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苏联的干部委任制始于列宁时期 ,形成于斯大林时期。委任制作为俄国文化的积淀在苏联一定历史时期的存在 ,有其合理性。但是委任制毕竟要被现代社会所抛弃。斯大林非但未能及时进行改革 ,反使之登峰造极 ,最后给后代留下了遗患。  相似文献   

中国正处于国内经济体制深化改革、社会结构深刻变动、利益格局深入调整、思想观念深度更新之中,党的作风建设和反腐倡廉工作的长期性、艰巨性、复杂性日益突显出来。在这样的背景下,来重新审视苏共亡党的原因对我国当前的党风廉政实践具有重要的价值。从苏共亡党教训可知,党风廉政建设是立党之本。  相似文献   

Lauren Wilcox 《安全研究》2013,22(2):214-240
Theorists of the offense-defense balance frequently note that perceptions of technology, as well as military doctrine, play a role in states' perception of offense dominance or the “cult of the offensive.” I argue that gender may constitute the missing link in explaining this misperception and suggest three possible areas of investigation. First, the perceptions and uses of technologies are dependent upon gendered ideologies which encouraged disastrous strategies in the First World War. Second, gender is an integral part of nationalism that promotes offensive policies by defining masculinity in terms of heroic service to the nation. Third, gendered discourses of protection use the language of defense to legitimate offensive policies. By analyzing the roots of perceptions of offense dominance, feminist analysis shows how gender discourses and the production of gender identities are not confined to individuals and the private realm but rather are a pervasive fact of social life on an international scale.  相似文献   

东北经济落后原因诸说评析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
振兴东北经济必须准确找出其落后的原因。现学术界提出的“结构说”、“体制说”、“国企比重过大说”、“项目怪圈说”及“东北人观念落后说” ,都有一定的合理性 ,但又都不很全面、完整 ,尚有其他原因需加以分析说明。国家在改革、发展战略与政策抉择上“失算” ,使东北地区收入过低 ,人才大量流失 ;在东北改革与发展的关键时期 ,缺乏必要的资金补偿与支持 ,这都是造成东北经济落后的决定性因素。只有全面科学地找出东北经济落后的真正原因 ,才能保证应对方针策略的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

Democracy in the Netherlands, like in so many other Western countries, is under substantial reform pressure. The problem with the democratic system in the Netherlands, according to democratic reformers, is that it is out of step with the fast and major changes taking place in modern society. Champions of democratic reform in the Netherlands mostly look to sweeping, large-scale, and all-encompassing plans for democratic reform, achieving, however, little success. Major structural changes have been planned time and again, but eventually the institutional structure has remained largely the same. This article presents a critical analysis of the standard recipe that democratic reformers often prescribe – radical makeover – and outlines a viable alternative that can also be derived from the Dutch case – reinventing tradition. Reinventing tradition implies a mixture of change and preservation, of movement and counter-movement. It is, arguably, the only way for democratic reform to go, at least in a consensus democracy like the Netherlands. Dutch history demonstrates that large-scale blueprint reform runs a serious risk of non-implementation, and that small-scale adaptive tinkering, part of the incremental ‘reinvention of tradition’, can be significantly more successful as a reform strategy.  相似文献   

振兴东北老工业基地,是党中央、国务院继建设沿海经济特区、开发浦东新区和实施西部大开发战略之后又一重大战略举措。目前,东北经济的所有制结构仍以国有经济为主。国有经济在产品、价格等方面已进入了市场,但在深层的产权、资本、技术、人力等生产要素上,却未能与时俱进。东北地区的要素市场化程度低,特别是劳动力市场发育程度处于全国最低水平,这种状况已严重制约着东北的发展。因此,制度创新在降低东北要素市场交易费用中具有重要作用,只有强制性的制度供给才能改变东北地区制度供给不足的局面,才能真正提高东北劳动力市场、土地市场、资本市场、技术市场的市场化程度,实现东北老工业基地的振兴。  相似文献   

蒙古国自1989年底开始受苏联东欧剧变的影响,颁布实施1990年的过渡性宪法。实行多党制、两院制的议会制。即第四部宪法。在此基础上经一年多的酝酿之后于1992年1月13日颁布了现行宪法。新宪法颁布实施近8年之后,于1999年12月24日由在议会中拥有席位的三党修改宪法。蒙古国通过本次修宪削弱了总统、宪法法院甚至议会少数党委员们的权力,扩大和加强议会多数党及其领导的权力,其结局是权力大集中。  相似文献   

