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吉林大学法学院以中青年教师为主的繁荣马克思主义法学研讨班在最近两次讨论中,对权利与义务的相互关系问题进行了深入的探索。在质难问疑的论辩中形成了两种有代表性的观点。现将它们分别作一简要介绍。第一种观点认为:在权利与义务的相互关系中应以权利为本位。1.权利本位的语境。为了避免歧义,这种观点指出,(1)权利本位是一个关系性概念,指在权利与义务的相互关系中,权利居于主导地位,是起点、轴心,重心即本位。因此,它不直接涉及法律主体等其它因素。(2)权利本位是一个系统性概念。它所揭示的是在某一国家的法律整体中,即  相似文献   

<正> 法律以什么为重心?也就是以什么为基础、为中心、为本位的问题,这是我国法学理论界目前正在热烈讨论的一个问题。有的同志主张法律以义务为本位,有的同志主张法律以权利为本位,两种看法,各执一端。它们的共同之点是同现实社会相脱节,不能用以恰当地处理我国社会生活中的权利义务关系,也不能成为我国社会主义立法和法学理论研究的指导原则。所以笔者对此持有不同看法。法律关系是这样一种关系,即由法定权利和法定义务联系起来的人们(或人的联合体——组织)之间的关系。法律关系区别  相似文献   

“现代法的精神”质疑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在市场经济与法的精神的论题下,某作者逻辑分明地谈了“法的精神”、“现代法的精神”以及同社会主义市场经济相适应的我国“现代法的精神”,并概括为“有机整体”的五条。这五条就是:权利本位、契约自由、宏观调控、效率居先和人文主义。有这样的意见,一个时期流传甚广。我们不妨试将这五条分别予以讨论。一、权利本位者何?权利本位究竟有几分道理呢?譬如,在权利和义务的关系中,权利是目的,义务是手段,法律设定义务的目的在于保障权利的实现,还有什么权利是义务存在的依据和意义,以及其他一大堆说法。我认为这种观点一开始就陷…  相似文献   

权力与权利的结构分化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、封闭式经济:权力对权利的吸收依据资源配置方式,可区分为两种模式的经济:开放式经济与封闭式经济。开放式经济以社会资源——物质资源和劳动资源——通过市场的自由组合为特征,与此相适应的是“权利本位”的法律机制。罗马式的简单商品经济、资本主义市场经济和社会主义市场经济都属于开放式经济的范畴。封闭式经济以社会资源通过权力的强制结合为特征,与此相配套的是“权力本位”的法律机制。古代家长制  相似文献   

从清末变法改制以来的一百年间,如何调适传统法律文化以适应法制现代化的需求,就成为一个历久弥新的话题。仁政与宪政、义务本位与权利本位、家族与个人、纠纷解决与权利保障等的不相容或实质性差异,决定了对传统法律文化调适的必要,而立法中的择善而从和司法中的因势利导,则为这种调适提供了可能。  相似文献   

霍布斯是权利本位论的哲学奠基人。自然权利是其权利本位论的逻辑起点,是一种绝对的自由平等关系。从自然权利的自然平等和自然自由出发,霍布斯论述了权利本位论的三个基本主张:权利先于义务,权利先于权力,权利先于欲望(以及意志和功利)。首先,自然的和社会的义务(法律)都是有条件的,最初都源自于自然权利;自然权利是无条件的,是一切法律和义务的基础。其次,权利始终是目的,是第一位的,权力则是手段,是第二位的。国家主权和公民权利都起源于并服务于自然权利。最后,自然权利是人的本质属性,是欲望、意志、功利的前提,是一切政治性、道德性和社会性问题的开端。霍布斯的权利学说是彻底的权利本位主义,并因此为现代社会、政治和法律提供了的法理基础。  相似文献   

流域生态阈值、流域整体利益的实现和可持续发展的理念要求流域立法须以义务为本位来限制和约束人们的行为。这种义务本位体现在流域规划制度、流域资源及能源合理利用评价制度、流域水资源保护与分配制度、流域产业发展制度、流域生态补救与补偿制度及生态恢复与重建制度、流域管理体制及流域法律责任制度等流域法律制度中。强调流域立法的义务本位并不表明在流域立法中不设定权利性条款,只不过这种权利性条款的最终目的是为了促进整个流域群体的义务履行。  相似文献   

