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Roberts SR Lewis RK Carmack C 《Journal of prevention & intervention in the community》2011,39(4):310-319
Over the past few decades researchers have begun to examine the importance of understanding positive youth development and the many contexts in which youth find themselves. The social contexts in which adolescent development occurs are varied and complex, particularly the development among African American youth. African American youth are faced with a number of challenges including living in single-parent homes, high teen pregnancy rates, and poor neighborhoods, yet many of these youth continue to thrive. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between family structure (single-parenting) and adolescent outcomes such as educational aspirations and sexual activity among African American adolescent youth aged 12-17. Approximately 462 African American youth were surveyed. A number of positive results emerged; for instance, there was a negative correlation between family structure and educational aspirations. The number of parents in the home did not interfere with youth wanting to complete high school and go on to college (r?=?-?.218, r2?=?.04, p?.05). The results also showed that as educational aspirations increased, the number of sexual partners decreased (r?=?-?.141, meaning that the more adolescents reported a desire to complete high school, they were less likely to report having sexual intercourse. These positive results should be promoted among African American youth so that those faced with these challenges will note that others have overcome and accomplished their goals. In this population educational aspirations were important. Limitations and future research are discussed. 相似文献
Kirk CM Lewis RK Lee FA Stowell D 《Journal of prevention & intervention in the community》2011,39(4):320-332
Numerous studies and interventions have been designed to either reduce the prevalence of risky behaviors (substance use, sexual activity, etc.) or increase the level of educational activity for adolescents. Research suggests that these two constructs may be related yet little is known about this relationship among African American youth. Archival data from the Risk Reduction Project was used to explore the connection between the protective factors of educational aspirations/expectations and recent participation in risky behavior. Results suggest that recent use of marijuana, alcohol to the point of intoxication, and sexual activity predicted lower aspirations and expectations among African American youth. From a positive youth development perspective, this study suggests the development of holistic interventions that build educational assets in youth, in addition to working to minimize risk behaviors. Limitations and suggestions for future research are also discussed. 相似文献
Felecia A. Lee Rhonda K. Lewis Jamilia R. Sly Chakema Carmack Shani R. Roberts Polly Basore 《Journal of prevention & intervention in the community》2013,41(4):299-309
African American males experience poor academic performance, high absenteeism at school, and are at increased risk of being involved in violence than other racial groups. Given that the educational outlook for African American males appears bleak, it is important to assess the aspirations of these adolescent males in order to find the gap between aspirations and educational attainment. In order to promote positive development within this population, it is essential that factors that affect African American males be identified. A survey was administered to male students attending elementary, middle, and high schools in a local school district. A cross-sectional study was conducted to examine the career and educational aspirations of African American males. A total of 473 males were surveyed: 45% African American, 22% Caucasian, 13% biracial, and 19% Other (including Asian American, Hispanic, Native American). The results revealed that African American males aspired to attend college at the same rate as other ethnic groups. Also, African American males were more likely to aspire to be professional athletes than males from other ethnic groups. Important factors to consider when designing a program are discussed as well as future research and limitations. 相似文献
Robinson WL Paxton KC Jonen LP 《Journal of prevention & intervention in the community》2011,39(2):132-148