The North Korean nuclear standoff has escalated since North Korea let slip that it was developing nuclear weapons while James Kelly, U.S. Assistant Secretary of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, was visiting Pyongyang in October 2002. The Bush administration has acknowledged that the United States will not discount a preemptive military strike on the suspected nuclear development facilities, and North Korea has stood firm against any pressure to halt its nuclear development from the international community. Dialogue and meetings for international cooperation among the major countries concerned, including Korea, the U.S., Japan and China, have been activated to resolve the nuclear crisis in the Korean Peninsula, especially after the U.S. pronounced an end to its war against Iraq in early May of this year. In the middle of the rapidly changing situation on the Korean peninsula, the inter-Korean reconciliation and cooperation initiated by the Sunshine Policy of the Kim Dae Jung administration and followed by the Roh Moo-hyun administrations Policy of Peace and Prosperity are not separable from the nuclear situation. This paper follows recent developments of inter-Korean relations, illustrates South Koreas stance on the issue and suggests the EUs role on the nuclear issue. This is a revised version of the paper presented at the Asia-EU Journalists Seminar organized by the Asia Europe Foundation and the Korea Press Foundation (KPF), held in Brussels, Belgium, May 22 2003. Financial support from the KPF is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

从金融危机透视国际体系转型动向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
发端于美国的国际金融危机不仅仅对全球金融、经济领域产生震动,也对国际政治、安全和社会发展等各领域产生深远影响,推动国际体系转型.中国并不主张推倒现行的国际体系,而是在国际体系的演进中发挥积极作用,实现中国的发展与世界发展的统一.  相似文献   

论西班牙天主教在菲律宾传播的历史背景   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对大多数殖民地国家而言,15世纪末以来,基督教是伴随着西方殖民主义者的隆隆炮声而来的。基督教在近代欧洲的海外扩张中充当了侵略工具,它的海外扩张是近代欧洲海外扩张的产物。本文以辨证唯物主义为指导,探讨了近代基督教传播的二重性,并在基督教东扩史和欧洲扩张史背景下来探讨了西班牙天主教在东方的传播。  相似文献   

东南亚地区是世界华侨华人社团较集中、活跃的地区(在20世纪60年代以前更是如此) ,而在东南亚地区,马来西亚国内更是华人社团林立,而且尤其活跃。至2001年6月,马来西亚共有华人注册社团7276个(其中包括华人政党组织)①。在东南亚,甚至在全世界,马来西亚华人社团的历史起源最早,其发展脉络也较为典型;而当前马来西亚华人经济、马来西亚华人社团与中国的联系日益密切,马来西亚华人经济在中国改革开放中的重要作用正在逐渐加强。马来西亚,特别是马来西亚华人与中国的教育、文化交流也日益频繁。马来西亚华人留学生在世界各国的华人留学生中占有…  相似文献   

执政文化是一套贯穿于执政系统和执政过程中,赋予意义和秩序的思想、观念、原则、态度、情感、评价等心理倾向和价值取向,是执政思想理论、法律制度和组织规范的凝聚。它是政党在执政实践中形成的,表现执政理念、意义、秩序和规律的文化成果,是推进执政系统运行、规范执政主体行为、引导政治共同体活动的指南。执政制度文化是执政文化的重要组成部分,是执政党通过推行法律、政策、  相似文献   

America's strategy has become increasingly budget-driven in the face of ongoing cuts, culminating in the sequester. As a result, fewer funds are, and will be, available for critical operations, notably exercises and training with foreign forces that are the key both to strengthening alliances and partnerships and to deterring current and potential adversaries. That Washington continues to revise its defense strategy virtually on an annual basis has further undermined its credibility worldwide. Given its long-standing global interests, and uncertainty regarding when and where it might again have to commit forces to defend them, the United States must reinvigorate its efforts to streamline the Defense Department so as to maintain its global posture in the face of budget pressures. Measures to improve defense efficiency include reductions in the civilian and contractor work forces, overhaul of the military medical and retirement systems, and repeal of anachronistic laws that foster waste in defense acquisition.  相似文献   

