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The morphological changes of the alveolar wall of adult rats in the hypoxic state were studied by light and electron microscopy. The remarkable findings were the appearance of a large amount of lamellar, lattice- and thread-like structures together with a massive homogeneous substance on the surface of the alveoli which seemed to be closely connected with each other and with the surface of the cells lining the alveolus, especially in the 5%-group. The appearance of the above-mentioned structures with the homogeneous substance is considered to be the reaction of lung tissue to the decreased content of oxygen in the inhaled gas.  相似文献   

诉讼法学界关于客观真实与法律真实的争论是针对法律事实的认定标准所产生的分歧,但是,争论并没有跳出主观与客观、事实与价值、形式与实质这种二元对立的思维模式。而要探究法律事实的形成,必须重新考察诉讼活动的性质,进而实现分析进路由主体性向主体间性的转换。法律事实建构论的提出就是这种分析进路转换之后的结果,但值得注意的是,我们必须对法律事实建构论的限度保持必要的警醒。  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(3-4):305-324
The aim of this article is to analyse the phenomena of narco-terrorism and the practical measures utilised to counter this threat. By adopting the model of the crime-terror continuum developed by Tamara Makarenko, the article will outline the similarities and dissimilarities of narcotics trafficking and terrorism in order to provide a more nuanced perspective on the concept of narco-terrorism. By doing so, the article will evaluate the kind of approach taken in combating the threat of narco-terrorism.  相似文献   

结果无价值对行为无价值有诸多批评,在学派之争的基础上,行为无价值发展茁壮。行为无价值逻辑上能够自满,着眼未来法益和国民行为的规范引导,合理区分不能犯和未遂犯。结果无价值在被害人同意问题上不能贯彻到底。在排除违法事由的偶然防卫上得出无罪的结论,对主观违法要素考察不周延。法益的概念同样具有模糊性,只是经验性的后天裁判工具,不具有规范的先验自在性,因此不能单独成为违法的判断基准。规范是法益侵害处罚的基础。从规范义务的角度能对特殊案件进行目的理性的构成要件进行实质解释,不考虑行为人主观情事的物的违法论扩大了违法范围,不利于保障人权。从刑法哲学和政治学考虑,我国现行国情不宜实施结果无价值。  相似文献   

对合同无效后返还请求权性质的研究最终要落实在民法规则的具体设计上,这属于民法学问题中的价值判断问题.探讨此类问题时应遵守民法价值判断问题的论证规则,特别是实体性论证规则:没有足够充分且正当的理由,不得主张对民事主体的自由进行限制.在具体分析时还应区分两种情况进行讨论:第一,合同无效或被撤销后,返还原物及其孳息的请求权基础;第二,无法或没有必要返还原物而进行折价赔偿时的请求权基础.应区分不同的物权变动模式,以及当事人是否具有主观过错,从而确定具体的返还请求权基础.  相似文献   

口供在证据价值上具有不可替代的作用,司法人员应该认真对待口供。从实证的角度,废除犯罪嫌疑人如实供述的义务,有利于建立口供的激励制度。口供制度的重要基石分别是口供的任意性和真实性,我国刑事诉讼应该建立告知制度和口供补强标准。对待口供,既要反对口供无用论的"口供虚无主义",又要反对口供无法获得的"口供无奈主义"。合理的口供制度的建立,可以减轻司法机关口供举证责任的负担。犯罪嫌疑人(被告人)口供应成为量刑的评价因素。  相似文献   

基于法教义学概念的质疑——评《中国法学向何处去》   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林来梵  郑磊 《河北法学》2007,25(10):19-24
邓正来教授的力作《中国法学向何处去》(以下简称"邓著"),在自觉进行根本性反思的基础上展开了严肃且犀利的学术批评,不失为国内法学界近年来学术批评之范本之一.  相似文献   

This article examines the portrayal of police psychologists in the cinema. A comparison is made between motion picture and television depiction of “cop shrinks.” Through content analysis of video segments from recent films, the case is made that a skewed picture is provided to the viewing public about the actual roles and functions of professional psychologists employed by law enforcement agencies. The value of entertainment is discussed in terms of the importance of accuracy. An argument is made for the need for professional organizations such as the Society for Police and Criminal Psychology (SPCP) to lobby film makers to more completely present the realistic contributions of psychology to law enforcement personnel and organizations. Stereotypes and type casting are revealed as media perpetuation of myth and misinformation.  相似文献   