权利本位论——兼与封日贤同志商榷   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
权利本位的基本含义是,义务来源于权利,义务服务于权利,义务从属于权利。权利本位的基本标志是,着眼于具有普遍意义的法律角色的权利。权利本位观与阶级分析的观点并无矛盾,同时它也不同于个人本位,而是相对于义务本位而言的一个观念。本文并回答了封曰贤同志的七条批评意见。  相似文献   

2.“无本位说”的批评及“本位说”的反批评权利义务无本位论者认为,权利和义务是法的核心问题,两者之间不存在着以谁为本位的问题,撇开法律赋予谁以权利和加给谁以义务这一本质问题,讨论法以谁为本位是没有意义的。本位说的根本缺陷在于;(1)它把权利和义务之间的关系绝对化,将权利的主导地位固定化,“以所谓重点论否定了两点论。”(见《当代法学》1990年第4期马新福文)事实上不存在着固定的和普遍  相似文献   

论法以义务为重心——兼评“权利本位说”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 一、对“权利本位说”的质疑在“法本位”问题的讨论中,笔者曾就“法就是权利”这种“泛权利本位说”提出过质疑。现在,又有其它几种“权利本位说”。其中较有代表性的是一种“限权利本位说”(姑且这样称呼它,以便与“泛权利本位说”相区别)。“限权利本位说”认为,以权利为本位的法的主要特征是:“在权利和义务的关系上,权利是目的,义务是手段,  相似文献   

现代社会的性法律规范应该以性权利为本位,关怀人性,尊重合意,反对暴力,宽容多元,努力实现性的自由、独立和解放,这正是现代社会性法律规范的发展历程和基本走向。在这一过程中,法对性自由的拓展、对性权利的确认和保护实际是从两个途径来实现的:宽容和不容,即法对待不妨碍他人的性行为日益宽容,对待侵犯他人的性行为日益严厉。这具体表现为:人们裸露的空间得以增加,婚前、婚外性行为得到默许,色情物品得以解禁,各种异常性行为获得接受;而法对性侵犯的规制愈加严密,对未成年人的性保护愈加臻备。  相似文献   

张清  许蓓 《法律科学》2011,(2):43-50
在一定意义上,淫秽体现的是一种自然的、本源的权利和自由,从宪法的角度来看,它既是表达自由的一种,同时也是作为人权的性权利必不可少的内涵之一,其实质就是宪法所应保护的性表达自由。性表达自由并不仅仅是性的权利,而是人的权利,将性表达自由作为一种人权予以法律保护不仅对个人和社会都有着积极的意义,而且具有无可替代的宪法价值。  相似文献   

This study analyzed 390 (303 girls and 87 boys) cases of child sexual abuse to understand sex differences in child sexual victimization. Analyses focused on three domains that have received considerable empirical attention: victims' relationships with the offender, type and extent of abuse, and disclosure. Findings largely replicated previous efforts that reported sex differences in terms of victims' relationships with offenders. Although results also replicated previous findings about sex differences in disclosure patterns, these sex differences were minor in comparison with similarities in the way most instances of abuse were eventually identified. In terms of type and extent of abuse, results were the opposite of previous findings: girls, not boys, were the victims of more physical injury, violent threats, and use of force; and girls, not boys, were more likely to have physically resisted abuse. Divergences in findings were interpreted in terms of memory biases and social forces operating differently on the sexes.  相似文献   

儿童免受性侵害的权利--对我国儿童性法律的审视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
赵合俊 《法学研究》2004,26(6):128-136
在国际法上 ,性越来越与人权联系在一起 ,越来越被视为一种基本人权 ,性法律逐步从主要维护性秩序转向主要保护个人的性人权。《儿童权利公约》就突出体现了性人权的视角。我国已经批准《儿童权利公约》和《〈儿童权利公约〉关于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品问题的任择议定书》。在性人权的视角下 ,我国儿童性法律存在明显的缺陷与不足。儿童性法律的修改 ,应朝着更加人权化的方向进行 ,以便从一个侧面推动我国的人权建设。  相似文献   

论性的私法调整   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李岩 《河北法学》2007,25(12):56-60
私法对性保护的缺失导致对性权利保护的不足,性权利本质上是私权,私法应该对性权利加以调整并创设性人格权.性人格权由性自主权、生育权构成.创设了性人格权后,可以解决实践中许多问题如:婚内强奸问题、强奸后精神损害赔偿问题等.  相似文献   