米军 《东北亚论坛》2005,14(5):83-87
自20世纪90年代以来,随着经济全球化的不断深化、贸易自由化和生产国际化的进一步扩大,金融全球化和金融自由化已成为一种更加明显甚至是必然的趋势;与此同时,原计划经济国家相继向市场经济转轨。在此背景下,金融全球化与转轨国家的经济和金融发展之间存在着互动关系,并具有内在的逻辑一致性。这一联动关系对经济转轨国家利弊兼具,经济转轨国家不仅要直面金融全球化所带来的利益和风险,而且要承受金融全球化与其经济和金融互动所产生的双重效应。同样,由于联动关系,如果转轨国家顺利融入金融全球化进程,并能获得较大的收益,这对金融全球化的可持续发展将是极大的贡献,否则他们的缺失或者不稳定将严重影响到金融全球化的可持续发展。  相似文献   

二月革命后,西伯利亚地区的布尔什维克与孟什维克还处于统一的社会民主工党之中,没有独立的布尔什维克党组织,这严重影响了革命向纵深发展.列宁《四月提纲》的发表和四月会议的召开,推动了西伯利亚独立布尔什维克党组织的建立,至十月革命前夕,大部分地区都完成了这一工作.这对布尔什维克夺取苏维埃领导权、取得革命的最终胜利具有重要意义.  相似文献   

东南亚是全球华人聚居最多的地方。东南亚华人"华人性"逐步调节、适应、然后进一步演化,形成了与本源"华人性"相异的内容。主要体现在"华语使用"、"传统习俗继承"、"华文教育"以及"与祖籍国关系"这四个维度。而这一嬗变的过程直接反映了东南亚华人因应国际局势外生变量的变化与居住国同化政策、多元文化政策的外在结构性环境变化而发生演变的事实,反映了东南亚华人既秉持一些"中国元素"又融入"移居国元素"的历史进程。事实上,东南亚华人"华人性"的嬗变是华人社会本土化的一个重要体现。  相似文献   

In 1982, claims were made that the Swedish diplomat, Raoul Wallenberg, when preparing in mid-January 1945 for his trip to Soviet military headquarter in Debrecen, north of Budapest, concealed large amounts of valuables—gold and jewellery—in his car. Moreover, the argument exists that Russian discovery of these valuables had a significant impact on both Swedish and Soviet handling of his case. Recently re-surfacing in a biography of Wallenberg, this claim is incorrect. The testimonies referred to in its support are fraught with serious weaknesses and, the causal chain allegedly set off about finding the valuables is not verifiable. This analysis argues that the study of the diplomatic history of the Wallenberg case could benefit significantly by taking some basic insights from the field of foreign policy analysis into account.  相似文献   

韩国的社会养老保险制度是从 2 0世纪 70年代开始建立的 ,80年代养老金的覆盖范围得到扩大 ,90年代后期开始进行了一系列改革。韩国的社会养老保险制度是一种缴费制的社会保险方案 ,由国家承担最后担保的责任。韩国的国民养老金覆盖率明显高于中国 ;韩国老年人的社会经济保障收入来源是多渠道的 ,中国应该向多渠道的社会保障途径发展。但是 ,韩国养老基金的来源也受到了挑战 ,社会保障费用迅速上升给韩国的企业造成了很大的负担 ,社会保障正遭遇财政危机 ,这是我国需要汲取的教训。  相似文献   

高科 《东北亚论坛》2005,14(6):36-40
冷战后的世界地缘政治形势发生了深刻变化,形成了界线比较清晰的四大地缘政治板块。这其中单极与多极竞争是冷战后时期世界地缘政治格局调整的主要内容。“9.11”事件与反恐战争使传统地缘政治观的影响有所淡化,但地缘政治本质并未发生实质性改变。  相似文献   

为了研究在同一培养条件下,不同含量犊牛血清(FCS)对高致病性猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(HP-PRRSV)JXA1-R株病毒含量的影响,以及用其生产的疫苗质量、免疫效果的变化情况,采用4个不同含量的FCS对HP-PRRSV JXA1-R株进行了繁殖,并测定病毒毒价及疫苗样品的效价,监测免疫猪的体温变化,用ELISA方法检测免疫猪PRRSV特异性抗体水平。结果显示,用15~30mL/L犊牛血清培养的病毒的含量没有较大变化,但是随血清含量的增加而略有增高。样品疫苗的病毒含量没有明显变化,但是在免疫后测温过程中发现,血清含量高的样品疫苗在接种后第2~4天体温有短暂的高温波动,随后正常。采血检测抗体发现,血清含量高的样品疫苗产生的抗体也早3~5d。本试验结果可以为HP-PRRSV的培养及疫苗工艺的改进提供有效的参考数据。  相似文献   

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