Can analysts provide better guidance to policymakers about the valuation of health effects? This paper argues that valuation questions usually cannot be easily sidestepped by the use of cost-effectiveness analysis. Valuations are implicit in the measures of program outcome that we use, as illustrated by an examination of a policy of maximizing discounted quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs). The paper concludes that surveys focused directly on the questions that health and safety policymakers face could be a most fruitful source of guidance.  相似文献   

武建敏 《河北法学》2008,26(2):69-72
法官需要孤独,孤独不是寂寞,而是一种凝结了真善美的高贵品质。法官的孤独并不是与这个世界的分离,相反法官的孤独是关注这个世界发展的命运基础上的孤独。正是因为法官把握和感受到了这个世界的整体命运,所以法官的孤独才可能对这个世界产生一种推动的力量。法官的孤独是一种具有高度自主性的美好品德。  相似文献   

行政程序的内在价值是在行政程序价值观念内在转向过程中对程序自身对于作为主体的人的价值和意义的探索,其实质是行政程序底线伦理的抽象化表述,即行政程序的内在价值是人们对于行政程序合法性的最低限度的社会共识。作为行政程序的底线伦理,行政程序的内在价值体现的是在交涉性基础上对人的主体性的认知和尊重,其目标指向是人的主体性的张扬。体现内在价值的最低限度的程序标准包括透明性、稳定性、非强制性、可接受性、可辩驳性、可预期性。作为行政程序底线伦理的内在价值观念,其提出的意义在于在生机勃勃、千变万化的社会实践领域为中国的法律现代化特别是行政法治化促发了一种现实的制度构建模式,即制度先行主义下的法治行政程序构建模式。  相似文献   

Research suggests that over the past several decades, the institution of parole has strayed from its original operating tenets of rehabilitation and reintegration and has increasingly become more focused on employing methods centered on surveillance and risk management. This article explores how a group of 43 women reentering their communities via parole understand the purpose of this institution. Through qualitative interviews, these women explain how they perceive parole as a tool intended to monitor their actions as opposed to assist them in getting back on their feet. The findings also demonstrate how this surveillance produces feelings of fear, anxiety, and powerlessness in individuals and how this affects women newly released from prison who are working to regain control over their own lives.  相似文献   

适应现行犯案件的特点,法、德、意等国采用了整体速决程序.比较研究发现,现行犯诉讼程序具有流线型的结构,通过减少起诉环节、缩短诉讼期限加速程序流转,达到迅速惩罚犯罪的目的.高效的权力运作是这一程序的本质特征.对两个地区现行犯案件处理程序的实证考察表明,有必要建立专门化的现行犯速决程序.建构这一程序首先需要解决"治安违法/犯罪"的二元追诉模式带来的障碍,然后应确定适用范围、简化程序、缩短期限,并进行配套制度改革.  相似文献   

Online search engines, social media platforms, and targeted advertising services often employ a “data-driven” business model based on the large-scale collection, analysis, and monetization of personal data. When providing such services significant information asymmetries arise: data-driven companies collect much more personal data than the consumer knows or can reasonably oversee, and data-driven companies have much more (technical) information about how this data is processed than consumers would be able to understand. This article demonstrates the vulnerable position consumers continue to find themselves in as a result of information asymmetries between them and data-driven companies. The GDPR, by itself, is in practice unable to mitigate these information asymmetries, nor would it be able to provide for effective transparency, since it does not account for the unique characteristics of the data-driven business model. Consumers are thus faced with an insurmountable lack of transparency which is inherent in, as well as the inevitable consequence of, the magnitude of the information asymmetries present on the data-driven market.  相似文献   

林维 《金陵法律评论》2009,(2):11-16,31
从大陆法系的学说、判例史上考察,期待可能性作为超法规的责任阻却事由,在德国无论在理论上还是在实务中,都遭到了彻底的否定;在日本,虽然理论的通说肯定这一观念,但是在实务上采取了极为保留的态度.因此,考虑到这一观念对应的时代和社会的非常态性,以及该观念同罪刑法定原则之间的冲突,这一理论不应作为超法规的责任阻却事由,但这不妨碍其作为超法规的量刑事由.  相似文献   

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