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朱勇 《法制与社会》2010,(13):34-35
民事客体是民事主体实现自身自由意志的依赖对象,对于民事客体的分析有助于认识民事主体的特性和进一步厘清私法自治逻辑在民法中的应用。本文通过探讨民事客体的层次性来概括统一的民事客体概念,并借助对于民事主体利用客体的方式对民事客体进行分类,以获得一个内涵外延一致的完整的民事客体制度概念。  相似文献   

加热502胶熏显手印的改进方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李季 《刑事技术》2008,(5):49-50
加热502胶水熏显手印,通常需要将客体置于502熏显柜、聚乙烯薄膜罩等密封容器中进行,使用这类显现器材的优势是熏染速度快,数量多,一次可同时熏染多个客体,但现场手印的承载客体千差万别,对一些较为特殊的客体,应用上述密封加热方法,有时存在一些不足:①对体积较大或不可提取的客体,无法在熏显柜、聚乙烯薄膜罩等密封容器中进行加热熏显;  相似文献   

在现场勘查中,常能遇到霉变痕迹,因此,不能因为客体的陈旧、破烂而忽视对霉变客体的勘查。以下就本人在勘查霉变客体时,对霉变痕迹的一点认识。1与季节的关系梅雨季节我国长江中下游地区阴雨连绵、空气潮湿,一般物体容易长霉,当手指等造痕客体去接触霉变的承痕客体时,在承痕客体表面就形成霉变痕迹(如霉变减层指印);在诸如梅雨等潮湿季节勘查现场时,应注意对霉变客体的勘查,切勿一遇现场就用刷粉的方法取迹。1996年7月30日,我县沙溪乡官山村村民丁某家,用于建房的现金万余元被盗,当时正值梅雨季节,丁某家中仅有的大…  相似文献   

权利的客体是权利设立的基础,权利的标的是权利行使的对象,权利的内容是权利主体自由意志的行使方式。权利的客体要结合权利的层次作不同的分析,第一层次的权利客体包括物质客体和观念客体。第二层次的权利是第一层次的权利动起来的结果,第二层次的权利客体原则上是第一层次的权利,但是通过第二层次权利创设出来的新权利种类有例外。第三层次的权利是第二层次的权利动起来的结果,其客体原则上是第二层次的权利,其后依此类推。权利客体和权利标的的区分对于第一层次的权利分类没有意义,但是对第二层次及以后的权利分类意义重大。  相似文献   

国家公务员的价值主体地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一 长期以来,人们在评价国家公务员或对其作价值分析的时候,往往存在着这样一种比较片面的倾向,即只认识或只注重其价值客体的地位,而忽视了其价值主体的地位。 从价值学的角度而言,价值是主体和客体之间的一种关系。所谓价值主体是指从事现实社会活动,以不同方式学握世界的人,所谓价值客体是指人的社会活动所指向和所掌握的客观对象,包括自然、社会以及人自身。价值即是客体对主体的意义和效用,归根到底不过是客体对主体需要的满足。 马斯洛将人的需要划分为生理需要、安全需要、相属关系和爱的需要、自尊的需要和自我实现的需要…  相似文献   

一、计算机软件专利保护概述 计算机软件是专利法保护的特殊客体,是近20年来专利法领域面临的最新、最复杂的客体。本文以美国有关计算机软件专利保护的判例为研究对象,分析美国对于计算机软件运用专利法进行保护的历史及其发展的新动向。 专利法的保护客体,是指利用自然规律的新发明或新设计,可以在工业领域中得以应用的技术方案。保护范围不涉及算法、思维步骤和智力活动的规则与方法。如速算法、检索法、生产管理方法等都不属于专利法保护的客体。因为它们都不是利用自然规律的新发明或新设计,国际上普遍的做法是将其排除在专利法…  相似文献   

论民法中的客体利益   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
论民法中的客体利益麻昌华李明刘引玲虽然,利益作为民事法律关系的客体,在理论上是不争的事实,但对客体利益,学者们却从来没有系统地论述过。本文不揣冒昧,拟对此谈点粗浅的认识。一、利益客体的法理学基础虽然,对客体含义的认识是认识客体制度的基础,但理论上对客...  相似文献   

孙忠 《新法规月刊》2011,(5):116-123
内容摘要:权利客体是对权利的外部描述,是对权利安排在何种基础上的一种说明,权利客体的安排必须以实现权利追求的社会利益需求为根本目标。集体林权抵押之客体是一种特殊的权利容体,是对林权所进行的外部描述。从解释论的角度,对法律所规制的集体林权之客体进行了分析,家庭林地承包经营权的抵押不仅是现实和政策的需要,而且应该上升为法律规范。  相似文献   

