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The Ohio Attorney General's Sexual Assault Kit (SAK) Testing Initiative has resulted in nearly 14,000 kits being processed since the initiation of the project in 2012. A logistic regression model was fit to the data from 2500 SAKs in order to determine the probability of obtaining at least one Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) eligible DNA profile based on a number of predictor variables. The probability of obtaining at least one CODIS eligible DNA profile from an SAK varied as a function of (i) days to kit collection following a sexual assault; (ii) years to kit submission to the laboratory for testing following kit collection; (iii) the age of the victim; and (iv) the occurrence of victim‐reported consensual sex around the time of the assault and/or kit collection. These findings demonstrate the utility of the statistical modeling of data obtained from the “forklift” testing approach of sexual assault kits.  相似文献   

2006年10月22日至11月3日,以司法部司法鉴定科学技术研究所(以下简称司法部司鉴所)所长沈敏为团长、副所长朱元戎为副团长的司法鉴定技术考察团一行12人,  相似文献   

钱颖萍 《清华法学》2011,5(2):158-166
芬兰的群体诉讼可以分为两种类型:申请禁令的群体诉讼以及请求赔偿的群体诉讼。在请求赔偿的群体诉讼中,芬兰消费者巡视员拥有代表特定消费者群体采取法律行为的专属权利,但法院的生效判决对所有的"选择加入"的群体成员均发生效力。整体来看,这种请求赔偿的群体诉讼受到很大的限制。首先,其适用范围仅限于大众消费领域的纠纷;其次,诉权只给了消费者巡视官。这种严格受限的群体诉讼在实践中很难应对频发的大规模纠纷,这也迫使芬兰不得不在诉讼外谋求解决之道。  相似文献   

考虑到知识产权案件的重要性和复杂性,成立专门的知识产权法院对知识产权纠纷进行集中审理是近年来的发展趋势之一。台湾地区于2008年7月1日正式设立智慧财产法院并开始运作,审理涉及智慧财产权利诉讼相关的民事、行政及刑事诉讼案件。其引入的技术审查官、秘密保持命令等新制度对大陆地区试行的知识产权“三审合一”模式具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Attorneys working in the area of personal injury face complex cases in addition to many potential ethical and practice hazards. They are trained, educated, and have experience in handling and discharging their responsibilities in such cases to the best advantage of their clients, whether plaintiff or defense, while maintaining a professional integrity and appropriate ethical stance. Ideally, personal injury attorneys will practice from a position of virtue, serving their clients in their efforts to recover and regain their quality of life. Nevertheless, factors such as financial and work pressures can intervene, leading to inappropriate conduct that may harm their clients and risk professional alienation and malpractice. In the present article, seven case examples are provided that illustrate how personal injury attorneys working for plaintiffs can act in unethical and harmful ways, ultimately endangering their practice. The article is oriented to attorneys at all phases of their careers and includes recommendations for avoiding the types of harm and unethical practice that have been described. Also, the article presents strategies that psychologists treating these patients can take to remedy further emotional damage to patients.  相似文献   

工业企业知识产权工作情况调查报告   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
调研组 《知识产权》2002,12(6):24-29
2001年10月-2002年4月,国家知识产权局组织北京等8省市知识产权局,联合调查了1 245家工业企业。此次调奋本着随机抽样调查与有目标调查相结合的原则,或者说是一般与重点相结合的原则而进行。有的省市调查的对象以本省市销售额前200名或前300名企业为基础作为随机调查的样本;有的省市调查选择重点地区,同时结合随机调查;有的省市直接随机抽样进行调查,没有限定工业企业的规模范围,因而更能反映企业知识产权工作的全貌。此次调查的目的就是为了深入调查我国企业知识产权工作的实际状况,摸清家底,通过分析,找出我国知识产权管理新的政策思  相似文献   

当前.公共利益遭受严重损害的现状亟待创设对行政违法进行检察监督的新方式。检察督促是近年来民事行政检察司法实践中探索的一种非诉讼性法律监督方式。检察督促拓宽了法律监督领域,具有较强的应用价值,有利于监督行政机关依法行政。本文结合检察工作实践,对检察督促的适用范围和程序进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Abstract. The paper replies to Bix and Soper ( Bix 2007 ; Soper 2007 ). Bix's paper raises methodological questions, especially whether a form‐theorist merely needs to reflect on form from the arm‐chair so to speak. A variety of methods is called for, including conceptual analysis, study of usage, “education in the obvious,” general reflection on the nature of specific functional legal units, empirical research on their operation and effects, and still more. Further methodological remarks are made in response to Soper's paper. Soper suggests the possibility of substituting “form v. substance” of a unit as the central contrast here rather than form v. complementary material or other components of a unit. Various reasons are given here for not doing this. Among other things, it is also argued here that form does not, contrary to Soper's suggestion, always follow substance.  相似文献   

林嘉  李敏 《法学杂志》2005,26(5):138-140
TCL集团股份有限公司(以下简称“TCL集团”或“公司)”于2004年1月在国内完成A股发行上市,这是国内首例运用信托方式实现职工持股并成功上市的公司。本文拟从分析TCL集团职工持股信托的实例入手,以澄清认识中存在的一些阻碍信托运用的错误观点。一、事件概况TCL集团之前身为TCL集团有限公司,系由广东省惠州市政府控股的拥有家电、信息、通讯、电工四大产业的特大型国有公司。自1997年实行国有资产授权经营以来,经惠州市政府批准,公司建立了员工持股制度,先后以奖金折股、业绩奖励转股、管理层人员和技术骨干现金增资、市政府因员工出…  相似文献   

[Main accusation: showing disrespect for the court.—Eds.]

An attorney is obliged to challenge unlawful and unjustified actions and rulings committed (issued) by judges in a specific case, but only in a form that does not contravene stipulations of legislation on work as an attorney and the legal profession and of the Code of Professional Ethics for the Attorney.  相似文献   

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