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YE XIAOWEN 《人权》2011,(5):6-9
The Communist Party of China (CPC) has persistently fought for human rights since its founding in 1921.This is epitomized by the Party’s success in promoting democracy, getting the Chinese nation to rally around it,uniting with religious believers and protecting human rights.  相似文献   

享有充分的人权 ,是长期以来人类追求的理想。在旧中国 ,广大人民群众深受帝国主义、封建主义、官僚资本主义的压迫 ,没有人权可言。中国共产党诞生以后 ,一直把争得人权作为自己的奋斗目标 ,并为此进行了长期的艰苦卓绝的斗争。新中国成立后 ,在中国共产党的领导下 ,中国的人权状况得到了根本的改变  相似文献   

Protection of criminals'human rights is an important issue that has received full attention at home and abroad. The Communist Party of China (CPC) has always attached much importance to the protection of criminals'human rights. Since the founding of new China, the Party and the state have paid full attention to protecting the human rights of criminals.I.The CPC Has Set Great Store by the Protection of Criminals'Human Rights  相似文献   

GU Chunde  HU Liang 《人权》2021,(2):205-227
Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the human rights cause in China has developed and progressed through the period of democratic revolution, the early founding of the People's Republic of China, the new period of reform and openingup, and the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. all previous national Congresses of the Communist Party of China have made illustrations and arrangements on human rights issues, and the successive Party leaders have made important expositions on human rights issues. The Party and the state have enacted a series of policies, laws, and regulations to protect human rights in various periods. China has made historic and great achievements in human rights practice and created a human rights development path suited to China's national conditions. China's human rights development over the past century has fully proved that the CPC has always been, and it remains, the firm core of leadership for China's human rights development and progress.  相似文献   

周强 《人权》2015,(2):144-152
Comparative analysis of China’s human rights white papers provides a valuable perspective on changes in the official human rights discourse. In terms of their structures, the white papers can be divided into three types: the mixed model, the five-in-one model and the rights-list model. The rights-list model has a consistent style, standard terminology, and an arrangement of rights in line with China’s reality. In terms of contents, the right to subsistence has been gradually reduced and the right to development is increasing. In the 2013 white paper, there was a whole chapter on social security rights, which highlights China’s social development and the priority placed on the people’s wellbeing. The right to development and social security will become a new focus of human rights discourse in China.  相似文献   

WANG Lifeng  Shen Jinyun 《人权》2021,(2):268-283
during the different periods of revolution, construction, and reform, under the pattern of unity in diversity, the Communist Party of China has recognized and respected ethnic cultural differences, taken ethnic equality as the moral foundation for ethnic minority rights, ethnic fraternity as the ethical foundation of ethnic minority rights, and regarded ethnic minority rights as an important part of China's human rights cause. Protecting ethnic minority rights through regional ethnic autonomy and ethnic support policies has not only proved to be an effective way to protect ethnic minority rights but also built up rich and profound ideolog ical resources for respecting and protecting ethnic minority rights.  相似文献   

China's participation in the international human rights system is mainly attributed to China's reform and opening-up since1978.The most important influence of the international human rights system on China is the change of the Chinese government's governing philosophy,the awakening of domestic people 's rights awareness,the popularization and deepening of human rights concept and human rights awareness.However,China's participation in the international human rights system is not completely passive.China's participation in the international human rights system is both a strategic issue and an inevitable result of domestic political choice.It reflects China's understanding of human rights from a formal recognition to a major change in value recognition.There is a process of mutual influence,interaction and mutual recognition between China and the international human rights system.While learning and internalizing existing international human rights norms,and adjusting its behaviors with existing international human rights norms,China is also affecting the evolution of the international human rights system with its human rights stance,human rights views and its capabilities of continuous growth.  相似文献   

<正>The song Without the Communist Party of China(CPC)There Would Be No New China is commonly known in China.The song showcases the Chinese people’s support for the Party and it is always proved right by China’s progress in development.Since the first day of its founding in 1921,the CPC has taken the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as its mission.Over the past 96 years,the CPC has been working to lead the Chinese people on the road toward  相似文献   

The Communist Party of China (CPC) was born and grew up in a time of war.It rose to national power in a very difficult period of history and changed the fate of China,bringing peace and prosperity to its people.Now times have changed again.Are the young Chinese,born in peacetime and pampered by the fruits of China's dazzling economic and scientific development,  相似文献   

Title: Everything You Want to Know about the Communist Party of China RMB 88253 pages, paperback Published by Foreign Languages Pressin August 2012IN late 1989, Professor Li Junru, former vice president of the Party School  相似文献   

中越两党都具有强烈的忧患意识。由于同属马克思主义政党和社会主义国家,又面临着大致相同的历史任务和社会发展阶段,因而中越两党在忧患意识方面共性颇多。但党情、国情、社会复杂程度和经济发展水平的差异,又使中越两党的忧患意识具有各自的特点。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,随着执政内涵与执政环境的变化,中国共产党的执政话语也相应地发生了深刻的变化,创新党的执政话语是促进社会认同的有效手段。改革开放以来中国共产党创新执政话语的动力主要来自以下四个方面:保持与社会同步前进的张力、维护意识形态安全、凝聚改革共识、适应网络社会。  相似文献   

