coupled to an accurate mass time-of-flight mass spectrometer, was conducted. The study consisted of the determination of the lower limit of detection for the method, determination of selectivity and a comparison of this technique to established analytical protocols. Examples of DART spectra are included. The results of this study have allowed the Virginia Department of Forensic Science to incorporate this new technique into their analysis scheme for the screening of solid dosage forms of drugs of abuse.  相似文献   

变性高效液相色谱及其在法医DNA分析中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
变性高效液相色谱(DHPLC)是目前检测基因突变的最佳技术平台之一。本文简要介绍了DHPLC的工作原理及主要技术特点,并对其在法医DNA分析中的应用进行综述。  相似文献   

Desorption electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (DESI-MS), a novel ambient ionization technique, was used in this study for determining flunitrazepam in various alcoholic beverages. Using this technique, no pretreatment of the samples was necessary and identification of the drug was accomplished in individual samples in minutes. In addition, the acquired mass spectra provide the information of the identity of the drink based on the detected characteristic ions from the matrices. This study also demonstrates the capability of DESI-MS to perform quantitative analysis of simulated evidence samples with a limit of quantification of 3μg/mL. Furthermore it has been shown that this method can be used for high-throughput analysis whereby six samples were analyzed in a row within 6 minutes and no observable sample carry-over was noted. DESI-MS shows potential as a rapid, sensitive, and selective technique for forensic analysis of spiked beverages which are typical evidence of drug facilitated sexual assault and robbery cases.  相似文献   

Digital enhancement software was used to enhance bitemark photographs. This enhancement technique improved the resolution of the bitemark images. Lucis was the software program utilized in this study and case applications. First, this technique was applied on known bitemark images to evaluate the potential effectiveness of this digital enhancement method. Subsequently, Lucis was utilized on two separate unsolved cases involving enhancement of bitemark evidence. One case involved a severely beaten infant with a bitemark on the upper thigh. The second case involves a bitemark observed on the breast of a female sexual assault strangulation victim. In both cases, bitemark images were significantly improved after digital enhancement.  相似文献   

目的调查汉族群体KCNQ1基因内含子1a中STR基因座的遗传多态性,并采用PIA分型技术确定等位基因的亲代来源。方法用PCR-STR分型技术对230例武汉汉族无关个体样本进行KCNQ1基因内含子1a中STR基因座分型检测;同时选用两种甲基化敏感的限制酶(msRE)HhaI和HpaⅡ对家系中孩子的基因组DNA进行消化后,采用PIA分型技术检测父源等位基因。结果KCNQ1内含子1a中STR基因座在汉族人群中检出10个等位基因、24种基因型,其个体识别能力(PD)、多态性信息含量(PIC)和非父排除率(PE)分别为0.852、0.66和0.484。HhaI和HpaII可消化个体的母源等位基因,PIA分型仅能检测出单一的父源等位基因。结论KCNQ1内含子1a中STR基因座在汉族群体具有较高的遗传多态性,PIA分型技术可以确定个体等位基因的亲代来源,具有较高的法医学应用价值。  相似文献   

In view of the problems arising while fingerprinting corpses in a bad state of preservation, especially in case of mummification and carbonization, the authors propose an innovative technique which uses latex film. To better illustrate the potential of the method, two cases where the latex technique was applied successfully are reported: the first one is a mummified body discovered in a shack on the outskirts of Milan and the second one is the case of a burnt corpse found in a car boot. Such a technique is versatile, easy to apply, and allows the operator to work quickly on cadavers without amputating parts, except in rare cases (i.e., burnt bodies with muscle retraction). By the latex technique, a perfect and enduring negative copy of the fingerprint is obtained, ready to be inked and photographed. The numerous copies produced this way can be inked several times allowing for the repeatability of the procedure and this is crucial in cases of problematic legal identification of corpses. In both the cases illustrated, the fingerprints obtained by the latex technique were useful for identification. The quality was good enough for the automatic fingerprint identification system research system to be applied.  相似文献   

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