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正China’s property speculators are worried as house prices lose their ascendance momentum due to government intervention. It seems impossible to rake in the huge profi ts of the past years by buying low and selling high. Some jittery speculators are no longer thinking about how much profi t they can make, but are  相似文献   

<正>Trump needs to see that automation,not China,is the main reason for the loss of U.S.jobs A decade ago,Sara Bongiorni published a book titled A Year Without"Made in China":One Family's True Life Adventure in the Global Economy.It chronicled her American family's experiment with a yearlong"boycott"of Chinese products.The book describes their daily inconveniences and problems—she could not even fi nd a non-Chinesemade candle for her husband's birthday.  相似文献   

正Recently,the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States(CFIUS)stopped two Chinese investments.In January,CFIUS blocked the$3.3-billion sale of Philips’lighting unit to a Chinese consortium.In February,China’s Unisplendour Corp.Ltd.terminated a deal to acquire a 15-percent stake for$3.8 billion in Western Digital Corp.following a decision by  相似文献   

正The UK’s The Banker magazine recently unveiled its 2016 Top 1,000 World Banks rankings,among which 119 are Chinese banks,with 17 making it to the top 100.Sorted by the size of their Tier 1 capital—the core measure of a bank’s financial strength from a regulator’s point of view—four Chinese banks are ranked among the world’s top 10 this year,with the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China topping the list for the fourth time in a  相似文献   

正The United States violated World Trade Organization(WTO)rules and pulled the trigger on a 25-percent tariff on$34 billion worth of Chinese imports on July 6,launching the largest trade war in economic history.In a bid to uphold its core national interests and the interests of its people,China had to take necessary countermeasures by imposing tariffs on selected U.S.imports.  相似文献   

An author focuses on clearing misunderstandings with his Xinjiang trilogy When photo grapher Kurbanjan Samat’s flight landed at Los Angeles International Airport and he proceeded to the immigration desk,the offi cial asked him twice if the Chinese passport he was showing was actually his.Sorry,you carry a Chinese passport but you look Mexican,the doubtful officer said.  相似文献   

假冒专利犯罪若干问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
假冒专利罪的主要犯罪客体是专利管理制度,次要客体是他人专利权即指专利标识权,适当包括消费的合法权益主要是消费者的知情权和经济利益。行为人实施专利侵权行为的同时又假冒他人专利的,应作为两个不同行为分别处理。假冒他人专利行为中与之时应的他人专利权如果在假冒行为发生后被宣告无效,对于行为人而言,可以考虑构成对象不能犯的未遂。而对于情节严专的判断标准应着重于商业规模及主观恶性程序。目前不宜将专利侵权行为犯罪化,而应将冒充专利行为犯罪化,同时,以假冒专利行为涵盖"假冒他人专利行为"和"冒充专利行为",统一规定相应的刑事责任。  相似文献   

While fake news about China is nothing new,in the past year,several false allegations by Western media or organizations made news in China.The claims were not only exposed by traditional media,but also poked fun at on social media platforms by netizens who found suchnewsunfounded,befuddling and laughable.One case of misreporting was on the 39 migrants found dead in a refrigerated trailer in an industrial park in Grays,Essex in the UK on October 23,2019.  相似文献   

The recent hike in China’s IMF quota means its international voice will increase Finance ministers and central bank governors from the Group of 20(G20) major economies agreed on October 23 to shift more than 6 percent of the  相似文献   

辞旧迎新。伴随着元旦的钟声,历史又翻开了新的一页。回首刚刚过去的2006年,我们以全面贯彻落实科学发展观、构建社会主义和谐社会、实现经济社会又好又快地发展的优异成绩,打了个漂亮仗。国民经济继续保持平稳较快发展的良好态势,呈现出速度较快、效益较好、物价较低、运行较稳、实惠较多、后劲较足的特点。预计全年国内生产总值将突破20万亿元,同比增长10.5%。粮食生产自2004年以来实现连续第三年增产,预计全年粮食产量达到9800亿斤以上,这是1985年以来粮食生产首次实现连续三年增产。企业效益明显好转。1至11月,全国规模以上工业企业实现…  相似文献   

<正>The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC)drafts a blueprint for the development of the Party and the country in the future.Meanwhile,a lot of people at home and abroad might be curious about how the report addressed by Xi jinping,General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee,to the national congress came out.  相似文献   

The first round of the China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED) concluded in Washington, D.C. on July 28, ending the first phase of one of the latest and most widely anticipated set of talks between the two nations. Following the event, Beijing Review reporters sat down with two experts with differing views of China-U.S. relations and discussed their predictions for a possible outcome. Zhou Shijian is a senior fellow with the Research Center for China-U.S. Relations at Tsinghua University in Beijin...  相似文献   

正Growth and environment protection can be achieved in tandem Like many other countries,China suffered serious environment degradation in the early stages of its industrialization when its rapid economic growth came at a huge cost to its natural  相似文献   

学术造假的博弈分析及治理对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学术造假行为的蔓延,损害了学术的纯洁性和原创性,阻碍了我国学术水平的提高和与国际学术界接轨的进程,危害了社会和他人,有必要加以治理。文章从治理学术造假的角度出发,利用博弈论的基本原理对学术造假行为进行了经济博弈分析,并提出了治理学术造假的策略和措施。  相似文献   

China cannot be inoculated against the world economic downturn the global investment bank Lehman Brothers stated recently at a press conference on 2008 Asian market liquidity, It predicts a slowdown in Asian economies, although it also believes the region's rapid growth will continue China's GDP growth is expected to decline to 9.8 percent this year, and fall to 8 percent in 2009. However, the crucial issue for the nation is coping with the excess production capacity that has been created by a much more rapid growth in investment than consumption,  相似文献   

大学生“被就业”现象的出现,是各种利益背后博弈的结果。虽为无夺之举,却也掩盖不了其违法本质,在涉嫌就业率欺诈的同时,尚构成对受害大学生姓名权、就业自主权等权利的侵犯,需追究相关责任主体的民事责任。  相似文献   

China's Ministry of Commerce(MOFCOM)declared the Rules on Counteracting Unjustified Extra-Territorial Application of Foreign Legislation and Other Measures on January 9,taking effect on the very day of promulgation.  相似文献   

No Need to Panic     
China takes proactive approach to A/H1 N1 flu chinese President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao called on citizens to be vigilant and take strict counter  相似文献   

Thomas Edison once said,Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. Yet not all prospective geniuses like to sweat,so they look for shortcuts. Lu Jun,previously a professor at Beijing University of Chemical Technology(BUCT), was recently found to have taken a shortcut of his own. On June 27,Fang Shimin,a  相似文献   

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