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Art in Nigeria     
DANFORD  J. A. 《African affairs》1949,48(190):37-47
The author, who is British Council representative in the WesternProvinces, wishes to thank Mr. K. C. Murray for checking thedetails on some of the older art-forms. He also wishes to acknowledgethe assistance of the magazine Nigeria, Mr. E. H. Duckworth,for some of the facts and figures. It is regretted that it isnot possible to illustrats this article.  相似文献   

BROWNLEE  FRANK 《African affairs》1946,45(178):43-46
Mr. Brownlee comes of a family long famous in the annals ofthe Cape, and was himself a President of the Native Appeal Court.He has just relinquished the Editorship of News of the War,a fortnightly designed for non-European troops.  相似文献   

Mr. Armitage was undersecretary of state 2001–2005. He served as assistant secretary of defense in the Reagan administration. The following interview was conducted by Anne Joyce, editor of Middle East Policy, on July 21, 2005 .  相似文献   

R. L. PRAIN   《African affairs》1954,53(211):91-103
The following is an address which was given by Mr. R. L. Prainat a joint meeting of the Royal African Society with the RoyalEmpire Society. He is Chairman of the Rhodesian Selection Trust,which controls the mines at Luanshya and Mufulira.  相似文献   

NIVEN  C. R. 《African affairs》1955,54(215):121-128
Mr. Niven is President of the Northern House of Assembly, Nigeria.He gave the address which follows before a joint meeting ofthe Royal African Society and the Royal Empire Society on January27. Colonel J. D. R. Tilney, J.P., T.D., M.P., was in the chair.  相似文献   

WILLIAMS  D. M. 《African affairs》1953,52(206):45-54
This article represents the main parts of a lecture deliveredon the 30th October, with Lord Milverton in the chair. Mr. Williamsis editor of West Africa and the West African Review. He servedwith the Forces in East Africa during the War.  相似文献   

HUSSEY  E. R. J. 《African affairs》1946,45(179):72-80
This article is an abridged version of a lecture given on the28th November at a combined meeting with the Royal Empire Society,Lord Hailey being in the Chair. Mr. Hussey has been Directorof Education in Uganda and Nigeria, and Educational Adviserto the Emperor of Ethiopia. He is now working for the BritishCouncil.  相似文献   

HUNTER  GEOFFREY 《African affairs》1944,43(172):128-133
Mr. Hunter was, until recently, the East African manager ofMessrs. Dalgety and Co., Ltd., the well-known farmers' agents.He was also a Member of many East African war-time committees.This article is a reprint of the latter part of a lecture hegave, under the chairmanship of Lord Cranworth, at a combinedmeeting of the Royal African Society and the Royal Empire Societyon the 29th March. In the first part, he had briefly describedthe East African war effort. He then went on to give his viewson the racial situation in Kenya, starting with the problemsof white settlement.  相似文献   

African Music     
JONES  A. M. 《African affairs》1949,48(193):290-297
The writer, of St. Mark's College, Mapanza, Northern Rhodesia,is the author of an essay on African music published by theRhodes-Livingstone Institute at Livingstone. He is a keen supporterof the African Music Society recently founded at Johannesburgby Mr. Hugh Tracey. Although he deals specifically with musicin Northern Rhodesia, he suggests there is evidence to showthat his statements apply in principle also to South and toWest Africa.  相似文献   

ANGUS GILLAN   《African affairs》1944,43(172):123-128
Sir Angus Gillan Served in the Sudan Administration between1909-1939. He is now Director of the Empire Section of the BritishCouncil. This article is an abridgment of a lecture he gave,under the chairmanship of Mr. A.R.I. Mellor, at a combined meetingof the Royal African Society and the Royal Empire Society onthe 26th April. Sir Angus first gave reasons for the world'scomparative ignorance of the Sudan, broken only by events leadingup to the three dates: Khartoum 1885, Omdurman 1898, and Abyssinia1940.  相似文献   

