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The Communist Party of China has been concerned with the protection of the rights and interests of persons with disabilities since its founding.in the period of the new democratic Revolution and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, it adopted a series of protective measures in various forms in line with local conditions.Since the reform and opening-up, the cause of persons with disabilities has developed in an all-around way under the leadership of the CPC.especially since the 18th national Congress of the Communist Party of China, the protection of human rights for persons with disabilities has been innovatively developed, and persons with disabilities have been truly participating in social affairs and share the country's development gains as equal subjects of rights.The centennial history of the Party's protection of the rights and interests of persons with disabilities shows that the CPC's ideas of human rights protection consecutively comprise humanitarian assistance, humanitarian protection, and people-centered human rights protection.The main identity of persons with disabilities has changed from the object of protection during the revolution to the object of medical care and social welfare, and the subject of human rights.The content of protection of rights and interests has developed from survival assistance to comprehensive protection including education, rehabilitation, employment, etc.The dignity, autonomy, equality, and social participation of persons with disabilities as the subject of human rights have become increasingly prominent.  相似文献   

抗日民族统一战线是中国人民的伟大创造,对中国历史产生了深远的影响,从中国政党制度的形成和建立的过程和条件来看,抗日民族统一战线对其亦有重大贡献。中国政党制度在当代中国语境下就是指中国共产党领导的多党合作与政治协商制度作,其主要架构和原则就是中国共产党的领导和多党合作,而党的领导地位的确立、多党合作的政党制度理念的萌芽、作为中国政党制度雏形的"三三制"实践,都受到抗日民族统一战线的重要影响。  相似文献   

ZHU Liyu  CHEN Feng 《人权》2021,(2):228-250
The report to the 19~(th) national Congress of the Communist Party of China stated an important new definition of the principal contradiction facing Chinese society. in a century's development, the formulation of the CPC's major strategies, paths, guidelines, and policies is closely related to the Party's scientific analysis and evaluation of the principal contradiction according to the development stage of Chinese society in different historical periods. This is of great significance for identifying the work focus of the Party and the State and for realizing China's progress and development. in the course of its striving to solve the principal contradiction facing the Chinese society, the Party has always been unremittingly committed to seeking happiness for the people. from the perspective of localization of the Marxist human rights theory in China, this is the ultimate reason why the Party and the State can make great achievements in various undertakings, including the construction of human rights.  相似文献   

Since the 18th Communist Party of China (CPC) National Congress was held in 2012, President Xi Jinping has frequently mentioned human rights, expounding on a series of concepts on their development and depicting bright prospects for China's human rights cause.  相似文献   

中国共产党成立 80年来 ,把马列主义民族理论创造性运用于解决中国民族问题的实践 ,制定了符合中国国情的民族政策 ,开展了卓有成效的民族工作 ,促进了中国民族问题的解决 ,丰富和发展了马列主义民族理论。在新的世纪 ,民族工作面临机遇与挑战 ,我们要在以江泽民同志为核心的党中央领导下 ,努力探索解决民族问题的新途径 ,促进各民族的团结和发展繁荣  相似文献   

正Beijing recently released a new white paper providing a comprehensive overview of a multitude of efforts to achieve a xiaokang, or moderately prosperous, society, on schedule in 2021, coinciding with the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China(CPC). First described in the modern era by Deng Xiaoping in 1979, subsequent generations of Chinese leadership made this concept central to national development goals.  相似文献   

理论创新是实践的必然要求,中国共产党90年来不断把马列主义民族理论创造性地运用于解决中国民族问题的实践,制定了符合中国国情的民族政策,开展了卓有成效的民族工作,促进了中国民族问题的解决,丰富和发展了马列主义民族理论。新世纪新阶段,民族工作面临机遇与挑战,我们要在以胡锦涛同志为总书记的党中央领导下,紧扣各民族共同团结奋斗、共同繁荣发展的民族工作主题,努力探索解决民族问题的新途径,促进各民族的团结和发展繁荣。  相似文献   