Youth violence continues to present a serious public health challenge in the United States, particularly so for African American adolescent males. The present study utilized a multilevel approach to predict aggression within a community sample of low-income, urban African American adolescent males (n?=?80). Participants' self-report data on normative beliefs about aggression, exposure to community violence, and depressive symptoms were used in multiple regression equations to predict (a) self-reported interpersonal aggression and (b) self-reported aggressive response style when angered. Results of this study indicate that all three of the independent variables contributed significantly to the prediction of interpersonal aggression and aggressive response style when angered. The findings are important for increasing our understanding of pathways to various types of youth aggression and guiding the development of evidence-based approaches to violence prevention among African American adolescent males. 相似文献
Dennis V. Hickey 《当代中国》2011,20(69):231-247
This article examines US policy toward the improving relations between the Republic of China on Taiwan and the People's Republic of China. It also analyzes several policy options that the Barack Obama administration may wish to consider. In conclusion, the author suggests that, despite some arguments to the contrary, continuing the current policy supporting the growing rapprochement between Beijing and Taipei is in the best interest of the US. 相似文献
左富兴 《辽宁公安司法管理干部学院学报》2015,(2)
2010年召开的全国公安教育训练工作会议为新时期公安教育事业的发展指明了前进方向,但是公安院校现有的管理体制和机制已经不能适应新形势下公安教育的发展需要.理念创造文化,文化创造制度,制度创造生产力,本文提出理念管理、文化管理、制度管理的概念,希望通过管理转型来推动公安院校的建设和发展. 相似文献
发展观与政绩观有着紧密的内在联系。要全面确立科学的发展观,首先必须改造和更新政绩观。在对传统政绩观进行扬弃和创新的基础上,把政绩观统一于科学发展观,并且在实践中创造条件,把科学发展观与求真务实政绩观在实践中的结合做得更好。 相似文献
党的先进性建设是通过党的思想、组织、作风建设,巩固党的先进性教育活动成果,长期保持党的先进性,不断提高党的执政能力的一项根本性建设。铁路跨越式发展是推进铁路实现现代化的超常规发展,与党的先进性建设密切相关。铁路跨越式发展为党的先进性建设提供坚实的物质基础、发展动力和良好氛围,党的先进性建设通过加强党的思想、组织和作风建设,会大力促进铁路跨越式发展。一、铁路跨越式发展的新观念体现了党的先进性建设的深刻内涵从理论上讲,铁路跨越式发展就是以较短的时间、较少的环节和较少的代价,跳过发达国家曾经经历过而我们不必再… 相似文献
开发青年人力资源 高校共青团的时代责任 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
高校大学生是青年人力资源的重要组成部分。高校共青团作为先进青年的群众组织 ,作为高等教育和人才培养的重要环节 ,只有对高校共青团开发青年人力资源的现实状况、制约因素、工作目标有了一个清晰的认识 ,才能作出理性思考和理性选择 ,才能在青年人力资源开发中发挥更大作用 ,才能更好地服务学校中心工作 ,更好地发展青年。 相似文献
Oneal BJ Reeb RN Korte JR Butter EJ 《Journal of prevention & intervention in the community》2006,32(1-2):25-39
Since the publication of Lovaas' (1987) impressive findings, there has been a proliferation of home-based behavior modification programs for autistic children. Parents and other paraprofessionals often play key roles in the implementation and monitoring of these programs. The Behavioral Summarized Evaluation (BSE) was developed for professionals and paraprofessionals to use in assessing the severity of autistic symptoms over the course of treatment. This paper examined the psychometric properties of the BSE (inter-item consistency, factorial composition, convergent validity, and sensitivity to parents' perceptions of symptom change over time) when used by parents of autistic youngsters undergoing home-based intervention. Recommendations for future research are presented. 相似文献
实现铁路跨越式发展,是部党组贯彻落实"三个代表"重要思想的战略举措,是铁路各级党组织肩负的时代重托,也是全路职工的热切期盼。思想政治工作必须适应铁路跨越式发展的客观要求,在改进中加强,在实践中创新,才能为铁路跨越式发展提供坚强的思想保证。 相似文献
20世纪下半叶,中国西南边陲成为欧美学界"中国学"的新一轮关注焦点.整体主义的研究取向以"帝国研究"的模式来考量西南地区的少数民族;而"区域研究"运用地方化视角,探求"中国西南"社会的内在发展逻辑,力图在微观分析的基础上呈现多样性.在新历史主义的影响下,欧美学界以超越国家主义的宏观视角,将"中国西南"视为一种文化符号,致力于在"文化"和"社会"的脉络中来理解其族群认同与历史书写. 相似文献
本文坚持并运用历史唯物主义关于群体意识和个体意识的辩证关系的基本原理 ,揭示了深入持久地学习江泽民同志“三个代表”重要思想的理论依据及其重大意义。 相似文献
《中国共产党党内监督条例(试行)》是建党以来党内颁布的首部监督大法,是建立健全教育、制度、监督并重的惩治和预防腐败体系的一部最重要法规。作为铁路企业各级党的组织,要把学习、宣传和贯彻两个《条例》,尤其是新颁布的党内监督条例,作为一项重要的政治任务切实抓紧抓 相似文献
实现铁路跨越式发展,是部党组全面贯彻落实“三个代表”重要思想和党的十六大精神做出的重大决策,是加快铁路现代化建设,在全面建设小康社会中当好先行的需要,也是铁路自我发展的需要。实现铁路跨越式发展的总体目标,对宣传思想工作提出了新的更高的要求。 相似文献
致公党中央农村金融调研组 《中国发展》2012,12(3):1-6,93
该文分析了中国农村金融发展的现状及发展中存在的主要问题,提出了相关政策建议:完善和落实中国农村金融全面发展的宏观政策;发挥农村商业银行为主的合作金融的主导作用;积极发展村镇银行,充分发挥在农村金融中的辅助作用;大力发展农村小额贷款公司,发挥其特殊的金融支持作用;规范扶持农民(农村)资金互助社发展,加快互助金融建设。 相似文献
(2005年9月11日)在铁路体制改革取得显著效果并继续完善、全路运输安全“三查”活动取得成效、胜利完成暑运工作任务、先进性教育活动按照中央部署顺利推进的时刻,经部党组同意召开全路安全文化建设座谈会。部党组对这次会议非常重视,刘部长在研究会议有关问题时要求我们“深入研究,总结经验,务求实效,解决问题”。会议的主要任务是回顾总结铁路安全文化建设的基本情况和初步经验,研讨交流新形势下加强铁路安全文化建设的工作思路,对铁路安全文化建设进行全面部署。下面,我就加强铁路安全文化建设讲几点意见。一、认真学习研究,准确把握铁路… 相似文献
“十一五”铁路工作面临的新形势■党中央、国务院要求加快发展铁路,这既为我们创造了更为有利的政策环境,也对我们提出了更高要求■“十一五”是我国经济继续保持快速发展的时期,也是经济社会发展转入科学发展轨道的关键时期,铁路的作用将更加突出,加快发展铁路的责任更加重大■“十一五”是深入推进我国铁路跨越式发展的关键阶段,面临许多严峻挑战,战胜这些挑战,铁路跨越式发展就会取得决定性胜利第一,党中央,国务院要求加快发展铁路,这既为我们创造了更为有利的政策环境,也对我们提出了更高要求。党的十六届五中全会通过的《中共中央关于… 相似文献
党的十九届四中全会指出:要依法提高执政能力,立足新时代公安工作实际,公安机关提高依法行政能力的关键在于坚持依法公正执法,发挥警务督察结果是促进依法公正执法的重要保障。在警务实战中,警务督察结果可以反映出公安机关在执法勤务中存在的问题与不足,坚持以问题为导向可以为探索新时代警务督察结果优化公安改革的新机制,多措并举确保公安机关发挥内部督察职能,为实现公安改革指明前进方向。 相似文献