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本文揭示了青年流动人口的生育态度,即对生育动机、生育年龄、生育数量、生育质量、生育性别偏好、生育间隔等六个方面的看法,表明青年流动人口作为生育主要载体,其生育态度的转变具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

大凡对人生抱有积极态度的人。都希望能有所作为,实现自身价值。干净干事,造福百姓,更是我们公安民警的不懈追求。一个人能否有所作为,取决于多种因素,如信念、禀赋、能力、机遇等等,然而,除了这些人们熟知的因素.还有一个重要因素却常常被一些人忽视.那就是“有所畏”。  相似文献   

行政补偿管窥   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行政补偿制度是一国行政法律体系中不可或缺的组成部分,是调整公共利益与个人利益之间关系的重要行政法律制度。行政补偿的理论基础应该是公民合法财产不可侵犯原则和社会负担平等分担理论。我国行政补偿的基本原则应该包括:公平合理原则;实际损失原则;直接损失原则;物质损失原则。  相似文献   

城市父母对青少年子女性教育知识和态度的调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文通过对北京、上海和西安三个城市的841位有青少年子女的父母的问卷调查,了解他们的性知识水平和对性及对青少年性教育的态度。调查发现,大多数父母具备一定的性生殖、艾滋病和性保健及性行为等方面的知识;对性持较为开放的观念;对在家庭和学校开展对青少年的性教育持肯定态度。调查还发现,父母的教育程度越高,性知识水平越高;父母性知识水平越高,对性及对青少年性教育的态度也越积极。  相似文献   

<正>In an early morning in July 1945,a strange mushroom cloud a rose in the basin of northern New Mexico,the United States,splitting the dark sky with brilliant light.That was not the first twilight of another day,but the twilight of the atomic age.Dramatically,the first explosion of a nuclear bomb was tested under the code name, The Gadget, by a team of scientists at Los Alamos under their  相似文献   

Progress is reflected in many aspects of life, and in China, as anywhere, marriage is a main mirror of socialdevelopment. Contemporary concepts of love and marriage are in complete contrast to those of ten, twenty and fifty years ago. Following are five personal accounts of love and marriage from generations spanning sixty years.  相似文献   

第二次世界大战后,随着欧洲衰落和东方崛起,世界范围内逐渐出现了一个东方转向的潮流.东方转向不能简单等同于中国转向.在当今的世界文化格局中,中国作为东方多元文化中的一元,其地位和影响还是比较有限的.我们需要积极拓展中国与亚洲各国之间、中国与后发展国家之间、中国内部汉族与少数民族之间的比较研究,主动融入当今世界主义话语建构的历史进程,推动中国文化的学术创新.  相似文献   

THE 30 years of China's reform and opening-up correspond roughly with my own lifetime. I was born in 1973, so I've never known a China that wasn't a rising economic power. Having lived in China for just over a year, I also haven't personally witnessed the immense changes that have swept across the People's Republic since economic liberalization commenced in the late 1970s.  相似文献   

正In the West,tiger mothers and wolf fathers are considered examples of extreme parenting.However,many Chinese parents put pressure on their children and probably look to such tiger mothers and wolf fathers as role models.When I first came to China in 1985,it appeared to me that the pressure concerned only high school students who were going to enter  相似文献   

IN May 1900, a Briton spent 10 pounds for an old Chinese vase. On July 15, 2005, his offspring sold .the vase for £3.5 million. Over a century plagued by two world wars and miscellaneous other crises, the value of this collectable accrued at an average rate of 1,000 percent per day. Prominent and reputable Chinese art collector and connoisseur Ma Weidu tells this story to illustrate why art collecting, encouraged by such extreme profits, has become vogue in China.  相似文献   

Changing Trains     
“Harmony” proves more than just a name for commuters on China's new high-speed train.LAUNCHED last April,  相似文献   

Changing Gear     
正Chinese automakers are working hard to meet the challenges of the growing African market With 29 million vehicles manufactured just last year,and 3.2-percent yearon-year growth,China remains the world’s largest car manufacturer.For the past five years,Chinese automakers have been picking up speed,demonstrated by the fact that local brands now account for 60 percent of all the sales of sports utility vehicles in the country.Overall,homegrown automakers now sell nearly 50 percent of all vehicles  相似文献   

Changing Minds     
<正>Dr. Arthur Kleinman is a professor of psychiatry and medical anthropology and Director of the Harvard University Asia Center. He is an expert on global mental health and has conducted extensive  相似文献   

中国人至今仍是最注重吃的,吃法在很大程度上代表着中国人的活法。合餐在中国俨然是吃的制度,不服从它的人经常会被当作异类。人们在聚餐时不设公共餐具或视公共餐具为摆设,这在中国的大小餐馆、家庭、食堂中是常见的景观。去年SARS流行时,国人倒是被迫对合餐制进行了短暂的反思,但仅仅发现它似乎不符合卫生学原理。后来眼见着SARS的威力渐减,有关合餐制的议论便迅速沉寂了,绝大多数国人都毫不犹豫地复辟了原来的吃法。我本来也是合餐制的服从者,后来逐渐觉悟了,发现合餐制是一种荒唐的吃法,因为它意味着人们可以理直气壮地相互侵犯。食…  相似文献   

Changing China     
<正>Last summer,my wife and I returned to the small city of Huzhou in east China’s Zhejiang Province for the first time in three years.At the end of our stay,we visited a Buddhist temple atop a small hill near the col ege where I’d taught.As we stood on the temple’s veranda admiring the view of the sprawling city below us,an elderly nun came out of the courtyard and walked to one corner.Striking up a conversation with her,we learned that when the temple moved there about20 years ago,the same view was mostly all farmland,with only a small city center in the distance.I couldn’t imagine that.  相似文献   

Changing Dreams     
The Chinese Dream, pursued by 1.3 billion Chinese people, is the object of nmch study today. If you're talking about China and you don't mention the Chinese Dream, it even seems a little strange.  相似文献   

Travel and time with friends have taken the place of the family get-togethers during Lunar New Year for younger Chinese  相似文献   

<正>How lanterns,salt and dinosaurs are giving new life to an old industrial city in Sichuan For Zigong,a southwestern city with a population of 3 million,winter is perhaps its most glamorous season.Every year during the Chinese New Year holiday,a largescale Lantern Festival,famed as one of the most  相似文献   

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