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教育部从“十一五”开始,在全国高校实施本科教育质量工程建设,这是我国高等教育从外延式扩张向以质量提升为核心的内涵式发展道路转变的重要举措.检视“十一五”本科教学质量与教学改革工程建设的过程,它所取得的成绩是十分明显的,但是也存在着一些值得改进的问题.在已经启动的教育部“卓越法律人才教育培养计划”的实施过程中,要在“十一五”本科质量工程建设的基础上,着力解决好四方面问题:建立法律人才培养的国家标准,改革法律人才的培养模式,建设法学师资队伍,建设法学教育实践平台.这些问题的解决,有利于破解卓越法律人才培养的难题,有利于提高我国法律人才培养质量、贯彻落实教育规划纲要以及全面实施依法治国战略,满足国家和社会对高校高质量法律人才的迫切需求.  相似文献   

判断医疗过失时,应当综合考虑医疗机构的性格、所在地域的医疗环境特性等诸多因素,作出法律综合价值判断。——这是日本法的“医疗水评论”历经“普及说”及“客观说”之曲折后得出的成功经验。“医疗水平”、“高度的注意义务”、“最完善的注意义务”、“完全的注意义务”乃至“专家责任”等是我国医疗过失判断理论研究中纠结较多、扑朔迷离的概念。《侵权责任法》出台后,在理论上厘清上述各概念的定位已成为司法实践的迫切要求。我国的医疗损害责任法律既然从日本法中引进了“医疗过失”概念,那么,研究日本法相关历史,真正了解这些在我国影响较大的法律措辞的原来面目,应是我国过失理论发展的当务之急。  相似文献   

“过度医疗”涉及多种因素,依法治理应是根本的途径。本文在界定“过度医疗”构成要件的基础上,探讨了所涉及的相关法律问题,包括法律规范的健全、患者权利的保护及新型医疗模式的构建等。  相似文献   

本文以《国家中长期人才发展规划纲要》为指引,以我国法律教育及就业现状为立论展开的基点,从法律职业切入,概括了法律职业人生成培养的“五重准入制度”,归纳了法律职业“七大类”分类,在此基础上,全面分析论述了法学教育、法律职业教育、法律职业后继续教育等不足和缺失,并提出了整合规范思路,继而提出了构建“我国法律职业人才培养管理体制”架构。  相似文献   

刘凤娥 《政法学刊》2001,18(6):84-87
“法律职业人才一体化”培养,有利于向依法治国、建立法制国家迈进。因此,我们应当建立统一的国家法律职业人才资格考试和统一的法律职业实务制度,规范法律职业人才的继续教育制度,建立法律职业人才之间的职业交流制度。  相似文献   

法律是中医药可持续发展的保证,人才是中医药法制化发展的关键。本文分析中医药法律人才培养的重要意义,梳理现有中医药法律人才成才途径及不同途径对人才培养的影响,并对完善中医药法律人才的培养提出粗浅的建议。  相似文献   

何怀文 《证据科学》2005,12(2):101-109
医疗事故属于医疗执业侵权。医疗执业侵权中医方的过失来自于其违反了法律要求的照护义务。美国的医疗执业侵权法从“医疗常规标准”已经发展出了“群体接受的标准”,以及在此基础上的过失认定原则。在程序上,美国的原告依赖于专家证人举证证明医方过错。我国的医疗事故诉讼的过失标准是“医疗常规标准”,存在着许多法律缺陷:程序没有专家证人制度,但实行单一举证责任倒置。事实上,过失的认定上交给了医疗事故技术鉴定,成为了医疗事故诉讼的核心。“医疗常规标准”和举证责任、医疗事故鉴定存在很多法律上的冲突。医疗事故鉴定和医疗事故诉讼间的关系.现有法律存有许多待讨论的问题;鉴定人的欠缺法律责任的规范。但现有达到专家辅助人和可能有的医学专家充当陪审员.很可能有助于解决我国医疗事故诉讼中的专业问题。  相似文献   

目前我国医疗公证存在着立法缺失、公证机构及公证员的法律地位不明确、复合型公证人才缺乏、医疗风险的承担可能显失公平、对公证后的医疗行为缺乏监督、信用体制不完善等问题。针对这些问题,本文从加强医疗公证的立法、明确公证机构和公证员的法律地位、完善医疗公证程序、提高医疗公证人才的综合素质和健全医疗公证赔偿保险制度五个方面提出了完善我国医疗公证制度的对策建议。  相似文献   

医疗健康数据是一种敏感的个人信息载体,在数据挖掘、开放、交易和共享上需要法律指引。俄罗斯采用的法律技术路径是“修订卫生基本法律,配套个人信息保护法律,制定新兴实验法律”。在人工智能和数字创新的实验性法律中,俄罗斯创设了匿名数据处理的主体及提案的审批路径。为使医疗健康数据合法合理利用,我国可通过修订《基本医疗卫生与健康促进法》增加医疗秘密部分,明确数据处理主体及项目的资格、条件和规则,制定匿名数据加工利用的实施细则,推动医疗健康大数据在科学研究、产业转化、公共事业中的积极应用。  相似文献   

刘志军 《法制与社会》2012,(12):237+251
中国法学教育规模较之以前有了突飞猛进的发展,不仅综合性大学和专门的政法院校培养了大量的法律人才,理工科大学也成为法学教育领域的一支重要力量.面对中国法律人才严重的“相对过剩”,各类法律院系都在探讨法学教育的创新方式,本科生导师制的理念与实践被引入其中.作为规模较小的理工科大学法学专业,具有实行本科型导师制的独特优势,是实现创新型法律人才培养的有效形式,应当探索其实现的理念和机制.  相似文献   

