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From September 6 to 9,a CAFIU delegation headed by Mr.Qi Xuchun,Vice-Chairman of the National Committee of the CPPCC and Vice-President of CAFIU visited New Zealand.The following is the address made by Vice-President Qi at the University of Victoria Wellington.  相似文献   

The exchanges between Changsha and Japan have along history. More than 1000 years ago in Tang Dy-nasty, the culture of porcelain was introduced toJapan through the "silk road on the sea" fromTong-guan kiln in Changsha which was the first coloredporcelain workshop in the world. At that time, cul-tural and trade exchanges between Changsha andJapan had alreadybecome veryfrequent.The friendly exchanges between the two have growneven stronger since the establishment of diplomaticrelations betwe…  相似文献   

1956年,中国与埃及建交,开启了中阿建交的大门。50年来,不论世界风云如何变幻,中阿关系持续、快速发展的势头都没有改变。中阿关系源远流长,深厚的中阿友谊是中阿关系持续发展的牢固基础。21世纪的中阿关系面临新的机遇和挑战。政治上,美国的强权政治使有相同遭遇的中国与阿拉伯国家进一步接近;经济上,经济全球化与中阿经贸中的互补性也为中阿经贸持续发展提供了条件。“台湾问题”、“中阿经贸摩擦”、“西方鼓吹的中国威胁论”等也是中阿关系中面临的主要问题。只要双方牢牢抓住机遇,认真面对挑战,做到互利双赢,中阿关系前程似锦。  相似文献   

2007年3月16日中国社会科学院国际合作局和拉美所主办的中国社会科学院国际学术论坛“2006~2007年拉丁美洲和加勒比:变化与选择”召开。全国人大常委会副委员长、中拉友好协会会长成思危,中共中央对外联络部副部长陈凤翔,外交部拉美司司长曾刚出席会议并作主题演讲。中国社会科学院副院长李慎明代表中国社会科学院出席会议并致辞。哥伦比亚驻华大使吉列尔莫·贝莱斯、巴西驻华大使路易斯·奥古斯托·德卡斯特罗·内维斯和智利驻华大使费尔南多·雷耶斯·马塔出席会议并发表演讲。现将成思危副委员长、李慎明副院长、陈凤翔副部长和曾刚司长在开幕式上的演讲,以及奥古斯托大使和雷耶斯大使在“拉美的选择对中国的启示”专题研讨会上的演讲,经整理摘编发表。  相似文献   

The 21st century has already set its sail. The people all over the world have the expectation that the new century will bring about universal peace and common prosperity to humanity. The 20th century which has just passed shows that human civilization is always in the process of progress and evolution. Achievements in science and technology made in the 20th century will further improve the life quality of the people, the in-depth economic relations between the various countries have created co…  相似文献   

<正>The year 2014 witnessed profound changes of International situation.In this year,the diplomacy of China fully demonstrated the Chinese styles and Chinese spirits.Meanwhile,women international exchanges also progressed steadily and displayed a series of highlights,thus presenting the demeanor and charm of the Chinese women on the international stage.I.Staging the 2014 APEC Women and the  相似文献   

Ladies and Gentlemen, Let me start by saying how happy I am to join you, both old and new friends, at this dinner, and I appreciate the opportunity to exchange views with you on the future of China-US and China-EU relations. Over the years, you have been actively involved in growing China-US and China-EU relations, and I wish to say a big thank-you to you all.  相似文献   

正Milan,a city endowed with the perfect mixture of fashion,antiquity,romance and simplicity.I had the honor to come to this world-renowned city for the 10thAsia-Europe People’s Forum(AEPF)held on 10-12 October on behalf of the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU)with representatives of other Chinese  相似文献   

巴西的对外科技交流与合作   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
巴西是拉美对外科技交流与合作最为活跃的国家 ,目前已与 2 0多个国家签订了科技合作协定。近年来巴西的对外科技交流与合作领域不断扩大 ,特别是正在将传统的合作方式逐步转向对研究和创新成果的共同开发和成果的共同分享上。巴西政府认为 ,与其他国家进行科技交流与合作是提高本国科技水平最省时和最省力的途径。在与各国的科技合作中 ,巴西与中国的科技合作具有特殊的政治意义。中巴在科技领域具有较强的互补性 ,双方的合作取得了令人满意的成果 ,促进了两国的科技进步和经济发展 ,特别是在高科技领域的合作已成为发展中国家互利而又卓有成效的典范  相似文献   

