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构建城乡统筹的行政管理体制的立体改革思路一是通过推进省管县,减少政府层级,构建扁平化的纵向行政体制;二是市县平级,城乡分治,构建新型的地方政府横向合作体系,促进城乡社会经济的发展;三是进一步完善公共服务型和法治型政府的工作机制.  相似文献   

县级政府是中国有特殊职能的一级行政层级,在国家治理和政府运作中起着重要的作用。随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立和逐步完善,县级政府存在的问题日益暴露,其角色的错位、缺位或越位现象影响着自身应有作用和功能的发挥。在构建社会主义和谐社会的进程中,县级政府的角色转换势在必行,建设有限、有效、“双廉”的政府是其政府发展的理想模式。  相似文献   

Very little systematic research has been conducted to determine the policy effects of changing the form of county government. The findings of this study suggest that efforts to modernize county government structure may enable county officials to respond successfully to increasing citizen demands for a higher level of current services as well as expand the menu of services. Specifically, there is a strong association between the type of county government (non-charter commission, non-charter commission/appointed administrator or elected executive, or charter commission/appointed administrator or elected executive) and county spending for all types of services. In addition, there is a strong linkage between type of county government and three categories of county services representative of the service roles of the modern American county—that is, traditional, local, and regional services.  相似文献   

我国县级政府机构存在着机构设置职责同构、部门本位主义突出、行政机构自我服务职能强化等问题,削弱了政府的公共性与社会回应性,降低了政府的综合治理能力。完善决策机构,实现决策的科学民主;加强综合机构,维护职权完整;整合部门机构,力避职能交叉;强化监督机构,完善监督体系是调整与优化县级政府机构的重要目标。强化法制的刚性约束,建立行政组织自我调节机制,倡导县级政府创新则是实现县级政府机构改革的保障措施。  相似文献   

This article examines the consequences of local government complexityon county revenue decisions in fourteen Texas counties comprisingthe Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston metropolitan areas. Thereare significant differences in the configuration of local governmentsin the two areas traceable to when cities, school districts,and special districts were created. County revenue decisionsare also affected by the different configuration of governmentsin the two areas. These findings challenge the conventionalwisdom that states create local governments. Local choices areinstrumental in shaping local government complexity. What government-typesare chosen, and when, produce distinctive patterns of governancefrom one metropolitan area to the next, even in the same state.Consequently, reforms aimed at making the county the "localgovernment of the future" would require perhaps insurmountablechanges in state and local structures  相似文献   

The Final Word     
Plaut  Steven 《Public Choice》2004,118(1-2):29-30

论县级政府行政改革的战略选择   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
改革战略的正确选择是县级政府行政改革实现历史性突破的前提。未来的县级政府行政改革必须走出纯粹的组织变革层面,进入组织变革、职能变革与政治变革三重良性互动的全面变革时代。在中央与地方、政府与党委的纵横关系中,增加县级政府在行政改革中的自主性和县域公共利益的代表性,依据县域特殊性寻求政府职能与机构的合理性,变革权力结构,形成政府与社会良好合作的善治格局,是新时期县级政府改革与发展的战略选择。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the influence of state, region, and urbanizationon adoption of comity government structural reform, exemplifiedby charter adoption, appointment of county administrators, andelection of executives. It examines3, 119 counties on whichdata were available, emphasizing the 786 counties with appointedadministrators, 382 with elected executives, and 117 with charters.These three structural reforms were correlated with urbanizationas measured by three variables for counties nationwide: populationsize, population growth, and per capita income. The reformsalso were examined by U.S. Census regions and subregions. Theneach reform was adjusted to assess the influence of one or afew stales where a given reform was slate-imposed or almostuniversally adopted. For each reform, urbanization was a keyfactor in explaining adoption. Region offered little explanation.The stale also emerged as an important variable  相似文献   

县级政府能力绩效评估的内涵、依据及其模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
县级政府能力绩效评估就是根据县级行政组织的管理效率、效益、能力、服务质量、公共责任和顾客满意程度等方面的评价,对县级行政组织在管理过程中的投入、产出、政策或规定执行、中长期目标完成的结果等能力绩效进行评估。对县级政府能力开展绩效评估有着三方面的理论依据,而在实践中需要建构一种基于绩效评估过程的有利于县级政府能力提升的组织运行模式,这种模式的运行能推动县级政府以绩效评估为核心的行政绩效的变革。  相似文献   

关于有效政府的特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就我国而言,有效政府至少应具有以下几个特征:一是高素质的政府,主要体现为较高的能力素质和伦理素质;二是高效运转的政府,主要体现为反应灵敏、科学决策等;三是公平施政的政府,主要体现为坚持公正理念、消除社会不公等;四是注重合作的政府,主要体现为树立共赢理念、加强协调能力等。  相似文献   

构建服务型政府:内涵及动力阻力分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
服务型政府的内涵即民主政府、有限政府、法治政府、责任政府、绩效政府和透明政府。构建服务型政府的外在推动力是全球重塑政府的浪潮;内在源动力是中国社会主义市场经济体制的建立和完善;直接推动力是改革与服务型政府相悖的现状。其阻力在于:理论上的分歧构成理论指导的阻力;社会宣传不够,群众基础不厚,容易形成群体性的阻力;传统观念和体制形成的政府效能低下是体制上的阻力;政府存在的信用危机和部分工作人员的抵触情绪形成的内在阻力。  相似文献   

政府定位——行政改革分析的新角度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
如何摆正社会、市场与政府的关系,何者应该发挥主导作用,这两个问题时时刻刻在影响着中国行政改革的进程。为促使中国行政改革能够自觉、稳妥地进行,本文从中国20余年间起伏的改革历程出发,结合国际社会政府定位的基本理论观点、经验和教训,在否定政府决定论和市场决定论的基础上,断定采取国家社会组合模式,尽管会阻力重重,但这可能是中国政府定位惟一正确的形式,也是中国行政改革的方向。  相似文献   

政府执行力是政府组织的核心要素之一,是政府组织生存和发展的决定性因素。政府执行力的强弱,关系到政府职能的实现、政府自身存在合法性、执政效率的高低。当前我国政府缺乏诚信,执行不力对我国社会秩序的正常运转产生了巨大的负面影响。由此拟从政府诚信角度,通过对我国政府执行力现状的阐述,分析了我国政府执行力低的原因,并提出提升我国政府执行力的对策。  相似文献   

中国的贫困山区常住人口逐渐减少,近年来人口减少更有加快的趋势,人口的流失导致山区社会日渐衰微,山区人口的公共物品供给相对成本加大,扶贫资源的利用效率越来越低。  相似文献   

Government performance is an enduring concern for students of public management, public administration, and political science. Government's administrative arrangements and managerial behavior can profoundly influence programmatic content, activities, and outcomes; therefore, considering public management's effects is necessary for a true understanding of public policy and government performance. This article uses data from the Maxwell School's Government Performance Project to examine the relationship between state governments' managerial capacity and a measure of government performance (specifically, state policy priorities). We find that state management capacity has direct effects on state policy commitments: States possessing higher levels of management capacity tend to favor programmatic areas that distribute societal benefits widely (that is, collective benefits) as opposed to narrowly (that is, particularized benefits). Our analysis demonstrates that public interest group activity, government ideology, and citizen ideology each have significant, predictable effects on state policy commitments. Thus, our findings place managerial capacity alongside other more commonly studied state characteristics as an important influence on government activities.  相似文献   

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