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The conventional wisdom is that American universities transfer technologies more rapidly and more effectively than their European counterparts. While this appears to be true, it is important to note that there are substantial cultural, legal, and regulatory differences between the two regions, and even within Europe. We believe that European universities can enhance their effectiveness in technology transfer if this function is given more visibility and prestige, enhanced public support, and formal procedures are implemented to facilitate benchmarking. In this paper, we examine some of the differences in university technology transfer in Europe and the U.S., and discuss these new approaches, which have recently been fully supported by the European Commission.  相似文献   

我国技术市场交易中 ,专利技术转让合同占了很大比重 ,其中 ,又以专利实施许可合同为多 ,专利权转让合同和专利申请权转让合同数量也在逐年增多。作为技术转让合同 ,其主要特征在于 ,技术转让合同的标的 ,是当事人订立合同时转让方已经掌握的“特定”和“现有”技术成果。所谓“特定的”技术成果 ,指的是符合特别规定 ,受法律确认和法律保护的技术权益。如专利权、专利申请权、专利实施权等。所谓“现有的”技术成果 ,指的是作为技术转让合同标的的技术权益 ,在订立合同时已经存在。尚待研究开发的专有技术不得作为专利技术转让合同的标的。…  相似文献   

美国大学技术移转机构探析及对我国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自范内瓦尔·布什教授提出"技术移转"的思想后,美国社会各界围绕联邦专利政策争论了三十多年.1980年,美国国会颁布<拜杜法案>,该法案促使美国大学纷纷设立企业化运作的技术移转机构,进行知识产权的商业化使用.美国大学技术移转机构在运作模式、人员配置、管理政策、收益分配等方面的成功经验,对于我国大学健全和完善知识产权管理机构具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

Technology transfer has generally had little impact on the assistive technology industries serving small, highly fragmented “disability markets.” Persons with disabilities often require specialized, relatively sophisticated technology. Third-party payer reimbursement rates and the low levels of disposable income among disability populations often cap product pricing. Transferring technology to these industry segments therefore poses special challenges. In October 1998, the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Technology Transfer initiated the “Demand-Pull Project on Wheeled Mobility.” Successful transfers resulting from this project demonstrate that a systematic technology transfer process can be successfully applied to industries serving specialized and underserved niche markets.  相似文献   

The National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), U.S. Department of Education, is the only federal agency mandated to improve the functional capabilities of people with disabilities. The application of technology is one means for addressing this mandate, so NIDRR operates programs that research, develop and commercialize assistive technology devices and services. To support this activity, the NIDRR collaborates with other federal agencies, and supports a national technology transfer center focused on bringing new or improved products to the marketplace.  相似文献   

生物多样性公约与国际法上的技术规限   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
《生物多样性公约》是当前保护生物资源的国际公约中最重要的文件。虽然它在缔约方获取基因资源、技术转让以及互利互惠的分配等方面创设了新的规则 ,但这些规则可以说是发达国家与发展中国家之间斗争、妥协的产物。该公约的签署 ,建立了一种新的国际环境资源保护协作制度。这一制度 ,改变了过去在环境资源保护的合作领域的单向义务性观念 ,要求双方都有所给予和索取 ,都在享有权利的同时承担义务。但这样一种新的制度的建立和实施 ,尚需国际社会成员的共同努力和积极支持。更为重要的是 ,这种制度导致了技术转让和知识产权等领域法律问题的…  相似文献   

This paper examines the process of technology transfer and associated learning effects experienced by the Greek telecommunication equipment manufacturer INTRAKOM as a result of its involvement in public procurement processes and the technological shift towards software-driven digital switching and transmission systems. Drawing upon the role of Government procurement as an instrument for industrial policy and the learning potential of a technology transfer process, the paper argues that the Public sector's industrial policy considerations, exercised through the procurement practices of the Greek Public Telecommunication Operator (OTE), as well as INTRAKOM's own timely focus in establishing a long-term collaboration agreement with a leading international vendor (ERICSSON) played a catalytic role in the accumulation of domestic capabilities in the manufacturing of selected telecommunication equipment products.  相似文献   

This paper considers technology transfer from a holistic perspective, defining and integrating all essential elements. Technology, technology ownership, and technology transfer are defined to enable practical management of the value of technology as an organizational asset. Concepts from value-chain movement of technology in commercial product development are used to develop a complete, detailed vision of technology transfer across corporate boundaries. Lessons enable development of a productive technology-transfer function that will speed evolution of technology to product and enable creation of new wealth.  相似文献   

