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正As a poem goes,the warmth and hope of spring can be felt immediately after it embraces the world.In this dynamic and fresh season,on behalf of the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU),I’d like to extend cordial greetings and wishes to the readers of the International Understanding home and abroad and to people from all walks of life for your longstanding interest and support for the work and development of CAFIU!  相似文献   

今年又是新西兰三年一度的大选年(ElectionYear)。在今年晚些时候,最早在9月,最晚至11月底,新西兰将选举产生第47届议会,组成新一届政府。借此机会,笔者就自己在新西兰生活了十多年并亲历过以往五次大选的经历,向国内读者介绍一下新西兰的政体、政党以及今年大选的基本情况。1.新西兰的政治体制和现时的议会构成新西兰是一个君主政体式的议会制民主国家,实行一党(如过半数)或多党联合执政的内阁制。总督为国家首脑。由于新西兰是英联邦成员国,总督便是伊丽莎白女王二世在新西兰的官方代表。总督经新西兰政府推荐,由女王任命。总督通常由已…  相似文献   

The award of the 2008 Olympic Games to Beijing has animated the people of China, but has raised hopes as well as fears among people in Taiwan. The Olympic movement has enabled both countries to participate in international sports under the so-called 'Olympic formula'. It has also stimulated cooperation between them in such areas as science and trade. Can the Beijing Games bring the two sides closer together through the co-hosting of some events? Three issues may stand in the way: operational feasibility, juridical consent and political agreement. The most intractable problem is the 'one China' principle, a condition set by Beijing for further cooperation. The co-hosting project is not impossible, provided both sides have the political will to make it work. At the moment, however, this political will seems to be wanting.  相似文献   

Since the end of World War II, and particularly since the end of the Cold War, there has been an expansion in the number of third-party peacekeeping missions established throughout the world. Most of the expansion in peacekeeping missions in the past decade or so has occurred in states experiencing intrastate or civil conflicts. The questions addressed in this study are under what conditions do third-party actors either decide to establish or decide not to establish peacekeeping missions in intrastate disputes, and specifically, what effect do international-level factors have on the likelihood that third-party peacekeeping personnel will be deployed in an intrastate dispute? The previous literature on third-party peacekeeping and interventions is used to derive a set of theoretical arguments and hypotheses regarding the establishment of peacekeeping missions by third-party actors (the United Nations, regional organizations, and ad hoc groups of states) during the post-World War II period. Specifically, I argue that several factors originating at the level of the international system influence the occurrence of third-party peacekeeping missions. The results of statistical analyses of the hypotheses largely support the notion that a set of international-level factors significantly influences the decisions of third-party actors to establish or not establish third-party peacekeeping missions, that international-level factors are more important than state-level factors, that these factors often have different effects on the likelihood of different types of third-party peacekeeping.  相似文献   

2017年是东盟成立50周年,东盟围绕“携手变革,融入世界”的主题,全面有效地执行东盟2025愿景各项目标,鼓励创新创业,倡导包容和谐文化,推进东盟一体化进程.加强与对话伙伴在各领域的合作,增进与潜在合作伙伴的接触,继续保持在区域合作中的核心地位,致力成为一个外向型共同体.展望2018年,虽然仍然面临成员国发展差距、跨国问题等挑战,东盟将把合作重点放在“坚韧与创新”上,继续推进共同体建设,努力将东盟地区建设成为一个和平、稳定、和谐、繁荣的地区,并在地区与国际事务中发挥更大作用.  相似文献   

菲佣是国际家政服务行业的知名品牌,在家政服务员职业化方面形成了一套成功经验,可以简单地概括为五位一体,即围绕家政服务业这一支柱产业,采取五大举措来推进家政服务员的职业化发展:实施国家战略,注重法律保护,普及家政教育,加强技能培训,培育职业文化。  相似文献   

《Diplomacy & Statecraft》2007,18(2):271-295
Some scholars claim that collective security always fails. This article analyses a case where it succeeded. When Belgians rebelled against Dutch rule in the early 1830s, all five great powers agreed no fewer than four times to threaten or to use force against one or both sides. Why? Drawing extensively on diplomatic correspondence from Austrian, German and Russian archives, I show that the Concert of Europe functioned as a security regime, helping the powers to agree. Great power consensus broke down when Britain and France imposed a peace settlement on the Dutch in 1832. Yet the Belgian case—like Iraq's 1991 expulsion from Kuwait—shows that collective security can sometimes succeed against cross-border aggression.  相似文献   