The Chinese Dream is not only the dream of rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,but also the dream of human rights of the Chinese people.To accurately understand the shared root and origin of the Chinese Dream and the protection of human rights in China,we must understand that the Chinese Dream provides new strategic guidance for the protection of human rights in China,and the protection of human rights in China is an important measure to promote the realization of the Chinese Dream.To realize the Chinese Dream in the new era,Chinass human rights protection must always be people-centered,and adhere to the resolution of the main social contradictions in the new era.On the basis of raising the awareness of the whole Party and society to respect and protect human rights,we should remove obstacles and barriers to human rights protection and promote the building of a community with a shared future for human beings.At the same time,the protection of human rights in China in the new era must be guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.We must adhere to the path of human rights development with Chinese characteristics,and study and solve various practical problems of human rights protection in China in the course of upholding integrity and innovation,so as to promote the realization of the Chinese Dream.Upholding the leadership of the Communist Party of China is the fundamental guarantee for realizing the Chinese Dream and protecting human rights in China.We must unswervingly follow the CPC's lead and open up a new stage in the development of Chinas' human rights cause in the new era on the great journey to the Chinese Dream.  相似文献   

A seminar on Construction of China's human Rights discourse System in the new era was held in Central South University(CSU) on April 12, 2018. The event was sponsored by the China Society for human Rights Studies and the Publicity department of the hunan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, and hosted by the CSU Research Center for human Rights and the CSU School of law. nearly 70 experts and scholars in law, international relations, and communication from institutes of higher learning, research institutions, and practical work departments from around the country shared their opinions on three topics: Cultivation of a Chinese human Rights discourse System in the new era, Communication of the Chinese human Rights discourse in the new era, and Chinese human Rights discourse and International human Rights Governance in the new era. They conducted an in-depth discussion on enhancing human rights self-confidence, grasping the characteristics of the new era and the general development trend, consolidating consensus between domestic and overseas human rights discourses, and effectively carrying out international human rights exchanges. Fully reflecting the in-depth thinking and insights of attending experts and scholars on the matter, the seminar effectively promoted the development of research on Construction of China's human rights discourse system in the new era.  相似文献   

论我国多党合作制度的特点和基本经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以"三个代表"重要思想为指导,通过分析一些国家在政党制度方面的教训,总结我国多党合作制度的特点是:共产党领导、多党派合作,共产党执政、多党派参政,共产党代表、多党派联系;我国政党制度的优势是:既有坚强的领导核心,又有广泛的社会基础;既有集中,又有民主;既维护人民的根本利益,又照顾各方面的具体利益;既有共同的政治基础,又"和而不同".在上述基础上,本文进一步对共产党领导的多党合作的基本经验作了一些研究探讨.  相似文献   

张立进 《桂海论丛》2011,27(4):7-11
建党90年来,中国共产党领导和推动中国政治发展取得了辉煌的成就,可以把基本经验归结为:必须坚持党的领导,并不断加强和改善党的领导;必须坚持以中国化的马克思主义为指导;必须坚持以人民的利益为出发点;必须坚持走自己的路;必须同时代主题和中心任务结合起来。  相似文献   

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China70 years ago,the human rights discourse of the Communist Party of China has been constantly updated.In the early years of the founding of the People's Republic of China,the CPC spontaneously formed a collective discourse on human rights with the right to subsistence and self-determination as its core;in the 1980 s,in the process of reflection and refutation,the CPC paid more attention to individual rights,and gradually increased the sense of a human rights discourse with Chinese characteristics;since the 1990s,the CPC has combined the specific national conditions and the international environment to form a human rights discourse.The system of human rights discourse has been constructed in terms of the order of priority of human rights protection,path of human rights development,relationship between human rights and sovereignty,and development of the world human rights cause.Since the 18~(th) National Congress of the CPC,the CPC has put forward the idea that "living a happy life is the primary human right" at home and the idea of building a Community with a Shared Future for Human Beings for the world,and the discourse system of human rights with Chinese characteristics has gradually been improved.The independent variable of the change of human rights discourse of the CPC is the specific national conditions at different stages and the recognition of national identity formed on this basis.The other variable is the international environment and external relations that China is facing.  相似文献   

