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中国汉族男性锁骨的年龄变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
作者通过对125副已知年龄的中国汉族男性干燥锁骨的胸骨端、肩峰端及骨质表面变化等特征进行观察,找出了锁骨年龄变化的初步规律,提出锁骨年龄变化的分级评分标准。根据锁骨年龄变化的评分,应用电子计算机求出用锁骨判定年龄的回归方程,为无名尸骨的年龄判定提供了一个新的方法。  相似文献   

<正> 利用四肢长骨借助于判别分析的方法,进行性别判定,国内外学者已有报道,但报告的方法复杂,使用不方便。尤其是利用国人材料的研究结果,仅使用了左侧肢骨的测量数据,使其在实际  相似文献   

中国人肱骨的性别鉴定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 建立中国人肱骨性别判定的方程。方法 测量了来自全国9省区的已知生前确切性别的103个个体的左右侧肱骨的12项测量指标,使用SPSS软件,对所获得的测量数据,进行男女性别间测量数据的t检验。剔除性别检验差异不显著的测量项目,使用Fisher判别分析方法,建立肱骨性别判定方程。结果 单一测量指标的性别判定方程20组,性别判别率为75.9%~89.3%;肱骨上端的性别判定方程2组,性别判别率为83.6%~85.7%;肱骨中段的性别判定方程2组,性别判别率为81.3%~83.9%;肱骨下端的性别判定方程2组,性别判别率为82%。完整肱骨的性别判别率,左侧87%,右侧90.9%,双侧肱骨的性别判别率为96.3%。结论 建立的肱骨性别判别方程,适用于中国人肱骨的性别判定。  相似文献   

中国人股骨的性别鉴定   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的建立中国人股骨性别判定的方程。方法测量来自全国14省区的已知生前确切性别180例(男150例,女30例)个体的双侧股骨21项指标。使用统计软件SPSS13.0对获得的股骨测量项目数据,进行同一性别双侧间及不同性别同侧间的t检验,然后采用Fisher判别分析法和Bayes逐步判别分析法,建立股骨性别判定的系列判别函数。结果股骨单一测量指标中男性判别率最高指标为股骨上髁宽,为94.0%,女性判别率最高指标为股骨头周与股骨颈垂直径,为93.3%,总判别方程的判别率为男性98.0%,女性93.3%。结论本研究提供的判别方程式判别准确率较高,适用于中国人股骨的性别判定。  相似文献   

目的建立中国人胫骨性别判定的方程。方法测量来自全国14省区已知生前确切性别的180例(男150例,女30例)个体的跫侧胫骨的13项指标,使用统计软件SPSS13.0,对所获得的测量数据进行同一性别双侧间以及不同性别同侧间胫骨测量项目的t检验,最后用Fisher判别分析法,建立国人胫骨性别判定的方程式。结果单一测量指标的性别判别方程13组,其性别判别准确率为66.7%~96.7%,总判别方程的判别准确率为男性97.3%,女性93.3%。结论本研究提供的判别方程式判别准确率较高,适用于中国人胫骨的性别判定。  相似文献   

腭缝的年龄变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者对231具中国汉族成年男性的干燥颅骨腭缝的年龄变化进行了分析研究。发现腭缝的愈合随着年龄的增加而有规律地增加。并且在45岁以前更加明显。通过对汉族成年男性腭缝愈合与年龄变化关系的研究,从中发现了腭缝愈合年龄变化的初步规律,为骨骼年龄变化的判断提出了一个新的方法。  相似文献   

男性青少年X线片的骨骺特征及年龄推断   总被引:19,自引:7,他引:12  
根据骨骺的愈合程度推断青少年年龄。本文对河南周口地区 2 10名 13~ 2 0周岁的男性青少年拍摄了左侧肩、肘、腕、髋、膝、踝关节的X线片。对上述关节的近端及远端骨骺进行观察分析 ,选取与年龄变化关系密切的2 7项骨骺愈合指标。并对其进行分级、评分 ,用SPSS软件进行统计学处理 ,建立了多关节骨骺愈合程度推断男性青少年年龄的多元回归方程。选取了其中 4个复相关系数最高 (r =0 75 8~ 0 787) ,且标准误最低者 (SE =1 0 136~1 0 70 1)的多元回归方程。根据多个关节的骨骺愈合情况综合评价判定青少年的年龄 ,可提高年龄判定的准确性。  相似文献   