抗战时期,苏联基于国家利益要求与和平外交政策的指导,在发展中苏国家关系的同时,不断调整对中共的政策。抗战之初,苏联在舆论和道义上给予支持,但拒绝军事援助,并要求中共对国民党进行妥协退让。苏德战争的爆发前后,苏联再三要求中共“武装保卫苏联”,赞扬和支持解放区战场。抗战胜利前后,苏联承认国民党政府为中国唯一合法政府,同时极力贬低中共。这些政策,客观上支持和援助了中国人民的民族自卫战争,也表现出苏联大国沙文主义和强权政治的倾向,伤害了中国人民的民族感情,为中国革命带来了不利因素。  相似文献   

伍小涛 《桂海论丛》2013,(3):100-104
中国共产党的民族工作和民族政策,是建立在其早期民族工作的基础之上的。中国共产党的早期民族工作大致可分为两个阶段,即中国共产党民族工作的理论宣讲时期(1921-1934)和中国共产党民族工作的实践时期(1934-1949)。在这两个时期,中国共产党的民族工作都取得了重大成就,既为新中国民族工作的开展奠定了基础,又为之积累了深刻的启示。  相似文献   

自我革命作为中国共产党独特的话语表达,蕴含着不同维度的话语逻辑。从历史逻辑来看,与三次理论上的重大飞跃相呼应,新中国成立以来,中国共产党实现了三次具有里程碑意义的自我革命。其标志分别是建国后不久开展的整风运动和整党运动,真理标准问题的大讨论和马克思主义思想路线、政治路线、组织路线的重新确立,新时代全面从严治党和反腐败斗争压倒性胜利。从价值逻辑来看,自我革命是坚持马克思主义认识论和唯物史观的必然要求,是坚定党性立场的强力支撑,是勇于从错误中崛起的睿智之举,是推进"四个伟大"的根本保证。从经验逻辑来看,自我革命必须与社会革命同步进行,必须与满足时代诉求紧密相连,必须处理好守正与创新的关系,必须与维护"权威"有机统一。  相似文献   

今年是中国共产党的百年华诞.在一百年波澜壮阔的奋斗历程中,党之所以能由小变大,由弱变强,团结和带领中国人民不断取得胜利,很重要的一个原因就是她能在革命、建设和改革的重大关头,紧密结合新形势新任务卓有成效地开展学习.习近平总书记指出:"我们党历来重视抓全党特别是领导干部的学习,这是推动党和人民事业发展的一条成功经验.在每...  相似文献   

一部中国共产党的历史 ,就是一部马克思主义中国化的历史。 80年来 ,在马克思主义中国化的历史进程中 ,经历了两次历史性飞跃 ,产生了两大理论成果———毛泽东思想和邓小平理论。党的三代领导集体始终不渝地把马克思主义中国化的艰巨事业推向前进 ,积累了宝贵的历史经验。  相似文献   

在中国共产党创建时期,李达在以极大热情从事党的创建工作的同时,也十分关注中国妇女问题和妇女解放运动。除主持平民女校、指导《妇女声》刊物以外,他还译介国外有关妇女解放著述,介绍西方妇女解放运动;结合中国社会发展实际,大力宣传马克思主义妇女解放理论;将马克思主义妇女解放理论与中国妇女解放实际结合起来,努力运用马克思主义的立场、观点和方法研究妇女问题特别是中国妇女解放问题,撰写并发表了一系列有关妇女解放的著作,积极探索中国妇女解放的道路。李达在党的创建时期对中国妇女解放运动所做的贡献,对推动党的创建起了重要作用,在中国妇女解放运动中也占有重要地位。  相似文献   

五四运动前后,先后有21批共计1900余[1]名中国青年漂洋过海求学于欧洲,掀起了旅欧勤工俭学运动的热潮。他们中间的先进青年接受了马克思主义,并积极探索建立了早期的党、团组织。根据中共中央指示,“旅法共产主义小组”和“旅德共产主义小组”合并为“中国共产党留德法组”,后改名为“中共旅欧支部”。中共旅欧支部在组织欧洲学生运动、发起欧洲论战宣传马克思主义、反对中比不平等条约、协助国民党筹建欧洲组织、培养和输送革命干部方面发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

中国共产党早期基层组织党建思想及实践,与马克思、恩格斯、列宁关于党建的理论和实践有着很深的渊源,它确立了我党正式建立及发展壮大的核心思想基础,是我党宝贵的历史经验,在介绍、接受和传播马克思主义中,共产国际和苏俄则对我国早期基层党组织建设在实践和思想产生了重大影响,并对当下推动形成坚强有力的基层组织政治引领体系、基层党组织遵循的密切联系群众和民主集中制原则有着重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

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