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Cui LJ  Yi XF  Chen XG  Xu TL  Shen DN 《法医学杂志》2007,23(1):42-43
目前对于不明原因的死亡主要是通过法医尸体检验明确死亡原因,然而在尸体解剖中由于某些原因几乎很少对视网膜进行检查,视网膜改变在法医学中的价值并未引起重视。眼内窥镜的出现和在尸体检验中的应用,使视网膜检查在确定死亡原因和推测死亡间隔时间方面的作用逐渐被法医所重视。  相似文献   

Different diseases of and trauma to the central nervous system (CNS), as well as their consequences are common causes of death and therefore it is important to examine the CNS appropriately in forensic autopsy, bearing in mind that the site of the disease is often as crucial as its nature. The CNS is a complex organ and its examination requires special methods and knowledge and often consultation with a neuropathologist. The prerequisite for the proper examination is correct handling and processing of the CNS. Because of its soft consistency fixation of the CNS in toto before detailed macroscopic analysis is recommended but guidance for an expedited limited examination is also given. The key features to which attention should be paid during the removal and later macroscopic examination of the CNS are described. Processing CNS for microscopy also requires special techniques and in addition to the routine stains both special histological and selected immunohistochemical stainings are often needed to reach the correct diagnosis.  相似文献   

眼眶骨折的法医学鉴定研究(附50例分析)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 研究眼眶骨折的法医学特点。方法 从 3 653例损伤程度的法医学鉴定中筛选出涉及眼眶骨折的案例 ,分成 3组 :Ⅰ组 :爆裂性骨折 ,眼眶骨折而眶缘无骨折 ;Ⅱ组 :直接骨折 ,合并眶缘骨折 ;Ⅲ组 :复合骨折 ,上述两种骨折兼而有之。结果 涉及眶骨骨折 50例。Ⅰ组 2 6例 ,占 52 % ;Ⅱ组 1 9例 ,占 3 8% ;Ⅲ组 5例 ,占 1 0 %。爆裂性骨折以内、下壁多见 ,占 96% ,致伤物以拳脚多见 ,占 78% ,视力和眼球结构损伤较轻。直接骨折以外壁多见 ,占 56% ,致伤物以钝性工具多见占 63 % ,视力和眼球结构损伤较重。复合骨折各壁均可发生。结论 爆裂骨折损伤程度轻于直接骨折和复合骨折 ,容易引起误诊。  相似文献   

目的 研究眼眶骨折的法医特点。方法 从3653例损伤程度的法医学鉴定中筛选出涉及眼眶骨折的案例,分成3组:Ⅰ组:爆裂性骨折,眼眶骨折而眶缘无骨折;Ⅱ组:直接骨折,合并眶缘骨折;Ⅲ组:复合骨折,上述两种骨折兼而有之。结果 涉及眶骨骨折50例。Ⅰ组26例,占52%;Ⅱ组19例,占38%;Ⅲ组5例,占10%。爆裂性骨折以内、下壁多见,占96%,致伤物以钝性工具多见占63%,视力和眼球结构损伤较重。复合骨  相似文献   

眼眶骨折的法医学鉴定研究(附50例分析)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

痕迹检验实验室作为法庭科学实验室的重要组成部分,其质量控制活动在遵循普遍原则的基础上,根据自身专业特性,在质量控制方法选择及活动实施上有所侧重.本文在调研国内外关于痕迹检验实验室质量控制研究与实践的基础上,从结果质量控制、人员资格和培训、方法确认、记录、结果报告、出庭等方面对痕迹检验实验室质量控制要求及现状进行综述,旨在探索痕迹检验实验室的质量控制关键技术,尽快建立国内痕迹检验实验室质量控制规范.  相似文献   

The task of the forensic dentist is ruled by an obligation to be diligent and prudent. If guidelines should exist which are recognised by the dental forensic community, they will probably be used to judge his work, even if guidelines are only considered as recommendations. The questions to be answered are: who issued these guidelines and are they conform to evidence-based forensic odontology.  相似文献   

