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新冠肺炎引发的重大突发公共卫生事件,对我国经济社会发展和群众日常生活产生了重大影响,是对中国国家治理体系和治理能力的一次大考。疫情发生后,中国工会积极响应党和国家号召,团结动员广大职工群众投身疫情防控及复工复产复市工作,为战胜疫情、恢复生产做出了积极努力。文章从工会自身的性质、角色、职能出发,围绕新冠肺炎疫情背景下各级工会组织的应对实践进行研究,以期为完善工会参与应对重大突发公共卫生事件的制度与机制提供参考。  相似文献   

移动互联网时代,每逢有重大公共卫生事件发生,必然伴随有网络舆情,有效治理网络舆情是重大公共卫生事件处置的重要内容。新冠肺炎疫情防控是新中国成立以来一场前所未有的战役,网络舆情热度、烈度、扩散度、敏感度和破坏度也远超以往。在事件本身及利益相关者、政府、媒体、网民以及网络环境等因素的综合作用下,新冠肺炎疫情网络舆情呈现出井喷式发展、病毒式传播、舆论场对冲激烈、次生谣言层出不穷等特点。新冠肺炎疫情网络舆情启示我们,必须要将重大公共卫生事件网络舆情治理纳入国家治理层面考虑,采用多元主体协同治理和差异化引导策略。  相似文献   

移动互联网时代,每逢有重大公共卫生事件发生,必然伴随有网络舆情,有效治理网络舆情是重大公共卫生事件处置的重要内容。新冠肺炎疫情防控是新中国成立以来一场前所未有的战役,网络舆情热度、烈度、扩散度、敏感度和破坏度也远超以往。在事件本身及利益相关者、政府、媒体、网民以及网络环境等因素的综合作用下,新冠肺炎疫情网络舆情呈现出井喷式发展、病毒式传播、舆论场对冲激烈、次生谣言层出不穷等特点。新冠肺炎疫情网络舆情启示我们,必须要将重大公共卫生事件网络舆情治理纳入国家治理层面考虑,采用多元主体协同治理和差异化引导策略。  相似文献   

2020年初暴发的新冠肺炎疫情,是新中国成立以来发生的传播速度最快、感染范围最广、防控难度最大的一次重大突发公共卫生事件,是对国家治理体系和治理能力的一次大考。上海作为我国最大的国际化大都市,是世界级枢纽和特大型口岸城市,在沪工作生活的外籍人士接近50万人,境外疫情输入的风险和压力巨大。上海浦东国际机场作为口岸防疫的重要场所,密切协同相关部门采取精细化防疫措施,严防境外疫情输入,织就"国门防疫网"。  相似文献   

这次新冠肺炎疫情暴发是一次典型的公共危机事件。首先,危害性上,造成数万人次的确诊和疑似病例出现、上千人死亡,对人民群众生命安全造成极大威胁,对于社会经济运行、社会生活质量等都有广泛深刻的影响。其次,紧迫性上,控制大面积疫情蔓延,全面降低发病率、重症率和死亡率刻不容缓。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情是对我国治理体系和治理能力的一次大考,也是对上海这些年来坚持创新社会治理加强基层建设实践的检验。上海各个社区通过"强办法""硬办法""严办法""好办法""暖办法",以绣花般的精细和韧性,织起一张防疫安全网,使社区成为疫情防控的坚强堡垒。在这次疫情防控中,也暴露出上海基层治理体系和治理能力方面的一些短板,需要进一步夯实治理基础,提高有效应对突发公共事件的能力。  相似文献   

全球范围内,变异流感病毒感染事件的发生间隔期出现缩短的趋势,进入20世纪90年代以后,这种事件平均每2年就发生一次。当前,我国新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情(以下简称“新冠肺炎疫情”)防控的“总体战、阻击战”取得了重要的阶段性成果,但新型冠状病毒也许不会像SARS那样很快消失。因此,需要经常应对新发传染病的挑战或许会成为疫情防控的“新常态”。本文在分析新冠肺炎疫情本身的特点和全球新发传染病流行趋势的基础上,本着学先进、补短板、堵漏洞、强弱项的原则,提出在疫情防控进入“新常态”后如何有效加强我国公共卫生治理体系和治理能力现代化的建议。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央始终把人民群众生命安全和身体健康放在第一位,采取了一系列行之有效的防控举措。这次抗击新冠肺炎疫情,是对国家治理体系和治理能力的一次大考。当前,疫情防控工作到了最吃劲的关键阶段,要做好疫情防控重点工作,在战疫实战中将制度优势更好转化为治理效能。  相似文献   