目的为了探讨耻骨性别判定的更为简便可靠的方法。方法对96副已知生前确切性别的耻骨进行了性别差异的研究,其中男性耻骨73副,女性耻骨23副。测量项目有:缘枝角,耻骨宽,耻骨联合面的高及厚。结果将耻骨的测量数据输入电脑,用SPSS软件,对耻骨的测量数据进行了统计分析,建立了耻骨性别判定的判别方程。结论其性别判别率最高可达95.5%,该方法可以用于法医学实践。  相似文献   

中国汉族人腰椎的性别差异   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的提供体质人类学的数据资料 ,建立中国汉族腰椎性别判别的方法。方法根据人体骨骼测量方法 ,测量 117付 (男 80 ,女 3 7付 ,年龄 17~ 90岁 )中国汉族人腰椎的 10项指标 ;选择性别差异显著的椎测量项目 ,建立腰椎及各腰椎的性别判别方程。结果第一至第五腰椎均有 5个以上的测量项目的数据存在显著意义的性别差异 (P<0 0 5 ) ;建立的 5个腰椎及各腰椎的性别判别方程 ,判别率在 69 4%~ 91 8% ,以 5个腰椎的多项指标的性别判别方程的准确率最高 (91 8% ) ,其次为第一腰椎 (84 5 % )和第二腰椎 (82 1% )。结论中国汉族人腰椎的性别差异以第一和第二腰椎明显 ,腰椎性别判定以多项指标的准确率高  相似文献   

目的通过对桡骨的测量,使用Fisher判别分析方法,建立了中国人桡骨性别判定的判别方程。方法本研究共测量了来自全国九省区的已知生前确切性别的210个个体的左右侧桡骨,其中男性160例,女性50例,年龄范围18岁~76岁。测量指标共有8项,使用SPSS软件,进行了桡骨左、右侧及男女性别间测量数据差异的t检验。根据对测量数据左、右侧及男女性别的检验,将差异不显著的测量项目剔除,建立了左、右侧桡骨性别判定的方程。结果单一测量指标的性别判定方程,除性别差异不显著的测量项目颈干角之外,性别判别率为57.7%~92.3%,桡骨长度测量指标的性别判别率为82.4%~88.5%,桡骨中段测量指标的性别判别率为77.8%~91.7%。完整桡骨测量指标的性别判别率91.7%~99.5%。结论本研究建立的桡骨性别判定方法,性别判定准确率高,使用方便,为中国人桡骨的性别判定提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

锁骨内侧端和肩峰端随年龄变化具有一定规律性,尤其是内侧端骨骺愈合程度,对于30岁以下的年龄推断具有重要价值。国内外法医人类学家对锁骨大体解剖及影像特点进行了大量研究,积累了丰富的科研和应用基础。CT和MRI等影像新技术的应用将有望提高锁骨年龄推断的准确性。  相似文献   

Current standards for age at death estimation from the pelvis are based on Americans of European and African ancestry. Our limited understanding of population variability hampers our efforts to apply these techniques to the various skeletal populations around the world, especially in global forensic contexts. However, documented skeletal samples are rare, limiting our ability to test our techniques. This study tested the Suchey-Brooks pubic symphysis aging method and the auricular surface method originally developed by Lovejoy et al. on a large sample (n = 404) of known sex and age from the Sassari Collection, housed at the Museum of Anthropology at the University of Bologna, Italy. The results indicate that for both methods, bias and inaccuracy increased with age and actual age tended to be underestimated over the age of 40. The auricular surface method performed slightly better, exhibiting slightly lower levels of bias and inaccuracy, especially for males.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the validity of the modified Kim's scoring system as a practical method of recording occlusal tooth wear and estimating age. For this purpose, 1092 pairs of maxillary and mandibular full-arch casts were randomly selected, scored, and analyzed. The results showed that the modified Kim's scoring system had excellent reliability, and that occlusal tooth wear had a positive correlation with age. Tooth wear scores of all teeth except the two lower central incisors were higher in males than in females. Calculating tables for age estimation were designed by multiple linear regression analysis. Estimated ages were within +/-5 years of actual ages in 63.5% of male subjects, and 64.0% of female subjects. The accuracy of age estimation was increased when the subjects were divided into two age groups and data were re-analyzed. Collectively, it was shown that the modified Kim's scoring system is a reliable and accurate method for age estimation, and that the data from these 1092 individuals can be used as a standard for age estimation of Korean adults.  相似文献   