The present paper critically analyses the essence of legal education in the training of medical professionals in Ghana. It argues that health professionals lack the requisite knowledge in law, especially the legal implications of medical malpractice, and calls for legislative and curricular reforms in institutions engaged in the training of health professionals to reflect a legal education component. The authors opine that the basic medical law curriculum should be focused on the kinds of legal problems that physicians encounter most frequently in practice rather than on sensational cases. The authors are of the view that the curriculum should address the clarification of central concepts in law, the ability to apply the concepts, decision‐making procedures, acquisition of legal knowledge in tortuous and criminal matters relevant to the medical profession. This view sets objectives for teaching medical law to medical students and young doctors.  相似文献   

This is the first article in a series of three that examines the legal role of medical professionals in decisions to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatment from adults who lack capacity. This article considers the position in New South Wales. A review of the law in this State reveals that medical professionals play significant legal roles in these decisions. However, the law is problematic in a number of respects and this is likely to impede medical professionals' legal knowledge in this area. The article examines the level of training medical professionals receive on issues such as advance directives and substitute decision-making, and the available empirical evidence as to the state of medical professionals' knowledge of the law at the end of life. It concludes that there are gaps in legal knowledge and that law reform is needed in New South Wales.  相似文献   

This is the final article in a series of three that examines the legal role of medical professionals in decisions to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatment from adults who lack capacity. This article considers the position in Victoria. A review of the law in this State reveals that medical professionals play significant legal roles in these decisions. However, the law is problematic in a number of respects and this is likely to impede medical professionals' legal knowledge in this area. The article examines the level of training that medical professionals receive on issues such as refusal of treatment certificates and substitute decision-making, and the available empirical evidence as to the state of medical professionals' knowledge of the law at the end of life. It concludes that there are gaps in legal knowledge and that law reform is needed in Victoria. The article also draws together themes from the series as a whole, including conclusions about the need for more and better medical education and about law reform generally.  相似文献   

This is the second article in a series of three that examines the legal role of medical professionals in decisions to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatment from adults who lack capacity. This article considers the position in Queensland, including the parens patriae jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. A review of the law in this State reveals that medical professionals play significant legal roles in these decisions. However, the law is problematic in a number of respects and this is likely to impede medical professionals' legal knowledge in this area. The article examines the level of training medical professionals receive on issues such as advance health directives and substitute decision-making, and the available empirical evidence as to the state of medical professionals' knowledge of the law at the end of life. It concludes that there are gaps in legal knowledge and that law reform is needed in Queensland.  相似文献   

法治国家的建立和法律秩序的维护需要一大批高素质的职业法律者,德国在培养和选拔职业法律者的过程中创造了一批独特的模式.这种模式具有浓烈的国家色彩.它通过国家考试的形式将培养和选拔溶为一体.在德国,未来职业法律者在参加国家考试前,必须要经过校园专业学习和职业预备期的训练.当然,这种模式也有其缺陷和不足.  相似文献   

浅议法学本科精英型人才培养模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑茜 《行政与法》2010,(4):82-84
目前,我国高等教育法学本科人才培养模式已不适合我国未来发展的需要,更难适应全球化趋势对法学专业人才的要求,因此,必须反思现行的法学人才培养模式中存在的问题,从根本上改变教学观念,实事求是地分析法学人才培养上的障碍性因素,借鉴发达国家的法学人才培养经验,立足于我国国情提出可行的改进方法。本文认为,精英型人才是我国高等法学教育的培养目标,应以此为方向改进法学本科人才的培养模式。  相似文献   

单独设置的知识产权全日制本科专业,是对于日益增长的知识产权人才需求的有力回应。但是,知识产权本科专业的人才培养也面临着许多问题。知识产权本科专业的发展方向,应当是以"基础型"、"特色化"的知识产权人才为培养目标。在培养方案中,应当坚持法学类课程的主干地位,同时着力提高学生的实践能力。  相似文献   

Confidentiality is often tested in the health professional-patient relationship, particularly given that both the law and ethics permit disclosure of confidential information in the public interest. This column outlines the results of an Australian Research Council project indicating that mental health professionals may place more weight on their ethical responsibilities relating to confidentiality than what the law requires. The outcomes of the project, which used both questionnaires and focus group discussions, suggests that there is some confusion as to legal requirements in this area and that many mental health professionals rely on ethical frameworks to justify disclosure even where there is no legal requirement to do so. It is suggested that ethics training for health professionals should be of primary importance to ensure responsible decision-making in this area.  相似文献   

In this article, we combine quantitative and qualitative methods to investigate why post‐tenure law professors of color and women professors within the US legal academy are differentially dissatisfied with their work lives. Previous social science research has indicated lingering difficulties for professionals from traditionally marginalized groups as they advance to higher levels. Post‐tenure law professors have been understudied relative to similar senior‐level professionals. Mixed methods allow us to isolate institutional structure and implicit cultural bias as key mediators of this dissatisfaction, converging on issues of respect, voice, and collegiality as crucial. We use the example of the legal academy to show how empirical research can shed important light on the realities of legal professionals—here, the faculty who are training the next generation of US attorneys. Following in the new legal realist tradition, we demonstrate the power of mixed empirical methodologies for grasping social realities pertinent to law.  相似文献   

我国医疗损害责任中医务人员注意义务的标准   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医务人员的注意义务是衡量其在医疗活动中是否存在过失的前提,我国即将实施的《侵权责任法》对医务人员的注意义务的标准未作详尽规定,本文通过比较普通法系国家和日本相关的规定,从而指出我国医务人员的注意义务的标准。  相似文献   

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