This defence of Union policy is part of a lecture given by theUnion High Commissioner at a combined meeting with the RoyalEmpire Society under the chairmanship of Lord Clarendon on the28th February. Mr. Heaton Nicholls has had long practical experienceof administration both in British Colonies and in South Africa,where he is recognised as one of the principal architects ofthe prevailing liberalism in Government policy. He opened bystressing three cardinal facts. (I) Union native policy is partof the whole concept of national government. (2) The Union isa nation in full control of its own destiny. (3) Past clasheshave left both European and Bantu in certain clearly definedareas of their own choosing.  相似文献   

日本唐乐古谱是中国唐代音乐的异域留存,学界对其研究和解译非常关注,限于种种条件,多年来少有突破。词曲学家刘崇德先生此次将日本唐乐古谱十种整理出版,在对其进行基本文献研究和整理的基础上,对日本唐乐与我国唐代宫廷燕乐的直接关系、性质、乐律、曲型和结构等重要问题都做了深入研究。为我们深刻的揭开了日本唐乐古谱的神秘面纱。并借他山之石,为我们唐代宫廷燕乐、词乐、词体研究了、开辟了宽广道路。  相似文献   

CARTLAND  G. B. 《African affairs》1947,46(183):89-97
This article represents the basis of a lecture at the RoyalEmpire Society on the 26 February, with Sir Cosmo Parkinsonin the chair. Mr. Carltand is a member of the Gold Coast Administrationseconded to the Colonial Office. He prefaced his remarks onthe main factors in the life of the Gold Coast with an accountof earlier history, from the Portuguese in the 15th centuryto the present day. In the immediate past he detected four majorphases: the Government of Captain Maclean, representing theLondon Committee of Merchants, between 1828-42; the period ofthe 1890's, when cocoa was introduced, and gold mining begun;the period after the 1914 war and the governorship of Sir GordonGuggisberg, when Takoradi Harbour, Achimota College, and thehospital at Korle Bu were all built; and the present period,which may be the greatest of all.  相似文献   

GOOLD-ADAMS  RICHARD 《African affairs》1960,59(235):112-121
The following address was given by Mr. Richard GOOLD-ADAMS ata meeting held on February 4, 1960. Mr. Patrick Wall, M.C.,V.R.D., M.P., took the chair.  相似文献   

WATERFIELD  GORDON 《African affairs》1958,57(226):11-19
The following address was given by Mr. Waterfield to a jointmeeting of the Royal African Society.and the Royal Empire Societyon October 3, 1957. Mr. B. F. Macdona, vice-chairman of theCouncil of the Royal African Society, was in the chair.  相似文献   

FARRER-BROWN  LESLIE 《African affairs》1960,59(236):201-212
The address that follows was given by Mr. Farrer-Brown, Directorof the Nuffield Foundation, at a joint meeting of the RoyalAfrican Society and the Royal Commonwealth Society on April7, 1960. Mr. Bernard Moore, Head of the External Services NewsDepartment of the British Broadcasting Corporation, took thechair.  相似文献   

Mr. Khazen is the editor of al-Hayat, an internationally circulated Arabic-language daily published in London. The following interview was conducted on October 14, 1994, at Mr. Khazen's office in the Hammersmith district of London by Roger Gaess, a free-lance journalist based in New York.  相似文献   

WOOD  RICHARD 《African affairs》1958,57(226):20-28
Mr. Wood, the Conservative Member of Parliament who led a parliamentarydelegation which recently visited Central Africa, gave the followingimpressions of visit at a joint meeting of the Royal AfricanSociety and the Royal Empire Society, on November 7, 1957. Mr.James Callaghan, M.P., a Labour Party member of the delegationpresided.  相似文献   

The New Ghana     
Austin  Dennis 《African affairs》1960,59(234):20-25
Mr. Dennis Austin, of the Institute of Commonwealth Studies,London University, gave the address that follows at a jointmeeting of the Royal African Society and the Royal Common-wealthSociety on November 5, 1959. Mr. David Williams, editor of "WestAfrica‘, ’, took the chair.  相似文献   

FRY  E. MAXWELL 《African affairs》1946,45(181):197-204
This article represents the major part of an address given toa combined meeting with the Royal Empire Society on the 26thJune. From the Chair, Mr. A. R. I. Mellor explained that Mr.Fry will be returning to West Africa to continue the work, eventhough his post as Adviser has expired.  相似文献   

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