牙齿是人体最坚硬的器官之一,其抗腐蚀能力强,多项形态特征具有增龄性变化,因此利用牙齿推断年龄在法医学中得到广泛应用。由于牙齿的生理性变化的复杂性及环境因素的影响,不同牙齿推断年龄的方法各具其应用价值,同时也存在一定的局限性,法医工作者需要依据具体情况选择适合的方法并加以综合运用,以提高年龄推断的准确性。本文对国内外利用牙齿推断年龄的研究现状进行综述,并对各种推断方法进行比较评价,希望能为相关研究和实践提供参考。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Vault sutures have proven their low reliability for estimating age at death in individual forensic science cases. We broke down the palatine sutures of 134 skulls (with known sex and age at time of death) into 15 subparts and 5 stages of fusion to obtain a mean coefficient of obliteration ( C p) which was then linked to five age classes. We completed this study with multiple regression equations of total palatine suture scores. We compared our results with those obtained using the Mann method on the one hand and classically segmented and scored ectocranial suture age determination methods on the other. Palatine sutures generally do not estimate age at death any better than cranial vault sutures. Despite the partly subjective aspect of suture study, palatine suture observation contributes additional information to age-range estimation, especially in old and very old subjects where other methods lose their effectiveness.  相似文献   

目的建立利用胸部正位CR片影像学变化判定年龄的方程,并评价其法医学意义。方法收集381例汉族成年人胸部正位CR片样本,其中男性208例,女性173例。选取胸部右侧第一肋胸骨端、左侧第一肋胸骨端、右侧第五肋胸骨端、左侧锁骨骨小梁和左侧锁骨松质骨网眼5项特征性指标,对351例样本进行描述评分,运用SPSS 19.0软件进行多元线性回归模型条件的基本论证,建立回归方程。并使用30例样本对方程的准确性进行盲测。结果本文所选取的5项胸部正位CR片特征性指标与年龄的关系可以使用线性回归模型(P0.05);建立了1组全指标回归方程和2组分组逐步回归方程,全指标回归方程估计值的标准误男性和女性分别为2.83岁和3.41岁,低年龄组(18~35岁)男性和女性分别为2.47岁和2.79岁,高年龄组(36~50岁)男性和女性分别为2.39岁和2.55岁;随机选取30例样本的盲测结果,误差在3岁以内的,全指标回归方程男性和女性分别为80.0%和73.3%,分组回归方程男性和女性分别为86.7%和80.0%。结论利用胸部正位CR片影像学特征变化可判定年龄。  相似文献   

This study evaluates the accuracy and precision of a skeletal age estimation method, using the acetabulum of 100 male ossa coxae from the Grant Collection (GRO) at the University of Toronto, Canada. Age at death was obtained using Bayesian inference and a computational application (IDADE2) that requires a reference population, close in geographic and temporal distribution to the target case, to calibrate age ranges from scores generated by the technique. The inaccuracy of this method is 8 years. The direction of bias indicates the acetabulum technique tends to underestimate age. The categories 46-65 and 76-90 years exhibit the smallest inaccuracy (0.2), suggesting that this method may be appropriate for individuals over 40 years. Eighty-three percent of age estimates were ±12 years of known age; 79% were ±10 years of known age; and 62% were ±5 years of known age. Identifying a suitable reference population is the most significant limitation of this technique for forensic applications.  相似文献   

The estimation of stature is very important in forensic investigation, as it provides useful data that can narrow the pool of potentially matching identities. The purpose of this study was to develop formulae for the estimation of stature from footprint measurements in Bangladeshi adults. This study included 118 randomly selected men and 130 randomly selected women, all aged 18–50 years. From each participant, stature and six footprint measurements were taken by means of standard measurement techniques. Footprint measurements were found to be positively correlated with stature. Stature was estimated by using linear regression equations. The right T1 length in men (R: +0.587, R2: 0.345) and the right T2 length in women (R: +0.506, R2: 0.256) were the most reliable individual estimators of stature. However, when data were combined for both sexes, the right T2 length was identified as the most reliable estimator of stature, with higher values of R (+0.792) and R2 (0.627). In conclusion, human stature can be successfully estimated by using footprint measurements; this finding can be applied in forensic research and investigation.  相似文献   

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