At the invitation of the Bangladesh-China People's Friendship Association (BCPFA), a 4-member delegation led by Jiang Shuxian, Council Member of the Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU) visited Bangladesh from Oct. 21st to 28, 2005. The delegation attended seminar on "Bangladesh-China Relations: Prospects for the Future" on the occasion of the 56th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China and 30th anniversary of the establishment of dipl…  相似文献   

正Keynote Speech by H.E. Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China at the Opening Ceremony of the Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation Beijing, 26 April 2019 Your Excellencies Heads of State and Government,Your Excellencies High-level Representatives,Your Excellencies Heads of International Organizations,Ladies and Gentlemen,  相似文献   

Under the background of spreading international financial crisis, it is highly necessary to enhance China-Japan cooperation, especially in the fields of energy saving.and environmental protection. Japan is a developed country and has accumulated a lot of technology and experience in energy saving and environmental protection, which can serve as references for developing countries like China. Therefore, there is great potential for China and Japan to step up cooperation in this area.  相似文献   

本文在回顾中美军事交流历史的基础上分析了这一交流的特点和动因,并试图揭示它在两国关系中的地位与作用.笔者认为,两军交流取决于不同战略背景下两国关系的本质."9·11"事件并未改变冷战结束以来两国关系的本质,维持和推动这种交流对于两国关系以及地区乃至世界和平来说仍然是不可或缺的有利因素.  相似文献   

The report of the 18th National Congress of the CPC for the first time put forward that We will take solid steps to promote public diplomacy as well as people-to-people and cultural exchanges,and has elevated public diplomacy and people-topeople and cultural exchanges to the status of consolidating the social foundation for state-tostate relations,which highlights the importance  相似文献   

<正>On October 14th,Seminar on Promoting ChinaPhilippine People-to-People Exchanges and Cooperation co-sponsored by the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU)and China Foundation for Peace and Development(CFPD)was held in Beijing.Besides 9 members of the delegation of the Philippine Center of Young Leaders in Governance(PCYL)who were visiting China at the invitation of  相似文献   

At the invitation of the International Initiatives of Change A ssociation ofJapan ( IICAJ ), a 4-m em ber delegation of the C hinese A ssociation for Interna鄄 tional Understanding ( CAFIU ) visited Japan and wascordially received. During our visit in Japan , Mr.Tooru H ashim oto , President of IICA J and M r.Tsutomu Hata , Spe鄄 cial A dvisor of IIC AJ and Form er Prim e M inister of Japan met the delegation.The atm osphere be鄄cam e lively at once when Pres鄄 ident H ashim …  相似文献   

中俄科技合作及技术转移前景展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
俄罗斯的评估机构对影响世界经济发展的重大发明技术进行分析后认为,俄占有近30%的份额,处于世界科技领先地位。该机构还预测,至2010年在世界高新技术产品市场上俄所占的份额将接近50%。中俄两国政治、经贸方面取得了丰硕的成果,但中俄科技合作及技术引进工作却进展缓慢。探索中俄科技合作的新模式、新途径,剖析技术转移领域产生的诸多问题,对于促进俄高新技术向中国技术市场转移尤为重要。  相似文献   

作为世界反法西斯战争的东方主战场,中国人民抗日战争为世界反法西斯战争的胜利做出了不可磨灭的贡献。为纪念这一光明战胜黑暗、进步战胜反动的伟大胜利,牢记历史、不忘过去、珍爱和平、开创未来,更好地促进人类和平与发展的崇高事业,吉林大学、吉林省档案馆共同主办了"纪念中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年学术研讨会",来自全国25所大学及研究机构的近百位专家学者参会,与会人员就"中日关系的历史与未来"和中国抗日战争的重大历史问题等进行了广泛深入研讨,发表了一批重要研究成果。我们从具有代表性的6篇会议论文中节选了一些有价值的学术观点,对抗日战争史与日本侵华史研究的时代价值、日本侵华罪证、日本历史认识、安倍谈话的实质、中日关系的未来走势等重大问题进行了探讨,对于推进有关问题的研究具有重要的学术价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

<正>Keynote Speech by CAFIU Secretary-General Ni Jian at SeminarPromoting China-Philippine People-to-People Exchanges and CooperationOctober 14,2013Distinguished Congressman Lawrence Fortun,Distinguished Director Ramon Lacbain,Members of the Philippine Center of Young Leaders in Governance,Distinguished guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,  相似文献   

At early 1980’s, based on analysis of the new changes, features and trends of the international situation, Comrade Deng Xiaoping came to the important conclusion that peace and development had become strategic issues with global significance of the contemporary world. It put an  相似文献   

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