交易客体是历史范畴。不同社会形态下交易客体的广度与深度不同。市场经济中,人在特殊情况下也可以成为交易客体。在WTO谈判中,西方国家为了保护自身的利益,对交易客体任意解释,致使有关国际协议中“信息技术产品”的概念十分模糊。历史上,与交易客体相连的有英美法的产品、货物与大陆法的给付概念。我国长期客体与标的、标的物不分,可能是受大陆法观念的影响。财产的概念,在我国一是指财产制度;二是指财产法律关系:三是指与交易主体相对应的交易客体。交易客体的本质是效用,也就是它能满足人们某种需要的属性。交易客体必须具有商销性、实用性、融通性。本文在商品与服务的概念下对交易客体进行了细分。  相似文献   

谈新刑法中的犯罪客体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
犯罪客体是犯罪构成的要件之一,对于罪与非罪、此罪与彼罪的区分有着重要意义。刑法的修改,使犯罪客体也发生了一些变化。主要是:同类客体均调整、集合客体的确立和直接客体的变化。一、同类客体的调整同类客体是某一类犯罪所共同侵犯的客体,其作用是便于把形形色色的犯罪科学地分类,刑法分则中的分章依据的就是同类客体。在刑法修改之前,同类客体共有九类,即刑法分则中八章犯罪所侵犯的客体和军职罪所侵犯的客体。它们具体是:1、反革命罪──人民民主专政政权和社会主义制度;2、危害公共安全罪──社会公共安全;3、破坏社会主义…  相似文献   

Bolt cutters are known as cutting tools which are used for cutting hard objects and materials, such as padlocks and bars. Bolt cutter blades leave their imprint on the cut objects. When receiving a cut object from a crime scene, forensic toolmarks examiners can determine whether the suspected cutting tool was used in a specific crime or not based on class characteristic marks and individual marks that the bolt cutter blades leave on the cut object. The paper presents preliminary results of a study on ten bolt cutters and suggests a quick preliminary examination—the comparison between the blade thickness and the width of the imprint left by the tool on the cut object. Based on the comparison result, if there is not a match, the examiner can eliminate the feasibility of the use of the suspected cutting tool in a specific crime. This examination simplifies and accelerates the comparison procedure.  相似文献   

From medicolegal practice it is known that in deaths caused by low voltage, electric marks may be absent or inconspicuous so that they may remain undetected during the scene examination. That this may happen even in fatal high-voltage accidents is demonstrated by 4 examples from our own autopsy material. The cases reported shared the following features: The decedents were found outdoors under a high-voltage line with a several metres long conductive object being in the immediate vicinity of the body; no extensive burns as those seen after the impact of an electric arc; inconspicuous electric marks on the hands; clearly visible electrothermal skin lesions limited to body regions covered by clothing (especially soles of the feet). Another case report demonstrates that even fatal lightning accidents are not always recognized correctly.  相似文献   

The collision speed is important in accident analysis, and needle marks can be helpful as the physical evidence. The deceleration impact system has been built to analyze the mechanics of the needle and the gauge plate. Two isolated groups were designed to record the speed values under the same sample labels from real crashes. The visualization platform was built for the first group to collect needle marks. The second group recorded the speed values by other methods. The collision deceleration, the gauge plate materials, and the collision directions determine the forming of the needle marks. There were eight positive results from the 23 effective samples (12 frontal, four side, and seven rear), with discernible tip and/or middle marks on gauge plates. Multiple marks have been distinguished effectively. The low- and high-speed impacts have no obvious differences for real needle marks. It is more accurate for frontal impacts.  相似文献   

Photography is widely accepted as a means of forensic case documentation and evaluation. In cases of criminal dismemberment digital microscopy is commonly used to assess marks left on the bone. Reflectance transformation imaging (RTI) is a computational photography technique which documents and enhances the three-dimensional (3D) reflectance properties of the surface of an object. RTI has primarily been used in the cultural heritage sector but has recently transitioned into forensic science. This study examines the use of RTI for the documentation and presentation of cut surface characteristics on fully sectioned long bones. Juvenile pig radii were bisected using three different handsaws, chosen as handsaws are the most common implement used in criminal dismemberments. The resulting 42 cut surfaces were then documented with a digital microscope and RTI. Four rendering modes were applied to the default RTI image, with diffuse gain being the most beneficial to accentuate cut surface features. Although great care must be taken when obtaining the photographic sequences necessary for detailed RTI analysis, RTI is relatively inexpensive, expeditious, and easy to use, and creates highly detailed, virtually interactive images. RTI may not replace microscopic methods of saw mark analysis, however could prove useful for the documentation, image sharing, and presentation of forensic evidence.  相似文献   