孙成武 《长白学刊》2021,(2):1-8,F0002
中国共产党是社会主义中国的领导核心,是中国政治体系的核心特征和显著优势,是实现中华民族伟大复兴的根本保障。党的十九大在党的建设方面最具开拓性的贡献,是第一次把党的政治建设纳入党的建设总体布局,突出新时代党的建设要以党的政治建设为统领。我们不仅要把政治建设看作党建理论和实践的重大突破,更要把它作为党建重大课题的破题和任务的开启。要深刻理解和把握党的政治建设的深刻内涵和重大实践意义。从理性逻辑上看,中国共产党强调政治建设遵循了现代政党建设的一般规律和要求;从历史逻辑上看,中国共产党强调的政治建设是总结国际共产主义运动和中国共产党百年历史经验教训所得出的基本结论;从现实逻辑上看,中国共产党强调的政治建设是推进党的自身建设和实现中华民族伟大复兴的要求。  相似文献   

没有中国共产党就没有新疆各族人民的翻身解放。只有在中国共产党的领导下 ,我们才能开辟新疆从黑暗走向光明、从落后走向进步、从贫穷走向富裕的光辉道路。只有在中国共产党的领导下 ,才能有新疆的民族团结、社会稳定、经济发展和人民生活不断改善的大好局面  相似文献   

China's development miracle decoded It's hard to disassociate President Xi Jinping and his philosophy on governance from China's rapid development.After reading Xi Jinping:The Governance of China,I have up-to-date understanding of China's development in the new era,the development philosophy of the Communist Party of China(CPC),and the development blueprint for this big country with a population of 1.4 billion people.In recent years.  相似文献   

论当代中国政党制度的现实必然性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度是适应当代中国国情的新型的社会主义政党制度。它对于当代中国的经济发展、政权稳固、社会政治稳定以及执政党和参政党的自身建设的作用是其他政党制度所不能代替的。这一政党制度不仅有其历史必然性 ,而且是当代中国现实的必然选择。  相似文献   

论中国共产党党内监督的历史经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
党内监督是新时期党的建设的一项重大而紧迫的政治课题。本文首先分析了党内监督的思想理论渊源,然后在对中国共产党80多年来党内监督进行历史考察的基础上,总结概括出中国共产党党内监督的基本规律和基本经验。  相似文献   

张建 《长白学刊》2021,(2):9-16
当代中国共产党人在推进中国特色社会主义伟大事业的接续奋斗中,着力国家治理体系和治理能力现代化,实现了“风景这边独好”的中国之治.新时代治国理政的实践,标注了当代中国共产党人对实现国家治理现代化一系列重大问题的深刻回答,诠释了当代中国共产党人对实现国家治理现代化目标的引领与担当.梳理新时代中国共产党人推进国家治理现代化的...  相似文献   

民族、种族和宗教相互之间具有紧密联系,且对一个国家的和谐与稳定关系重大。我国加入或即将加入的国际人权公约对民族、种族和宗教相关的犯罪行为已经作出了明确规定,我国有必要以国际人权公约的规定为参照检视我国刑法在民族、种族和宗教犯罪上的规定,作出与我国实际相符合、也与国际人权公约相一致的修正。修改现有相关犯罪的构成条件,增加我国刑法没有规定但危害严重的民族、种族和宗教犯罪。  相似文献   

WANG Lifeng  Shen Jinyun 《人权》2021,(2):268-283
during the different periods of revolution, construction, and reform, under the pattern of unity in diversity, the Communist Party of China has recognized and respected ethnic cultural differences, taken ethnic equality as the moral foundation for ethnic minority rights, ethnic fraternity as the ethical foundation of ethnic minority rights, and regarded ethnic minority rights as an important part of China's human rights cause. Protecting ethnic minority rights through regional ethnic autonomy and ethnic support policies has not only proved to be an effective way to protect ethnic minority rights but also built up rich and profound ideolog ical resources for respecting and protecting ethnic minority rights.  相似文献   

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