This paper argues that it is important to devote greater attention to the study of entrepreneurship in technology transfer in the light of greater government attention, the growth in the phenomenon, the need to identify how wealth can be created from spin-outs, changes in the cultures of universities and differences with technological entrepreneurship in general. The paper summarizes the contributions made by the papers presented in the special issue in terms of their levels of analysis. At the spin-out level, issues are raised concerning identification of typologies of spin-out firms, the evolution of spin-outs and external resources. At the university level, issues concerning policies, internal resources and processes are discussed. An agenda for further research is elaborated which relates to the need to examine further levels of analysis: the academic entrepreneurs themselves and how they recognize opportunities and shape their ideas to meet the market; the nature of internal university environments, processes and resources; and the nature of the scientific discipline which may have implications for the process of creation and development of spin-out ventures.  相似文献   

论技术转让合同中的技术改进条款   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
技术改进条款是技术转让合同的重要条款,它直接涉及双方当事人的权益,特别是关系到受方技术自主创新能力的提高。在合同中当事人需约定改进之含义及改进范围;并针对不同的情况,如涉及与方法或产品有关的发明改进。或与可专利客体相关的改进等,合同要对改进范围作出明确的约定。我国企业在技术转让合同中对改进条款的内容均有不同程度的忽视,这直接关系到技术引进、消化、吸收、再创新目标的实现;为此,在我国已有的法律规定之基础上,企业应对改进条款给予关注,以期提升自主技术创新能力。  相似文献   

彭玉勇 《知识产权》2006,16(2):89-94
欧洲共同体1996年<技术转移协议责任免除条例>对在欧共体范围内技术转移过程中的竞争责任免除问题做出了规定.随着知识经济时代的来临,技术转移活动变得越来越复杂,欧共体于2004年修订了该条例,完善了相关制度.其中,新引进的启始市场份额制度、黑名单制度、除外限制制度等对技术转移活动都将产生重要影响.  相似文献   

This paper provides an introduction to a new organizational form of business in the United States, the Limited Liability Company (LLC), and explores the potential use of LLCs for technology-transfer arrangements. Favorable characteristics of LLCs are limited liability for all equity holders, avoidance of corporate double taxation, flexibility of organizational form and distributions of profit, and few restrictions on membership. An unfavorable characteristic is that shares in an LLC cannot be publicly traded. The paper argues that, overall, the LLC form promotes certain types of strategic alliances, including those dealing with technology transfer. In particular, LLC characteristics lend themselves well to strategic alliances that form to share risk, exploit complementary assets, reduce transactions costs, overcome investment barriers, exchange technology, speed innovation and development, and make international expansions. The paper also points out why technology-transfer arrangements can and will continue to take on other forms as well.  相似文献   

Technology Transfer: A Contextual Approach   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
A corporation views effective technology transfer as a necessary element for successful operations. Politicians and Government agencies view technology transfer as critical to a competitive domestic economy. This paper compares and contrasts the technology transfer motives and methods of a corporation and a Government research and technology agency to analyze differences. The analysis reveals that the context, or environment, and the motives of the particular organizational level both reflect the method of technology transfer employed. Motives are not necessarily homogenous across organization levels. Therefore, the successful implementation of technology transfer depends upon creating an environment that will capitalize on the motives that exist at each level, and taking an approach that reflects those motives. The Government approach is to broadcast available technology, whereas that of the corporation is to control its release by targeting recipients. For more effective technology transfer, the Government approach should be augmented by a second stage that considers the individual employee's motivation. Therefore, on the basis of the findings, a two-stage approach to successful Government technology transfer is recommended.  相似文献   

叶辉华 《河北法学》2015,33(3):162-170
基于共同但有区别责任原则,发达国家有义务转让和传播气候技术,帮助发展中国家提升减缓和适应气候变化的能力.现有国际知识产权保护制度阻碍了气候技术的有效转让,发展中国家获取气候技术所付出的经济成本巨大.调适现有的知识产权制度,以法律生态化为调适原则,以利益平衡为调适法理,以强制许可为调适路径.  相似文献   

The Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Technology Transfer (T2RERC) hosted a “State of the Science” conference in November, 2001. The conference reviewed technology transfer work within the field of assistive technology, and summarized related work in public, private and academic sectors. Invited speakers prepared papers on various topics concerning technology transfer, and related their findings to the field of assistive technology during the ensuing discussion sessions. This paper provides an overview of the material presented by the participants, and explores the implications of their findings for one particular field of application—assistive technology for people with disabilities.  相似文献   

The Swansea Bureau is an innovative initiative designed to divert young people out of the formal processes of the Youth Justice System. The Swansea Bureau extends beyond simple diversion grounded in minimal or non-intervention and into tackling the underlying causes of youth crime through mechanisms that normalise youth offending and promote prosocial behaviour, children's rights, youth participation and the engagement of both parents/carers and the local community. Inter-agency working is pursued in a political, strategic and operational context of viewing young people as ‘children first, offenders second’. This article discusses the development of the Bureau and explores how this child-orientated model is beginning to yield positive results in terms of decreases in first time entrants into the Youth Justice System and reductions in reconviction. The Bureau process has also elicited widespread positive qualitative feedback from key stakeholders regarding its engagement with Welsh national policy, parents/carers and the children's rights agenda.  相似文献   

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