Xu TL  Yi XF  Chen XG 《法医学杂志》2007,23(6):450-452
脑血管造影作为诊断脑血管疾病的"金标准",目前已经广泛地应用于临床医疗活动中,并积累了丰富的理论和实践资料,是趋于成熟的技术方法。由于因脑血管疾病引发的法医学鉴定案件较为多见,故该技术近年开始应用于法医学,显示出在法医学实践中独特而重要的应用价值。本文对脑血管造影术在法医学中的应用价值进行综述,内容包括辅助定位血管病变或损伤部位、明确出血性质、指导尸体解剖与脑组织病理取材等,并在此基础上展望了该技术在法医学中的应用前景。  相似文献   

Lubricating oil comparisons impact a variety of forensic investigations, including cases where oil was transferred from a suspect vehicle to the crime scene or victim. In this study, high-temperature gas chromatography/mass spectrometry was used to examine the influence of oil mixtures and oil changes over time on the comparison of known and questioned lubricating oils. Varying concentrations of oil mixtures were prepared and showed the potential for identifying individual components. Motor oils from 18 automobiles monitored over a 2-month period did not demonstrate significant changes in the chromatographic data. Chemometric analysis of motor oil mass spectral data provided little information regarding differentiation of, or changes in, the samples. Power steering fluid (PSF) from a naturally occurring leak collected from several locations was consistent with the PSF in the automobile's reservoir, and the PSF composition did not change over time.  相似文献   

A major role of forensic entomology is to estimate the post-mortem interval. An entomologist's estimate of post-mortem interval is based on a series of generally valid assumptions, error in any of which can alter the accuracy of an estimate. The initial process of collecting and preserving maggots can itself lead to error, as can the method of killing and preservation. Since circumstances exist where it is not possible to rear maggots, methods of killing and preservation can be vital to preserving the integrity of entomological evidence. In this study, a number of preservation techniques used at crime scenes and in mortuaries were examined, and their effect on feeding third-instar larvae of Calliphora augur and Lucilia cuprina evaluated. The preservatives used were 70, 75, 80, 90 and 100% EtOH, Kahle's solution and 10% formalin. Each treatment was replicated three times. The effect of handling on first- and second-instar, feeding and post-feeding third-instar larvae of C. augur was also examined and compared to unhandled controls. Finally, the effects of preservatives were noted when larvae of C. augur and L. cuprina were placed into preservatives alive. It was found that continued handling is detrimental to specimens because preservative evaporates from both the vial and the specimens. No single preservative type was found to be entirely suitable for both species if DNA retrieval is desired. Specimens placed into most preservatives alive exhibited adverse colour changes, desiccation, sunkeness and agglomeration. It is concluded that the reaction to preservative type might be species specific and that different instars of the same species might also react differently.  相似文献   

道路交通事故法医检验技术的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
近年来,经济快速发展和机动车数量急剧增多,道路交通事故频发和伤亡人数不断上升已经成为备受关注的全球性问题。法医检验作为交通事故处理中重要的证据,其鉴定意见直接影响着当事方的权益和事故处理。不容置疑,法医检验技术的运用对鉴定意见有十分重要的影响作用。本文对国内外法医检验技术的最新研究进展和应用进行综述,供同行实践工作中参考。  相似文献   

目的验证共聚焦显微镜能否用于工具痕迹检验;方法对实验样本分别用共聚焦显微镜和比对显微镜检测后进行效果比较;结果用共聚焦显微镜检验工具痕迹比用同倍的比较显微镜能发现更多细节特征;结论共聚焦显微镜可以用于工具痕迹检验。  相似文献   

Child and youth criminality has risen markedly over the past 25 years and causes increasing concern to the general public. The clinical forensic examination cases of youth violence victims examined at the Institute of Legal Medicine of the Hanover Medical School and its Oldenburg Branch between 1999 and 2008 were retrospectively analyzed. In all, 55 adolescents (37 females, 18 males; median age 15.5 years) were examined. In most cases the suspect was a close (40.0%) or passing (23.6%) acquaintance. 16 assaults were committed by two or more adolescents jointly. Most of the juveniles were victims of sexual assaults (56.4%). In 15 victims of sexual offences (51.7%) diagnostic findings were obtained on the basis of anogenital injuries and/or the presence of sperm. In summary, the analysis shows that adolescents frequently become victims of sexual assault. In addition, youth violence is often committed in a group.  相似文献   

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