当今的亚洲,蒸蒸日上。除了世界第二大经济体日本以及新加坡、韩国、中国的香港和台湾省已成功起飞外,中国、印度等地域面积大、人口众多的发展中大国也在迅速崛起,昔日西强东弱的世界结构正在逐步改变。目睹这一全球性的重大变化和发展趋势,纪梭·马布巴尼(Kishore Mahbubani)今年在美国纽约公共事务出版社出版发行了他的新著《新亚洲:权力东移势不可挡》(The New Asian Hemisphere:the irresistible shift of global power to the east)。  相似文献   

智利民主政府在延续原军政府时期基本经济政策的同时,在社会政策领域进行了重大调整,把减少贫困,促进社会公正作为社会政策的基点.在对过去10多年扶贫工作进行初步总结的基础上,智利政府于2002年5月提出以反对极端贫困为核心的"智利团结计划"为贫困家庭提供社会心理支持、提供保障性现金补贴、提供家庭救济金、推动贫困家庭优先进入各类社会发展计划."智利团结计划"与智利政府过去10多年的扶贫计划有密切传承关系,体现了政府社会政策的连续性.与原来的计划相比,"智利团结计划"更重视贫困家庭的参与,更强调政府各级机构的协调,更重视各地方政府和地方组织的作用,更强调创新,因而也更加切合实际.  相似文献   

近年来,"欧洲化"一词在欧盟研究文献中出现频率颇高,被很多学者认为是研究当前欧盟及欧洲政治的一个重要概念。"欧洲化"概念的出现反映出欧盟研究学者的关注点从欧盟层次向成员国国家层次的转移,特别是在20世纪90年代后,越来越多的人开始关注欧盟层次的发展对其成员国及准成员国国内制度、政策及政治文化所造成的影响。  相似文献   

美国哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院院长约瑟夫·奈曾任克林顿时期的国家情报委员会主席和助理国防部长)上世纪80年代末在其《美国注定领导》(Boundto Lead:The Changing Nature of American Power)一书中创造性地提出"软权力"(soft power)这一概念,认为一国的实力不仅包括经济、军事、政治等客观存在的要素,还有文化实力。自此软权力作为衡量国家  相似文献   

Foreign Office diplomats recognised the danger to British security posed by Adolph Hitler’s accession to the chancellorship of Germany in January 1933 but differed on how to meet this challenge. This article reproduces the hitherto unpublished draft instructions prepared by Owen O’Malley, a ranking official at the Foreign Office, for the newly appointed ambassador to Germany, Sir Eric Phipps, on taking up his posting in autumn 1933. Sir Robert Vansittart, the permanent under secretary, who took a sceptical but not entirely hostile view of O’Malley’s proposals, minutes O’Malley’s suggestion of a clear warning to Hitler, accompanied by the opening of negotiations with Nazi Germany recognising its enhanced position and the justice of some of its claims. Vansittart did not forward the draft memorandum to the foreign secretary, Sir John Simon, and there is, as far as I know, no copy of this in the public archives. Included is additional information on the clashes between the two men on how dictators should be treated as well as biographical information on the careers of the three men involved in this debate.  相似文献   

会展旅游,即国际市场上通称的MICE(Meetings,Incentives,Conferences and Exhibitions),是一种通过举办各种会议、博览交易、文化体育、科技交流、奖励旅游等活动而开发的一种旅游项目①.它是随着经济社会、旅游业的发展而出现的一种新的综合性旅游形式,因盈利性好、市场潜力极大,而成为旅游业界发展的热点.  相似文献   

The European Data Protection Directive is often considered the Internet Privacy Global Standard, but this in only partially true. While the European Union sets a formal global standard, the 1995 Data Protection Directive has two loopholes that Internet companies exploit to set the effective global standard for internet privacy. The United States and Ireland have become safe harbours for Internet companies to collect and process Europeans’ personal data without being subject to the stringent laws and regulations of some continental European countries. Companies, and not the European Union or governments, are the ones that set the effective global standard of internet privacy.  相似文献   

"美国新世纪计划"介绍   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在布什政府共和党保守派智库中,“美国新世纪计划”(Project for the New AmericanCentury,PNAC)以其不同于传统基金会(HF)、美国企业研究所(AEI)等机构的运作方式而独树一帜。创建至今,该研究机构不断提出对美政府决策具有影响力的建议,现已成为布什政府外交决策的“左膀右臂”。  相似文献   

Some unprecedented special features mark China-Japan relations in the new era. Based on mutually beneficial strategic interests, they spell economic inter-dependence and political mutual trust-a corner stone for building a just international economic and political order. Three phases characterize such relations. The 1990s saw the initial period of post-Cold War transition. Then came the intervening stage of collision since the advent of the new century up until the present. Hopefully, a long-awaited day will dawn when both sides join hands in building a desired bond. However, uncertainty still remains in confirming its arrival.  相似文献   

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