由于知识产权客体的非物质性,外观设计专利权易与其他知识产权发生竞合与冲突,尤其是与实用艺术作品的著作权、商业外观的商标权和基于《反不正当竞争法》保护的合法权益等。伴随着我国司法实践的进展,上述权利竞合与冲突的问题日益严重。同时,外观设计专利权与其他相关知识产权之间亦存在一定差别,需要在权利客体方面有所区分。借鉴美国、英国、德国和法国的法律经验,只有法国给予完全重叠的保护,其他国家均在外观设计专利权的权利客体方面与其他知识产权加以区分。我国应当进一步明晰外观设计专利权与其他知识产权之间的边界,将纯属著作权保护的作品排除在外观设计保护客体之外,例如服装设计、书籍封面设计、动画形象设计、建筑设计、小摆设;将纯属商标权保护的标识排除在外观设计保护客体范围之外,例如在实用功能或形状结构上没有新创造的商品包装盒(包装袋、包装瓶)、店面装饰装潢;对实用功能或形状结构有新创造的设计,可选择获得外观设计专利权或者其他知识产权保护,否则不能获得外观设计专利权保护。  相似文献   

The conditions under which latent fingerprints are deposited affect the process of development that can be used to effectively recover these marks. The conditions which can play a part include environmental conditions, the type of surface on which latents are deposited, the ability of the donor to deposit fingerprints, contact time, force of contact with the object etc. Very little previous work is available in the scientific literature addressing these conditions and therefore, an attempt has been made in this present study to assess the effect of some of these criteria and their effect on the ability of ninhydrin to develop the marks. Latent fingerprints from good and bad donors were obtained on paper with variable pressure under controlled conditions. Laboratory prepared 1% ninhydrin solution was used to visualise the prints.  相似文献   

The ability of two mass spectrometric methods, surface-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight-mass spectrometry (SALDI-TOF-MS) and direct analysis in real time (DART-MS), to detect the presence of seven common explosives (six nitro-organic- and one peroxide-type) in spiked latent fingermarks has been examined. It was found that each explosive could be detected with nanogram sensitivity for marks resulting from direct finger contact with a glass probe by DART-MS or onto stainless steel target plates using SALDI-TOF-MS for marks pre-dusted with one type of commercial black magnetic powder. These explosives also could be detected in latent marks lifted from six common surfaces (paper, plastic bag, metal drinks can, wood laminate, adhesive tape and white ceramic tile) whereas no explosive could be detected in equivalent pre-dusted marks on the surface of a commercial lifting tape by the DART-MS method due to high background interference from the tape material. The presence of TNT and Tetryl could be detected in pre-dusted latent fingermarks on a commercial lifting tape for up to 29 days sealed and stored under ambient conditions.  相似文献   

由于各种枪械的机件特征不同,枪支发射时将在弹头上留下反映枪械机件特点的种类及特定特征。通过研究枪械生产制作和使用过程中其部件特征形成的基础上,从弹道学原理入手,分析了枪支发射过程中弹头痕迹形成的机理和痕迹特征的变化因素,为枪支同一认定鉴定中检材与样本特征产生差异的原因分析及得出可靠的鉴定意见提供了科学的理论依据和实践方法。  相似文献   

被伐树木形成的整体分离痕迹有其独特性,反映出特有的规律。本文介绍了在盗伐林木案件中,运用整体分离痕迹检验原理、方法,检验被伐树木分离面、分离缘的形态,检验其凸凹断茬特征、虫眼特征、裂纹特征、空心特征等特殊特征以及节子特征、年轮特征、木射线特征、树皮纹理特征等固有特征。特别是在两对应的锯断面之间木质完全缺失情况下,综合运用上述特征有针对性地检验,解决了部分被伐树木整体分离痕迹检验中分离痕迹能否作为同一认定证据、分离体是否原为同一整体的问题。文中所述对被伐树木上的特殊特征和固有特征的研究和运用,拓宽了被伐树木整体分离痕迹检验中特征标记的范围,为丰富被伐树木整体分离痕迹的检验方法提供了参考。  相似文献   

近年来,多源图像融合技术的应用越来越多,它可以将同一场景以不同成像方式或者不同成像时间获得的不同图像融合为一幅图像。这种技术可以综合多张照片的信息量,提高视觉感知,便于进行计算机的处理,因此,可在公安刑事摄影工作中用于对疑难指纹、立体痕迹、强反光客体痕迹、高逆光现场照片等的拍摄和处理,从而最大程度的准确反映被摄景物的实际情况。  相似文献   

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