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The development of e-commerce and the desire for the development of the integrate inner-market leads to a high regulatory need, the European legislators finally seek to the approach of harmonizing the contract law and draft out the Proposal for a Common European Sales Law (CESL). However, this regulatory instrument is still faced with heavy criticism and the unknown fate in the future. This paper will analyze the commercial transactions in Europe from the perspective of comparative private law under the framework of CESL, Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) and German provisions on sales contract and hope to provide reference for the participants or those who have potential investment intention on the European market.  相似文献   

Since the beginning of the "war" on terror, governments have implemented counter-terrorism laws and policies, in breach of their obligations under international human rights law, on account of the necessity to protect democracy against its enemies. Reliance on the human rights discourse in order to justify the violations committed renders it difficult to criticise these drawbacks without rethinking the concepts of rights and democracy and reformulating them. The present article attempts to answer this challenge along the lines of the reconstruction of the notions of liberal democracy as the rule of law and liberty, and human rights as spheres of individual sovereignty.  相似文献   

China has one of the longest histories of civilization in the world. In ancient China, civil disputes were solved by moral principles of Confucianism, called li (礼). Therefore, at the time of the emergence of li, privacy was indirectly protected to some extent. However, li also restrained the legal privacy protection at that time. Moreover, the substantial meaning of traditional protection for privacy is quite different from that in modern society. In consequence, it is difficult to postulate that there was legal protection for privacy in ancient China, though privacy had been indirectly protected by the theory of li. If the right to privacy is seen as a milestone in its evolution in modern society, the modern concept and protection of privacy emerged in China almost a century later than in some Western countries. 1 The first consideration for the protection of privacy in China was a judicial interpretation by the Supreme Court in 1988.2 Since then, China has been developing its own protection for privacy. This article is to explore privacy standards in both ancient and modern China with two main parts: (a) The first part discusses the privacy in ancient China, including traditional Chinese concepts of privacy, traditional Chinese protection for privacy, and its evaluation; (b) the second part examines the privacy standards and privacy protection in modern China.  相似文献   

Concerned about China's future, a panel of Chinese legal scholars invited Professor Duncan Kennedy to discuss legal transplants and the rule of law. This commentary contextualizes their ideas and concerns and aims to clarify some concepts and arguments that underlay their discussion. At times though using the same words the participants were talking about different things. By legal transplants, the Chinese scholars were initially speaking of specle laws, while Duncan Kennedy was referring to legal thought. By law being political, Duncan Kennedy largely meant the distributive and discretionary nature of adjudication, while the Chinese participants were criticizing the interference by the Party and the government with judicial practice. Yet through this encounter, much was exchanged and debated. Regarding the triggers of legal transplants, the Chinese participants emphasized the law's quality and the donor's power, while Duncan Kennedy was more interested in chance and the recipient's strategy. Among the multiple ways of defining the rule of law, both sides agreed that it should be an institutional framework within which an independent judiciary checks the executive power. Nonetheless, each side had their own hopes and reservations on how this institutional framework can enable judges to faithfully apply the law.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the concept of burden of proof and prima facie case,respectively,in WTO dispute settlement based on the legal doctrine on burden of proof in Chinese law.From the perspective of Chinese law,the burden of proof has three implications on two levels,namely the behavior burden of production and the behavior burden of persuasion in the procedural sense,and the result burden of bearing unfavorable consequence in its substantive sense.A prima facie case also includes the weaker account and the stricter account.They do not mean the same in different contexts,but what is the exact meaning thereof in a given context is clear.The real confusion of the burden of proof in WTO dispute settlement is prima facie standard which,in practice,to some extent,relies on the determination by the panel on case-to-case basis.  相似文献   

At the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the Decision of the Central Committee of the CPC on Some Major Issues concerning Deepening the Rule of Law 2014 was passed and delineated the direction for the research of our nation’s construction of a government under the rule of law. For years, the government at various levels and administrative agencies adhered to conducting work on the legal course under the CPC’s leadership, actively promoting administration according to law, and constructing a government under the rule of law, and have made enormous achievements. However, there many difficulties still co-exist, along with challenges and opportunities. By adopting theoretical and empirical research approaches such as data analysis, normative analysis, interviews and investigations, questionnaires, counter-measure research, and case studies, this article discusses and conducted systematic and in-depth research on the theoretical framework of the construction of a government under the rule of law from macroscopic, to microscopic aspects. This article outlined the basic contexts and realistic vision for China’s construction of a government under the rule of law, which can provide active implementation of the project of construction of government under the rule of law with a basis in theoretical reference.  相似文献   

On May 24, 2014, Renmin University Law school hosted an international symposium on “The Rule of Law Assessment: Universality and Particularity.” The speakers and participants came from Mainland and foreign universities, Chinese judicial divisions and govemment branches and the focus of discussions was the World Justice Project Rule of Law Index 2014 and particularly the assessment of the rule of law in moderu China. It was a busy and detailed programme and the following report deals with some of the highlights.  相似文献   

The weaker members of a political community are entitled to the same concern and respect of their government as the more powerful members have secured for themselves.  相似文献   