城镇化是现代化的必由之路。在我国城镇化进程加速的背景下,风险治理的首要任务和关键所在,是城市风险治理取得实效。新冠肺炎疫情作为典型的现代化风险,对我国城市风险防控与治理体系和治理能力提出了严峻挑战。城市疫情防控的根本是坚持党的全面领导,在此前提下,构建以城市治理现代化为导向的多元主体协同共治的城市疫情整体性防控模式。  相似文献   

我国在较短时间阶段性成功防控新冠疫情,源于新型举国体制在突发公共卫生事件应急管理领域上的应用。新型举国体制是对我国传统举国体制的继承与创新,由国家意志、社会主义市场经济、国家治理体系及科学技术专业知识构成,具有集中力量办大事、更加注重人民当家作主等特征。新型举国体制在防控新冠疫情上的制度优势具体表现在快速正确的应急领导、专业应急队伍、市场经济提供的应急保障、国家治理体系和"省际"互助、基层动员与社区治理、军地协同、国内外应急支援等方面。  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic provides a unique opportunity to study which factors drive compliance and how the evolving context in society –virus fluctuations and changing government measures – changes the impact of these factors. Extant literature lists many factors that drive compliance – notably enforcement, trust, legitimacy. Most of these studies, however, do not look across time: whether a changing context for citizens changes the impact of factors driving compliance. In this study, we use Lindenberg's Goal Framing Theory to explain the dynamics of these drivers of compliance during the COVID-19 pandemic. We formulate hypotheses for pro-socialness, trust in government, observed respect for rules, rule effectiveness, rule appropriateness, fear of COVID-19 (severity and proximity), opportunities for pleasure and happiness, as well as worsened income position. We test our hypotheses with data collected at three different moments during the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis in Flanders, Belgium. Findings show that over time the constellations of factors that drive compliance change and, later in the pandemic, more distinct groups of citizens with different motivations to comply are identified. The overall conclusion is that the voluntary basis for compliance becomes more fragile over time, with a more differentiated pattern of drivers of compliance emerging. Public policy and communication need to adapt to these changes over time and address different groups of citizens.  相似文献   

德国历史主义主导的社会科学,遗忘了对"正当"问题的思考,因而对当代社会的虚无主义与道德沦丧负有不可推卸的责任,这是列奥.斯特劳斯批判社会科学的基本立场。这篇文章试图检讨这种批判的得失,并认为社会科学,就其本义而言,恰恰是通过"倒置"自然法学说的推理逻辑,为个人的自我治理与社会秩序的建设提供知性的支持。社会科学是作为科学,而不是作为意识形态的道德褒贬,来承当"应然"与"实然"之间的中间桥梁的任务。  相似文献   

This research presents implications of the global pandemic for local government resiliency in the United States. The authors explore insights from local government officials and managers on the front lines of response and recovery efforts to the biological natural disaster. Findings from the latest nationwide survey of U.S. local governments regarding their preparedness for weather-related natural disasters also inform responses to the current crisis. Results indicate that local governments are innovating and taking strategic actions to fight the virus, even as COVID-19 has exposed social inequities that are exacerbated as the virus spreads. Survey findings of disaster readiness of local governments to weather-related disasters shows that small, resource-poor governments will not be able to respond well and social inequities will grow. Policy strategies at all levels of government must recognize and account for these inequities as threat of this virus subsides, to support stronger, more effective readiness for the next biological catastrophe.  相似文献   