Dangerous and discriminatory new provisions against sex workers' clients have repeatedly been put before parliament in England and Wales. Female ministers keen to punish clients of sex workers eagerly supported the Bill. However, while sex work has become a rights issue it is no longer just about women's rights. Diverse and multiple sexualities and working practices see gay, trans or bisexual workers selling sex to a diverse range of lesbian, gay, trans, and straight clients who may be able-bodied or disabled. This article critically examines the regulation of clients of sex workers, explores the current legislation against them, and reviews recent research evidence. The ideas that inform policy will be discussed along with the various policy approaches. The latest move to criminalize clients in the Policing and Crime Bill 2009 will be discussed along with the spectre of trafficking, used to scapegoat clients by a government which has undermined civil liberties and the fundamental concepts of a free society.

[A]nyone indulging in sexual activity is entitled to a degree of privacy especially if it is on private property and between consenting adults (paid or unpaid)
                                                     Mr Justice Eady 1  相似文献   


The treatment of sexual offenders can be fraught with ethical dilemmas. Practitioners must balance the therapeutic needs of sex offender clients alongside the risks they might pose to others. These ethical challenges include balancing community safety with the rights of the offender, the privileged therapeutic relationship and the potential for coerced treatment. In this paper, we respond to Glaser's argument that treatment is punishment and that sex offender treatment providers breach ethical codes by violating confidentiality, engaging in coercion, and ultimately causing harm to clients. We first consider whether sex offender treatment is indeed punishment. We argue that it is not, and that mandated treatment can and should be conducted in a fashion consistent with professional codes of ethics familiar to mental health providers. We then discuss the human rights model, which we agree is an essential lens through which to view the psychological treatment of sexual offenders. We attempt, as have other scholars, to illustrate the ways in which human rights principles intersect with traditional mental health codes of ethics particularly in the case of sex offender treatment. We conclude that sex offender treatment can be conducted ethically, that treatment differs from punishment in clear and distinct ways, and that ethical treatment conforms to a human rights perspective.  相似文献   

李拥军 《河北法学》2006,24(7):119-123
受女权运动和性革命的影响,现代西方国家性犯罪立法正经历着重要的变革,从而在性犯罪的定位、性犯罪的主体和犯罪对象、"性交"的内涵、犯罪处理机制等方面呈现出新的特点,同时通奸为罪的传统日益弱化,乱伦有罪传统获得保留,对未成年人的权利保护正在加强.面对我国当前性立法落后的现实,我们必须立足中国实际,借鉴西方立法经验,全面完善我国的性犯罪立法.  相似文献   

惩治腐败与性贿赂的立法化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龙一平 《行政与法》2004,(8):102-103
“性贿赂”败坏了党风、政风,社风、民风、不利于反腐败的源头治理,阻碍了经济建设的发展;使人们的道德、观念、理想、信念发生偏差、动摇,起到了国外敌对势力起不到的极大的破坏作用。本文从反腐斗争的迫切需要论述了“性贿赂”属于贿赂犯罪的一种形式,应将其立法化的客观性及紧迫性。  相似文献   

Childhood sexual abuse has been associated with HIV transmission risk behavior in men who have sex with men. This study examined an adapted model that was originally developed to explain the relationship between childhood sexual abuse and HIV risk behavior among women in a sample of men who have sex with men. Men attending a large gay pride event (n=647) completed anonymous surveys that assessed demographic characteristics, childhood sexual abuse, symptoms of dissociation, trauma-related anxiety, borderline personality characteristics, hopelessness, substance use, and sexual risk behavior. A latent variable partial least squares analysis was conducted to test the interrelationships between childhood sexual abuse, exchanging sex for money or drugs, emotional disturbances, drug use, substance use in the context of sexual behavior, and sexual risk behavior. The model fit the data well and accounted for 10% of the total variance in sexual risk behavior. History of childhood sexual abuse predicted exchanging sex for money or drugs and this relationship was partly accounted for by active drug use. Substance use proximal to sexual behavior also emerged as a key factor in predicting sexual risk behavior. Findings from this study, therefore, indicate a direct association between history of child sexual abuse and high risk for HIV infection related to engaging in sex trade.  相似文献   

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