On June 19, 2014, the third Renmin University International Virtual Workshop (RUIVW) was held at Renmin Law School. Professor Jacques deLisle from Pennsylvania Law School gave a talk based on his recent work on Chinese tort law -- A Common Law-like Civil Law and a Public Face for Private Law China's Tort Law in Comparative Perspective.1 The article illustrates two characteristics of China's tort law: First it has been influenced by common law and, second it contains public law elements.  相似文献   

This article analyses Chinese traditional evidence theories that have evolved over a long period of time, to explore which theory, between objectivity and relevancy, best represents the basic attribute and logical thread of evidence. These theories are considered in the context of issues arising in evidential adjudication, including: the “Mirror of Evidence,” truth, the probability of proof standard, the choice between a notion of pursuing 100-percent certainty in adjudication and that wrongful acquittals are better than wrongful convictions, and the statutory proof doctrine comparedwith the system of free proof. Finally, the article presents the framework of and methods for drafting provisions of procedural evidence of the People’s Court.  相似文献   

Entry into force of the law No. 202/2010 regarding some measures to accelerate the settlement of the process, already raises a number of problems of interpretation. According to the Explanatory Memorandum of Law 202/2010 states that: "Unlike the other laws, the law No. 202/2010 comes into Romanian legislative with the aim of speeding criminal proceedings as well as to prepare the implementation of the new codes, some of the regulations contained in future coding being found in this law." In this respect, in the explanatory memorandum to the bill, it was noted that "from the major failures of justice in Romania, the harshest criticism was the lack of celerity in solving cases. " As often judicial procedures prove to be heavy, formal, expensive and lengthy, it was recognized that judicial effectiveness of justice consists, largely, in the speed with which the rights and obligations enshrined in judgments are part of the juridical circuit, thus ensuring the stability of legal relations to be decided. The introduction of simplified procedure of admission of guilt in the Criminal Code, now in force, was justified in the explanatory memorandum, among others, by Article 6 paragraphs 3 letter d) of the European Convention which guarantees the defendant the right to examine or have examined witnesses against him and to obtain the attendance and examination of witnesses under the same conditions as witnesses against him. This right has a relative character," the defendant may give up his pursuit before an independent and impartial tribunal, and elect to be tried based on the evidence administrated in criminal prosecution. In this respect, the Strasbourg Court stipulated that the defendant has the opportunity to waive the right guaranteed by Article 6 paragraph 3 letters d) of the European Convention and, consequently, he cannot claim that this right was violated, if the sentencing court based its decision on the statement made during prosecution of a witness (anonymously) in whose defendant waived hear  相似文献   

This Note advocates for state laws to be amended to implement family group conferencing (FGC) as the first step in cases of alleged child neglect. FGC was developed in New Zealand nearly twenty years ago and have since become a realistic method of balancing the best interests of the children, families, agencies, courts, and communities involved in the child welfare system. A FGC is a meeting among family members and professionals that is conducted in order to develop a plan for a child who is the victim of neglect. FGC places the family at the center of the welfare proceedings and empowers them to reach a solution without having to resort to the often lengthy and expensive adversarial court system. If FGC is incorporated into the child welfare systems throughout the United States, communication between the parents, social services, and the courts could increase, helping families adequately address the problem of neglect and getting the children out of the child welfare system quickly and more efficiently.  相似文献   

In the schools of crime hypothesis, social interactions between inmates are assumed to produce criminogenic rather than deterrent prison peer effects, thus implicating them in the persistence of high recidivism rates and null or criminogenic prison effects. We assess the validity of the schools of crime hypothesis by estimating prison peer effects that result from differential cellmate associations in a male, first‐time release cohort from the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections. To isolate causal prison peer effects in the presence of essential heterogeneity, we use a semiparametric local instrumental variables estimation strategy. Our results do not support the school of crime hypothesis. In our sample, prison peer effects produced in interaction with more criminally experienced cellmates are always null or deterrent rather than criminogenic. Although we do not explicitly test for the operant conditioning mechanisms theorized to underlie social influence in the context of differential association, we argue that, under the assumption that the differential association context relates positively to the direction of peer influence, our universally noncriminogenic estimates exclude direct reinforcement, vicarious reinforcement, and direct punishment as potential drivers of prison peer effects produced in interaction with more criminally experienced cellmates. Our results support the assertion that operant conditioning mechanisms connect differential association and deterrence theories.  相似文献   

Nowadays, the complexity of financial products makes it difficult for retail clients to identify investment risks, and there is an increasing tendency for firms, stipulated by the maximum profits, to recommend or enter into unsuitable transactions to or for retail clients while providing services of investment advice and portfolio management, which causes great losses to a significant number of investors. So, in the contemporary society, the investor suitability rules through which retail clients can purchase suitable financial products are the indispensable legal basis of investor protection. Currently, the regulations concerning investor suitability management in China have several problems, including the chaotic legal system, low effectiveness level and defective contents, which may make it difficult for suitability to be applied in justice and managed effectively. Since the UK’s investor suitability rules in the Conduct of Business Sourcebook that apply to retail clients whose contents include requirements of obtaining retail clients’ information, requirements of information to be provided to retail clients and criteria of assessing suitability are clear and comprehensive, the authors believe that the UK’s experiences can provide a great enlightenment for China to better investor suitability management rules, including integrating legal documents and optimizing effectiveness level, rationalizing application scope, adding criteria of assessing suitability and revising specific clauses.  相似文献   

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