This paper aims at analysing the level of awareness of the symptoms and the methods of protection from COVID-19 based on the Rural Impact Survey of the World Bank, collected from 5200 households belonging to six states in India that is, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh. Data has been analysed using chi-square test and regression analysis. Results of the analysis indicate that about 70.8% rural households are aware of the symptom of coronavirus, and 81.9% are aware of the preventive measures for controlling the spread of COVID-19. Analysis indicates a significant association between awareness level on symptoms and prevention of COVID-19 and socio-demographics and location. The study further analyses the key determinants of awareness of COVID-19 symptoms and preventive measures using the logistics regression model, indicating that age, gender, education, income, poverty status, access to information, cash relief and medical services are the determining factors of health awareness on COVID-19 pandemic among rural households in India. Considering the importance of self-protecting measures in fighting the pandemic, this paper highlights the importance of strengthening public awareness for containing the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

混合型监管:政策工具视野下的中国药品安全监管   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在当代中国,社会性监管正在被越来越多地运用到公共卫生、生产安全和环境保护等公共治理过程.以药品安全监管为个案,结合西方社会性监管的有关理论,从建章立制、设立标准、建立奖惩机制以及优化执行系统四个政策工具角度,对当代中国药品安全监管的政策过程进行分析,结果表明,由于受到社会治理模式转型的影响,中国药品安全监管模式可以被界定为"混合型监管".一方面,中国的药品安全监管政策在形式上已经具有了一些现代监管型政府的特点,例如建章立制、设立标准,并综合运用经济、法律和行政等手段;另一方面,却在许多方面仍然带有许多前监管型政府特征,而这些特征大都是计划经济时代的产物.虽然监管型政府正在逐渐取代全能型政府而成为未来中国政府可能的治理模式,但是从政策分析的角度来看,监管型政府的建设在中国并不是一蹴而就的.建设一个高效的现代监管型政府,仍然是市场经济时代下中国国家政权建设过程中的重要目标.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effectiveness of collaborative governance in the context of state and local government responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in Florida. Our analysis uncovers how local authorities have successfully adapted to implement policies to increase resilience and address the crisis, despite facing challenges, constraints, and limitations. Our findings underscore the significance of considering unique local characteristics when addressing pandemics and shed light on the potential influences of state-level actors on Home Rule. Notably, research examining the interplay between state decisions and Home Rule during a pandemic is scarce. We utilize Florida as a case study to examine local government responses to COVID-19, employing a qualitative analysis of data from webinars hosted by the Florida League of Cities and media reports on local government actions. To substantiate our findings and encourage further research, we apply the collaborative governance framework in the context of local government administrative responsibilities.  相似文献   

We use a natural experiment to study how the announcement of the UK COVID-19 lockdown affected citizens' attitudes towards the pandemic and the government's response to it. On the day of the lockdown announcement, YouGov ran a survey that captured responses before and after the announcement. Comparison of these responses suggests that the lockdown announcement made people more supportive of the government's response to the crisis but also (perhaps surprisingly) more concerned about the pandemic. Analysis of heterogeneous treatment effects suggests that the announcement narrowed gaps in perceptions of the crisis, increasing support for the government's response especially among those who had been least supportive and increasing concern about the pandemic especially among those who had been least concerned. Overall, the findings highlight a tension inherent in governing during times of crisis: actions that increase people's confidence in government and induce compliance with government directives may also tend to increase anxiety among the population.  相似文献   

This Viewpoint essay examines the service delivery responses of nonprofit organizations that offer homeless support services amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Government mandates and severe human needs have forced nonprofits to adapt quickly. Literature reviews provide little information about how nonprofits should manage service continuity under pandemics. Data collected from websites and interviews with nonprofits executives provide an understanding of adaptations and innovations. The study uses a crisis response model—“Disruptions-Ambiguities-Innovations-Challenges” (DAIC)—to demonstrate how social service nonprofits are responding to challenges under COVID-19. Lessons learned are useful for scholars and practitioners to understand ways nonprofits have remained agile and innovative.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors describe and illustrate what they call a “network of networks” perspective and map the development of a lead network for the Antwerp Port Authority that governed organizations and networks in the port community before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. They find that setting a collective focus and selective integration are crucial in the creation and reproduction of an effective system to adequately deal with a wicked problem like the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings on crisis management and network governance are used to engage practitioners and public policy planners to revisit the current design and governance of organizational networks within organizational fields that have been hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

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